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The graphs provide information on Teleworking rates by sex in the UK from 1997 to

2005 along with the rates of involvement in different workplace in 2005.

There was an upward trend at both of man and women’s teleworking rate in UK from
1997 to 2005.In addition, a significantly Increase percentage of teleworking in different
places using home as a base in the year 2005 of all fields.
In teleworking rates by sex, while men have a strong stable increase from under 5% 
over 10%, women rates in a slight nomally trend around 5%. from the years 1997 
2005 in UK.
The bar chart clearly reflects different, managers & senior officials and professioonal
occupations almost have a same rate of teleworking content over 75% while teleworkin
in own home had around 25%. However, in skilled Trades / occupations there was almost
95% of teleworking working different places but in own home only about 5%.

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