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Volo x Reader

After defeating Volo, you were sure to never see him again. You felt scared throughout the
battle, seeing his crazy smile and how he attempted to use force on you just to get the plates.
You made sure to tell all of this to the Professor, which he then told Cyllene and Kamado. They
ordered to ban him from the village, and to the clan bases as well. Now, you finally feel safe, or
so you think.

Without you knowing, Volo started to gain obsession over you after the battle. His obsession
over Arceus has now spiraled down to you, the new divine being in his eyes. The way you
gracefully battled, your power, and how you now have a part of Arceus with you have led him to
think that you might be Arceus’ child. Thinking to himself as he makes these theories, that it’s
the only reason why you were spat out from the sky, and why Arceus wanted to meet you. Soon,
he found himself wandering around, looking for you. He wanted to know you, to study you.
Moments of having you with him before were just not enough to unravel who you really are.

The more he silently watched you from afar, the more he noticed that you have become a part
of his routine. Sometimes, without any intention of studying your behavior, he finds himself
looking after you as leisure. His feelings soon blossomed to a deeper one when one day, you
were almost thrown harshly by an Alpha Ursaing. Volo felt the need to jump out from his hiding
to help you, for a moment forgetting that you didn’t know that he’s been stalking you. He
snapped back to the reality of the situation when you caught the alpha with just one throw of
pokeball. Sighing in relief, he ran quickly away from you, scampering. You heard the snapping of
the twigs and cracking of leaves.

You know someone’s been following you the whole time, but every time you turn around or try to
find the scent using Ursaluna, it always turns out to be just a wild pokemon. Although your gut
feeling tells you otherwise. Shrugging it off again when a teddiursa stepped out of the bushes,
ignoring that lingering feeling of someone in the shadows. For the whole week, you were so
stressed from trying to finish the Pokedex. You’re having a hard time completing it as some
pokemon were hard to spot, or only appear on rare occasions. You feel hopeless, especially
after wasting 20 pokeballs trying to capture a pokemon who ran away after your several
attempts. In a fit, you threw your Pokedex on the ground in frustration and sat down to sulk. Volo
wanted to help you but not scare you by revealing himself, so he came up with a plan. When
you walked away from your Pokedex, he browsed it quickly and noted the pokemons which you
haven’t captured yet. Coming back to pick up the file, he ran away again, but this time got to
work on his plan.

Being in Sinnoh far longer than you, he knows how and where to find those you need. He began
capturing those and then conveniently releasing them on the area where you are. The only
mistake he made though is to release pokemons not native to that area. At first, you were really
ecstatic that you now find easily the pokemons that you need for your Pokedex, but soon it
became too convenient for you. Noticing that some of these pokemons were not even native in
this area, you became suspicious of what is going on. You told the professor regarding this
phenomenon, but even the professor does not know. He suggested that you also investigate it
and that perhaps there are still some questions regarding the habitat of these pokemons that
you guys don’t know yet. Taking his suggestion, you added it to your list of tasks to do.

Everything started to become suspicious when you got home that night. After eating a hefty
amount of potato mochi, you feel sleepy ready for bed. Feeling ready after taking a bath, you
wore your sleeping attire. It was a perfect night as it started to rain, making the climate cooler,
more fitting for sleeping. However, moments before you settle on your bed, you saw a figure
outside your window. Blinking a few more times, you made sure it was not just an illusion bought
by your sleepy state. You rubbed your eyes, and the figure is still there. Slowly the shape of the
figure became clear to you who it was. The hairstyle was a familiar sight for you, flashing back
memories of your traumatic battle. A jolt of fear pinched your chest, as the figure vanished when
lightning struck.

You tried to brush it off as a product of your imagination, maybe you were tired from all the
exploration the whole day. Having a hard time sleeping, you lay there with eyes wide open,
thinking of the possibility that he must be the one following you the entire time. You tried to
rationalize it, having a debate inside your head that maybe the battle you had was just
memorable that’s why you can’t stop thinking about him. Eventually, after an hour or so, you
calmed down, falling into a deep sleep. The next day, you were in shock when the professor has
told you that Volo came to talk to him. Professor Laventon has told you that Volo returned to tell
him what happened and that he thinks Volo is interested in having you complete the Pokedex
that is why he gave the location of Giratina for you to study. Gulping at that information, this
further confirmed your suspicions of him being the one following you around, spawning those
pokemons that are non-native to the location.

You tried to control your panic, not showing professor Laventon one bit since you don’t want him
to worry. Faking a smile, you tried to calm yourself as you prepare to travel to find Giratina.
Seeing another figure from your peripheral vision, you know that you’re being watched. Not
daring to turn your head in his direction, you made your way to the Crimson Mirelands. But
before doing so, you decided to misdirect your stalker by flying over Obsidian Fieldlands and
making a sharp curve from Ramanas Island to Heartwood before finally going to Crimson
Mirelands. Indeed you have lost Volo there for a while, but he is clever enough to wait for you
where Giratina is. He knows that you’ll eventually go there to study it anyway. As soon as you
reached the Crimson Mirelands, you went directly to the Diamond Settlement. There you seek
Adaman’s help.

You told him everything, and how you suspect that Volo might be following you. Concerned
about your safety, he agreed on escorting you in some of your quests, just like on what he did
before for the three spirits of the lakes. As soon as you finished gathering supplies, you two
headed on where Giratina is said last seen. When Volo heard you coming, he can’t contain his
excitement to see you again. To his dismay, he saw Adaman assisting you. Clenching his fist, he
can’t explain the tightening grip in his chest right now. Oh, how he wants to use his Garchomp to
attack Adaman from behind, ripping him in half. He restrained himself and continued observing
you. Each time Adaman pulls a beautiful giggle out of you, or whenever you hug Adaman before
you depart; Volo uses all of his might to not pounce on him from behind.

It was the last straw when Adaman asked you for a picnic in the field lands while watching the
sunset. You never saw how Adaman stared at you while you marvel at the beautiful sunset, but
Volo did. Oh, he did. He knows that you only see Adaman as a friend, and he needs to save you
from him. If he could only put you in a Pokeball, Volo would have thrown one already at you.
Seeing Adaman as a mere interference to his grand plan, at this rate, he needs to act quickly
before Adaman takes credit for every help he has given you. His original plan was to reveal
himself to you after you finish all of your tasks and congratulate you on your Pokedex, but it
seems that he has to switch to his plan B now. Thinking quickly, he left to enforce his next plan
on capturing you.

It was one unfortunate day when you were camping out at night, waiting for certain species of
pokemon to appear. A girl came running to your base, scared, and asking for help for you to
retrieve her fainted pokemon. Gladly, Ress went to help the girl retrieve her belongings and
rescue her pokemon. However, they have asked you to investigate the huge shadow that
attacked the innocent girl and her pokemon. "What do you mean professor? It can't be Giratina,
last time I saw it, it was in Cobalt Coastlands. We're in Coronet right now, why would it come
here?" "Exactly my girl, this is why we need to investigate why it went here," Professor Laventon
Without hesitation, you two went to the other camp, asking people around for evidence.
Apparently, your investigation has revealed that Giratina has set another legendary pokemon
free, causing nightmares and shadows upon many. Rei got busy trying to capture Darkrai, while
Melli, Lian, and Calaba were busy trying to capture Crisselia, you were off to follow the trail of

You were scared to go off alone. Adaman and Irida are busy trying to calm the forces of nature
pokemons. While the others are also busy with these sudden breakouts. Little did you know that
this was a setup. You followed the trail of Giratina up until Crimson Mirelands, to the ruins. It
was night, dark, and foggy. You really can't see much aside from silhouettes of pokemons from
a distance. And soon you see a figure, what seemed like a tall pokemon emerging from the fog.

But suddenly it disappeared. You jolted in fear when you felt an arm snake its way around your
waist. Before you turned around to see who it was, you looked down and saw familiar gold cuffs.
Gulping, your heart began to pound in fear. He leaned his chin on your shoulder and whispered
in your ear "Boo", which then sent shivers down your spine. Your mouth was immediately
covered when you screamed. Muffling your voice while you're thrashing about. He spun you to
face him, quickly and tightly wrapping his arms around you. "Isn't this romantic? Like two
forbidden lovers, meeting at night to elude." The twisted grin on his face turned into a smirk.
Your constant struggling against his chest eventually ceased when he whispered huskily to your
ear, "Finally, you're mine. This is where you belong. To me." Nibbling your earlobe and giving
your neck a lick. "If only I could put you in a Pokeball, my dear, I would've done it long ago. I
won't let some ignorant diamond leader scum lay his dirty hands on you." You remained stiff,
shaking in fear as he tried to kiss you.

His tongue licked your lips, asking for entrance which you sternly refused. Volo pulled away with
obvious disappointment in his eyes but pretended as if everything was ok with his sick grin. "You
think Adaman is the one who helped you all this time? I've been watching you Y/N, ever since
that battle at Arceus' temple. I was watching you because I was protecting you. Do you know
how careless you are? Without me watching your back, you've probably been attacked by
countless wild pokemon! And your pokedex, I helped you complete it. While you're soundly
sleeping, I went on a hunt to capture as much as I can and release them when you're nearby.
Adaman? Where is he now? He's no match for me. I'm the only one strong enough to protect
you. To have you." He suddenly attacks your neck, biting into your sensitive spot, leaving a huge
mark behind as you wail in pain, trying to get out of his grasp.

"You're mine now, Y/N. You might not see it now, but you will soon. And I'm not above using
force just to make you see that we're fated. Meant to be." With that, you felt a strong hit behind
your neck, knocking you out unconscious.

(NSFW) Yandere!Volo x Reader 2

You woke up with your ankles shackled. Looking around, you remembered everything that
happened last night. Panic coursed through your brain and attempted to remove your shackles.
Inspecting the shackles, you tried to find something that you can use to lockpick the tiny keyhole
on it. Unfortunately, your little plan came to a halt when Volo entered the room unexpectedly.
Seeing you awake, his twisted smile painted his face again. “Ah my dear, you’re awake! I was
worried I knocked you out too hard that you won’t wake up anymore,” his fingers stroked your
cheek as you scooted away from him.

Volo moved closer to you, making your back hit against the headboard of the bed. Knowing that
he cornered you, he smirked and grabbed your chin. He closed the tiny gap between you two as
he kissed you passionately, attempting to break your hard exterior with his sick affection. You
did your best to keep your lips tightly shut as he attempted to sway you with his tongue. Volo
doesn’t like it when he can’t get what he wants, so he grabs your neck and chokes you lightly,
enough to make you gasp for air. He took that opportunity to plunge in and explore your mouth
with his tongue, kissing you passionately. However, your iron will is unwavering, you decided to
bite his tongue, making him pull away and curse loudly. You saw his eyes darken in anger but
he quickly replaced it with the menacing grin that you clearly remember from your battle with

“You’ll learn to love me, eventually, you’ll just have to see,” Volo left, giving you ample time to
find a way to escape. You stood, exploring the room, but the shackles’ chains were short
enough to prevent you from approaching the door or window. You were gone for more than a
week before anyone noticed. Volo’s plan worked. Everyone was caught up catching legendary
pokemon wreaking havoc that no one even remembered you. Except for Adaman. After more
than a week of struggling with the rampaging pokemons, he decided to check on you. Professor
Laventon has mentioned that you went after Giratina, the suggested pokemon who caused this
chaos. He looked for you where the Professor had told him but you were nowhere to be found.
Worry started to take over his emotions. He went to most camps and bases, asking you around
until Commander Kamado got the word. A mission was set to find you, but it would be difficult
since they have no clue where to start. Volo made sure that all traces of Giratina or him were
erased. He won't be a clever time traveler after all if he doesn't know how to cover his tracks.

Meanwhile, after a week of trying to woo you but still not getting any results, Volo grew
impatient. He keeps being sweet with you the whole time, serving you breakfast, cooking your
favorite dishes, bathing you, but each time he reaches out to kiss you or stroke your face, you
always try to dodge him. All of his sweet whispers and compliments were answered with silence.
You never dared to look into his eyes, which drove him more mad. Volo had enough. You will
become his, whether you like it or not. He mentioned to you before that he won't hesitate to use
force just to get what he wants. And this is what he was about to do.
To break your will, until you fully submit to him.

You faced the mirror with only a towel on as he dried your hair from behind. Stroking it gently,
when suddenly he began placing light kisses on your shoulders up to your neck. You were
alerted by this so you stood, making him wrap his arms around your waist to hold you still. His
lips continued assaulting your neck, biting back a moan when he found your sensitive spot. You
try to squirm in his arms, desperately trying to free yourself. However, Volo's strength is not only
in wielding pokemon, but also physically. His strong arms kept you in place as one of them
slowly reached the edge of your towel, yanking it off. Your eyes widen as you see your naked
form in the mirror and his smirk, looking back at you. He went back on kissing your neck, but
this time one of his hands trailed down between your legs, rubbing your clit. You tried to squirm,
even more, grabbing one of his wrists and attempting to pull it away. Volo bit on your neck,
making you gasp in pain, releasing your hold on his wrist.

Just as you were about to grab his wrist again, he inserted two of his fingers inside you,
thrusting them slowly. You were caught off guard, as you tried to swallow back the moans
tempting to escape from your lips. He watched your reaction from the mirror, seeing that you're
struggling to resist him, he let his other hand grab one of your breasts. He fondled it while he
thrust his fingers fastly inside you. He growled a little at how you bite your lips, holding back
those precious moans from him. Smirking, he knew just exactly how to break you. Curling his
fingers from inside, while thrusting as he rubs it against your G-spot. Finally, a small mewl came
out of your lips. He grinned victoriously as he continued his pace, earning more and more of
your mewls and soft moans. Feeling his growing erection behind your back, Volo sighed
contentedly on your neck, leaving pecks on the bruises he made. You choke out a sob as you
feel that you were about to cum around his fingers. However, Volo has more plans for you.
Pulling away quickly, he tossed you on the bed, face down.
Before you could turn around to face him, he put his weight against your back to prevent you
from further moving. He pulled away for a moment to grab your hips, raising it to align with his
cock. His other hand grabbed his hardened shaft, rubbing his precum against your entrance,
mixing your wetness with his. "P-please Volo, n-no–" your begging was cut off with him entering
inside you with one swift thrust. You screamed his name, feeling his length tear you apart. This
spurred Volo on, hearing you scream his name. He didn't let you adjust; as he began pounding
into you could feel the pain due to his hefty size. "F-fuck," he groans, slowly picking up his
speed. Soon the pain gets washed away by the pleasure which you despise. You don't know
how your body reacts the opposite to what your mind is screaming.

He pulled your hair while he almost pulled out his length all the way through before slamming it
all once again in just one hilt. You gasp at the sudden jolt of pain as his shaft brushes against
your spot. "You're so tight darling," he leaned down to your ear, huskily. "You feel so fucking
good," Volo groaned as he pounded into you. You tried your best to hold back the moans in your
throat, but the more Volo hits your spot, moans, and mewls begin spilling from your lips. The
lovely sound you're making drives Volo to his edge. Just as you were about to cum, Volo
immediately pulled away. You feel relieved that it's finally over but at the same time your body
wants more, making you confused about how your body betrays you.

Whimpering at his sudden withdrawal, he chuckled and flipped you over. Hearing how he can
manipulate you by edging, Volo was delighted that you're finally coming through. It was only a
few seconds of distance between you two when he grabbed your legs and wrapped them
around his waist. Both his arms are anchored on each side of your head for support. Looking
straight into your eyes as he slammed back into you. Arching your back in sudden pain and
pleasure. He entangled both his fingers to your hands as he began pounding mercilessly. The
sound of your slick skin slapping made you feel disgusted. Volo never strayed his eyes away
from you, memorizing every reaction you gave as he continued thrusting harder and deeper into
you. When he felt that you were almost near your end, he suddenly slowed down, torturing you
on your need to cum.

He smirked at you, brushing his lips against yours, and said, "Tell me you love me, then I'll let
you cum." His hips slowly pull out all the way before slamming back again in one jolt, hitting your
spot every time. You can't bring yourself to tell him that you love him, but his ongoing torture for
you is just too much. "I-I.." you stammered, trying your best to not say it but each time you
hesitate, Volo thrusts deeper, and harder into, sending waves of pleasure and pain. "Come on,
say it, I know you love me," Volo slowly picked up the speed, little by little until you felt yourself
nearing your edge again. "I-I love you," surrendering and finally succumbing in defeat. Volo
groaned in approval, as he lifted himself up to grab both of your legs, bending them further near
your chest as he resumed pounding animalistically. Loud moans began escaping your lips. "You
like this don't you, you little slut," Volo groaned. His finger began working on your clit, flicking it
as he fucked you hard. Another loud moan came from you, making him chuckle, "That good
huh? No one else can give this to you, only I can," grabbing your chin to kiss you passionately.
Eventually, the knot in your stomach snaps, as you loudly moan his name, making your walls
tightly clamp against his cock, squeezing it. He pulled away from the kiss to watch your face,
recording it in his memory. Wanting to savor every inch of you, knowing that it is only for him to
see. Soon, Volo followed suit, cumming deep inside you, groaning your name in return. A few
more thrust from Volo before stopping to fall on top of you. He didn't pull out just yet, making
sure that you get every single drop of his cum. Volo has a goal to get you pregnant so that you
can no longer escape him.

You laid there, both of you sweaty and panting, your eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. Tears
pricked your eyes and began to fall. You sobbed lightly, feeling him still inside you. Volo pulled
away and laid beside you, pulling you against his chest before wiping your tears away. As cried
and cried, he kept kissing your tears away, hushing you in the process. Giving you constant
small praises whispers against your skin.

He strokes your hair gently, wooing you to sleep. The warmth of his chest has calmed you
enough to stop crying and eventually fall asleep.

You began to question everything after that night. Volo continued showing sweetness to you,
which made you even more confused.
Telling yourself one day, that maybe, he really does love you.
Volo is satisfied to see you finally coming around. As Stockholm syndrome begins hitting you,
Volo found that you fight him less over time. Releasing you from your shackles and other
limitations around his house. With your newly earned freedom, your tired mind began to
succumb to his illusion, to his demands.

Until one day, while out in the little farm you and Volo built; you were getting some fresh air and
vegetables when you saw a familiar blue uniform with a diamond-like symbol in it.

It's been two months now yet it felt like years when a wave of memories crashed into you as you
saw that familiar uniform.

Finale Yandere!Volo x Reader

After seeing that figure from a distance, he came running to you but out of fear, you began to
run back inside the house. You held your head, wanting to get rid of the sudden pain it gave
you. You sat down, trying to calm yourself and trying to remember why the uniform looks so
familiar to you. You thought that maybe it was only because of your recent sickness that is why
you are seeing things.

You've been having nausea and vomiting for the past few weeks. Ever since your first night with
Volo, he kept repeating and repeating it until soon you were used to taking him. Volo was
pleased that you took him easily now whenever he wanted to. He left you for a while in the
house, having more trust with you now than before. When he got home, you were excited to tell
him about the familiar blue uniform that you saw, but he was not in the mood. Volo encountered
a couple of pearl clan members on his way back, and he knew that they were getting near
where you two are located. He’s currently stressed thinking of a place where you two could live
peacefully without others constantly tracking you. Especially not that now you are pregnant, he
wouldn’t want anyone stealing you away from him.

As you try to approach him while he is thinking, he shoved you away and asked you to let him
be for now. Taken aback by his actions, you then began to think that it might be best not to tell
him about what you saw today. You wanted to ease his burden, so you told yourself that you will
just figure it out on your own. Maybe if you concentrate enough, you’ll remember. Later that
night, Volo cuddled you to bed, apologizing for his behavior earlier while stroking your stomach.
“I didn’t mean to upset you, especially now that you’re pregnant with our child.” He whispered to
your ear before falling asleep. All this time you thought it was just plain sickness, in denial that
you are indeed pregnant. But as the day progresses, reality started to sink into you. Snapping
out of the trance he has put you in, your mind slowly awakens to the reality you’re in. Each day,
you try to remember where you saw that uniform. Until one day while Volo is away and you were
cleaning the house, you saw a box of your old items. You were ecstatic when you saw your old
pokeballs, hopeful that your past companion pokemon are still there. Much to your dismay,
when you opened one, there are no more pokemons inside, it’s as if Volo released them or used
them himself.

You sat down, crying, as intense emotions overcome you, it unlocked numerous memories.
Finally, it washed upon you; that was the diamond clan’s uniform. In addition to that, you
suddenly remembered Adaman. When hope awakened deep inside you, the emotional chains
he bound you broke. Quickly standing up, you looked around, grabbing items that you might
need on your break away. Unfortunately, when you peeked on the window, you saw Volo’s figure
coming. You hid the box immediately and your go-bag. You placed your best face, faking it
through to not make Volo see through your plans. Welcoming him like usual, he noticed that you
were far more enthusiastic today. Deciding that it might be best for him to ask you what you
were about to tell him the other day, he sat down with you on the sofa. Wrapping one arm
around you and the other one embracing your stomach, he asked, “What was it you wanted to
tell me the other day?” Shocked that he asked, he looked straight into your eyes, patiently
waiting for your answer. “Go on, you can tell me now dear,” “I-I was about to tell you what I saw
in the fields but it’s not important anymore I—” you got cut off with him demanding to tell you
what it is. Gulping in fear, you looked straight into his frenzied eye and said, “I saw a man, with a
blue uniform. I thought you know him, but when he approached me, I ran back inside the
house.” You said, looking down. Volo for a moment got alerted, hearing from you, he knew that
they must have gotten closer.

He pulled your head to plant a kiss on it while stroking it, “Good girl, you did the right thing.” Volo
can’t help but feel threatened and territorial, pretending that he isn’t, showing you his usual
smile to not make you notice that underneath he is raging. You looked up to him and were
worried that he might do something drastic about it. Indeed, the next day, he told you that he
might go home late as he will find a way to secure your home. He gave you a lot of instructions
on locking yourself in the house and showing you where the secret basement is. His one
mistake though is trusting you. Placing your best facade, you know that this is your only chance
before he fully locked you away from the rest of the world. Volo set out that day to hunt the
nearest camp of Diamond Clan or your supposed rescuers such as the Pearl Clan. You wasted
no time and grabbed your go back, and left the house. Running in the nearby forest, you were
so afraid that he might have known by now that you’re gone. The level of paranoia in your veins
is indescribable, you constantly look behind, making sure that you weren’t followed. Until from a
distance you saw a figure. Shaking in fear, you hugged your bag and began to run back. But
upon turning around, you bumped into a tall figure, when you looked up, you were relieved that
it was just Melli. Finally, you’re safe.

He brought you to the Diamond Clan’s base in Crimson Mirelands, proud of his achievement,
bragging around that he was the one who succeeded in finding you. When Adaman saw you, he
can’t help but pull you in a very tight embrace, spinning you around while sobbing on your
shoulder. He kept saying sorry to you the whole time, for not being able to protect you or to
guard you when you were set out to go on a mission alone. You pulled away to smile at him and
wipe away his tears. “It’s ok! I’m here now, you guys found me, and I’m thankful for that.” They
have brought you inside the house of Adaman, as the elders dress you up properly and help
clean your wounds. Adaman saw one of your huge marks between your neck and collarbone,
he knew that it was Volo’s fault. Clenching his fists in anger, he asked, “Did he do this to you?”
You looked down and nodded. As he looked down on you, fully examining your body as the
elders help remedy you. One of your arms fell on your stomach, slightly wincing in pain, as
stress began to give you cramps on your pregnancy. You almost fell to the ground, as Adaman
saw you cradle your stomach. Eyes widening, he looked at you with pure rage in his eyes, “He
also did that to you? That monster!” Turning his back on you, he said before stepping out of his
home, “He will pay for this.”

That night, you were fed and nursed by the diamond clan members. As Adaman lulled you to
sleep after confessing his feelings for you. “Don’t worry Y/N, we’ll raise that child together. I will
take care of you both. Even if it’s Volo’s child, I will take it as mine.” You smiled at his remarks,
kissing him lightly on his lips before falling asleep. That night, Volo was able to wreak havoc at
the nearby camps to his home. Thinking that he wouldn’t need Giratina’s help in transporting
you both in another timeline, he settled for this right now. Unfortunately, much to his horror, he
came back with an empty home. He frantically searched the house for you, and even the secret
basement he taught you. You were nowhere to be found. Suddenly he saw the old box opened,
with your pokeballs inside. He knew that someone might have informed you. Raging, Volo
grabbed Giratina with him. Volo was livid when he discovered that they took his mate, his
partner, his wife. He will not rest until he retrieves you back, along with his child. Especially now
that you are carrying his child, he has decided that you two should live in another place; another

Everyone in Hisui seems to want you, and he can’t take it any longer. You are his, and his alone.
Suddenly, a huge dark chilly wind struck the camp. Children and villagers went screaming in
fear, running away at the sight of Volo. Having his Garchomp and other pokemons attack the
guards. Adaman heard the chaos. He knew Volo will come to reclaim you and his child. But
Adaman will stand by his promise. Stepping out of his home, he bravely faced the raging Volo.
Fury in his eyes cannot be described as he yelled, “Where is she?” “She’s at my home, soundly
sleeping. You cannot disturb her so you best leave.” Adaman replied cockily, pissing Volo even
more. “I’m here to bring her home.” “This is her real home. She belongs here. I will not let you
harm my lady and my child.” A tantamount of jealousy and anger stirred within Volo when he
heard what Adaman said. “Your lady and your child? What gives you the right to steal what’s
mine!” And with that, the two broke out in a pokemon battle. You were awoken by the noise of
their battle, panicking when you saw Adaman fighting Volo.

Trying to stop both of them, yelling, but none of them paid attention to you. Worried that
Adaman might lose to him, you tried to stop him, yanking on his sleeve. “No Y/N. I will defend
you. I’m a man of my words. I don’t care if he’s the greatest Wielder in Hisui, he will not get you.”
“Oh really now?” Volo smirked, summoning Giratina behind him. “Let’s see about that. Giratina
Strike him down!” Yelling in fear, you begged for both of them to stop, but Adaman has called on
Dialga to block Giratina’s attacks. You braced yourself, going in front of Adaman, hugging him to
protect him. If he’s going down, then you’re going down too, you thought. But suddenly, there
was nothing. You two slowly opened your eyes and saw the pokemon god of time in front of you,
blocking Giratina. Volo growled in frustration and did what he do best. To cheat. Smirking, he
instantly asked Giratina to vanish and grab you instead, pulling you away from Adaman as you
disappeared into the void with it and Volo.

You began to reach out to Adaman as you were getting carried away by the creature. “Adaman!”
your last yell. Suddenly, you awakened, gasping for air. You looked around, and it seemed that
you were in another house, but a little bit more modern than in Hisui. You looked around and sat
for a moment. It was afternoon. You were having a midday nap. Sighing in relief, you were
thankful that it was all just a nightmare. Going around the place, you began to examine the
house and the outside. It seems that you were in a small village, between mountains, near a
peaceful lake. Suddenly you saw a familiar man, approaching you. Volo smiled at you, still
wearing his same smile and outfit. Your eyes widened and knew that it wasn’t just a nightmare.

“Liked our new home? I brought us forward to the future, just a little forward.” He hugged you
tightly, leaving kisses on your hair and ear. “We can finally live together in peace, no one’s going
to steal you away from me.” You tried to fight the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. Slowly
accepting that there is indeed no escape from him. It’s as if Volo read your mind, he said, “I’ll
always be with you, Y/N. No matter what timeline you’ll be in, I’ll always find you. You cannot
escape our destiny.” Sighing in defeat, you let him kiss your tears away. Seeing your sad
reaction, Volo asked you what was wrong as if he didn’t cause you all of this pain.

Deciding not to resist any further, you lied, “I-I was just worried how I can raise our child alone,
in this village.” “We’re not alone! Don’t worry about it. There’s an elderly couple here in this
small village, if you need help while I’m away, you could always ask them. I just talked to them
earlier, they were eager to treat us like their own grandchildren. They don’t have any children,
so we’ll be their family.” Volo reassured you. Sitting down, you’re still trying to let everything sink
into you. Looking out of the window then to your stomach. “But what will we name our child?”
you asked. “If it’s a boy, you name him,” “But if it’s a girl?” You looked at him and he smiled at

“We’ll name her Cynthia,” Volo said while placing his hand on your stomach.

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