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The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia

Book · March 2019

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Eric Hinrichs
Nordic Translation Services, Viking Club, Danish Club, Norwegian Society, Swedish Council


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The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia

17 My God will cast them away, because they did not hearken unto him: and
they shall be wanderers among the nations. Hosea 9:17

17 Guð minn mun hafna þeim, því að þeir hafa ekki hlýtt honum, og þeir munu
fara landflótta meðal þjóðanna.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs












The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs


We will discuss the history of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” and follow their ancient
migrations into every corner of the Earth. The wandering of the Israelite tribe of Dan
from ancient Greece to Central Asia and their subsequent migration to Europe will be
discussed, based on the Old and New Testaments, Icelandic Sagas, scientific and DNA
data, Jewish Torah and secular writings. Many other sources will be brought to light for
your consideration. You will certainly learn many new things contrary to your current
understanding of the ancestral and cultural identity of many different nations of the
World. You will also discover that modern historians and academia have either
intentionally or mistakenly omitted certain historical information from the contemporary
academic education curriculum. This has resulted in a completely different perspective
of ancient history. This has resulted in the belief that the ancient Israelites are either
“Lost” in history and/or the assertion that the modern Israeli’s are the last remnant of the
descendants of the Israelite descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – both of which
are not true.

The Word of Bible is historically accurate, although subject to the prejudices and
distortions of numerous translations by different cultures and linguistic imperfections.
The Israelites were scattered throughout all corners of the Earth into every nation and
kingdom, just as the Most High God AHAYAH (I AM that I AM, Exodus 3:13-15) said that
they would be. We will discover part of the history of the ancient Israelites and their
associations with the Scythians and Aryans of secular history. The Israelites became
known as the Scythians and in Persia as the Parthians, after their assimilation with
these peoples. They also became rulers of many of the foreign lands they migrated or
were once enslaved in and founded many ancient empires because of their warrior
prowess. The ancient origins of European nations and Scandinavians began with this
massive migration of populations, even before the Diaspora in 722 B.C.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs


The Danes’s connection to ancient Greece was so important to the Danish historian Saxo
that he in Danmarks Krønike mentions that the Norman chronicler Dudo believed that the
Danes hailed from the Greek Tribe of Dan.
History, geography, DNA and science are the clues which reveal the origins of ancient
peoples. The Greek Danaoi, or Danaans, which had at onetime possessed colonies in
the Black Sea region around the mouths of the rivers Danube, Don, and Dnieper. The
chiefs/kings of the Greek Danaoi, or Danaans, claimed descent from the ancient Greek
King Danaus (Tanaus or Dan I). In Homer’s Iliad as the “Danaans” or “tribe of Danaë,”
grandchildren of Belus (Phoenician ‘Baal’) who gave their name to the “Argives.” All the
kings of Denmark, Norwegian, Swedish and Anglo-Saxons claim descent from this
blood line. The first president of the United States, George Washington may also have
descended from this blood line. Other DNA research has indicated that Washington
belonged to the L2 subclade of U152. This deduction is based on the results from the
Washington DNA Project.

DNA science can help us to identify the “Lost Tribe of Dan.” The Haplogroup E1b1b
has three common subclades: M78, M81, and M34. M78 is found throughout North and
Northeast Africa, as well as the Near East and Europe. There is a high geographic
concentration of its network. The cluster is particular to Europe and it is highest in the
Balkans. It enjoys frequencies of about 23.8% among Greeks, with a frequency of about
47% in the Peloponnese region of Greece, a frequency of 46% among Albanians in
Kosovo, and frequencies of about 20% in some South Slavic populations (Serbs,
Macedonians, Bulgarians). Among Jews both in Europe and the Middle East, E1b1b is
the second most common Y haplogroup after haplogroup J. Cruciani suggests that the
d cluster spread M78 throughout North and Northeast Africa, the Near East and later

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Peloponnese is a large peninsula, located in a region of southern Greece. The
name Peloponnesos means “Island of Pelops.” The major cities
of Sparta, Corinth, Argos and Megalopolis were here, and was the homeland of
the Peloponnesian League. Soldiers from the peninsula fought in the Persian Wars and
was the scene of the Peloponnesian War of 431 BC-404 BC. The history of this region
is rich with epic tales that have been passed down to us by some of the greatest
historians the world as ever known. Peloponnese people claim to have descended from
the the ancient heroes in the Greek legends that were given to us by Homer and
Hesiod, such as those of Danaus, Pelops, Cadmus, The Arcadian Kings and others.

Is the E1b1b YDNA of the Lost Tribe of Dan?

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

There is an incredibly high frequency of about 47% of E1b1b YDNA in
the Peloponnese region of Greece. This region is the same place that King Danaus
(Tanaus or Dan), the founder of the Tribe of Dan, had arrived at Argos in the
Peloponnese when he had fled Egypt to Hellas with his fifty daughters. It is said that
the kings who descended from Danaus had made Argos the center of civilization for the
Peloponnese. In Homer’s Iliad as the “Danaans” or “tribe of Danaë,” grandchildren of
Belus (Phoenician ‘Baal’) who gave their name to the “Argives.” This was the start of
modern civilization and where most the builders of various empires originated.

The beginning of Greek history is often dated to this “exile” from Egypt of the Danaoi,
who appear in classical writings as the “Danaans.” You will also find them under other
spellings such as the Danaoi (Danaoi used 138 times in the Iliad), Danaus,
Danae, Danaans, Danoi, Danaids, or Dananites. It was said by these families; “which
remain to be considered no new race of people was introduced. Danaus and his
descendants were engrafted on the Pelasgi; Cadmus and the Labdacidai on the
Aborigines of Boetia. Pelops and the Pelopidce were incorporated with the iEolians and
Achaeans; Hercules and his posterity were adopted by the Dorians. The Arcadian kings
belonged to the original Pelasgic stock.”

Why do we have the various mysterious splits in the E1b1b

There is a very good explanation why that this specific blood line had originated in
this Peloponnese region of Greece, exactly where Plato and Plutarch tells us that the
sown men originated. This region of Greece is where King Danaus and the Tribe of
Dan went to after their exodus from Egypt, and the amazing 47% concentration of this
unique E1b1b E-M78 Haplogroup was found. In addition to these apocalyptic
revelations, the DNA of Ramesses III was released revealing that that he belongs to this
same E1b1b Y-DNA haplogroup. Ramesses III was the second Pharaoh of the of
the Twentieth Dynasty of the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. This was a new blood

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

line, who was neither Egyptian or Hittite, but a mix of both races. Later he would be
murdered by his own wife and son in a plot to take the throne. These events may
coincide with the Exodus from Egypt by the Tribe of Dan and these facts could prove
that these peoples are in fact one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. We now have science
helping prove that the sown men of the E1b1b blood line were not only a significant
force in Thebes, Greece and Syria, but that they may very well also have been the
Pharaoh Kings in Egypt as well, who would later also be known as the Phoenicians.

Many people who claim Jewish decent today, such as the Samaritan Cohen, belong to
this same E1b1b Haplogroup. Science also proves that this Haplogroup had migrated
right along side most of the Roman settlements that were built from 1A.D. forward.
Geanologists have had a tough time explaining why they were finding the E1b1b YDNA
Haplogroup in small percentages in most of these Roman towns. For
example, E1b1b (previously known as E3b) is very rare in the British Isles but has been
found in and around Roman settlements and can be attributed to Roman soldiers
and settlers who arrived during the Roman occupation.

The priestly class from the East were at one time the ancient Phoenician Tyrians. They
named their priests Cohanim (Kohanim). In the Torah, the priests of Baal are referred to
as Cohen or Kohen. This is a Hebrew word for priest or king and the word Bol-Khan,
specifically refers to the priests of Baal. In Homer’s Iliad these are the “Danaans” or
“tribe of Danaë,” the grandchildren of Belus (Phoenician ‘Baal’) who gave their name to
the “Argives.”

This same exact E1b1b haplogroup is very common amongst the Samaritan Kohanim
(Koehn or Cohen). They claim to descend from the Biblical Israelite tribes of Ephraim,
Menashe and Levi with direct patrilineal descent from the Biblical Aaron. These were
the same priests who had become what Saint Bede said in his 9th century book
titled, Ezra and Nehemiah, “allegorically, the Levites represent those attached to
the Catholic Church.” Hence, if the descendants of Levi, the Levites who are the

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

priesthood attached to the Catholic Church, then that would also make the Israelites
known as the Samaritan Kohanim who also descend from Aaron and Levi their brothers.
The descendants of Levi, the son of Jacob. (LEW (1).] He had three sons: Gershon or
Gershom, Kohath, and Merari (Gen. xlvi. 11; Exod. vi. 16: Numb. iii. 17; 1 Chron. vi. 10,
43). Moses and Aaron were the grandsons of Kohath, and the greatgrandsons of Levi
(Exod. vi. 16, 18, •JO, 2G). Gershon, Kohath, and Merari all founded families, but a
certain prominence was attached to the Kohathites, from whom the leaders of Israel at
the critical period of the departure from Egypt had sprung (Numb. iv. 1-40).
• Moses
• Aaron
• Miriam
• Samuel
• Ezekiel
• Ezra
• Malachi
• John the Baptist
• Mark the Evangelist
• Matthew the Evangelist
• Barnabas

The E haplogroup has been observed in all Jewish groups world wide
One of its major subclades, E1b1b (formerly E3b) is the 2nd most prevalent haplogroup
among the Jewish population. (FamilyTreeDNA).

Their findings reported on four family lineages among the Samaritans: the Tsdaka
family (tradition: tribe of Menasseh), the Joshua-Marhiv and Danfi families (tradition:
tribe of Ephraim), and the Cohen family (tradition: tribe of Levi). All Samaritan families
were found in haplogroups J1 and J2, except the Cohen family which was found in
haplogroup E3b1a-M78. This article predated the E3b1a subclades based on the
research of Cruciani, et al. The Samaritan Cohen family were Levites until the previous

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Cohen family died out around 1700, so the fact that they don’t share CMH is expected.
These findings may offer more proof that E1b1 was one of the founding lineages of the
The biblical tradition of the Cohen family living among the Samaritans is found in 2
Kings 17:27-28, where it indicates that only one Israelite Cohen was sent back from
exile from Assyria by the King of Assyria to teach those living in the Northern Kingdom
of Israel (Samaria). This suggests why some Samaritans may claim association of
haplogroup E3b1a with the biblical Kohanim. In the same period only 27,290 (Annals of
Sargon) of the ten Northern Tribes were exiled to Assyria, the Assyrians relocated those
non-Israelites to the region around Samaria. This explains why those claiming to be
Leviim or Kohanim were actually Syrians, who appointed other non-Israelites as priests
(“Kohanim”) from their own people.
The descendants of the Pelopids were said to be “noble kings”, which in Hebrew
“Kohen or Kohanim” means “priest or king.” It only makes sense that this ancient family
from the East, known in legend as the Pelopids and the Danaans would of course leave
their descendants with the same stories for them to carry them into their new lands. In
addition, we can find the descendants of these sown men in the exact
same Peloponnese region of Greece, where DNA science now proves that 47% of
those people are of the E1b1b E-M78 Haplogroup.
The same blood line that we can now verify via science that the Jewish Kohen also
descends from, is this same E1b1b YDNA Haplogroup. The name “Kohen” is derived
from the Greek word for dog “Kuon” in which we can easily connect them all to the
Phoenician priests known as the Kohanim who are all the descendants of Levi, the son
of Jacob. The Kohen or Kohathites, are from whom the leaders of Israel at the critical
period of the departure from Egypt had sprung (Numb. iv. 1-40), and who today are
allegorically known as the Levites by representing those attached to the Catholic

Dudo wrote around the year 1000 A.D.:

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

“Daci are by their own called Danai, or Dani, and commend themselves of hailing from
Antenor, who fled from Illyria, after the destruction of Troy.” (Quoted from Peter Friderich
Suhm: Critisk Historie af Danmark, Volume 1, p. 188, 1774)

The Danaans were the Jews from the Tribe of Dan who founded the city (Heb) ‫מיקנה‬
[mikne] = (Eng) herd → Mycenae. In the Egyptian inscriptions they are mentioned as
“danan”. The tribes originated in the 12 sons of Jacob. Each of these sons became the
father of his tribe (Genesis 49).

They were given specific

territories and were ordered,
acquired or naturally
progressed into specific roles
in the nation of Israel. The
Bible speaks of their territory
allotment, origin and

The Tribe of Dan

They were seafarers by trade and tradition. The Israelite tribes never had a
strong naval history as far as scripture is concerned but wherever their
navy lies in history, we can be sure they were dominated by this tribe. The Ethiopian
Jews may be possible descendants of Dan.
Name: “God is judge”. 1st born of Bilhah.
Symbol: scales of justice from “he shall achieve justice for his kindred” (Genesis 49:16)
or the serpent which “bites the horse’s heel” and an adder in the path. (Genesis


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Stone: Opal; Jacinth (orange)
Notable descendants: Samson
Nations related: Denmark; Ireland; Wales.

The archaeologist Dr. Cyrus Gordon, who was called the greatest American
archaeologist of the 20th century, wrote about the journey of the Israelitish Tribe
of Dan to Greece, Ireland, and Denmark. The journeying Jew Eldad ben Mahli had
already written in the Middle Age (9th century A.D.) in a letter to the Jews in Spain:
“In Jeroboam’s day, 975 B.C., Dan refused to shed his brother’s blood; and rather than
go to war with Judah he left the country and went in a body to Greece (Javan) and to
Denmark.” (Quoted from Norman Court: Old Ginger, p. 13)
Jeroboam was from the tribe of Ephraim, a servant of King Solomon’s, and the son of a
widow. He later became the first king of the divided northern kingdom of Israel. He is
first mentioned in 1 Kings 11:26: “Jeroboam the son of Nebat, an Ephraimite of
Zeredah, a servant of Solomon, whose mother’s name was Zeruah, a widow, also lifted
up his hand against the king.” 1 Kings 11:40

Solomon sought therefore to kill Jeroboam. And Jeroboam arose, and fled into Egypt,
unto Shishak king of Egypt, and was in Egypt until the death of Solomon.
A fascinating association is made with the tribe of Dan during the reign of Solomon.
Solomon, in his efforts to build the Temple, solicited Hiram, king of Tyre, for help in
obtaining labor and resources.

Hiram responds in kind to Solomon's request. His response is recorded in II Chronicles

2:11-18. Verses 13 and 14 shed an invaluable light on the situation regarding the tribe
of Dan right before the fall of the United Monarchy.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

"And now I am sending a skilled man, endowed with understanding, Huram-abi,
the son of a Danite woman and a Tyrian father, who knows how to work in gold,
silver, bronze, iron, stone and wood, and in purple, violet, linen and crimson
fabrics, and who knows how to make all kinds of engravings and to execute any
design which may be assigned to him, to work with your skilled men, and with
those of my lord, David your father."

The obvious implication of this passage is that some members of the tribe of Dan had
migrated northward, into Tyre and Sidon, and intermarried with the local Phoenicians. It
is no coincidence Israel's closest allies throughout the Old Testament were the
Phoenicians. had intermarried, and likely adopted come customs and practices of
these people. The Phoenicians are connected to the Greeks as well, thus,
strengthening the possible connection between the tribe of Dan and Mycenae


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

culture. Mycenaean Greece (or Mycenaean civilization) was the last phase of the
Bronze Age in Ancient Greece (c. 1600–1100 BC). It represents the first advanced
civilization in mainland Greece, with its palatial states, urban organization, works of art
and writing system. Among the centers of power that emerged, the most notable were
those of Pylos, Tiryns, Midea in the Peloponnese, Orchomenos, Thebes, Athens in
Central Greece and Iolcos in Thessaly. The most prominent site was Mycenae, in
Argolid, to which the culture of this era owes.

They regularly traded with them and sought their help in building the Temple and the
resources needed to build the Temple. This passage makes it evident the tribe of Dan
had integrated themselves, to a certain degree, with the Phoenicians of Lebanon.
Mycenaean and Mycenaean-influenced settlements also appeared in Epirus,
Macedonia, on islands in the Aegean Sea, on the coast of Asia Minor, the Levant,
Cyprus and Italy.

Tribe of Dan: Sons of Israel, or of Greek Mercenaries Hired by Egypt?

The tribe of Dan was the first tribe of Israel to plunge into pagan IDOLATRY! Over the
centuries, they have become steeped in idolatry and image worship -- so much so that


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

they will be slow to repent of their sins and to come out of the prevalent end-time
idolatry of Roman Catholicism, which numbers over 900 million adherents around the
world, today.
Dan was born to Bilhah about 1737 B.C. (Gen. 30:1-9). He was a rambunctious youth
and multiplied greatly during the sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 1:7-9, 12).
When Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, about 1483 B.C., the tribe of Dan
which accompanied him numbered some 62,700 men old enough to make war, 20
years old and upward (Numbers 1:38-39). Dan outnumbered Manasseh, the son of
Joseph by almost 2 to 1, and outnumbered the children of Ephraim about 3 to 2. His
descendants were very prolific.

History tells us more about these ancient Danites. When Moses led the children of
Israel out of Egypt, with the kingdom of Egypt left in shambles, some chose not to
follow Moses into the land of Canaan. About 1500 B.C., a last flowering of megalithic
culture occurred. On the island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea, a tower-building
people sometimes called the Shardana emerged, and soon dominated Sardinia and
then invaded Corsica and the Balearics and ruled them for about a thousand years.
These were ancient Danites! Their very name identifies them! They gave their name to
their island, Sar DINia, and their very name SharDANa, proves who they really were. In
Hebrew, the term "sharon" means a level "plain." It comes from the root word yashar,
meaning "to make straight or even, right, pleasant, prosperous." The "Shardana" were
nothing more than the "prosperous DANites," the tribe of Dan! The term "sar" or "shar"
in Hebrew means "chief," "prince," "ruler," from which such words as "Tsar," "Caesar,"
"Kaiser," etc., derive. The "Shar-Dana," then, were the chiefs or princes of DAN!
The "Tower people," or Shardana, or tribe of Dan, conquered Corsica around 1400
B.C., the same time Israel entered the Promised Land under Joshua. Their occupation
lasted until 800 B.C., or possibly as late as 500 B.C. (about the same time Assyria took
Israel into captivity, 718-721 B.C., or near the time of the Babylonian captivity of Judah
in 587 B.C.). In the division of Palestine among the twelve tribes of Israel, after the
Exodus from Egypt, Dan received his portion in the very north. As Dan was unable to
secure and conquer much of its inheritance, due to spiritual weaknesses, they felt

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

hemmed in and constrained to migrate and conquer elsewhere, which is one reason
they captured Laish and renamed it "Dan." Their inheritance was near the cities of Tyre
and Sidon, famous home ports of the Phoenicians. Dan, who "abode in ships," made
common concourse with the Phoenicians, intermarried with them, and established
colonies throughout the Mediterranean region.
In the downfall of the northern kingdom of Israel in 718-721 B.C., the inland portion of
the tribe of Dan was carried into captivity with the other tribes composing the northern
Kingdom, led by Ephraim. This portion of Dan was taken into captivity beyond the
Euphrates River, into Assyria, and when the Assyrian Empire fell in the seventh century
B.C., they migrated through the Caucasian Pass, just north of the Caucasus. This was
known as the land of the "Sarmatians," and the pass was called the "Sarmatian Gate."
The name Sarmatia
was obviously derived
from the name
Samaria, which was
the capital of the
northern kingdom of
Israel. These people
called themselves the
Scoloti, but the Greeks
called them Sythians.
These people continued migrating to the northwest of Europe and eventually many

of them settled in the British Isles and are the "Scots" of today.

The tribe of Dan were seafarers, made evident by the Song of Deborah. Why did Dan
remain in ships? Asher continued on the sea shore, and abode in his breaches (Judges

The word rendered 'breaches' in Hebrew is miphratsim, meaning (as Kragh notes) a
break (in the shore), or an inlet. In Nordic languages, “Viking” is derived from “vik/vig.”
VIK is how the Hebrew word Miphrats (inlet) is translated in the Swedish Authorized

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Version (authorized by Gustav-V, King of Sweden) of 1917 (Judges 5:17). From "vik"
we obtain the word Viking and thus a possible link to the Tribe of Asher. Mikkel
Stjernholm Kragh in an article entitled "Sweden being the tribe of Asher" under the
heading, "Vikings in the Old Testament" points out that the word Viking is derived from
the Nordic word vik/vig (vik in Swedish and Norwegian, vig in Danish), which means
inlet, creek, because the Vikings sailed out from the inlets and fjords.

Even in Biblical Times the Tribe of Asher had Viking Characteristics. Asher, like Dan
and Zebulon, was a sea-going Tribe. Asher was involved with the Phoenicians in the
cities of Tyre and Sidon. Early Bronze Age Scandinavian Civilization had Phoenician
and other Middle Eastern characteristics. The Viking ships in their design and profile
appear almost indistinguishable from Phoenician ships. In popular imagination the
Vikings are depicted with horned helmets. Modern historians doubt that this was
historically correct. However, it was a characteristic of the Sea Peoples and of warriors
from the region of northern Asher in Biblical Times. Asher was part of the Sea Peoples
and these in Viking style lauched sea-raids and invasions by ships against Egypt. They
did not have the nomadic and pastural lifestyles of the other tribes of Israel. Evidence
of this may be found in the song of Deborah, describing the different roles of the tribes:
Judges 5:17 King James Version (KJV)

17 Gilead abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher continued on
the sea shore, and abode in his breaches (settled in his sheltered coves and landings).

Domarboken 5:17 Svenska 1917 (SV1917)

17 Gilead stannade på andra sidan Jordan. Och Dan varför -- dröjer han ännu vid
skeppen? Aser satt kvar vid havets strand, vid sina vikar stannade han.

Dómarabókin 5:17 Icelandic Bible (ICELAND)

17 Gíleað hélt kyrru fyrir hinumegin Jórdanar og Dan, _ hvers vegna dvaldi hann við
skipin? Asser sat kyrr við sjávarströndina og hélt kyrru fyrir við víkur sínar.

Dommer 5:17 Dette er Biblen på dansk (DN1933)


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

17 Gilead blev på hin Side Jordan, og Dan, hvi søgte han fremmed Hyre? Aser sad
stille ved Havets Strand; han blev ved sine Vige.

Why was the tribe of Dan referred to as Aser, Asher, or Asser in the Old Testament?
Asher, like Dan and Zebulon, was a sea-going Tribe. Asher was involved with the
Phoenicians such as the cities of Tyre and Sidon.

Revelation 7:18. Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of
Nepthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve

Asher was one of the 12 tribes of Israel that in biblical times constituted the people of
Israel who later became the Jewish people. The tribe was named after the younger of


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

two sons born to Jacob (also called Israel) and Zilpah, the maidservant (slave) of
Jacob’s first wife, Leah. According to the Torah, the tribe of Dan consisted of the
descendants of Dan, the 8th son of Jacob and Bilhah, the handmaiden(slave) of Jacob’s
wife Rachel, the other child of Bilah, was Naphtali.
Dan was apparently the only Israelite tribe that had ships and was conspicuously absent
from giving support to Barak against the forces of Sisera. The writer of Judges hints that
the Danites originated elsewhere and were different from the other tribes.
However, when taken into context with the association with the Phoenicians, it makes
more sense. The Phoenicians were the greatest seafarers of the ancient world.
They colonized areas throughout all the ancient world, including North Africa and
parts of Britain, and even made it to the New World.
The tribe of Dan easily integrated itself with the powerful Phoenician nation. It is
believed that part of the Danites migrated to Greece before the Exodus. The Tribe
of Dan, one of the 12 "Israelite tribes," may have started as no such thing. New
archaeological evidence suggests that the Danites originated with mercenaries
hired from the Aegean and Syria by the Egyptian overlords of Canaan to keep
order. Asher is identified with the name Jeshurun meaning Israel. Ashur was renowned
as a warrior. The Tribe of Asher dwelt amongst the Phoenicians and was proficient in
metallurgy and sea-faring. Asher was exiled along with the rest of the Ten Tribes. The
Philistines and Phoenicians assisted the Assyrians in transferring a portion of the Exiles
by ship to regions in the west including Spain whence they went ot Gaul, Ireland, and
Britain. Asher was also linked with the Vikings of Scandinavia.

According to the Bible, after the Israelites conquered Canaan, the land was split
between the tribes – except for the tribe of Dan. Bitter at their lot, the tribe went
northward, conquered and destroyed the city of Laish (also called Leshem), then rebuilt
it and renamed it after their ancestor, Dan. (Judges 18:1-29).

27-28 The tribe of Dan took Micah’s priest and the things Micah had made, and headed
for Laish, which was located in a valley controlled by the town of Beth-Rehob. Laish


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

was defenseless, because it had no walls and was too far from Sidon for the
Sidonians to help defend it. The leaders of Laish had not even asked nearby towns to
help them in case of an attack. The warriors from Dan made a surprise attack on Laish,
killing everyone and burning it down. Then they rebuilt the town and settled there
themselves. 29 But they named it Dan, after one of Israel’s sons, who was the ancestor
of their tribe. Later the Danaans settled with the Scythians in 732 – 731 B.C., and
dreamed of returning to their homeland Dan. In the middle of the 7th century B.C., some
of them left “habitual” Scythian lands and moved to the south. They could not return to
their native land (the territory of modern Lebanon and the Golan Heights) because the
Assyrian king Esarhaddon = ‫ ִא ִידינָּה‬-‫אַ ְחחה‬-‫[ אַ ּׁשּור‬ashur-akha-iddina], a descendant of
Tiglath-Pileser 3 in the 4th generation, had completely destroyed Sidon in 677 B.C. and
totally controlled the surrounding area. The Danaans continued migrating farther, for
about 120 km to the south, and settled to the south of Lake Kineret in the city of (Heb)
‫[ בית שאן‬Beit She’an]. Therefore, from the 6th century B.C., the Greek-speaking
population started calling Beit She’an as (Greek) Σκυθόπολις [Scythopolis or
Scyphopolis], i.e. the city of the Scythians.

Samson the Greek? 3,000-year-old archaeological finds at Tel Dan suggest that the
Danites were Aegean soldiers hired by Canaan's Egyptian overlords to keep order.
(Philippe Bohstrom Dec 04, 2016). Tell el-Qadi had been identified previously as the
biblical city of Dan. Now recent excavations have uncovered a large neighborhood from
the 12-11th century B.C. showing compelling Aegean influences. The discoveries have
rekindled a longstanding academic dispute over the origin of the Danites. Were they just
a tribe of Israel that was left in the cold, found a conveniently isolated city and
conquered it? Do they have anything to do with a mysterious kingdom called Danuna
mentioned in ancient writing found in Turkey? Or maybe with the Denyen – a faction of
invading Sea Peoples, according to ancient Egyptian sources? Or with the Danaoi, one
of the Greek tribes? Or are these all one and the same? The findings at Tell el-Qadi
(now Tel Dan) suggest they could well be. Archaeologists found more than 100 ceramic


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

vessels that proved, by chemical analysis, to mostly originate in the Argolid in Greece,
the center of Mycenaean culture during the Bronze Age.

This was a time in which the Egyptians were expanding northwards and Canaan
became a province of Egypt, Laish became part of their administrative system. The
excavations at Tel Dan began in 1966 under the direction of Avraham Biran and
continued until 1999. After a hiatus of several years, Dr. David Ilan of the Hebrew Union
College renewed excavating and, based on old material and new findings, he began to
suspect that an old theory about Danite origins, first proposed by Michael Astour and
Yigal Yadin in the 1960s, might be right, though their idea was at odds with the biblical
narrative. Namely, that the Danites didn't begin as a tribe of Israel at all but originated in
the Aegean world.
Ilan postulated that these Aegean-style artifacts in Dan suggest the presence of
worshippers hailing from the Aegean—perhaps the Denyen, Danuna (or Danaoi in
Greek), in short, one of the ancient Greek tribes. The Denyen/Danuna were also one of
the so-called "Sea Peoples" of Aegean origin who invaded Egypt, as described in


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Ramesses IIIs mortuary temple relief (1175 B.C.). Given the indications of very strong
cultural ties between Dan and the Aegean world, Ilan believes that Michael Astour and
Yigal Yadin were correct: the people of Dan originated, at least in part, with the
Denyen/Danuna/Danaoi of the Aegean coastal region, probably in the coastal region
where Turkey and Syria meet today.

“The most famous Danite in the Bible is Samson, a quite essential archetype of a Greek
hero: He is very strong, his power resides in his long hair, he tells riddles and he hangs
out with Philistine women,” according to Ilan.

The city of Dan was built on a mound near the southern foot of Mount Hermon, the
tallest mountain in the Golan Heights. By the standards of the arid Middle East, the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

area is lush and fertile, well-watered by natural springs. The city's position was also
strategic, directly on a key trading route between Tyre and Damascus.

A relationship between the Danites and their northern neighbors in Lebanon may have
been in existence for quite some time. An integration into Phoenician culture may not
seem unlikely at all, but rather a reunion of sorts. Not all the tribe of Dan did integrate,
however. The above hypothesis should be taken as purely theoretical, because the
Bible is silent about such matters. The Book of Revelation (7:4–8), mentions that people
from the twelve tribes of Israel will be sealed. The selection of the twelve tribes does not
include the names of Ephraim and Dan, although their names were used for the twelve
tribes that settled in the Promised Land. It has been suggested that this could be
because of their pagan practices, as worshippers of Baal. [The uttermost part of the
earth: a guide to places in the Bible", Richard R. Losch. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing,
2005. ISBN 0-8028-2805-1, ISBN 978-0-8028-2805-7. p. 83] This made Irenaeus,
Hippolytus of Rome and a few Millennialists propose that the Antichrist will come
from the tribe of Dan. Irenaeus of Lyons wrote his Against Heresies c. 175-185 A.D.
His work is invaluable to modern scholarship in the attempt to recover the content of
Gnostic teachings in the second century. Irenaeus also provides the first explicit witness
to a four-fold gospel canon.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Asher intermixed and married
apparently with the Canaanites.
Asher became a minority in his own
land and dwelt amongst the non-
Israelite pagans. Because the
Israelites from the Ten Tribes
intermixed with the peoples around
them and copied their idolatrous
ways they were exiled (2-Kings chs.
17 & 18).

Flavius Josephus "The Famous and

Memorable Workes of Iosephvs" G.
Bishop, S. Waterson, P. Short and
Tho. Adams. (1602) - Page 106: "To
them of Dan was assigned the valley
that is extended to the Westward
and is terminated by the Cities of
Azoth and Dor, that containeth all the
countrey of Iamnia and Gitta, from
Akaron even unto that mountaine
where beginneth the tribe of Iuda."

According to the biblical narrative, following the completion of the conquest of Canaan
by the Israelite tribes about 1200 BC:

Joshua allocated the land among the twelve tribes. Dan was the last tribe to receive its
territorial inheritance. The land originally allocated to Dan was a small enclave in the
central coastal area of Canaan, between Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and the Philistines.

A minority view was suggested by Yigael Yadin attempting to connect the Denyen with
the Tribe of Dan. They were described as remaining on their ships in the early Song of
Deborah, contrary to the mainstream view of Israelite history. It was speculated that the

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Denyen had been taken to Egypt, and subsequently settled between the Caphtorite
Philistines and the Tjekker, along the Mediterranean coast with the Tribe of Dan
subsequently descending from them.

Song of Deborah

Judges 5:17 Gilead abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher
continued on the sea shore, and abode in his breaches.

1 Kings 12
28 Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said unto them,
It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought
thee up out of the land of Egypt.
29 And he set the one in Bethel, and the other put he in Dan.
30 And this thing became a sin: for the people went to worship before the one, even unto
31 Andhe made an house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of the people,
which were not of the sons of Levi.


THE NORTHERN TRIBES OF ISRAEL would eventually constitute the Northern

Kingdom of Israel. Old Testament Bible maps clearly show the size and scope of the
Northern Kingdom surpassed that of the south. After the death of Solomon, the
Northern Tribes split from the Southern Kingdom of Judah. The southern throne
remained with the tribe of Judah in the south and was headquartered in Jerusalem. The
Northern Tribes elected Jeroboam I as their king.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Israel tended towards idolatry more so than their southern brethren. The Northern kings
set up places of
worship at Dan and
Bethel, profaning the
name of the Lord.
Though much larger
and more powerful
than the Southern
Kingdom of Judah ,
Israel fell to the
Assyrians nearly two
hundred years before
the kingdom of Judah
would fall to the Babylonians.

“And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not from the sins of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.” – 2 Kings 15:28

And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used
divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, to

The English and Scandinavian languages can be traced through the Celtic and
Scandinavian peoples of Europe, back through the Scythians, Cimmerians,
Carthaginian-Phoenicians, Tifinag Berbers, going all the way back to ancient Israel and
Greece Mycenae (Mykenae). The term Ancient, or Archaic, Greece refers to the
time three centuries before the classical age, between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C.
Archaic Greece saw advances in art, poetry and technology, but most of all it was


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

the age in which the polis, or city-state, was created. The polis became the
defining feature of Greek political life for hundreds of years.

The pressure of population growth pushed many men away from their home
poleis and into sparsely populated areas around Greece and the Aegean.
Between 750 B.C. and 600 B.C., Greek colonies sprang up from the
Mediterranean to Asia Minor, from North Africa to the coast of the Black Sea. By
the end of the seventh century B.C., there were more than 1,500 colonial poleis.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Scythians were a nomadic
tribe that dominated the steppes
for nearly five hundred years, from
the 8th to about the 3rd Centuries
BC. The Scythians spoke a
language from the Northeastern
Iranian language family. The
Scythians were famous for their
ability to shoot their arrows with
deadly accuracy from horseback.
This ability astounded their
neighbors, who called them the

The greatest amount of territory

influenced by the Scythians
extended west to east from
Ukraine to an area of Siberia
located above Mongolia.
Scythians settled as far west as
modern-day Romania and
Hungary. They also appeared in modern-day Iran, when the Assyrians and Medes were
battling for supremacy in the Near-East. The Scythians drove away and replaced
another steppe tribe, the Cimmerians, towards Assyrian territory. The Cimmerians
created havoc for the Assyrian army, who had great difficulty in counteracting the raids
of these highly mobile warriors.

From Chapter VI, The Dispersed SCYTHIANS or Exiled Israelites: "As known as the
SCYTHIANS are to their name, as unknown they are to their true extraction. All histories


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

speak of them, and many count them among their Countrymen; but no one seems to be
able to positively prove how they first dispersed in Asia, and how their great power and
glory has been able to spread at that time, as the Highest Government in the same
Lands was held by the Chaldeans, the Assyrians, the Medes, the Persians, and the
Greeks.” These Scythians were the Families of Israel, who after the time of
Salmanasser dispersed themselves in the Eastern Lands, and did not, at the request of
Cyrus, go home, but did plant Inhabitants out in the at that time uninhabited wastelands
and Lands towards the North."

From Chapter VII, The SVIAR'S and the GOTH'S Origin from the Scythians or the Lost
Children of ISRAEL: “where Eurenius wrote that Thor is a legend or memory of Moses:
"Thor is a Hebrew word, as well as the title of Moses. Therefore, he came out of the
thunderstorm and the unheard thundering, and carried forth the Law of God, which in
the Hebrew just as much marks Thor as a Lawgiver." "Thor is said to have had a club
with which he struck his enemies and opened the rock; which by Joh. Mag. Hist. L. I:9,
Adam. Brem. and Erico Olai is called Thor's sceptre or staff, and which was surrounded
by fire, and is a certain reminder of the Moses's staff which followed him into the fire, hit
the rock and defeated his adversaries."
The Scythians in Scythia or Svithjod

Shortly after the 10 Tribes

appeared south of the Caucasus,
having lost their name Israel, a
new people appeared on the
northern side of the Caucasus, in
Southern Russia: the Scythians.
The Scythians and Cimmerians
are called one and the same
people by the Russian historian
Boris Piotrovsky from the
Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg. Scythians may have been used as a name for

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

several different tribes in the same area, but they still moved into the Ukraine, and were
famous for supplying the Greeks with grain. The domestication of the horse in the
Volga-Ural region circa 4000-3500 BCE, combined with the emergence of bronze
working in the North Caucasus around 3300 BCE, would lead to the spectacular
expansion of R1b and R1a lineages.

This migration drove these Proto-Indo-European speakers to the Atlantic fringe of

Europe to the west, to Siberia to the east, and all the way from Egypt to India to the
south. From 3500 B.C., the vast majority of the R1b migrated westward along the Black
Sea coast, to the metal-rich Balkans, where they mixed with the local inhabitants of
Chalcolithic "Old Europe". A small number of R1b accompanied R1a to Siberia and
Central Asia, which is why red hair very occasionally turns up in R1a-dominant
populations of those areas (who usually still have a minority of R1b among their
lineages, although some tribes may have lost them due to the founder effect).


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The archeological record indicates that this sustained series of invasions was extremely
violent and led to the complete destruction of the until then flourishing civilizations of the
Balkans and Carpathians. The R1b invaders took local women as wives and
concubines, creating a new mixed ethnicity. The language evolved in consequence,
adopting loanwords from the languages of Old Europe. This new ethnic and linguistic
entity could be referred to as the Proto-Italo-Celto-Germanic people. After nearly a
millennium in the Danubian basin (as far west as Bavaria), they would continue their
westward expansion (from 2500 BCE) to Western Europe. In fact, the westward
expansion was most likely carried out exclusively by the westernmost faction of R1b,
who had settled north of the Alps, around Austria and Bavaria, and developed the
Unetice culture.
Historians call the area of the Ukraine and Southern Russia - Scythia. The Nordic name
was Svithjod, and the Svithjod the Great of Snorre Sturlasson is identical with the
Scythia of other European historians. Snorre’s name for Sweden was simply Svithjod -
as different from Svithjod the Great, the homeland. Today, the Icelandic name for
Sweden is Svithjod. In Atland Eller Manheim, Olof Rudbeck uses the heading of a
chapter: On the Name of Sweden: Scythia. Georg Stiernhielm - the most learned man of
17th century Sweden - simply called the Swedish language Scythian.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Modern Europeans were born in the Bronze Age!
Norse Israelism is the belief that Scandinavian peoples, or the Nordic countries
(Sweden, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway) descend from the Ten
Lost Tribes of Israel. Nordic Israelism as a movement and ideology emerged in the latter
half of the 19th century among several early proponents of British Israelism.
Anna Larssen Bjørner (1875–1955) and Sigurd Bjørner (1875–1953), were the founders

of Danish Pentecostalism and the "Apostolic Church" in Denmark and are considered to
have been early pioneers in the Nordic-Israelism movement. They published from the

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

1920s a quarterly magazine entitled Evangeliebladet which covered identifications of
the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel with Denmark and other Scandinavian countries. They also
published regular articles from other proponents of the Nordic Israel identity, including
those of Ole Jørgen Johnsen, a Norwegian preacher from Hasla who authored Israel i
de siste dage ("Israel in the Last Days") in 1924. The renowned engineer Albert
Hiorth was a prominent Nordic Israelism proponent and author of the early 20th century.
Proponents of Nordic Israelism follow John Cox Gawler's identification of the Tribe of
Dan with Denmark. Gawler also placed Dan in Scotland and Ireland, an identification
British Israelites follow, but proponents of Nordic Israelism stress more on the
identification with Denmark, including Gusten Olsen, author of The Incredible Nordic
Origins (1981).
The two Biblical tribes Aser and Naphtali apparently melded together into the Nordic
Aser. Today, the DNA of the Norwegians and the Swedes are completely identical. The
DNA of the Danes is as close to them as you can get, but varies a little. The biggest
DNA study on ancient people rewrites European history. Modern Europeans were born
in the Bronze Age after a large wave of immigration by a nomadic people known as
Yamnaya who came from the Russian steppe.

"This is where we begin. We see that a large part of the modern European, genetically
start here, "stated Eske Willerslev, who is a professor at the Centre for GeoGenetics at
the Natural History Museum of Denmark. The find probably marks the end of more than
100 years of archaeological debate about the great cultural upheaval seen in the
Bronze Age (2700 BC. to 500 BC.).

"It is completely ground breaking, and the entire history must now be rewritten into a
story of mobility and human expansion," says archaeologist Kristian Kristiansen from
Gothenburg University.

The migration of the Yamnaya culture seems to solve the old conundrum about the
origins of Indo-European language. "The mystery is solved -- the Indo-European
language is first spread in Europe and then east to Iran and India," according to

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Kristiansen. The term Aryan has generally been used to describe the Proto-Indo-Iranian
language root *arya which was the ethnonym the Indo-Iranians adopted to describe
Aryans. Its cognate in Sanskrit is the word ārya (Devanāgarī: आर्य ), in origin an ethnic
self-designation, in Classical Sanskrit meaning "honourable, respectable, noble." The
Old Persian cognate ariya is the ancestor of the modern name of Iran and ethnonym for
the Iranian people.

In the 18th century, the most ancient known Indo-European languages were those of
the ancient Indo-Iranians. The word Aryan was therefore adopted to refer not only to the
Indo-Iranian peoples, but also to native Indo-European speakers, including the Romans,
Greeks, and the Germans. It was soon recognised that Balts, Celts, and Slavs also
belonged to the same group. It was argued that all these languages originated from a
common root – now known as Proto-Indo-European – spoken by an ancient people who
were thought of as ancestors of the European, Iranian, and Indo-Aryan peoples. The
Yamnaya eastern migration also solves the riddle of how the now extinct Indo-European
language Tokaisk arose from within China.

"This is the largest study ever -- more than double that of all previous studies combined
-- and for the first time we can make population studies on fossil genetics," said
Assistant Professor Morten E. Allentoft from the Centre for GeoGenetics. The study has
just been published in Nature alongside a similar study, led by Professor David Reich
from Harvard Medical School, which maps the DNA of 69 Bronze Age people and
supports the same conclusions. "In order to get these 101 samples, we’ve gone
through over 600 samples and tested for DNA. All of the samples that could be used
have a well-documented archaeological context, so we mapped the DNA and dated
them," Allentoft reported.

The researchers discovered that the early European Bronze Age skeletons had a new
genetic component that was not inherited from the early farmers or hunters. "Whether
the sample was taken in Germany, Poland, Denmark or Sweden, we see the same
component, and we can show that it comes from the Caucasus." The component

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

matches that of the relatively unknown steppe people, the Yamnaya, who were nomads
from thousands of kilometres north of the Caucasus between the Black Sea and the
Caspian Sea. The new studies set the stage for further work, to map genetic material
deeper back in time, as well as our more recent history.

"We can for example see the formation of the modern Dane is not quite complete
2,000 years ago," said Willerslev. "It could be really interesting to see what happens

later in the Iron Age and Viking times."

Archeologist and historian Thor Heyerdahl visited Azerbaijan on several occasions

during the 1990s, without the benefit of this DNA data. Each time, he gathered evidence
to prove his tantalizing theory - that Scandinavian ancestry can be traced to the
region now known as Azerbaijan. Heyerdahl first began forming this hypothesis after
visiting Gobustan, an ancient cave dwelling found 30 miles west of Baku, which is
famous for its rock carvings. The sketches of sickle-shaped boats carved into these
rocks closely resemble those rock carvings found in his own native Norway and in
Tanum, Sweden. The Tanum UNESCO World Cultural Heritage area is in the province


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Bohuslän – roughly the area of western Sweden between the city Gothenburg and the
Norwegian border. The rock carvings in Bohuslän were mostly made during the Bronze
Age and early Iron
Age – thus between
1700 BC and 200
BC. Different models
of boats and
weaponry, as well as
the appearance of
animals, help to date
the works. The land
rise – the area is
around 25 m higher
now than 4000 years ago – also help to date the various scenes, as underwater
carvings are highly unlikely.

On Thor Heyerdahl's third visit to Azerbaijan (1980, 1994, 1999), he was fascinated by
the rock carvings at Gobustan (about 30 miles west of Baku), He discovered that their


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

artistic style closely resembles the carvings found in his native Norway. The ship
designs were similar and drawn with a simple sickle - shaped line, representing the
base of the boat, with vertical lines on deck, illustrating crew or, perhaps, raised oars.

Heyerdahl hypothesized that Azerbaijan was the site of an ancient advanced civilization.
He believed natives migrated north through waterways to present-day Scandinavia
using ingeniously constructed vessels made of skins that could be folded like cloth.
When voyagers traveled upstream, they conveniently folded their skin boats and
transported them via pack animals. Herodotus also describes such boats from this
region in his works of the 5th century B.C. In the 5,000-year-old caves of Gobustan,
cave drawings depict two distinct kinds of boats that were used for early navigation.
Heyerdahl was convinced that people living in the area now known as Azerbaijan
settled in Scandinavia around 100 AD. Gobustan is located about 30 miles southwest of

[Almer, J., 2000. Variation på götiskt tema. En studie i C.J.L. Almqvists Sviavigamal. Göteborg. Baudou,
E., 2004. Den nordiska arkeologin – historia och tolkningar. KVHAA. Stockholm. Björck, S., 1939.
Ölandsforskaren Abraham Ahlqvist. Några anteckningar till hans biografi. Kalmar nations skriftserie XVI.

A team of Chinese and American researchers working in Sweden tested DNA from 52
separate mummies, The Tarim mummies are a series of mummies discovered in the
Tarim Basin in present-day Xinjiang, China, which date from 1800 B.C. to 200 A.D. By
genetically mapping the mummies' origins, the researchers confirmed the theory that
these mummies were of West Eurasian descent. Red hair was also found among the
tartan-wearing Chärchän man, one of the Tarim mummies dating from 1000 BC.
According to the author they were an offshoot of Central European Celts responsible for
the presence of Haplogroup R1b among modern Uyghurs. The earlier, non-tartan-
wearing Tarim mummies from 2000 B.C. were DNA tested and identified as members of
haplogroup R1a, which did not have red hair, just like modern R1a-dominant


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Israelites were removed out of
the “sight of the Lord”, which is His
Holy Land. The “spoilers” to who
the Lord delivered the Israelites for
their sins were the nations
surrounding Israel. After being
taken captive by these
surrounding enemy nations, the
Israelites becam known as the
Khumri, Cimmerians and
Scythians, and other names.
Notice that these Scythians, like
the later Vikings, adorned
themselves with horned helmets!
Under these different names the
Israelites dispersed themselves
acrosse the whole earth and
carried the idolatrous worship
of Baal wherever they went!
There was, however, a peaceful multitide among these warrior Israelite-Scythian
mercenary nomads. They decided to escape from the Central Asian territories by way
of the Euphrates River to a distant and hidden country where they might begin to
worship the true God of their ancestors.

The journey of this peaceable portion of the warlike pagan “10 Lost Tribes of Israel” is
found in biblical account of 2 Esdras 13. The apocrypha (meaning “hidden” in Greek) is
a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible. These
apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also
contained maps and geneologies). The apocrypha were a part of the KJV for 274 years


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

until being removed in 1885 A.D. A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical
books by some entities, such as the Catholic church.

Martin Luther said, "Apocrypha--that is, books which are not regarded as equal to
the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read."

The early Church Fathers had a different Bible than we have today. Some of the New
Testament epistles were originally not approved as Canonical, among them the so-
called Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. Some of the Apocrypha which did not make it
as the Canon which the Synods established in the 380’s A.D The the books of the
prophet Ezra, 2nd Esdras tells of the exile of the 10 Tribes and their wandering to
“These are the ten tribes which in the days of King Hoshea were carried away... into
captivity, whom Shalmaneser, King of Assyria, made captives, and carried beyond the
river [Euphrates]; they were carried off to another country. But they formed this plan
among themselves, to leave the heathen population, and go to a more distant region,
where the human race had never lived, so that there perhaps they might keep their
statutes, which they had not kept in their own country... they went by the narrow
passage of the Euphrates River. For the Most High then did wonders for them, for He
held back the sources of the river until they had passed over... it was a long journey of a
year and a half to that country, and that country is called Arzareth...” (2nd Esdras 13:40-
47) (Arsareth in the Danish translation.) In the Hebrew, Arzareth (Arsareth) means
‘another land’. Sereth is also a tributary to the Danube in Romania.The Israelites
originally from the Northern Kingdom of Israel that remained in Central Asian territories
eventually migrated into all the Kingdoms of the Old World, from Far East Asia to
Western Europe and even deep into Sub-Saharan Africa, as shown on the map.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Many of these warlike Israelite-Scythians migrated further east beyond the Euphrates,
and there was a “peaceable” portion that travelled by ship on the Euphrates River into
the Persian Gulf. The book of 2 Esdras chapter 13 found in the Apocrypha records the
journey of the “peaceable multitude” of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, who became
known as the Scythians, into the Persian Gulf and into the Americas and
Caribbean (the New World), which was referred to as Arsareth. Why did the Christians
remove the references in the King James Bible to the New World from the Apocrypha in
1885 A.D.?

And whereas thou sawest that he gathered another peaceable multitude unto him;


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

40 Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in
the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and
he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land.

41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of
the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,

42 That they might there keep their statutes (Commandments), which they never kept in
their own land.

The Romans, after conquering the rest of the known world, were unable to subdue the
fierce and warlike Sythians. While the ‘Scythian Age’ only corresponded to the period
from the 7th century to 3rd century BC, the remarkable impression left behind by these
warrior people was evident from the historic designation most of the Eurasian steppes
as Scythia (or greater Scythia) even thousands of years after the rise and decline of the
nomadic group. Part of this legacy had to do with the incredible military campaigns

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

conducted by the Scythians from the very beginning of their entrance to the global
stage. According to Herodotus, they started off by defeating their nomadic brethren –
the Cimmerians, and then dealt with the Iranian Medes; all before 7th century BC. The
warlike nature of the Israelites, known as the Scythians (among many other bywords,
i.e. Parthians, Mongolians, Kara-Khitans, etc.), can be greatly attributed to their
worship of Baal. The descendants of the Northern Tribes of Israel began the worship
of Baal introduced during King Solomon’s reign and officially adopted it during the
subsequent reign of Jeroboam, and they never departed from it.

In the 7th century BC, the emergent Scythians audaciously went into war with the sole
superpower of the Mesopotamian region – Assyria. Now while Assyrian sources remain
silent regarding some of the presumed Scythian victories over them, it is known that one
Assyrian monarch Esarhaddon was so desperate to secure peace with these Eurasian
nomads that he even offered his daughter in marriage to the Scythian king Partatua.
This didn’t keep the Scythians from ravaging the coastal parts of the Middle East, until
they reached Palestine and even the borders of Ancient Egypt. Consequently, they
were bribed with rich tributes by the pharaoh – and on their returning route, some
remnants of the Scythian army allied with a Median force to finally lay siege to the
Assyrian capital of Nineveh in 612 BC, thus paving the way for the downfall of that
superpower. As for the effect on the populace of the Middle East, a biblical prophet
summed up the baleful nature of the ferocious ‘horse lords’ from the north (as
referenced in The Scythians 700–300 BC by E.V. Cernenko).

Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision,

Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. (Colossians 3:11).


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

It’s widely believed that Paul’s letter to the Colossians was written in 62 A.D., during
Paul’s imprisonment in Rome (around the same time he wrote his epistles to the
Ephesians and Philippians), so it is evident that the Scythians were still a force to be
reckoned with in the 1st Century A.D.

According to some scholars (including Indo-Europeanist Oswald Szemerényi), the very

etymological route of the term Scythian, and its other known ancient variants, like
Assyrian Aškuz and Greek Skuthēs, is derived from *skeud-, an ancient Indo-European
root meaning “propel, shoot”. The restored Scythian name is *Skuda which basically
entails an ‘archer’. From this linguistic clue, we can pretty much sum up the importance
of archery and bow in the Scythian society [Samkvæmt sumum fræðimönnum (þar á
meðal Indó-Evrópumaðurinn Oswald Szemerényi) er mjög siðferðisleg leið hugtaksins
Scythian og aðrar þekktar fornar afbrigði hans, eins og Assyrian Aškuz og gríska

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Skuthēs, afleiddur af skeud-, fornu Indó-Evrópu rót merkingu "skjóta". Þannig er
endurheimt Scythian nafnið Skuda sem í grundvallaratriðum felur í sér "skautahlaup".
Svo frá þessu tungumálahorni getum við nokkurn veginn tekið saman mikilvægi þess að
bogfimi og boga í Skýjafélaginu].

Compare: Að skjóta ör á íslenskum – to shoot an arrow in Icelandic.

Att skjuta en pil på svenska – to shoot an arrow in Swedish

From Old Norse skjóta, from Proto-Germanic *skeutaną, from Proto-Indo-European

The Old English poems Widsith and Beowulf, as well as works by later Scandinavian
writers, notably by Saxo Grammaticus about 1200 A.D., also provide some of the
original written references to the Danes. According to the 12th century author Sven
Aggesen, the mythical King Dan gave his name to the Danes. The Widsith mentions a
couple of semi-mythical kings in relation to the Danes of the Iron Age. Sigar who ruled
the sea-Danes and Offa who ruled both the Danes and the Angles. Centuries later,
Saxo lists for the first time the Danes entire lineage of semi-mythical kings, starting from
King Dan. As Saxo's texts are the first written accounts of Denmark's history, and hence
the Danes, his sources are largely surviving legends, folk lore and word of mouth.

From Beowulf:
Scyld was the founder of the dynasty to which Hrothgar, his father, and
grandfather belonged. He dies, and his body is put on a vessel, and set
adrift. He goes from Daneland just as he had come to it--in a bark. -1_4;
1_19; 1_27. Note: (A bark is from Middle French, barque = a sailing ship of three or
more masts having the foremasts rigged square and the aftermast rigged fore-and-aft).

According to Anglo-Saxon legends recounted in Widsith and other sources such as

Æthelweard (Chronicon), the earliest ancestor of Scyld was a culture-hero named
Sceaf, who was washed ashore as a child in an empty boat, bearing a sheaf of corn.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

This is said to have occurred on an island named Scani or Scandza (Scania).
According to William of Malmesbury (Gesta regum Anglorum) he was later chosen as
King of the Angles, reigning from Schleswig. His descendants became known as
Scefings, or more usually Scyldings (after Sceldwea). Snorri Sturluson adopted this
tradition in his Prologue to the Prose Edda, giving Old Norse forms for some of the

The Scyldings were the descendants of Scyld. They are also called Honor-Scyldings,
Victory-Scyldings, War-Scyldings, etc., as mentioned in Beowulf. Old English Scylding
(plural Scyldingas) and Old Norse Skjöldung (plural Skjöldungar), meaning in both
languages "People of Scyld/Skjöld" refers to members of a legendary royal family of
Danes, especially the kings. The name is explained in many texts, such as Friedrich
Christoph Dahlmann's 'Research on the Field of History' (German: Forschungen auf
dem Gebiete der Geschichte).

The Scylfings were the Swedish royal line to which Wiglaf belonged. The Ynglings were
the oldest known Scandinavian dynasty, originating from Sweden. It can refer to the
clans of the Scylfings (Old Norse Skilfingar), the semi-legendary royal Swedish clan
during the Age of Migrations, with kings such as Eadgils, Onela and Ohthere. When
Beowulf and Ynglingatal were composed sometime in the eighth to tenth centuries, the
respective scop and skald (poet) expected his audience to have a great deal of
background information about these kings. In Old English several kings who are
generally identified as Ynglings are called Scylfings.The genealogy is:


Ohthere Onela Healfdene's daughter

Eadgils Eanmund


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Ohthere (Ottar) also occurs as the father of Aedgils (Adils) in Ynglingatal. There Skilfing
(Skilfingr) appears as a synonym of Yngling, in a line on Egil, the father of Ottar, so that
Ongentheow is considered identical to Egil.

In the Old English poem Beowulf, the word Scylfing occurs twice in the singular and
twice in the plural. For alliterative purposes the name could be extended, such as the
form Heathoscylfing 'Battle-Scylfing', which occurs once in the singular and twice in the
plural. A Scylfing whose name is partly missing but ends in -ela married the sister of
Hrothgar and Halga. Specifically identified as Scylfings are Ongentheow, king of
Sweden, and by extension his subject Wiglaf son of Weohstan. Wiglaf and Weohstan
belonged to the family of the Wægmundings to which Beowulf and his father Ecgtheow
also belonged. Another extended form is helm Scylfinga. This literally means 'Scylfings'-
helmet'; it is a kenning meaning both "ruler of the Scylfings" and "protector of the
Scylfings". A kenning is a metaphorical compound phrase that replaces a single,
concrete noun. A kenning employs figurative language to represent the simpler concept,
such as using the phrase “battle-sweat” to refer to blood, “a wave traveler” for a boat, a
“storm of swords” for a battle, a "sea-steed," for a ship, and every kenning involves an
implied simile ("the sea is like a road for whales"). . Kennings are plentiful in Old Norse
and Old English poetry and prose.

The Beowulf poet uses it to refer to Ongentheow's son Onela. Ynglings also refers to
the Fairhair dynasty, descending from the kings of Oppland, Norway. According to
surviving early sources, such as Ynglingatal and Íslendingabók, these kings were
descended from the Swedish Scylfings of Uppland, Sweden. The House of Munsö, a
Swedish dynasty, also falls under the definition of Yngling. The earliest kings of this
dynasty that historians generally agree upon as historical figures are Eirik the Victorious
and Olof Skötkonung.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Swedish Scylfings of Uppland

Some early kings were likely mythical, whereas others may have been real. Egil, Ottar,
Ale and Adils are mentioned in several sources and are very likely to be real kings.
In the Scandinavian sources they are the descendants of Yngvi-Frey of Vanaheim.
Yngling means descendant of Frey, and in the Gesta Danorum of Saxo Grammaticus
they are called the sons of Frey. Several of these kings appear in Beowulf: Eadgils
(Adils), Onela (Ale), and Ohthere (Ottar Vendelkråka), but here they are called

Freyr (pronounced “FREY-ur;”

Old Norse Freyr, “Lord;”
sometimes anglicized as “Frey”)
is a god who belongs to the Vanir
tribe of deities. He’s also an
honorary member of the other
tribe of Norse gods, the Aesir,
having arrived in their fortress,
Asgard, as a hostage at the
closing of the Aesir-Vanir War.
Freyr was one of the most widely
and passionately venerated
divinities amongst the heathen
Norse and other Germanic
peoples. One Old Norse poem
calls him “the foremost of the
gods” and “hated by none.”

Depiction of “Freyr” by Johannes Gehrts (1901)


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Aesir were warlike gods who lived in total separation from the Vanir, the gods of
fertility. The Aesir lived in Asgard. The Vanir existed long before the first Aesir gods
appeared and lived in Vanaheim. Vanaheim is a variation of “home of the Danes”,
or the Biblical Tribe of Dan.
From the north of the Caucasus Mountains, those outside are inhabited across Sweden
(Svíþjóð), which is correctly called Tanais. It was formerly called Tanakvísl (Mouth of the
Don or Vanakvísl). It flows into the the Black Sea. At the Don River delta, it was called
Vanaland (Danland) or Vanaheimur (World of the Danes). The surviving sources on
Norse mythology and religion, as fragmentary as they are, contain explicit mention that
Vanaheim is located at the mouth of the Don river in modern Russia. Another clue
comes from the Lokasenna (“The Taunting of Loki “), one of the poems in the Poetic
Edda [The Poetic Edda. Lokasenna, stanza 35]. It states that the Vanir god Njord went
eastward when he went to Asgard as a hostage at the end of the Aesir-Vanir War.
[Snorri Sturluson. The Prose Edda. Gylfaginning 48]. Accordingly, Vanaheim lies
somewhere to the west of Asgard.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Aesir and Vanir did not always live in harmony. Their conflict is known from The
Prose Edda, “Voluspa” as well as from Snorri’s Edda, “Gylfaginning” and
(Snorri Sturluson. Ynglinga Saga 4-13. In Heimskringla: eða Sögur Noregs Konunga).

Snorri Sturluson hints at a less divine origin in Skáldskaparmál for this dynasty: One
war-king was named Skelfir; and his house is called the House of Skilfings: his kindred
is in the Eastern Land. In the 13th century, the official Swedish/Scandinavian term for
the modern-day Southern Finland was "Eastern Land", Österland, i.e. the eastern half of
Sweden at the time.

In the Ynglinga Saga in 1220 AD, Snorri Sturluson discusses marriages between
Swedish and Finnish royal
families. In 1220 AD (c.), in
the Skáldskaparmál section
of Edda, Sturluson discusses
King Halfdan the Old, Nór's
great-grandson, and nine of
his sons who are the
forefathers of various royal
lineages, including "Yngvi,
from whom the Ynglings are
descended". According to the
Orkneyinga Saga in 1230 AD,
Nór founded Norway. He was
a direct descendant of
Fornjótr, the King of "Gotland,
Kvenland and Finnland".
Many Scandinavian
historians name Halfdan the
Old as an ancestor to Rollo, the Viking conqueror who founded Normandy and took the

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

name Robert I (the first) after converting to Christianity. Rollo was William the
Conqueror's great-great-great-grandfather. In 876 A.D. he led the Viking fleet which
besieged Paris and attacked Bayeux and Évreux between 885 and 887 A.D. Some
historians maintain that Rollo visited Scotland and probably Ireland before he came to
France. In the reign of Charles II the Bald, Rollo sailed up the Seine River and took
Rouen, which he kept as a base of operations. He gained several victories over the
Franks and took over the province Normandy by extortion. By the famous treaty which
Charles the Bald and Rollo signed the latter agreed to adopt Christianity.

DNA studies will hopefully once and for all answer the question: Where did the mighty
Viking ruler Rollo come from? The identity of Viking ruler Rollo is of great historical
significance. Historians have not been able to determine whether Viking Rollo was from
Denmark or Norway. In 2016, French officials granted a Norwegian application to open
the tomb of Rollo’s grandson and great-grandson, Richard I of Normandy (also known
as Richard the Fearless) and Richard II, also called Richard the Good. Researchers


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

opened his tomb in the Fécamp monastery and discovered Richard the Good’s lower
jaw with eight teeth. DNA experts can not investigate the remains of Rollo, because his
sarcophagus in the Cathedral at Rouen is empty. However, teeth of a close relative are
considered excellent genetic material and the researchers are optimistic about finding
intact DNA.

The Norse–Gaels (Old Irish: Gall-Goídil; Irish: Gall-Ghaeil; Scottish Gaelic: Gall-
Ghàidheil, 'foreigner-Gaels') were of mixed Viking and Irish blood. These Sea Kings
sailed with the Phoenicians for thousands of years before they began their settlements
in Ireland. The history of Ireland from 800–1169 A.D. covers the period in the history of
Ireland from the first Viking raids to the Norman invasion. The first two centuries of this
period are characterised by Viking raids and the subsequent Norse settlements along
the coast. Viking ports were established at Dublin, Wexford, Waterford, Cork and
Limerick, which became the first large towns in Ireland.

Ragnar Lodbrok was one of the most popular Norse heroes among the Vikings. As a
legendary Viking commander who became a
scourge of England and France. Ragnar
Lodbrok’s life and adventures are described
in the Icelandic Sagas Ragnar’s Tale and
The Tale of Ragnar’s Sons. On 8 June 793
A.D., Vikings attacked the Christian
monastery of Lindisfarne on the English
coast. They landed their longships on the
shores of the Holy Island, stormed the
church, killed the monks, and left with all treasures their ships could hold. The brutality
displayed made them remembered and feared for many years. This date marks the
dramatic beginning of the history of the Viking empires and their role in British history. It
was the beginning of the Viking era and the many Viking raids of Ragnar Lodbrok.
Ragnar was born as the son of Sigurd Ring, who was king of both Sweden and
Denmark. Rangar himself claimed to be a direct descendant of the god Odin. He led

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

pirate raids into France many times. His most famous raid being the one he led on Paris
in 845 A.D. when he commanded over five thousand warriors in a fleet of a hundred and
twenty longships. The Vikings took the French capital, and only refrained from burning it
to the ground after King Charles the Bald paid them an enormous ransom of 7,000
pounds of silver to leave. When Ragnar Lodbrok and his warriors returned to Denmark,
they were wealthy and celebrated as heroes.

The Icelandic sagas and early English sources state that Ragnar was eventually
captured by the Anglo-Saxon Christian king Aella of Northumbria, who ordered him
executed by throwing him into a pit filled with poisonous snakes. Ragnar's death lead
eventually to the Vikings conquering the entire Danelaw. As part of the Treaty of
Wedmore, a boundary was drawn across England from London to the Mersey. South of
this line, the laws and customs would be those of the English, under the rule of the King
of Wessex.

According to French and Scandinavian myths Holger Danske was the son of Geoffrey
who was the first Christian king of Denmark during the 8th
Century. He was trained to become a great warrior from
early age. He was very tall, about 213 centimeters (7′).
Legends tell he possessed an enchanted sword that was
given to him by the fairy Morgana. His magical sword was a
great weapon that helped him become invincible. When
Muslims invaded Danish territory, Holger joined forces with
Charles Martel (c. 688 – 22 October 741 A.D.), the Duke
and Prince of the Franks. Together with Charles Martel he fought against the Muslims at
Poitiers in 732 A.D. At one point in his life he was captured and became a hostage of


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Petroglyphic Evidence and Old Norse
In his 1982 book, Bronze Age America, Barry Fell claimed that the Peterborough,
Ontario, Canada, stone symbols were grouped together to document the commercial
enterprise of the Bronze Age Nordic king, Woden-lithi. Fell’s partial translation of the
inscriptions read:

“Woden-lithi, of Ringerike, the great king, instructed that runes be engraved. A ship he
took. In-honor-of-Gungnir was its name … for ingot-copper of excellent quality came
the king by way of trial.” Both Kelley and Fell agreed that the script was left by
Scandinavian traders. Fell estimated the date of the petroglyphs to be around 1700
B.C., while Kelley’s estimate was 800 B.C. The temperature data seems to support
Kelley more than Fell, and Kelley’s reputation was firmly established, since he was
famous for his decipherment of ancient Mayan glyphs.
Local natives refer to the Peterborough petroglyph as the Teaching Rocks. According
to their legend, it is an entrance to the Spirit world, a place to communicate with spirits.
Freelance science journalist Patrick Huyghe stated the “Fell (was) well aware that many
of the inscriptions at the (Peterborough) site are the work of later Algonquin artists
attempting to imitate what the
Scandinavians had originally cut
into the limestone. But the
central Sungod and Moon
goddess figures and certain
astronomical signs are clearly
not Algonquin.” The article
“Petroglyphs Left in Canada by
Scandinavians 3,000 Years
Ago?” was originally published in
the Epoch Times.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Fell translated Ogam the scripts in North America and concluded that a Norseman
named Woden-lithi sailed across the Atlantic and entered the St. Lawrence River
seventeen centuries before the time of Christ. He then established a trading colony at
Petroglyphs Park, at Peterborough. Woden-lithi’s homeland was Norway, and his capital
was located west of the head of the Oslo Fjord, called Ringerike. Woden-lithi was a
world traveler!

The rock carvings indicated that Woden-lithi stayed in Canada for five months, from
April to September. He traded his cargo of woven material for copper ingots from the
local Algonquians. Woden-lithi called them Wal, a word which was cognate with Wales
and Welsh, which meant “foreigners.” Old English wealas means “strangers” or
“foreigners”, and was the term used by the Anglo-Saxons for British-speaking people.
This suggests that Woden-lithi had some knowledge of the Cornwall, Wales connection
in the trade route. Woden-
lithi left behind inscriptions
in the stone which recorded
his religious beliefs and a
standard for measuring
cloth and cordage.
Centuries later, Patricia
Sutherland discovered
similar Norse cordage and
metal working tools in
Canada on Baffin Island.
The ancient site, called Nanook, was first discovered in the 1960s by Dr Moreau
Maxwell of Michigan State University. Dr Maxwell identified it as a Dorset Paleo-Eskimo
site although he noted anomalies in the architectural remains and obtained a series of
radiocarbon dates ranging from 754 BC to 1367 A.D.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

According to Barry Fell, the Norse King Woden-lithi visited North America during the
Bronze Age and left behind an astronomical observatory for determining the Norse
calendar year, which begins in March, which was used for determining the dates of the
Yule and pagan Easter festivals. Apparently, directions of the compass and sailing
markers to return to Norway were also included. Barry Fell translated the Peterborough
Stone symbols as the description of the commercial copper-gathering enterprise of the
Bronze Age Nordic king, Woden-lithi. His kingdom was located north of the Oslo Fjord.
Fell’s inscription then reads: “Woden-lithi, of Ringerrike the great king, instructed that
runes be engraved. A ship he took. In-honor-of-Gungnir was its name…for ingot-copper
of excellent quality came the king by way of trial.” The king, Woden-lithi, describes in his
carving how long, during the Bronze Age (1700 B.C.) he remained in Peterborough,
near Ontario, in present-day Canada. A huge slab of rock, about the one-size of a
football field, was carved on by Woden-lithi, and many later generations of Algonquin

The petroglyphs were translated

by Barry Fell as follows: The
hieroglyph representing the hand,
is the numeral five. The other, a
hand and an arm, represents the
word mund, which in Old Norse
means hand. But mund is an
isophone (a punning word which
sounds like the Old Norse word for
manad, or month. In section 3, the
word for “king”, which is konungr in
Old Norse, is given
hieroglyphically. The complete
text is read in a clockwise direction
from 1 to 5. Woden-lithi left behind inscriptions in the stone which recorded his religious


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

beliefs and a standard for measuring cloth and cordage. Centuries later, Patricia
Sutherland discovered Norse cordage in Canada. According to Fell, Woden-lithi also
left behind an astronomical observatory for determining the Norse calendar year, which
begins in March, and used for determining the dates of the Yule and pagan Easter
festivals. Apparently, directions of the compass and sailing markers (cairns) to return to
Norway were also included. (Barry Fell. 1982. Bronze Age America).

Fell concluded that the Bronze Age Nordic king, Woden-lithi was NOT the first visitor to
the Americas from Europe. He discovered that the Ojibwa Algonquians already were
aware of the ancient Basque (Tifinagh) syllabary. Woden-lithi remained in Ontario for
five months and then sailed eastward to his kingdom of Ringeriki, near Oslo, Norway.
An Ojibwa scribe carved a short comment into the rock, using the ancient Basque script.
It was in a form of Algonquian which is still comprehensible today, despite the lapse of
centuries. David Kelley compared the Peterborough petroglyphs to those found in
Europe and North Africa. He discovered that proto-Tifinagh was used in Bronze Age
Scandinavia, Italy, and in North Africa. The Berber North African script of these
accomplished navigators and traders brought the Norse and Berbers together in a
single trade route running from the Niger River to Scandinavia, which the Norse then
linked to Canada, according to Kelley. The ocean currents during the Bronze Age forced
Phoenician vessels to drift far from their Mediterrean and Cornwall trading posts to
present-day North and South America, where they left numerous signs of their


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs



Proto-Norse (also called Proto-

Scandinavian, Old Scandinavian,
Ancient Nordic) was an Indo-
European language spoken in
Scandinavia which evolved from
Proto-Germanic over the first
centuries A.D. It is the earliest
North Germanic language and was
used on the Scandinavian Elder
Futhark inscriptions on weapons
and rune stones. It was spoken in
the 3rd to 7th Centuries (later Roman
Iron Age and the earlier Germanic
Iron Age. At the beginning of the
Viking Age it evolved into the
dialects of the Old Norse language.
The West Scandinavian languages
of Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian,
and the extinct Norn language of
the Orkney and Shetland Islands, are the modern descendants of the Old West Norse
dialect. Danish and Swedish are the descendants of the Old East Norse dialect.
Norwegian is also descended from Old West Norse, but it has been heavily influenced
by East Norse during the Denmark-Norway Union.
Icelandic and the closely related Faroese have changed the least from Old Norse in the
last thousand years. Faroese has been influenced by Danish rule of the islands, since
they are a county of Denmark. English dialects and Lowland Scots contain many Old
Norse loanwords, as does the Norman language. Other languages have been heavily

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

influenced by Norse, even though they are not closely related. These include Scottish
Gaelic, Waterford Irish Gaelic, Russian, Finnish, and Estonian. The words Rus and
Russia are thought to be the name of a Norse tribe. Kiev was also founded by
Norsemen. "You are as many a person as the languages you know." (Armenian

Germanic Language Subgroups

Proto-Germanic Historical Languages

North: Proto-Norse, Old Norse, Old Swedish, Old Gutnish, Norn, Greenlandic Norse,
Old Norwegian

East: Gothic, Crimean Gothic, Vandalic, Burgundian

West: Old Saxon, Middle Low German, Old High German, Middle High German, Old
Frankish, Old Dutch, Middle Dutch, Old Frisian, Middle Frisian, Old English, Middle
English, Early Scots, Middle Scots, Lombardic, Yola


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Modern Languages: Afrikaans, Alemannic, Danish, Dutch, English, Faroese, German,
Gutnish, Icelandic, Limburgish, Low German, Luxembourgish, North Frisian, Norwegian,
Saterland Frisian, Scots, West Frisian, Yiddish

Runestone Sm10 located behind Växjö,

Sweden Cathedral. It reads:”Tyke – Tyke
Viking – erected this stone in memory of
Gunnar, Grim’s son. May God help his


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Codex runicus, a vellum
manuscript from c. 1300 A.D.
containing one of the oldest and
best-preserved texts of the
Scanian law (Skånske lov),
written entirely in runes. Scania,
or Skåne, is a southern province
of Sweden.

The Phoenicians were not Jews. “Their origin is probably Semitic though some
references trace them back to as far away as India about 10,000 B.C. They were the
dominant sea traders of the ancient Mediterranean, and they interacted with many
nations, including the Hebrews. Because they mixed with various cultures, the
Phoenicians took a smörgåsbord approach to the different beliefs. This could explain
how Phoenicians in America could later be mistaken for Jews. The Phoenician alphabet
was derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs. Most Phoenician words were made up of only
a small number of simple sounds. These sounds could be represented in with only 22
symbols, and various combinations of them. The Phoenicians only used symbols or
letters for the consonants, while their spoken language did use vowel sounds.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The modern Hebrew and Arabic alphabets were directly influenced by the Phoenician
alphabet, and still do not contain symbols for vowels. The Phoenician alphabet evolved
and was assimilated by many other cultures, as the Phoenician merchants spread their
trade routes from the Mediterranean as far as Cornwall, in the present-day United
Kingdom. Ancient Scandinavians and Phoenician traders met and exchanged precious
copper and tin resources during the Bronze Age and began to share a common
language or script for mercantile purposes.

The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet is a local variant of the Phoenician alphabetical script.

Another derivative script is the Aramaic alphabet (the language used by Jesus Christ),
which was the ancestor of the modern Arabic script. The Modern Hebrew script is also a
stylistic variant of the Aramaic script. The Greek alphabet (and by extension its
descendants, such as Latin, Cyrillic, Runic, and Coptic) was also derived from
Phoenician. The Viking alphabet based on runes (runer) was also derived from this
ancient Phoenician alphabet.

The Runes, one of our Nordic gems, was a Semitic character system from the Middle
East. This was shown by the linguist in Semitic languages, Dr. Phil. Kjell Aartun from
Oslo, Norway, who stated:

“Outside of (Central) Europe and the North, the Runic writing has of today been found in
two ancient oriental main cultures, namely the former Troy civilization in Asia Minor at
the Dardanneles, and in the ancient high culture in the area of Syria and Palestine, all of
which were more or less homogeneous.” (Kjell Aartun: Runer i kulturhistorisk
sammenheng, p. 13, 1994).

When the Runes first appeared in Troy and in the Syria-Palestine area, the Runes
were already a fully developed character system, which was meant to express an


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

eastern ancient language. It should be emphasized that the Runes from the Middle East
are identical with the older Rune characters in the North and in Central Europe.
Regarding the origin of the Runes, they have such striking similarities with Semitic
characters that the Runes cannot be derived from the Latin alphabet, but rather from

This was the conclusion of Jørgen Chr. Bang, from Odense University:
“There are available such historical account which render probable larger immigration
into Denmark app. the year 0 by a culture people from the Black Sea areas, as well
as of culture plants of Near Oriental origin. The Runes and Old Norse may have arrived
here with this people. ... I find it both interesting, and almost symbolic, that the rye, our
’national’ grain for daily bread, seems to have followed the same route as the Runes in
my hypothesis, namely from the Near Orient to Southern Russia and Middle Europe,
where it made a longer halt, only to reach us here in the Older Roman Age.” (Jørgen
Chr. Bang: Runernes herkomst og medbyrd. From Selskab for Nordisk Filologi:
Årsberetmng 1996-1997, p. 151)

In Blekinges äldsta runinskrifter - yttringar av nordvästsemitisk fruktbarhetskul

(Karlskrona, Sweden, 1998) and De Blekingska Runornas Hemligheter (Karlskrona,
Sweden, 2001), Örjan Svensson did reveal the close connection between many
Rune inscriptions and Old Hebrew, and the Old Norse and Semitic languages.
Svensson demonstrates how many Rune inscriptions give a new and astonishing
meaning when they are read from the right to the left, as in Hebrew, and not from the
left to the right, as in the Norse languages.

Sven Nilsson of Skåne had already concluded this in Skandinaviska Norden Ur-
Invånar [Sven Nilsson och Den Skandinaviska Nordens Ur-invånare, Nicklasson, Påvel,
Fornvännen 2011(106):3, s. [161]-178: ill.] in 1862, regarding the Kivik monument in the
province of Skåne, Southern Sweden. Few burial monuments in Scandinavia have been
as well studied as Bredarör on Kivik, a Bronze Age cairn, located half a mile north of


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Simrishamn on the southeastern coast of Skåne. Dated to roughly 1600 BC, and
perhaps earlier, the site measures 75 meters in diameter. It is the largest mound of its
type in Sweden. Systematically plundered for building materials in centuries past, a
central stone chamber was uncovered in 1748, containing a central stone-cist,
measuring 3.8 meters long by 1 meter wide, formed of upright stone slabs, the size of a
human grave.

While no definitive interpretation of these images can ever be made, their close
affiliation to other Bronze Age Rock Carvings (Swedish: hällristninger; Norwegian:
helleristningar) in the region has been well-documented and thus the Kivik Grave
petroglyphs should be viewed in the context of the large number of rock-art sites found
throughout Scandinavia dating from the late Bronze Age (1800-500 BC). The area

surrounding the tomb is home to many Bronze Age monuments. The Ängakåsen Grave
Field, featuring a "stone boat" lies about 300 meters away. From the grave field, a pre-
historic road once led to the sea. Other significant sites in the immediate region include:
Skelhøj on Jutland, Sagaholm in Northern Småland, and Mjeltehaugem from Giske in


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Of special interest to Danes is Svensson’s transcribtions of the Runes on the short
Golden Horn from Southern
Jutland. Svensson restored
the Runes from the Golden
Horn in their Hebrew-Aramaic
meaning and translated it into
modern Swedish.
Researchers have noted the
similarity between the Golden
Horns and the Old Testament
Shofar Horns, which were used by the Israelites, for instance at the Temple of King

The oldest Germanic language, called the Elder

Futhark, was already in use from the 2nd Century A.D.
From the Phoenician language, the Greek alphabet
(Euboean variant) evolved, which led to the
development of Old Italic, and then the Runic
alphabets. More recent Runic alphabet then
emerged, called the Younger Futhark, and expressed
in the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc.

How were the Phoenicians able to spread their

The Phoenicians initially limited their navigation within
the limits of the Mediterranean, the Propontis, and the
Euxine, the land- locked seas of Central Asia. These
did not have tides and were far less rough than the open ocean. Even before the time of
Solomon they had passed the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) and dared to sail in the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Atlantic. Their boats were frail and small vessels, hardly larger than modern fishing-
smacks. Eventually, they sailed and rowed southwards along the West African coast, as
far as the coasts of Gambia and Senegal, while northwards they travelled the coast of
Spain, risked the heavy seas of the Bay of Biscay, passed Cape Finisterre, and made it
to the mouth of the English Channel to the Cassiterides, a group of islands near
Cornwall, which contained rich resources of tin, essential to making the alloy with
copper, called bronze. This was the beginning of the Bronze Age.

From Cornwall, the scientifically documented ocean currents during the Bronze Age,
would have carried their vessels via the Canary Current and the North Equatorial
Current to the Gulf of Mexico and North America. Some skeptical scholars do not
accept the idea that Phoenicians, Canaanites, or Carthaginians discovered the
Americas first. Ronald H. Fritze, an American historian, says that although it was
technically possible for those people to reach the Americas, it probably never

“No archaeological evidence has yet been discovered to prove the contentions of Irwin,
Gordon, Bailey, Fell and others. Since even the fleeting Norse presence in Vinland left
definite archaeological remains at L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, it seems
logical that the allegedly more extensive Phoenician and Carthaginian presence would
have left similar evidence. The absence of such remains is strong circumstantial
evidence that the Phoenicians and Carthaginians never reached the Americas.”

Proto-Tifinagh was the language of the Phoenicians and was later used by Norse
merchants the ability to record their own language and interact with their Phoenician
partners. Proto-Norse also has the alternative names of Proto-Scandinavian, Primitive
Norse, Proto-Nordic, Ancient Nordic, Old Scandinavian, and Proto-North Germanic,
which sometimes makes linguistic research more difficult when studying the literature.
Did Bronze Age Scandinavians use the North African script? To answer this question,
David Kelley compared the Peterborough petroglyphs found in Canada to glyphs in


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Europe and North Africa. He discovered that Proto-Tifinagh was used in Bronze Age
Scandinavia, further south in Italy, and in North Africa. Dr. Robert Schoch, from Boston
University concluded that “Proto-Tifinagh gave the unlettered Norse the ability not only
to record their own language, but to produce records intelligible to their Mediterranean

trading partners.”
The Tifinagh language and culture are in revival today, among the
isolated Berber tribes in Libya, after years of brutal suppression by the assassinated
Libyan leader, Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi. Like the modern Icelandic
language, centuries of isolation have preserved the Old Norse variant. This now permits
Icelanders today to read the Icelandic sagas and rune scripts without great difficulty.

Proto-Norse was an Indo-European language spoken in Scandinavia in the first

centuries A.D.

It represents the first stage of a North Germanic language. It was the language seen in
the oldest Elder Futhark inscriptions used on rune stones and was spoken from the 3rd
to 7th Centuries (later Roman Iron Age, and the earlier Germanic Iron Age). The

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

dialects of the Old Norse language at the beginning of the Viking Age all evolved from
Old Norse. More than 7,000 rune stones were cataloged by Dr. Henrik Williams at the
University of Uppsala, Sweden, which attest to this ancient language.

An example of a rune stone message from the past is the Runic stone from Hönen. On
the estate of Hönen, in Ringerike, north of Oslo, Norway, a rune stone was found and
still could be seen there in 1823 A.D. The inscription was copied before the stone
disappeared. A drawing made in 1823 is now only known from a somewhat indistinct
copy; but from this “Sophus Bugge [1902] had attempted to make out the runic
inscription, and he reads it thus:

Ut ok vítt ok þurfa
þerru ok áts
Vínlandi á ísa
í úbygð at kómu;
auð má illt vega,
[at] döyi ár.”

In prose this verse may be translated as follows, according to Bugge, as follows:

“They came out [into the ocean] and over wide expanses (‘vîtt’) and needing (‘þurfa’)
cloth to dry themselves on (‘þerru’) and food (‘áts’), away” towards Wineland
(sometimes called Vinland, or Vinlandia), up into the ice in the uninhabited country. Evil
can take away luck, so that one dies early.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Among the artifacts recovered by the archaeologist in association with the unusual
architectural remains was a small stone vessel. Dr. Sutherland and her colleagues from
the Geological Survey of Canada-Ottawa and Peter H. Thompson Geological
Consulting Ltd. have now
discovered that the interior
of the vessel contains
fragments of bronze as well
as small spherules of glass.
The object, according to the
scientists, is a crucible for
melting bronze, likely to cast
it into small tools or
ornaments. Indigenous
peoples of northern North America did not practice high-temperature metalworking.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Norse visitations to North America also appear to go back several millennia—to the
Bronze Age--and probably had played a major part in an ancient international copper
trade. There have been about 5,000 ancient copper mines found around the Great
Lakes area (mostly near Lake Superior), which are believed by many ancient history
researchers to have been involved in this trade. These mining operations began
perhaps as early as the 5th millennium B.C. It’s estimated that a total of at least 20
million pounds of copper were removed from the area. Other estimates are that half a
billion pounds of copper were mined in tens of thousands of pits on Isle Royale and the
Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan by ancient miners over a period of a thousand years.
Carbon dating of wood timbers in the pits has dated the mining to start about 2450 BC
and to have ended abruptly at 1200 BC. No one knows where the Michigan copper
went. No developed cultures were in North America that used copper. In addition, the
copper is missing.

All the “ancient copper culture” tools that have been found could have been
manufactured from just one of the large boulders. A placard in London’s British
Museum Bronze Age axe exhibit says: “from about 2500 BC, the use of copper,
formerly limited to parts of Southern Europe, suddenly swept through the rest of the
Continent”. No one seems to know where the copper in Europe came from. Carbon
dating of the Ancient Mines of Lake Superior (Kitchi-Gummi) are much older than would
be expected. Ten such dates run from 2470 BC to 1050 BC. The carbon dates from
Isle Royale include the following:

Minong Site Copper Mine 2470 BC and 2450 BC.

Lookout Site Copper Mine 2460 BC.
Minong Site Copper Mine 1850 BC, 1510 BC, 1410 BC, 1370 BC, 1360 BC, and 1050
Siskiwit Site Copper Mine 1420 BC


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

These dates all coincide with the timeframes hypothesized by Barry Fell and David
Kelley for the sojourn of the Bronze Age Nordic king, Woden-lithi, from Ringerike,
Norway, and was chiseled into the Peterborough petroglyphs.

In recent years, multiple thousands of Old World artifacts have been found, such as
Roman pottery, ancient Welsh armor, Viking axes and swords, and Phoenician, Greek,
and Roman coins. Celtic Ogam, Norse Runic, Libyan Berber Tifinag, and Greek,
Hebrew, and ancient Basque petroglyph writings are continuing to be found all over
North America.

The big question is just who were these Celtic, Scandinavian, North African, and
Phoenician settlers to America a thousand years before Jesus and two and a half
millennia before Columbus? How does their language and alphabet relate to the later
Nordic Scandinavian peoples?

Ancient tribal traditions of Amerindians in the United States taught that their ancestors
crossed the great ocean to the east of America to reach North America. The Toltecs
lived peacefully in HueHue Tlapalan until they were invaded by a tribe of Israelites
migrating from the eastern land of Babel (Tower of Babel). Native-born Mexican scholar,
historian and Catholic priest, Fernado de Alva Ixtlilxochitl (1578-1650) documented the
first Israelites coming to North America after the division of Babel and the confusion of

“Wandering for 104 years and after crossing a large part of the world, they arrived in
‘Huehue Tlapallan’, meaning ‘Ancient Place of the Red’ or as the Indians called it ‘The
Old Red Land.’ Calling themselves Chichimecas, after their first king, they claimed to
have descended from the same forefathers and had come from the Occidental areas.”

Indian children were often confused by the conflict between tribal traditions and what
they were being taught in school, the much more recent belief of an alleged ancestry
stretching back across the Bering Strait to Asia. Was there also migration to North


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

America from Europe going from East to West? Linguistic and other scientific research
corroborates this conclusion. Indian legends tell the mining was done by fair-haired
“marine men”. Along with wooden tools, and stone hammers, a walrus-skin bag was
discovered. A huge copper boulder was found in the bottom of a deep pit raised up on
solid oak timbers, still preserved in the anaerobic conditions for more than 3,000 years.

Tell el-Kheleifeh, later called Ezion-geber, was the long-vanished seaport

city of King Solomon's day. North America, half a world away, was slowly recovering
from the effects of the glaciers. For untold ages the glaciers had covered much of this
continent. Shortly after the retreating glaciers had finished molding the landscape, a
race of seemingly intelligent people, whose origin remains unknown, migrated into the
Lake Superior region. These people discovered Michigan's copper, and after learning of
its strength and malleability, mined and used it to make ornaments, tools, and
armaments - this was the beginning of the Bronze Age.

Not until 1953, and again in 1955, when Professor Roy Drier headed the Michigan
Technological University expedition to Isle Royale, was the true age of the pits
reasonably well established. During these expeditions bits of carbon-charred wood
removed from the rubble at the bottom of two pits were carbon dated. The results
astonished the scientific world. It showed that the bottoms of these pits had been
worked at least 3,800 years ago, and obviously they must have been started many
years before that. This became the first definite indication that these mining pits and
their miners were truly prehistoric. The miners may have been mining Keweenaw
copper when Egyptian slaves were building pyramids. (Michigan’s Copper Country, Ellis
W. Courter Contribution to Michigan Geology 92 01).

These early miners were highly successful. Estimates, from the extent and size of the
pits left behind, are that upwards of 500 million pounds of copper were removed
during their sojourn. Considering their crude methods, this is a most remarkable feat.
To carry on a mining venture of such proportions must have required many people. To


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

support the miners a large amount of food and transportation was needed. It is thought
that most of the miners retired to Aztalan (near Madison, Wisconsin) and other locations
to the south at the onset of the hard winters on Lake Superior.

Sometime between 1000-900 B.C. the 'dark ages' between the Bronze Age and the
Classic Age began. Many cultures vanished without a trace, leaving cities abandoned.
Egypt went into steep decline and never recovered. And across the Atlantic, new
civilizations such as Maya and Aztec arose with tales of "White Men" who brought
technology to the natives. According to Lars Franzen (Swedish physicist at University of
Göteborg) and Thomas B. Larsson (archaeologist of University of Umea): During the
Plenard Period, also recognized by climatologists, show above average, sudden rainfall
around 1000 B.C. in the Irish Oak bogs, and the 'sudden' drop of world temps and the
population that dwindled to 1-10th of what it was a century before." They also locate the
focus of the Bronze Age catastrophe near Atlantis itself. "We even suggest that
relatively large asteroids or comets (c. 0.5 km diameter) hit somewhere near the
eastern Atlantic, possibly at the shelf of the Atlantic west coast of Africa/Europe. This
mainly affected the Mediterranean parts of Africa and Europe.

Imagine central North America nearly 2 billion years ago. A meteorite,10 miles in
diameter strikes the Earth near what is now Sudbury, Ontario. The large impact
crater is filled with magma containing nickel, copper, platinum, palladium, gold and other
metals. Because of these metal deposits, the Greater Sudbury area is one of the world's
major mining communities. The region is one of the world's largest supplier of nickel and
copper ores. The force of the collision vaporized the meteorite and much of the ground
near the impact site, forming crater more than 150 miles wide. Shock waves raced from
the impact, deforming the Earth’s crust around the crater’s edge, and causing
earthquakes that shatter the ground hundreds of miles away. (Minnesota’s Evidence of
an Ancient Meteorite Impact). Keweenaw Peninsula served later as home to a multi-
billion-dollar copper industry. The roots of mining here go back thousands of years
further. Copper was first mined in this area by an ancient vanished race between
5,000 and 1,200 B.C. Native people first discovered the nearly pure copper and silver

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

deposited in fissure veins within the local basalt matrix. The malleable copper was
easily shaped into valued tools. A placard in London’s British Museum Bronze Age axe
exhibit says: “from about 2500 BC, the use of copper, formerly limited to parts of
Southern Europe, suddenly swept through the rest of the Continent.”

Along the sparsely vegetated shores of Lake Superior and the inland lakes of the post-
glacial period, the ancients mined the red metal - some believe for about 10,000 years -
and it was traded in a huge area of North America and perhaps beyond. In 1991, a
copper “nugget” weighing about 20 tons, 19 feet long, more than 8 feet wide and
averaging 18 inches thick, was found on the shores of Lake Superior. The copper
boulder was pulled last summer from Lake Superior is now on display at the Quincy

"Anishinaabeg" is an alternate spelling of Anishinabeg, which is a name the Ojibway

and Algonquin people use for themselves in their own language. Another Anishinaabe
oral history considers the Abenaki as descendants of the Lenape (Delaware), thus
refers to them as "Grandfathers." The Anishnaabeg have an old story about a war
between the miners that were red haired fighting a black headed people over the
mining here in Upper Michigan and Isle Royale. The red-haired people prevailed.
These weren’t giants, but the Algonquins knew that their people came originally
from the Atlantic. They didn’t mean they just used to
live near the Atlantic, but that they came across it, for the
mining in the old days. The ancient mining in Michigan
appears to have ended overnight, as though they had left
for the day, and never came back.
The Newberry Tablet was discovered just north of
Newberry, Michigan in November 1896. It was
photographed, and the photo was sent to the
Smithsonian Institute. They stated they did not know what
it was. This is evidence of omitting historical evidence.
It has since been discovered that it is written in an

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

ancient script known as a Cypriot Minoan Syllabary. To find this ancient syllabary in
Michigan when it disappeared from the Mediterranean in about 500 BC is just like
finding a finger print of the Minoan Traders, or their Phoenician ancestors. The
“Cavern of Glyphs” on the Ohio River had images of clothed figures that “singularly
recall the dress of the Minoans, as seen on the frescoes at Knossos in Crete. A Minoan
pot has been unearthed in Louisiana. The Olmecs laid mosaic tiles at La Venta,
(Mexico) upon asphalt, the same technique used in Crete. The excavation of the
wealthy grave goods at Hallstatt show that traders brought Minoan pots as well as
copper/bronze pots to trade for salt. The ancient Proto-Canaanite and Phoenician
alphabets were the basis for later Greek, Latin, and Runic alphabets, and give
invaluable clues and a WINDOW TO THE PAST for modern researchers.

During this thousand-year period of mining, some of the miners must have explored the
continent to the west, as evidenced by strangely large skeletons in a lot of places, such
as the red-haired giants who came by boat to Lovelock Cave on Lake Lahontan
(Nevada), that were found in 1924. The Paiutes, a tribe of American Indians native to
parts of Nevada, Utah and Arizona, told the first "white people" the story of the battles of
their ancestors against a race of fierce giants, with pale white skin and red hair.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

According to the legends of the Paiute, these red-haired giants were as tall as 12 feet
and were cruel and evil, killing and eating the captured Paiutes as food. Thousands of
years later the mysterious caves where the giants took refugee were rediscovered and
excavated. After 13 years of excavations, archaeologists came across incredible
findings. Over 10,000 artifacts were recovered and among them, the mummified
remains of two giants, a female of 6.5 meters in height, a male of over 8 meters in
height. Could this be a part of history that has been overlooked by mainstream
scholars? Is it possible, as the evidence suggests, that giants lived on earth in the
distant past?

You’ll find Giants in the King James Bible, and within Genesis. Genesis 6:4 states that:
“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also, after that, when the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became
mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” KJB
“In those days, giants lived on the earth and afterward, when divine beings and human
daughters had sexual relations and gave birth to children. These were the ancient
heroes, famous men. CEB

There have been numerous places across the globe where "burial" sites have been
uncovered and giant skeletons excavated. Researchers point out that in the United
States, these mysterious giants have been found in Michigan, Illinois and Tennessee,
Arizona, and Nevada. There is “biological tracer” evidence for foot traffic back and forth
across the continent, more than three thousand years before the Lewis and Clark

Where could all this copper have gone? Native Americans almost never made use of
this metal, so it must have been shipped elsewhere. And there can be no better
assumption made than that it went to Bronze Age Europe, where this commodity was in
great demand.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

During King David and King Solomon's reign in Israel (1101 - 970 BC) King David was
at the height of his power. God did not allow David to build the Temple of Solomon, but
he was allowed to prepare for its construction. The project was financed through the
vast war booty and tribute payments that poured in from vassel nations. The
preparations and instructions to Solomon are recorded in I Chronicles 22: 1-16. These
ancient Lake Superior copper mines were worked to exhaustion during the reign of King
Solomon, meaning that they were producing during the time that David was stockpiling
copper ore "beyond calculation" for the CONSTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE IN
JERUSALEM! The Bible states that ancient Israel, under King David, was stockpiling
massive quantities of copper ore around 1,000 B.C. Sources also confirm that the
North American copper mines ran out of ore during the reign of Solomon. The
connection between the two is obvious: most of the ancient North American
copper ore was shipped to ancient Israel and used for the construction of the
Temple and later projects of Solomon. David's allies, the Canaanite Phoenicians,
were partners the New World copper trade and some of David's huge stockpile of
copper ore came from the Phoenician's North American trading routes.

Recent scientific literature previously concluded that the major source of the copper that
swept through the European Bronze Age after 2500 BC was unknown. However, these
studies claim that the 10 tons of copper oxhide ingots recovered from the late Bronze
Age (1300 BC) Uluburun shipwreck off the coast of Turkey was “extraordinarily pure”
(more than 99.5% pure), and that it was not the product of smelting from ore. The six
early studies reported by Griffin, all report native copper at 99.92% copper. Rapp and
others report that using trace element “fingerprints”, using mostly Lake Superior copper
samples, probable geographic/geologic source identification can be done. The work of
Hancock et al. showed again that native copper, including Michigan copper, showed
lower levels of tin, arsenic, gold, and especially cobalt, than “European copper”
manufactured artifacts. The temperature of a wood fire is 900°C, and with charcoal
above 1000°C, but forced air fires are hotter, and are required to reach the 1084°C
melting point of copper. A meteor moving through the vacuum of space typically


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

travels at speeds reaching tens of thousands of miles per hour. When the meteor hits
the atmosphere, the air in front of it compresses incredibly rapidly. When a gas is
compressed, its temperature rises. This causes the meteor to heat up so much that it
glows. The air burns the meteor until there is nothing left. Re-entry temperatures can
reach as high as 3,000 degrees F (1,650 degrees C) – certainly enough to burn off all
the impurities contained in the meteor for any remaining material
The Hauptman study concludes that “from a chemical point of view, the purity of the
ingots is extraordinary in comparison with other sorts of copper from Wadi Arabah (high
lead), from the Caucasus (high arsenic), from Oman (high arsenic and nickel). The
ingots are made of pure copper, and all the ingots show a homogeneous composition.
Only Michigan Copper is of this purity, and it is known to have been mined in
enormous quantities during the Bronze Age.

What did King David have to say about his copper/bronze?

1 Chronicles 22:14 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

14 “Now look: despite my difficulties, I have prepared for the house of Adonai 3,300 tons
of gold, 33,000 tons of silver, and so much bronze and iron that it can’t be weighed. I’ve
also prepared timber and stone, and you can add to it. (Adonai is the Hebrew word for

ICB “Solomon, I have worked hard getting many of the materials for building the
Temple of the Lord. I have supplied about seven and a half million pounds of gold. And I
have supplied about seventy-five million pounds of silver. I have supplied so much
bronze and iron it cannot be weighed. And I have supplied wood and stone. And you
may add to them.

Since the mining operations at these North American sites were taking place during the
reigns of David and Solomon, it is more than likely that part of this Lake Superior copper


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

was used to satisfy David's voracious appetite for raw copper for the Temple. The
biggest customers for copper and other raw materials in the world of the time were King
David and Israel and, later, King Solomon. These ancient Lake Superior copper mines
were worked to exhaustion during the reign of King Solomon, meaning that they were
producing during the time that David was stockpiling copper ore "beyond calculation"

The Bible states that ancient Israel, under King David, was stockpiling massive
quantities of copper ore around 1,000 B.C. Sources also confirm that the North
American copper mines ran out of ore during the reign of Solomon. The
connection between the two is obvious: most of the ancient North American copper ore
was shipped to ancient Israel and used for the construction of the Temple and later
projects of Solomon.



The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs


The X Haplogroup – The Genetic Link to our Ancient Atlantean Ancestors

Recent research in the Genome Project and other DNA studies have shown an X
marker gene that is in the Algonquian speaking people but not in Asia. This new marker
is however, found in the eastern Mediterranean, Spain and western Europe. This is
evidence of some contact from these areas thousands of years ago.
While mainstream science and academia are reluctant to accept the fact that other
civilizations existed prior to our modern civilization, their ideologies are failing with the
discovery of the Haplogroup X found in the mitochondrial DNA. In a 1997 DNA Study, a
rare mt DNA haplogroup X was found, linking, beyond question, the Mound Builders of
North America with the Guanches of the Canary Islands, the Basques of the Pyrenees,
Europe, primarily in parts of Spain, Bulgaria, Finland and Italy where two to four percent
of the population carried it. It was also identified in three percent of living Native
American Indians. However, the percentage of individuals among the Iroquois, the
haplogroup X was approximately a striking twenty-five percent! The X haplogroup
has also been identified in the Middle East and in 2001, it was again found in a tribe
living in the Altaic Mountains of the Gobi, known as the Altaics. All these areas are
where Cayce specifically stated Atlantean survivors fled to around 10,000 B.C.
(Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America by Gregory L. Little, PhD).

Edgar Cayce mentioned ancient America in 68 different readings. These readings

covered migrations to America, mound builders, the Norse, and other events. In Mound
Builders: Edgar Cayce’s Forgotten History of Ancient America (2001), his 68 readings
on ancient America were extensively analyzed. From these readings, 30 specific
statements were found which could be verified by scientific evidence. Of the 30
statements by Cayce, 23 (or 77%) of them have enough support to be considered
accurate. Another six statements are not yet supportable by evidence but could be
verified in the future. Only one statement appears to be wrong. Thus, of all of Cayce’s
seemingly impossible statements about ancient America, only 3% are definitely wrong.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Of the remainder, 77% have been supported by scientific research, and the 20% that
remain could be verified in the future. Several teams of genetics researchers at
prominent American universities have been conducting studies on the DNA of Native
Americans. Although results from early studies showed the expected Siberian-Asian
ancestry of most modern Native American tribes, things took an unexpected turn in
1997 when it was found that a small percentage of modern Native Americans have an
unusual type of DNA then known to exist only in a few locations in Europe and the
Middle East. Subsequent research indicated that the European DNA was not the result
of genetic mixing after Columbus, as the same DNA was found in the bone of an ancient
American burial, confirming that people carrying this unique DNA had entered America
in ancient times. This unique gene was also found in a small tribe living in the northern
Gobi Desert area. The DNA research initially seemed to promise solid proof of not only
where the ancient Americans came from, but also when they came.

How does this relate to the Norse?

The Scandinavians joined the European Bronze Age cultures late through trade and
Scandinavian sites present a rich and well-preserved legacy of bronze and gold objects.
These valuable metals were all imported, primarily from Central Europe, but they were
often crafted locally, and the craftsmanship and metallurgy of the Nordic Bronze Age
was of a high standard. The archaeological legacy also comprises locally of crafted
wool and wooden objects and there are many tumuli and rock carving sites from this
period, but no written language existed in the Nordic countries during the Bronze Age.
Their rock carvings have been dated through comparison with depicted artifacts, for
example bronze axes and swords. There are also numerous Nordic Stone Age rock
carvings, those of northern Scandinavia mostly portray elk.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Tanum UNESCO World Cultural Heritage area is in the province Bohuslän –
roughly the area of western Sweden between the city
Gothenburg and the Norwegian border. The rock
carvings in Bohuslän were mostly made during the
Bronze Age and early Iron Age – thus between 1700 BC
and 200 BC. Thousands of rock carvings from this
period depict ships, and the large stone burial
monuments known as stone ships, suggest that ships
and seafaring played an important role in the culture.
The depicted ships most likely represent sewn plank-
built canoes used for warfare, fishing and trade. These
ship types may have their origin as far back as the
neolithic period and they continue into the Pre-Roman Iron Age, as exemplified by the
Hjortspring boat in Denmark. 3,600-year old bronze axes and other tools made from
Cypriot copper have been found in the region. Schoch described “the Peterborough
stone, a major petroglyph site located about 100 miles northeast of Toronto, near the
town of Peterborough in Ontario.” He then described how the petroglyphs on this
stone “show a large ship (Hjortspring) drawn in a style common in Scandinavia.

Hjortspringbåden er Nordeuropas ældste plankebyggede fartøj. Båden er næsten 20 m lang. Det hurtige
og spændstige fartøj vejede 530 kilo og kunne bære 24 mand med våben og andet grej. Båden består af
en bundplanke og to brede planker i hver side, som er syet sammen med bast. Bådens ender er holdt
sammen af to stævnklodser. I begge ender er båden udstyret med to svungne forlængelser. Plankerne er
af lindetræ og padleårerne af navr. Hjortspringbåden vidner om skibsbyggeri med rødder tilbage i
bronzealderen. Danish National Museum (Nationalmuseet, Ny Vestergade 10 Prinsens Palæ, DK-1471
København K +45 3313 4411)

Schoch also noted a series of signs that the epigrapher Barry Fell identified as a Norse
inscription written in an alphabet from North Africa....” Schoch explained how this
inscription most closely matches a form of writing ancestral to the Libyan and Tifinagh

As “far back as the Stone Age there was communication by one way or another,
perhaps along the coast between Spain and the shore of the North Sea or the Baltic,

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

appears probable from the fact that amber beads have been found in the Iberian
Peninsula containing a per cent, of succinic acid, a proportion which is taken to indicate
its Northern (Baltic) origin.” (Nansen)

The Phoenicians were one of the most advanced sea-faring civilizations (circa 1500-500
B.C.). They were world renowned for their navigational and engineering skills. Some
historians believe that both the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians (the western “tribe”
based in modern day Tunisia) could sail across the Atlantic at will. The global warming
period from 1600 to 550 B.C. certainly facilitated this sailing, and scientific evidence of
the ocean currents in the Bronze Age would have caused their ships to drift towards the
New World. alphabets.

North Atlantic trade of the Phoenicians

Outside the Pillars of Hercules, the Phoenicians traded with barbaric nations mostly for
obtaining certain natural products, which were either peculiarly valuable or scarcely
obtainable elsewhere. Their trade with the Scilly Islands off the coast of Cornwall
(Cassiterides) was mainly for the procuring of tin. Of all the metals, tin is rarely found,
although Spain provided some in ancient times. It was only available in small quantities
and was essential to make bronze. There was an enormous demand for tin in all parts
of the Old World. Bronze was the metal universally employed for arms, tools,


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

implements, and utensils of all kinds. Tin is the most important, though not the largest,
component of bronze. From the time that the Phoenicians discovered the Scilly Islands--
the "Tin Islands" (Cassiterides), as they called them --it is probable that the tin of the
civilized world was almost wholly derived from these islands.
There is evidence of Bronze Age trade, and objects made of tin mined in central Europe
have been found. Tin was probably exchanged among the more powerful members of
Bronze Age society for other valuable items. Insufficient quantities of this essential
ingredient for the manufacture of bronze was available in the Mediterranean, and the
traders travelled up the Western European coastline as far as Cornwall to secure more
Joseph of Arimathea, the patron of the Lord Jesus Christ, who eventually
recovered the body of the Savior, was reportably active in this tin trade.

Sabine Baring-Gould recounted a Cornish story how "Joseph of Arimathea came in a

boat to Cornwall, and brought the child Jesus with him, and the latter taught him how to
extract the tin and purge it of its wolfram. This story possibly grew out of the fact that the
Jews under the Angevin kings farmed the tin of Cornwall." Henry Jenner, the old Chief
Bard of Cornwall wrote for the Benedictine Journal Pax in 1916 and described the metal
workers as "a very old fraternity", stating that "Joseph was in the tin trade.” Joseph
made his money as a tin merchant, and once brought "the child Christ and His Mother
and landed them at St Michael's Mount." In the Bible, Joseph of Arimatheia (i.e. from
that village, to distinguish him from other Josephs) was, in Matthew 27:57-8 and John
19:38-40, a rich "man of means." The Vulgate Bible gives him as nobilis decurio. A
decurion is a term often used for an official in charge of mines. In the Cornish tin-
miners folklore that there is a saying and song that "Joseph Was A Tin-Man and the
miners loved him well." The New Testament also says that Joseph claimed the body of
Christ from Pontius Pilate -- which implies legally he was a relative, usually given as an

Marcus 15:43 venit Joseph ab Arimathaea nobilis decurio, qui et ipse erat exspectans regnum
Dei, et audacter introivit ad Pilatum, et petiit corpus Jesu. (Mark 15:43 And there came Joseph of


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Arimathaea, an honorable counselor, who also himself was looking for the kingdom of God,
coming and taking courage, went in unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus). Biblia Sacra
Vulgata (VULGATE).

There is a tidal islet in Penzance Bay. Penzance, (Cornish: Pennsans) is a town, civil
parish and port in Cornwall, in England, United Kingdom. It is the most westerly major
town in Cornwall and is about 64 miles (103 km) west-southwest of Plymouth and 255
miles (410 km) west-southwest of London. Situated in the shelter of Mount's Bay, the
town faces south-east onto the English Channel, is bordered to the west by the fishing
port of Newlyn, to the north by the civil parish of Madron and to the east by the civil
parish of Ludgvan.

The tin-trade has long been associated with Phoenician traders coming to Britain to buy
raw ore, and Israelites and other Mediterranean peoples accompanied the voyages.
The Bournemouth vicar and writer Stuart Jackman in a 1984 magazine article refers to
"those Phoenician sea-gypsies who came on a tin-buying cruise to Cornwall with the
teenager Jesus as a cabin boy." In its most developed version, Joseph, the tin
merchant, visited Cornwall, accompanied by his nephew, the boy Jesus. C.C. Dobson
(1879–1960) made a case for the authenticity of the Glastonbury legend. The case was
argued more recently by Dr Gordon Strachan (1934–2010) and by Dennis Price. If
nothing else, the stories corroborate the Phoenician visits to Cornwall, which would
have put them into contact the Nordic Scandinavians and the copper traders.

“It is certain that the earliest notices of tin in literature mention it as coming from the
uttermost limits of Europe. In his lament over Tyre the prophet Ezekiel says: "Tarshish
was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all kinds of riches; with silver, iron, tin,
and lead, they traded in thy fairs.'' Herodotus said that it came from the Cassiterides.
Tarsis was the starting-point of the tin-trade with the Cassiterides. (Nansen).
Tarshish also occurs 24 times in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible and Tarshish
was said to have supplied vast quantities of important metals to Israel and Phoenicia.
The Septuagint, the Vulgate, and the Targum of Jonathan, render Tarshish as

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Carthage. Other biblical commentators as early as 1646 (Samuel Bochart) read it as
Tartessos in ancient Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula), near Huelva and Sevilla today.
The Jewish-Portuguese scholar, politician, statesman and financier Isaac Abarbanel
(A.D. 1437–1508) described Tarshish as “the city known in earlier times as Carthage
and today called Tunis." One possible identification for many centuries preceding the
French scholar Bochart (d. 1667), following the Roman historian Flavius Josephus (d.
100 A.D.), had been in the inland town of Tarsus in Cilicia (south-central Turkey). Some
19th-century commentators believed that Tarshish was Britain. Alfred John Dunkin
claimed "Tarshish demonstrated to be Britain" (1844), George Smith (1850), James
Wallis and David King's The British Millennial Harbinger (1861), John Algernon Clarke
(1862), and Jonathan Perkins Weethee of Ohio (1887). This idea stems from the fact
that Tarshish is recorded to have been a trader in Tin, Silver, Gold and Lead, which
were all mined in Cornwall.

American scholars William F. Albright

(1891-1971) and Frank Moore Cross
(1921-2012) suggested Tarshish was
Sardinia where the Nora Stone was
discovered, whose Phoenician inscription
Cross read
that it was
referring to
Tarshish as


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Even without comprehensive knowledge of the sailing techniques of Bronze Age
peoples, the fact seems inescapable that Bronze Age Europeans reached North
America. The Barry Fell from Harvard University hypothesized that the mild climate
during a global warming period allowed many visitors and settlers to arrive in America
many millennia prior to Columbus. The Nordic Bronze Age was initially characterized by
a warm climate that began with a climate change around 2700 BC. The climate was
comparable to that of present-day central Germany and northern France and permitted
a relatively dense population and good opportunities for farming; for example, grapes
were grown in Scandinavia at this time. A minor change in climate occurred between
850 BC and 760 BC, introducing a wetter, colder climate and a more radical climate
change began around 650 BC.
The climate would have been much less severe in the Bronze Age, while the attraction
of North America for Scandinavian skippers would have been much enhanced by the
availability of copper in metallic form. This was in an age when Europe was demanding
copper for bronze alloys on a larger scale than ever before or since.
At the Symposium on Viking/Norse and American Indian Cultural Integration (1000-
1500 A.D.) held in St. Louis
in 2015, evidence was
presented of thousands of
years of non-indigenous
visitors and settlers to
Americas. Especially in
North America, there was
evidence that explorers and
traders were searching for
more sources of copper
towards the end of the
Bronze Age. Paleography
has also revealed traces of a European based culture. The so-called Clovis points
(arrow and spear heads) were the most advanced projectiles ever made in American,


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

and originated in modern-day France, Portugal, and Spain). The North Atlantic had a
bridge of glaciers at least 13,000 years ago, which also facilitated migrations to
America. The Bronze Age navigators could take advantage of the westward-flowing
currents and westward-blowing winds of the polar regions. This made the natural
northern route to North America much easier to use than today, when polar ice intrudes,
and brutal weather conditions exist. These early Europeans also left lithic evidence
using Ogam inscriptions, and they spoke in a language that was related to Old Norse.
We explored these issues in the Viking/Norse/Amerindian Symposium and concluded
than many European explorers made it to North America.

The earliest cultural “insurgents” in North America were thought to be paleo-indigenous

people, originally from Siberia, perhaps from the Ket region. Since the discovery of the
Clovis points, there has been a radical change in who
we consider were the earliest non-indigenous settlers.
An East to West migration during the European
interstadial Glacial Age has proven that a European
based culture existed, prior to the Beringian origins of
the Clovis Hunters, who crossed the Bering straits from
Siberia. According to the now familiar story, mammal
hunters entered the continent some 12,000 years ago
via a land bridge that spanned the Bering Sea.
Distinctive stone tools belonging to the Clovis culture
established the presence of these early New World
people. But are the Clovis tools Asian in origin? Drawing from original archaeological
analysis, paleoclimatic research, and genetic studies, noted archaeologists Dennis J.
Stanford and Bruce A. Bradley challenge the old narrative. They counter traditional—
and often subjective—approaches to archaeological testing for historical validity. The
authors apply rigorous scholarship to a hypothesis that places the technological
antecedents of Clovis in Europe. They posit that the first Americans crossed the
Atlantic by boat and arrived earlier than previously thought. Supplying archaeological


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

and oceanographic evidence to support this assertion, their book Across Atlantic Ice:
The Origin of America's Clovis Culture, dismantles the old paradigm while persuasively
linking Clovis technology with the culture of the Solutrean people who occupied France
and Spain more than 20,000 years ago.

The Petroglyphs Park in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, contains a huge slab of

rock carvings, about one third the size of a football field. The visible area includes the
central sighting point of the AIN sun god figure, and part of the slope facing eastwards.
The larger elements were added later by Algonquin artists, but the finer Tifinagh letters
are not marked by crayon. Fell (1982) stated that the detailed plan can be found in
Joan M. & Romas K. Vastokasi’s book, Sacred Art of the Algonkians: A Study of the
Peterborough Petroglyphs.
English: Bronze Age horned helmets
from Brøns Mose at Viksø (Veksø) on
Zealand, Denmark. Now in the
Nationalmuseet (National Museum of
Denmark) in Copenhagen.

Español: Cascos con cuernos de la edad

de bronce, de Brøns Mose en Viksø
(Veksø) en Zealand. Ahora se
encuentran en el Nationalmuseet (Museo
Nacional de Dinamarca) en

Maybe those depictions of the horned helmets of the Vikings were not a fantasy of
Richard Wagner after all – they clearly resemble the Bronze Age helmets found at
Veksø in Denmark and the bronze helmets found at Grevensvaenge, Zealand,
Denmark, in 1779.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Fell concluded that the Bronze
Age Nordic king, Woden-lithi
was NOT the first visitor to the
Americas from Europe. He
discovered that the Ojibwa
Algonquians already were
aware of the ancient Basque
(Tifinagh) syllabary. Woden-lithi
remained in Ontario for five
months and then sailed
eastward to his kingdom of Ringeriki, near Oslo, Norway.
An Ojibwa scribe carved a short comment into the rock, using the ancient Basque script.
It was in a form of Algonquian which is still comprehensible today, despite the lapse of
centuries. David Kelley compared the Peterborough petroglyphs to those found in
Europe and North Africa. He discovered that proto-Tifinagh was used in Bronze Age
Scandinavia, Italy, and in North Africa. The Berber North African script of these
accomplished navigators and traders brought the Norse and Berbers together in a
single trade
route running
from the Niger
River to
which the
Norse then
linked to
according to
Kelley. The
ocean currents
during the Bronze Age forced Phoenician vessels to drift far from their Mediterrean and


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Cornwall trading posts to present-day North and South America, where they left
numerous signs of their presence.

Invasion from the Tower of Babel Israelites

Native-born Mexican scholar, historian and Catholic priest, Fernado de Alva Ixtlilxochitl
(1578-1650) documented the first Israelites coming to North America after the division
of Babel and the confusion of languages. The Tower of Babel, in biblical literature, was
structure built in the land of Shinar (Babylonia) some time after the Deluge. The story of
its construction, given in Genesis 11:1–9, appears to be an attempt to explain the
existence of diverse human languages. Some modern scholars have associated the
Tower of Babel with known structures, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to
the Mesopotamian god Marduk by Nabopolassar, the king of Babylonia circa 610 B.C.
The Great Ziggurat of Babylon was 91 metres (300 ft) in height. Alexander the Great
ordered it to be demolished circa 331 B.C. A Sumerian story with some similar
elements is told in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.
Native historian Fernando de Alva Cortés Ixtlilxóchitl (c. 1565–1648) describng the
ancient Toltecs, states that after men had multiplied following a great deluge, they
erected a tall zacuali or tower, to preserve themselves in the event of a second
deluge.The Toltecs were precursors to the Aztecs. Friar Juan de Torquemada found a
record which described them as industrious, orderly and intelligent. Toltec laws were
said to have been strict but justly enforced, and their most important priest-king was
Quetzalcoatl. The Toltecs lived peacefully in HueHue Tlapalan until they were invaded
by a tribe of Israelites migrating from the eastern land of Babel (Tower of Babel).
“Wandering for 104 years and after crossing a large part of the world, they arrived in
‘Huehue Tlapallan’, meaning ‘Ancient Place of the Red’ or as the Indians called it ‘The
Old Red Land.’ Calling themselves Chichimecas, after their first king, they claimed to
have descended from the same forefathers and had come from the Occidental areas.”

The Icelandic sagas tell the story of an Icelander, named Ari Marson, who was driven by
a storm westward in 982 A.D. According to the sagas, he reached a land where he

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

became “much respected”, but which he “could not get away from.” Nelin believed that
he might be the strange person named Quetzalcoatl, who is said to have appeared in
Mexico around 1000 A.D.

The Saga of Wotan

Gustavo Nelin believed that Vikings (Norse) were in Mexico during the 10th
Century. He believed that Mexico was visited by Northern Europeans over 1000 years
ago, and that there exists documentation and vestiges of these voyages, both in the old
world and in the Americas? There are current accounts of Viking longboat hulls being
found in Northern Baja California.
When the Spanish conquistadors and the Catholic fathers first arrived on the shores of
Mexico, and in South America, and when the English and French colonizers and
missionaries first penetrated Canada and United States, they received from the native
Indians tribes scattered in the western hemisphere several versions of a tradition of a
"Bearded God" who had in the distant past visited their ancestors, taught them their
culture, and mysteriously disappeared, but who would eventually return to them.
Although the traditions from the different Indian groups regarding the "Bearded God" do
not agree in every detail, these Indian traditions, from Canada to Chile, have a close
resemblance to one another. The Feathered Serpent God is one of the great mysteries
of many ancient cultures. He was called Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Viracocha by the
Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque, and
Zamna in Izamal. He and his ‘men’ were described as tall, bearded, with white skin in
some writings and as someone of stature with hair on the face and beautiful emerald
blue eyes in others.

Legends all seem to agree that Quetzalcoatl was tall and light-skinned, with blonde hair,
blue eyes, and a beard. His name translates to “plumed serpent”. Fray Juan
Torquemada, the Franciscan missioner, who collected traditions about Quetzalcoatl
from the natives of Old Mexico, says:


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

"Quetzalcoatl had blonde hair, and wore a black robe sewn with little crosses of red

The world famous explorer Thor Heyerdahl claimed that in ancient Incan legend there
was a sun-god named Con-Tici Viracocha who was the supreme head of the mythical
fair-skinned people in Peru. The original name for Viracocha was Kon-Tiki or Illa-Tiki,
which means Sun-Tiki or Fire-Tiki. Kon-Tiki was high priest and sun-king of these
legendary "white men" who left enormous ruins on the shores of Lake Titicaca.

The legend continues with the mysterious bearded white men being attacked by a chief
named Cari who came from the Coquimbo Valley. They had a battle on an island in

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Lake Titicaca, and the fair race was massacred. However, Kon-Tiki and his closest
companions managed to escape and later arrived on the Pacific coast. The legend ends
with Kon-Tiki and his companions disappearing westward out to sea.

A terracotta figurine in the Museo de las Culturas del Occidente in Colima has a Viking
helmet with two horns, like those worn by the great leaders in the Medieval times. It is a
coincidence that two cultures should have the same deity in the 10th century: the Mayas
and Toltecs worshipped Quetzalcoatl/Votan while the Vikings venerated Wotan.
"Quetzalcoatl" means "feathered serpent", and it is interesting that the visitors referred
to their ships as "flying serpents". Medieval Scandinavia was referred to as "Thule" by
the Vikings, and Greenland was "Ultima Thule". In Mexico, the Toltec capital was called
"Tula", wherein the god Votan was worshipped. According to one version of the
Quetzalcoatl legend, he was red-haired, cross-eyed, and remained cloistered in Tula.
Based on the Viking sagas compiled in the 14th century, Ari Marson, who was red-
headed and cross-eyed, was lost at sea on his way to Greenland around 980 A.D. and
was captured and worshipped as a god in a land six days' sail from Vinland--the Viking
colony near the modern city of Boston, U.S.A.

Quetzalcoatl (Votan) did not agree with human sacrifice, flagellated himself, carried a
staff and sang during processions. Was he a Christian, like Ari Marson? The
Magilbecchi Codex represents Quetzalcoatl (Votan) as a god of wind and storms, as
god of the east and the sea, wearing a cap with two bones. The leader of the visiting
Vikings was also from the east, from the sea, and wore a helmet with two horns.

Researcher Gustavo Nelin, with a master’s in chemical engineering, has been a teacher
at the U.A.E.M. for 25 years and an indefatigable writer and seeker of the world's
mysteries. He presented some of the information which should not be overlooked
regarding the contacts which took place in Mexico during the 10th century. The author's
findings have been confirmed by other researchers. DNA research of current and
ancient Mexicans might reveal the presence of Haplogroup X and Haplogroup I, which


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

further would corroborate Nelin’s studies. The DNA analysis would, however, be
complicated due to the arrival of Scandinavians much later in history. Danish scientist
Federico Miguel Liebman came across a small group of natives in Oaxaca that spoke
an archaic form of Danish in 1841. Through interviews with the oldest members of the
community, Liebman came to conclude that these individuals were the descendants of
Danish pirates that had been abandoned by their crew in the late 16th century and had
entered unions with native women. Swedes have been present in Mexico since at least
the 1890s. The National Archival Services of Norway has records of individual
Norwegians in Mexico in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Christopher Columbus did not discover America: The conquest of Mexico was
accomplished thanks to a legend, since Moctezuma II mistook the arrival of the
Spaniards with the return of the God Votan, giving the order not to slay the one who, by
right, was master of the Aztec Empire. (Gustavo Nelin)

Satellite archaeology
Satellite archaeology is an emerging field of archaeology that uses high resolution
satellites with thermal and infrared capabilities to locate potential sites of interest in the
earth around a meter or so in depth. This can be invaluable for the Canadian
researchers like Patricia Sutherland and Birgitta Wallace in locating additional Viking
and Norse settlements. The infrared light used by these satellites have longer
wavelengths than that of visible light and can penetrate the earth's surface. The images
can be processed by an archaeologist who specializes in satellite remote sensing to find
any subtle anomalies on the earth's surface. Cold War spy-satellite photos have tripled
the number of known archaeological sites across the Middle East, revealing thousands
of ancient cities, roads, canals, and other ruins. New England's woody hills and dales
revealed a secret—they weren't always forested. Many were once covered with colonial
roads and farmsteads. This "lost" New England of the colonial era has started to
emerge, thanks to archaeologists piercing the forests with the latest in high-tech
scanners, called light detection and ranging (LiDAR). LiDAR can show, with 1-meter
[3.2-foot] resolution, walls, roads, and other features and detect them under the trees.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Native Americans did not leave behind walls and foundations in New England. The
LIDAR scanners might even locate the Vinland and Norumbega settlements told about
in the Icelandic sagas someday. Archaeologist Jesse Casana, of the University of
Arkansas, detected ancient roads and canals with a list of roughly 4,500 known
archaeological sites across the Middle East. The spy-satellite images revealed another
10,000 sites that had previously been unknown. The largest sites, in Syria and Turkey,
are most likely Bronze Age cities, and include ruined walls and citadels. Two of them
cover more than 123 acres (50 hectares).

Landscape features such as soil, vegetation, geology, and man-made structures of

possible cultural interest have specific signatures which multi-spectral satellites help to
identify. The satellites can then make a 3D image of the area to show if there are any
man-made structures underneath the soil and vegetation that cannot be seen by the
naked eye. Commercially available satellites have a .4m-90m resolution that make it
possible to see most ancient sites and their associated features in such places as
Egypt, Perù and Mexico. Mark Lowenthal, a former intelligence official, president of the
Arlington-based Intelligence and Security Academy, commercial satellite imagery can
make out objects that are as small as 20 inches across and that military satellites are
about twice again as good, capable of resolution down to 10 inches. WorldView-3's
31cm resolution, makes it the highest resolution commercial satellite in the world.

It is a hope of archaeologists that in the next few decades resolutions will improve to the
point where they can zoom in on a single pottery shard buried beneath the earth's
surface. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, by Thomas Lillesand, Ralph W.
Kiefer, and Jonathan Chipman, discusses how useful satellite archaeology is in
supplementing traditional methods of archaeological discovery. Satellite archaeology is
a non-invasive method for mapping and monitoring potential archaeological sites in an
ever-changing world that faces issues such as urbanization, looting, and groundwater
pollution that could pose threats to such sites. Satellites in archaeology are mostly a tool
for broad scale survey and focused excavation. All archaeological projects need ground


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

work to augment and verify any potential findings. Ground work includes sifting through
the sands, metal detectors, working with local citizens who have a knowledge and
interest in their history and culture, a lot of digging, and the ability to classify and
interpret runes!

Archaeologists also unearthed a

10th century torshammere (Thor’s
Hammer) in Købelev, on the
Danish island of Lolland. A rune
writer confirmed that the amulets
depicts Thor's hammer
(illustration of hammer and runic
text, pictured) - a lasting symbol of Viking culture. The runes inscribed read 'Hmar x is’
means, ‘This is a Hammer'. The person who made the hammer was literate and is a
source of fascination for archaeologists. They probably never heard of the literary
genius, Snorre Sturlasson!


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs


Is there any evidence, besides the Vatican chronicles, that the Norse priest, Erik
Gnuppson aka Upse and Gnupson, made it as far as Mexico to the Mayans? Erik
Gnupsson or Eiríkr Gnúpsson, also known as Henricus (late 11th to early 12th
centuries), was born in Iceland. He became a clergyman and later was appointed the
Bishop of Greenland, residing at Garðar. He is considered as the first bishop of
America, appointed during Paschal II's reign, nearly four centuries before Columbus'
first voyage across the Atlantic, as Gnupsson was given the province of Greenland and
Vinland, the latter believed to refer to what is now Newfoundland.

A detail in the architecture of Hvalseyjarfjord (Whale Island Fjord) Church in Greenland

dates it to be built very close to the year 1300. It lies in the area which Erik the Red
gave the name Austurbygd (Østerbygden) when the Vikings settled in Greenland
approx. year 985. There are no traces of an older church beneath it, but despite this, it
may have had more humble predecessors. In the Saga Flatøbogen, which was written
approx. 1390 A.D. in Iceland, it states that the Hvalseyjarfjord Church is listed as
number 11 of the 12 churches in Østerbygden. The church is believed to have been
used up to the end of the 1400s).

The Church hosted the wedding of Thorstein Olafsson and Sigrid Björnsdóttir on either
14 or 16 September 1408. The wedding was mentioned in letters from a priest at
Garðar and by several Icelanders and is the last written record of the Greenlandic
Norse. The married couple later settled in Olafsson's native Iceland.
Jónsson identified in his writing Are (Ari), son of Mar and Kotla from Reykjaness, who
had not been heard of for a long time and who had become a chieftain in
Hvitramannaland (The White Men’s Land). According to the Landnámabók, Ari Marsson
discovered the land six days' sailing west of Ireland. This journey is thought to have
occurred around the year 983 A.D.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Vethild, Ovaegi, Avaldamon, and Valdida

Eirik the Red’s Saga mentions the names of the parents of two young boys captured by
the Norse in Markland and brought to Greenland where the boys learned to speak the
Norse language. The father is Ovaegi and the mother Vethild. The boys also tell the
Norse that they are ruled by two kings, Avaldamon and Valdida. These are the only
Aboriginal names recorded by the Norse. Scholars have tried but not succeeded in
figuring out to what linguistic family the names belong.

Höfðu þeir sunnanveður og hittu Markland og fundu Skrælingja fimm. Var einn
skeggjaður og tvær konur, börn tvö. Tóku þeir Karlsefni til sveinanna en hitt komst
undan og sukku í jörð niður. En sveinana höfðu þeir með sér og kenndu þeim mál og
voru skírðir. Þeir nefndu móður sína Vethildi og föður Óvægi. Þeir sögðu að konungar
stjórnuðu Skrælingjalandi. Hét annar þeirra Avaldamon en annar hét Valdidida. Þeir
kváðu þar engi hús og lágu menn í hellum eða holum. Þeir sögðu land þar öðrumegin
gagnvart sínu landi og gengu menn þar í hvítum klæðum og æptu hátt og báru stangir
og fóru með flíkur. Það ætla menn Hvítramannaland. Nú komu þeir til Grænlands og eru
með Eiríki rauða um veturinn [They had a summer wind and reached Markland and
found five Skrælings. There was one bearded and two women, two children. They took
Karlsefni to the boys, but the other got away and sank down into the earth (died). And
they brought with them the boys, teaching them their language, and were
baptized. They called their mother Vethildi and father Óvæg. They said that kings
ruled the land of the Skrælings. One of them was called Avaldamon and the other
was named Valdidida. They did not build houses there and the men lived in caves or
holes. They said, moreover, that there was a land on the other side over against their
land, and the people there were dressed in white garments, uttered loud cries,
bare long poles, and wore fringes. This was supposed to be Hvitramannaland
(Whiteman's Land). Then they came to Greenland and stayed with Eirik the Red during
the winter].


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

(Note: The name Avaldamon is a Norse baby name. In Norse the name Avaldamon
means “Name of a king”).

Gudleif Gudlaugson, about 1029 A.D.

In the Eyrbyggja it was told how Gudleif Gudlaugson and his crew visited the land,
where the inhabitants spoke Irish. These Irish wanted to kill the Norsemen or enslave
them. However, by the intervention of an Islander who lived with them they were saved.
They assumed that this man was Björn Asbrandsson, who was banned from Iceland
thirty years before.
Gudleif Gudlaugsson was the name of a great sailor and merchant; he owned a large
merchant vessel. In the last years of St. Olaf’s reign, he was on a trading voyage to
Dublin; “when he sailed westward from thence, he was making for Iceland. He sailed to
the west of Ireland, encountered there a strong north-east wind, and was driven far to
the west and south-west in the ocean,” until they finally came to a great land which was
unknown to them. They did not know the people there, “but thought rather that they
spoke Irish.”
Soon many hundred men collected about them, seized and bound them, and drove
them up into the country. They were brought to an assembly and sentence was to be
pronounced upon them. They understood that some wanted to kill them, while others
wanted to make slaves of them. While this was going on, a great band of men came on
horseback with a banner, and under it rode a big and stately man of great age, with
white hair, whom they guessed to be the chief, for all bowed before him. He sent for
them; when they came before him, he spoke to them in Norse and asked from what
country they came. When he heard that most of them were Icelanders, and that Gudleif
was from Borgarfjord, he asked about nearly even more important men of Borgarfjord
and Breidafjord, and particularly Snorre Gode, and Thurid of Fróðá, his sister, and most
of all after Kjartan, her son, who was now master there.
After this big man had discussed the matter at length with the men of the country, he
again spoke to the Icelanders and gave them leave to depart, but although the summer
was far gone, he advised them to get away as soon as possible, as the people there


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

were not to be relied upon. He would not tell them his name; for he did not wish his
kinsmen such a voyage thither as they would have had if he had not helped them; but
he was now so old that he might soon die. He said that there were men of more
influence than he in that country, who would show little mercy to foreigners. After this he
had the ship fitted out, and was himself present, until there came a favourable wind for
them to leave. When they parted, this man took a gold ring from his hand, gave it to
Gudleif, and with it a good sword, and said: “If it be thy lot to reach Iceland, thou shalt
bring this sword to Kjartan, master of Fróðá, and the ring to Thurid, his mother.”
When Gudleif asked him who he was to say was the sender of these costly gifts, he
answered: “Say he sent them who was more a friend of the mistress of Fróðá than of
the ‘gode’ of Helgafell, her brother....” Gudleif and his men put to sea and arrived in
Ireland late in the autumn, stayed that winter at Dublin, and sailed next summer to
Iceland [cf. Grönl. hist. Mind., i. pp. 769, ff.]. (Nansen)

“Ulf the Squinter, son of Hogni the White, occupied the whole of Reykianess (southwest
promontory of Iceland), between Thorskafiord and Hafrafell. He had a wife named
Biorg, the daughter of Eyvind the East-countryman. They had a son named Atili the
Red, who married Thorkotu, daughter of Hergil. They had a son named Ari, who was
driven by a tempest to Huitramannaland (White Man’s Land), which some call Irland it
Mikla (Great Ireland), which lies in the western ocean, near to Vinland the Good, west
from Ireland.” Ari was not permitted to leave but was baptized there. The location of
Huitramannaland appears to be the midland or the southern States of the Union.

Their son was Ari, who drifted to White Men's Land, which some people call Greater
Ireland. It lies in the ocean to westward, near Vineland the Good, said to be a six-day
sail west from Ireland. Ari couldn't get escape and was baptized there. This story was
first told by Hrafn Limerick-Farer who spent a long time at Limerick in Ireland. Thorkel
Gellisson quoted some Icelanders who had heard Earl Thorfinn of Orkney say that Ari
had been recognized in White Man's Land, and couldn't get away from there, but was
very highly regarded.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Björn Breidvikinge-kjæmpe here is the same as Are Mársson in the Landnáma, who
was also driven by storms to Hvítramanna-land, had to stay there all his life. According
to the report of Thorfinn earl of Orkney (circa 1064), Marsson had been recognised (by
travelers like Gudleif) and was highly honored there. This incident of the travelers
coming to an unknown island and there finding a man who has been absent a long
while also has parallels in many Irish legends.

It may be mentioned that Brandan, in the Navigatio, comes to the convent-island of

Alibius, with the twenty-four Irish monks of old days, and meets there the old white-
haired man who was prior of the convent and had been there for eighty years, but who
does not tell his name. Brandan asks leave to sail on, but this is not permitted until they
have celebrated Christmas there [Schröder, 1871, pp. 15, ff]. (Nansen)

Louis Mitchell, a Passamaquoddy Indian, who had been in the Legislature of

Maine, transcribed the encounter of an Indian shaman and a Christian priest in
the Indian saga "Kulóskap the master, and other Algonkin poems.” In the Wizard
and the Christian Priest, he stated:
“Askua U wigiidit ica kasimiQ zvwak, Sala ki aqua ni wijiganun kigam winno* (A priest of
God came to an Indian town, And settled there to teach the people truth. Which some
received, and others spurned with scorn. Some hostile Mohawks fell upon that town.
Killing the folk, all save the Priest and one).”

Later at the end of the Middle Ages (1066 – 1537), church and political leaders began to
wonder why the Norse settlements in Greenland were losing their population. There
were two settlements in Greenland, the Eastern (Austerbygd), and the Norther
(Vesterbygd). Astri Stromsted, in her book, Ancient pioneers: early connections


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

between Scandinavia and the New World (New
York, Friis, 1974), discussed the departure of
4,000 people who vanished from Greenland in
1346 A.D. Stromsted spoke a dialect related to
Old Norse, which she learned when her
parents sent her to a remote island for safety
during World War II and became aware of
Amerindian language root words like Old
Norse. She compiled a list of northeast North
American place names that had Norse roots.
She thought that “Massachusetts” meant “The
Land of Many Hills”, for example.

Bjorn Jónsson wrote in 1398 A.D., that south of

Greenland were settlements, deserts, unsettled
areas and snow-mountains, then Skraelings, then Markland, then Vinland the Good.
Next to it lies Albania, where Irishman and Icelanders debarked from. Great
Ireland (Old Norse: Írland hið mikla or Írland it mikla), also known as White Men's
Land (Hvítramannaland), and in Latin similarly as Hibernia Major and Albania, was
a land said by various Norsemen to be located near Vinland.

Original text in Landnámabók: "...þeirra son var Ari. Hann varð sæhafi til
Hvítramannalands; það kalla sumir Írland hið mikla; það liggur vestur í haf nær Vínlandi
hinu góða; það er kallað sex dægra sigling vestur frá Írlandi."
Original text in Landnámabók: "Svo kvað Þorkell Gellisson segja íslenska menn, þá er
heyrt höfðu frá segja Þorfinn (jarl) í Orkneyjum, að Ari hefði kenndur verið á
Hvítramannalandi og náði eigi brutt að fara, en var þar vel virður."
Original text in Saga of Erik the Red: "Þeir nefndu móður sína Vethildi ok föður Óvægi.
Þeir sögðu, at konungar stjórnuðu Skrælingum, ok hét annarr þeira Avaldamon, en
annarr Avaldidida. Þeir kváðu þar engin hús. Lágu menn þar í hellum eða holum. Þeir


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

sögðu þar liggja land öðrum megin gagnvart sínu landi, er þeir menn byggðu, er váru í
hvítum klæðum ok báru stangir fyrir sér, ok váru festar við flíkr ok æpðu hátt, ok ætla
menn, at þat hafi verit Hvítramannaland eða Írland it mikla. "

The legend of St. Brendan

These adventures were called the “Navigatio Brendani”, the Voyage or Wandering of St.
Brendan, but there is no historical proof of this journey. Brendan is said to have sailed in
search of a fabled Paradise with a company of monks, the number of which is variously
stated as from 18 to 150. After a long voyage of seven years they reached the “Terra
Repromissionis”, or Paradise, a most beautiful land with luxuriant vegetation.
The narrative offers a wide range for the interpretation of the geographical position of
this land and with it of the scene of the legend of St. Brendan. While many locations had
been speculated, in the early part of the nineteenth
century belief in the existence of the island was
completely abandoned. But soon a new theory arose,
maintained by those scholars who claim for the Irish the
glory of discovering America, namely, MacCarthy, Rafn,
Beamish, O’Hanlon, Beauvois, Gafarel, etc. They rest
this claim on the account of the Northmen who
found a region south of Vinland and the Chesapeake
Bay called “Hvitramamaland” (Land of the White
Men) or “Irland ed mikla” (Greater Ireland), and on
the tradition of the Shawano (Shawnee) Indians that
in earlier times Florida was inhabited by a white tribe which had iron implements.
The Shawnee traditionally considered the Lenape (or Delaware) of the East Coast
mid-Atlantic region, who were also Algonquian speaking, as their "grandfathers."
The Algonquian nations of present-day Canada regarded the US Shawnee as their
southernmost branch. Along the East Coast, the Algonquian-speaking tribes were
mostly located in coastal areas, from Quebec to the Carolinas.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Regarding Brendan himself the point is made that he could only have gained a
knowledge of foreign animals and plants, such as are described in the legend, by
visiting the western continent. The oldest account of the legend is in Latin, “Navigatio
Sancti Brendani”, and belongs to the tenth or eleventh century; the first French
translation dates from 1125; since the thirteenth century the legend has appeared in the
literatures of the Netherlands, Germany, and England. Hvítramanna-land was,
according to the Eyrbyggja Saga, a forbidden land where men were prohibited from
setting foot on the priestesses’ island, or again back to the Cassiterides, which was kept
secret to prevent people from reaching them.

Something similar, it may be added, is told of the rich, fertile island which the
Carthaginians discovered in the west of the ocean, and which, under pain of
death, they forbade others to visit [Aristotle, Mir. Auscult., c. 85; cf. also
Diodorus, v. 20]. Like the Phoenician copper traders, they jealously hid these lucrative
trade routes from competitors. In the late classical times there was a confusion
between the Cassiterides and the mythical isles in the west appears further from Pliny’s
saying [Hist. Nat., iv. 36]. The Cassiterides were also called “Fortunatæ,” and from
Dionysius Periegetes making tin, the product of the Cassiterides.

There is further a possibility that some of the conceptions attached to Hvítramanna-land

may relate to ancient Celtic tales which in antiquity were associated with the
Cassiterides (in Celtic Brittany). In any case there is a remarkable similarity between
the mention in Eric the Red’s Saga of men who went about in white clothes, carried
poles before them, and cried aloud. Strobo describe the men in the Cassiterides in
black cloaks with kirtles reaching to the feet, who wandered about with staves.

The Hauksbók states that the inhabitants of Hvítramannaland were Albani,

meaning people with white hair and skin. The full-grown Skræling was bearded
(“skeggjaðr”), which was not true of Eskimos or Indians. The holy Paulus


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[Schröder, 1871, p. 32] dwelt in a cave and was covered with snow-white hair and beard
(cf. the bearded Skræling), whom Brandan met on an island a little while before he
came to the Terra Repromissionis (cf. the circumstance that Markland lay a little to the
north of Wineland). Storm thought they might have told of a great country (Canada or
New Brunswick) with inhabitants in the west, which later became the Irish mythical land.
This would agree with Birgitta Wallace’s research in 2018.
Mowat calls these early voyagers and capitalists ''Albans,'' and says that they were

displaced by the fair-haired, pale-skinned Keltoi, who were ''ruled by a warrior caste''
and were ''slavers and sometimes headhunters.'' The Keltoi, of course, were the
Celts, and they drove the Albans out of England, after which the dispossessed Albans
began a migration across the North Atlantic, first arriving in Iceland (which Mowat says
the Albans knew as Tilli), then moving to Greenland (Crona) and finally to Canada,
where most of their boat-roofed houses have been found.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

When visiting Baku, Heyerdahl lectured at the Academy of Sciences about the history of
ancient Nordic Kings. He talked about an interesting
notation made by Snorri, a 13th-century historian,
which reads: "Odin (a Scandinavian god who was
one of the kings) came to the North with his
people from a country called Aser." [Snorri, The
Sagas of the Viking Kings of Norway. English
translation: J. Stenersens, Forlag, Oslo, 1987].
Further description of the geographic location of
Aser leaves no doubt that it resembles the region of
contemporary Azerbaijan-"east of the Caucasus
mountains and the Black Sea".

The Middle Eastern origin of the Nordic and

Germanic tribes is well documented by the Icelandic
historian Snorri Sturlasson (1178-1241 AD) in The
Chronicle of the Kings of Norway (c. 1225 AD).
Snorre Sturlasson was born around 1179 and killed by his son-in-law, Gissur
Thorvalsdon. He was a chieftain, politician, historian, author and skald. His most
famous works were Den yngre Eddan (1222-1223), Heimskringla, Egil Skallagrimssons
saga. Den yngre Eddan, also called Snorre-Eddan, and illustrated Oden, Hugin och
Munin, Heimdall, Sleipner, and other Nordic mythological characters on the title page.
The Younger Eddan was a handbook of skaldic poetry and a textbook in Nordic
mythology. He also wrote Heimskringla (The Circle of the World), written around 1230.
This book describes the kings of Norway until the year 1177. He is also said to have
written Egil Skallagrimsson's Saga. JRR Tolkien studied and was greatly influenced by
Sturlasson. Sturlasson wrote that they under the leadership of a priest-chief Odin had
trekked from regions south of the Caucasus mountains called “Turkland” via Gardarike
(Russia) to northern Europe:


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

“On the south side of the mountains which lie outside of all inhabited lands runs a river
through Swithiod, which is properly called by the name of Tanais, but was formerly
called Tanaquisl, or Vanaquisl, and which falls into the Black Sea. The country of the
people on the Vanaquisl was called Vanaland, or Vanaheim; and the river separates the
three parts of the world, of which the eastermost part is called Asia, and the westermost

Swithiod was the Scandinavian name for Scythia, which covered a vast area including
all of southern Russia, most of the Ukraine and most of Central Asia. Tanaïs was the
ancient name for the river Don. The Ynglinga Saga describes the migration path of the
Aesir and Vanir tribes from the Don River through Russia, Sachsen (Saxony), and
Jutland into Sweden.

The possible descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes. The supposed offspring of the Ten
Lost Tribes have included different ethnic groups living in Asia – Afghanistan,
Azerbaijan, Burma (Myanmar), Kurdistan, Kashmir, China, Japan; in various countries

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

and regions of West Africa – Mali, Ghana, Nigeria; in Southern Africa – Zimbabwe,
Lesotho, South Africa, Mozambique, in East Africa – Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea; in
Europe – the Celts of the British Isles; in Oceania – the native people of New Zealand;
in South America – Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela; and in North America, where
various native American nations as well as the Mormons were linked to the Ten Lost

The oldest Nordic sources, such as Snorre Sturlasson (1178-1241), report that the
Nordic and Germanic peoples originate from Turkey and areas south of the Caucasus
Mountains and the Caspian Sea. They then migrated after intense pressure from the
Romans and traveled to Northern Europe under the leadership of a priest-chief called
Odin. Thor Heyerdahl confirmed this in the Hunt for Odin (2002), where he asserted that
the Norwegians came from Azerbaijan.

Sturlasson continues:

“There goes a great mountain barrier from north-east to south-west, which divides the
Greater Swithiod from other kingdoms. South of this mountain ridge it is not far to
Turkland, where Odin had great possessions. In those times the Roman chiefs went
wide around in the world, subduing to themselves all people; and on this account many
chiefs fled from their domains. But Odin having foreknowledge, and magic-sight, knew
that his posterity would come to settle and dwell in the northern half of the world. He
therefore set his brothers Ve and Vilje over Asgaard; and he himself, with all the gods
and a great many other people, wandered out, first westward to Gardarike, and then
south to Saxland. He had many sons; and after having subdued an extensive kingdom
in Saxland, he set his sons to rule the country. He himself went northwards to the sea,
and took up his abode in an island which is called Odin’s Island in Fyn.”

The first saga of the Heimskringla tells the mythological prehistory of the Norwegian
royal dynasty. It traces Odin, described as a mortal man, and his followers from the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

East, from Asaland and Asgard, its chief city, to their settlement in Scandinavia.
According to Snorri, this was in east-central Sweden. Odin was the first King of
Scandinavia (70 B.C.), and came from Asaland or Asaheim, east of Tanais. He
endeared himself to his Asiatic subjects and was successful in every combat. Odin was
the son of Fridulf, supreme ruler of the Scythians, in Asaland or Asaheim,
Turkestand, between the Euxine and Caspian Seas in Asia. He reigned at Asgard,
leaving in 70 B.C., and became the first king of Scandinavia. He died in 50 B.C. and
was succeeded by sons who ruled in various parts of Scandinavia.

Snorri Sturlasson and Peter Friderich Suhm did trace the ancestors of the Nordic and
Germanic tribes back to the Caucasus region and Turkey, but they did not trace them
any further than that. They did not trace them all the way back to the lost tribes of Israel.
But in 1723 the French Huguenot Dean Jacques Abbedie (1654-1727), who lived in
exile in Germany, the Netherlands and Britain, did so in the book La Triomphe de la
Providence et de la Religion. Abbadie traced the lost tribes of Israel to France. Abbadie
fled French Roman Catholic persecution and later settled in London, England. In his
important work, The Triumph Of Providence (1723) he wrote, "God opened, as one
might say, the tomb of the Ten Tribes by the conversion of the Northern
Peoples...Certainly, unless the Ten Tribes have flown into the air, or been plunged into
the center of the earth, we must look for them in the North, and in that part of the North,
which at the time of Constantine was converted to the Christian faith...The Ten Tribes
have since seen conversion into Christian nations, which they are, having thousands of
God-fearing ministers in their midst, a people marked by physical possession of the
Gospel as servants of God, and reunited with many of their brethren of Judah in the
Christian church. This explanation allows us to see the historical fulfillment of the
prophetic picture in the Gothic warriors, prepared for conquest, destined for empire, and
ancestors of the tribes who inhabit this nation [France]." There is also very good
evidence for the tribe of Reuben settling in France. In addition, he stated:


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

“Unless the Ten Tribes of Israel are flown into the air or sunk into the earth, they must
be those ten Gothic tribes that entered Europe in the fifth century, overthrew the Roman
Empire, and founded the ten nations of modern Europe.”
The first saga of the Heimskringla tells
the mythological prehistory of the
Norwegian royal dynasty.
It traces Odin, described as a mortal
man, and his followers from the
East, from Asaland and Asgard, its
chief city, to their settlement in
Scandinavia. Asgard is derived
from Old Norse āss, god and garðr,
enclosure; from Indo-
European roots ansu- spirit, demon
(see cognate ahura; also, asura)
and gher - grasp, enclose (see
cognates garden and yard), essentially
meaning "garden of gods" According to
Snorri, this was in east-central Sweden.
Odin was the first King of Scandinavia
(70 B.C.), and came from Asaland or Asaheim, east of Tanais.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Tanais (Greek: Τάναϊς Tánaïs; Russian: Танаис) was an ancient Greek city in the Don
river delta.

Snorri proposes the location of Asgard as Troy, the center of the earth. About it were 12
kingdoms and 12 chiefs. One of them, Múnón, married Priam's daughter, Tróán, and
had by her a son, Trór, pronounced Thor in Old Norse. His father, Odin, led a migration
to the northern lands, where they took wives and had many children, populating the
entire north with Aesir. One of the sons of Odin was Yngvi, founder of the Ynglingar, an
early royal family of Sweden. These accounts were written 200 years after the
Christianization of Iceland.
[Lindow, John (2002). Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs. Oxford/New
York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-515382-0.]

The Prose Edda presents two views regarding Asgard.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

In the Prologue Snorri offers a
euhemerized and Christian-
influenced interpretation of the
myths and tales of his
forefathers. Asgard, he
conjectures, is the home of the
Æsir (singular Ás) in As-ia,
making a folk etymological
connection between the three
"As-"; that is, the Æsir were
"men of Asia", not gods, who
moved from Asia to the north
and some of whom
intermarried with the peoples
already there. Snorri's
interpretation of the 13th
century foreshadows 20th-
century views of Indo-
European migration from the
east – compare with the
Haplogroup I DNA migration


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Danish man! Danish maid! and others who may read these lines!


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

”It goes with a people, just as with the individual man; none of them know their first
origin. The distant past is, like the future, shrouded in darkness. But man wants to know
what lies behind him, just as he questions what lies ahead of him.” (Adam Fabricius:
Illustreret Danmarkshistorie for Folket, 1853)

Who are we Danes? And what is it that makes us Danes?

Brøndsted, on the other hand, could inform us that around the year 0 and in the 3rd
century A.D. Denmark experienced two new immigrations. He wrote that:

“These pure long-heads show Nordic type, as it is called.” (Politikens Danmarkshistorie,

Volume 1, p. 495,1963)

But if the first Danes only arrived in Denmark in the first centuries after the birth of
Christ, the question is then: Where did they come from? That is: Where did we come
from? In his masterly works Suhm views it as a solid conclusion that it is:
“reasonable that out Fathers have come here through Russia, and the Eastern part of
Poland. Now, when they came to the present-day land of Livonia, they split in two great
great multitudes, of which the first went to the north, and from them our Fathers hail,
and the other went to the west, and became the Forefathers of many German
peoples...” (Peter Friderich Suhm: Historie af Danmark, 1. Tomé, 1782)

The Danish-Norwegian word os (Swedish oss, English us, old-English ós) means one of
the Aser. Because the old-English word ós is the singular form of Ése (old-English) and
Aesir (old-Norse) or Aser. In the monumental work Atland Eller Manheim by the great
Swedish historian Olof Rudbeck, the conclusion is the same: The Nordic peoples were
the Aser and Vaner from the East.

Suhm worked with a great number of sources but gave great credit to the earliest
written source of our Eastern origin: Snorre Sturlasson the Icelander. In the Ynglinge-
Saga in the Younger Edda (app. 1220 A.D.), Snorre wrote that he had “let write older


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

stories of chiefs, who had kingdoms in the Northlands and the Danish tongue.” With the
phrase ‘the Danish tongue’, Snorre the Icelander meant all the Norse peoples. Snorre’s
knowledge seems to have been common understanding in the ancient Norse lands,
because he writes that he has written the Ynglinge-Saga “after the accounts of
knowledgeable men,” who “had told me.” Edda means great grandmother, and it is also
the most distant origin of the Norsemen that Snorre began with: in the land of Svithjod.
The extent of the Roman Empire, ca. 125 A.D. is shown in the map below.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Odin conquered Sweden and settled in Uppsala. His son Skjold he set as king in Lejre,
and let him marry Gefion, the mother of Zealand. King Skjold is acknowledged as the
first king of Denmark.

Many only remembered Odin as a godly being from the mythology, but originally, he
was a mortal man. Another writer of old who wrote of the historical Odin, was Saxo
Grammaticus, who in Danmarks Krønike wrote:


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

“At that time there was a man by the name of Odin, who all over Europe falsely was
seen as a god. For the most part, he dwelled in Upsal, whether this was so due to the
noted ignorance of the people there, or that he found a special pleasure in that beautiful
area. The kings in the Nordic lands, who were very keen on showing him honour as a
god, cast a golden image, adorned it even with heavy bangles and sent it down to him
in Byzans, as a witness of how high they in the fear of god honoured him.” (Saxo
Grammaticus: Danmarks Krønike, Book 1)

Odin was the first King of Scandinavia

“Odin was the first King of Scandinavia (70 B.C.), and came from Asaland or
Asaheim, east of Tanais. He endeared himself to his Asiatic subjects and was


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

successful in every combat. He was the son of Fridulf, supreme ruler of the Scythians,
in Asaland or Asaheim, Turkestand, between the Euxine and Caspian Seas in Asia.”

The ancient Greek city of Tanais was unique, by virtue of its remote location in the Don
river delta, in what is now the Rostov Oblast in modern-day Russia. And while it is
believed to be founded by Greek settlers in 3rd century BC, the settlement served a
strategic purpose by facing the equestrian nomadic hordes on the northern side of its
border. The Scythians (/ˈsɪθiən, -ˈsɪð-/; from Greek Σκύθης, Σκύθοι), also known as
Scyth, Saka, Sakae, Sai, Iskuzai, or Askuzai, were Eurasian nomads, probably mostly
using Eastern Iranian languages, who were mentioned by the literate peoples to their
south as inhabiting large areas of the western and central Eurasian Steppe from about
the 9th century BC up until the 4th century AD. The "classical Scythians" known to ancient
Greek historians, agreed to be mainly Iranian in origin, were in the northern Black Sea
and fore-Caucasus region - a junction where Greeks and steppe tribes traded and fought
many wars. However ironically, by 3rd century A.D., the settlement, despite its impressive


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

fortifications, was devastated and plundered by the mixed army of nomadic Sarmatians
and Germanic Goths.

The Sarmatians (Latin: Sarmatae, Sauromatae; Greek: Σαρμάται, Σαυρομάται) were a

large Iranian confederation that existed in classical antiquity. They flourished from about
the 5th century BC to the 4th century AD. Originating in the central parts of the Eurasian
Steppe, the Sarmatians started migrating westward around the 4th and 3rd centuries BC,
coming to dominate the closely related Scythians by 200 BC. At their greatest reported
extent, around 1st century AD, these tribes ranged from the Vistula River to the mouth of
the Danube and eastward to the Volga, bordering the shores of the Black and Caspian
seas as well as the Caucasus to the south. Their territory was known as Sarmatia to
Greco-Roman ethnographers, included the western part of greater Scythia (Central


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Ukraine, South-Eastern Ukraine, Southern Russia, Russian Volga and South-Ural
regions, also to a smaller extent north-eastern Balkans and around Moldova). The
Sarmatians were part of the Indo-Iranian steppe peoples, among whom were also
Scythians and Saka.

Hosea 9:17 King James Version (KJV)

Hosea 9:17 My God will cast them away, because they did not hearken unto him: and
they shall be wanderers among the nations.
Notice the migration path of the Daci (100 A.D.) and the Scythia – Swithoid (Greater
Sweden) migration path in the chart above. The ancient travel routes are today
corroborated by DNA analysis.

Bereshis 2:14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14 And the shem of the third nahar is Chiddekel (Tigris [see Daniel 10:4]): that is it which
goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth nahar is Euphrates.
Genesis 2:14 King James Version (KJV)
14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of
Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

Daniel 10:4 Orthodox Jewish Bible


4 And in the four and twentieth yom

of the chodesh harishon (first month),
as I was on the bank of the nahar
hagadol (the great river) which is the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Danaans moved forward to the south-east and founded the state of Aram with the
capital in Damascus. Only in 730 B.C., approximately, the descendants of the Danaans,
who had been deported from the territory of modern Lebanon by the Assyrian king Tiglath-
Pileser III, returned to the Aegean Sea region and caused a cultural and technological
“explosion” that would give birth to Ancient Greece. The migration of the Tribe of Dan
from the first half of the 12th Century B.C. to their return to the Aegean Sea coast is
illustrated here.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Other Scythian groups documented by Assyrian, Achaemenid and Chinese sources show
that they also existed in Central Asia, where they were referred to as the Iskuzai/Askuzai,
Saka (Old Persian: Sakā; New Persian/Pashto: ‫ ;ساکا‬Sanskrit: शक Śaka; Greek: Σάκαι;
Latin: Sacae), and Sai (Chinese: 塞; Old Chinese: *sˤək), respectively.[5]

The relationships between the peoples living in these widely separated regions remains
unclear, and the term is used in both a broad and narrow sense. The term "Scythian" is
used by modern scholars in an archaeological context for finds perceived to display
attributes of the wider "Scytho-Siberian" culture, usually without implying an ethnic or
linguistic connotation. These are also grouped together as "East Iranians." Archaeology

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

has established the connection “'between the Iranian-speaking Scythians, Sarmatians
and Saka and the earlier Timber-grave and Andronovo cultures.”

Like the Scythians, Sarmatians were of a Caucasoid appearance. Sarmatian noblemen

often reached 1.70–1.80 m (5 ft 7 in–5 ft 11 in) as measured from skeletons. They had
sturdy bones, long hair and beards. In the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD, the Greek
physician Galen declared that Sarmatians, Scythians and other northern peoples had
reddish hair and owe their name (Sarmatae) to it this characteristic. The Alans were a
group of Sarmatian tribes, according to the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus. He
wrote, "Nearly all the Alani are men of great stature and beauty, their hair is somewhat
yellow, their eyes are frighteningly fierce.”

In a genetic study conducted in 2014 by Gennady Afanasiev et al. on bone fragments

from ten Alanic burials on the Don River, DNA was extracted from seven of them. In 2015,
the Institute of Archaeology in Moscow conducted research on various Sarmato-Alan and
Saltovo-Mayaki culture Kurgan burials. In these analyses, the two Alan samples from the
4th to 6th century AD turned out to belong to yDNA haplogroups G2a-P15 and R1a-z94,
while two of the three Sarmatian samples from the 2nd to 3rd century AD were found to
belong to yDNA haplogroup J1-M267, while one belonged to R1a. Haplogroup R1a, or
haplogroup R-M420, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup which is distributed in
a large region in Eurasia, extending from Scandinavia and Central Europe to southern
Siberia and South Asia. Three Saltovo-Mayaki samples from the 8th to 9th century AD
turned out to have yDNA corresponding to haplogroups G, J2a-M410 and R1a-z94.

Haplogroup R1b (R-M343), also known as Hg1 and Eu18, is a human Y-chromosome
haplogroup. It is the most frequently occurring paternal lineage in Western Europe, as
well as some parts of Russia (e.g. the Bashkir minority) and Central Africa (e.g. Chad and
Cameroon). The clade is also present at lower frequencies throughout Eastern Europe,
Western Asia, as well as parts of North Africa and Central Asia. R1b also reaches high
frequencies in the Americas and Australasia, due largely to immigration from Western
Europe. There is an ongoing debate regarding the origins of R1b subclades found at

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

significant levels among some indigenous peoples of the Americas, such as speakers of
Algic languages in central Canada. Algic languages are a family of indigenous languages
of North America. The Algic family includes the Algonquian languages family as well as
the Wiyot and Yurok languages. All Algic languages still spoken are endangered or
vulnerable. There are 41 living Algic languages, with a total of about 138,000 speakers
as of May 2018.

We have previously established that DNA science can help us to identify the “Lost Tribe
of Dan.” The Haplogroup E1b1b has three common subclades: M78, M81, and M34.
M78 is found throughout North and Northeast Africa, as well as the Near East and Europe.
The M78 cluster is particular to Europe and it is highest in the Balkans. It enjoys
frequencies of about 23.8% among Greeks, with a frequency of about 47% in the
Peloponnese region of Greece, where the Tribe of Dan originated. The M78 cluster also
has a frequency of 46% among Albanians in Kosovo, and frequencies of about 20% in
some South Slavic populations (Serbs, Macedonians, Bulgarians). Among Jews both in
Europe and the Middle East, E1b1b is the second most common Y haplogroup after
haplogroup J. Cruciani suggests that the d cluster spread M78 throughout North and
Northeast Africa, the Near East and later Europe.

According to Brzezinski and Mielczarek, the Sarmatians were formed between the Don
River and the Ural Mountains. Pliny the Elder (23–79 AD) wrote that they ranged from
the Vistula River (in present-day Poland) to the Danube. In the 1st century AD, the
Sarmatians and their Germanic allies began encroaching upon the Roman Empire. In
the 3rd century AD, their dominance of the Pontic Steppe was broken by the Germanic
Goths. The Huns invaded in the 4th Century and many Sarmatians joined the Goths and
other Germanic tribes (Vandals) in the settlement of the Western Roman Empire. Since
large parts of Russia today, the land between the Ural Mountains and the Don River, were
controlled in the 5th century BC by the Sarmatians, the Volga–Don and Ural steppes are
also called sometimes "Sarmatian Motherland." Eventually, the Sarmatians were
decisively assimilated (e.g. Slavicisation) and absorbed by the Proto-Slavic population of
Eastern Europe.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Further evidence of the migration of the Scythians to Scandinavia can be found from the
horses they brought with them from Mongolia. Molecular biology research on the genetic
relations between horse breeds
in Norway was conducted
recently, and a doctoral thesis
on the subject was defended in
2001. The research dealt with
four Norwegian horse breeds,
the Dales, Fjord, Norwegian
trotter and the
Nordland/Lyngen. The research
also included two British
breeds, an English racehorse
and an English Standardbred
and finally, a Shetlands pony and a Mongolian horse. It should be noted that Norway
conquered and annexed the Shetlands in 800 AD. All place names on the islands are of
Nordic origin. It is likely that the Norwegians took farm stock to the islands. The
comparison showed that the Shetland pony and the Icelandic horse are closely related,
and both more related to the Nordland/Lyngen horse than to any breed in the study. The
breed most closely related to the three mentioned above was the Mongolian horse,
followed by the Fjord horse, the Norwegian trotter and the Dale pony. The British breeds
were more distantly related to the other breeds. The Icelandic breed has in some respects
adapted to its environment. Those individuals who were susceptible to hard winters or to
fluoride poisoning from volcanic eruptions were less likely to survive than those who could
stand such conditions.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

DNA Evidence of the migration of Scandinavians from Central Asia

“not only did human groups

migrate from Central Asia to
Scandinavia, but in addition
genetic evidence concludes that
the horses so important in
Scandinavian life also originated
in Mongolia and were brought to
Scandinavia at approximately the
same time as the proposed
migration of humans.”

One must use caution in inferring ancestory from DNA results, however. One company
promises to help individuals establish their "identity as a Native American" by testing for
Native American DNA. But what is "Native American DNA" and is it relevant to tribal
enrollment?" A paper by the Nevada-based Indigenous Peoples Council on
Biocolonialism (IPCB) explains why DNA is not a valid test of Native American identity:

Scientists have found … "markers" in human genes that they call Native American
markers because they believe all "original" Native Americans had these genetic traits …
On the mitochondrial DNA, there are a total of five different "haplotypes" … which are
increasingly called "Native American markers," and are believed to be a genetic
signature of the founding ancestors. As for the Y-chromosome, there are two primary
lineages or "haplogroups" that are seen in modern Native American groups. IPCB
points out that "Native American markers" are not found solely among Native
Americans. While they occur more frequently among Native Americans they are also
found in people in other parts of the world. A second problem with tying markers to

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Native American identity is that mitochondrial DNA and Y marker testing show only one
line of ancestry each. Therefore, Native American ancestors on other lines are invisible.

The traces of ancient migrations can be deduced by the linguistic clues left on rock
carvings and rune stones. When combined with DNA science, biblical writings, and
other scientific evidence, the roadmap of our ancestors begins to take shape.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Kingittorsuaq Island Runestone, Greenland, Middle Ages, c. 1300 A.D.

Erlingur Sigvaðs sonur og baarne Þorðarson og enriði ás son, laugardagin fyrir gakndag
hloðu varða thessa og ryðu...

English: Erlingur the son of Sigvaths and Baarne Thordars son and Enriði Ás son,
Washingday (Saturday) before Rogation Day, raised this mound and rode...

The Lebor Gabála, which was probably first written in the 11th century AD by Christian
monks, purports to be a history of Ireland and the Irish (the Gaels). It tells us that all
mankind is descended from Adam through the sons of Noah, and that a Scythian king
named Fénius Farsaid (descendant of Noah's son Japheth) is the forebear of the Gaels.
Fénius, a prince of Scythia, is described as one of 72 chieftains who built the Tower of
Babel. His son Nel weds Scota, daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh, and they have a son
named Goídel Glas. Goídel crafts the Goidelic (Gaelic) language from the original 72
languages that arose after the confusion of tongues. Goídel's offspring, the Goidels
(Gaels), leave Egypt at the same time as the Israelites (the Exodus) and settled in
Scythia, where the Tribe of Dan dwelled. In the Lebor Gabála Érenn, a medieval Irish
Christian pseudo-history, the Milesians (Irish: gairthear Mílidh Easpáinne) settled in
Ireland, which was later settled by the Norse Vikings. The Milesians were Gaels who
sailed to Ireland from Hispania, the same sailing route used by the Phoenicians. They
spent more than 400 years travelling the earth. When they landed in Ireland, they

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

confronted the Tuatha Dé Danann, who worshiped pagan gods. They are named after
the character Míl Espáine, which is the Irish form of the Latin Miles Hispaniae ("Soldier
of Hispania"). Scholars believe that the tale is mostly an invention of medieval Christian

Thomas Davis believed that the Milesians, the Scotic (or Scythian) race, gave Ireland
the name of Scotia Major. They reached the Irish coast, having sailed from the Baltic.
They were old Sea Kings. (The Sea Kings, Thomas Osborne Davis). There are strong
reasons for believing that these people came from the east, through Muscovy
(Moscow). They preferred the fish-filled bays and game-filled hills of Norway and
Sweden to the flat plains of Germany. Such is the tradition of the country and the
expressed opinion of all their writers. The analogy of their language to the Sanscrit, their
polygamy and their consumption of horse-flesh, all tend to prove that they were once an
equestrian tribe in Upper Asia, which supports the idea of their Scythian origins.

An unknown Arabic author (of the twelfth century) relates that the “Fortunate Isles”
werte located to the north of Cadiz, and that the northern Vikings (“Maǵûs”), who are
Christians, came from there. “The first of these islands is Britain, which lies in the midst
of the ocean, at a great distance to the north of Spain. Neither mountains nor rivers are
found there; its inhabitants are compelled to resort to rain-water both for drinking and for
watering the ground” [Fabricius, 1897, p. 157]. There is here a confusion of rumours of
islands in the north—of which Britain was the best known, whence the Vikings were
supposed to come—with Pliny’s Fortunate Isles: “Planaria” (without mountains) and
“Pluvialia” (where the inhabitants had only rain-water). The Orkneys should have been
intended, as suggested by R. Dozy [Recherches sur l’Espagne, ii. pp. 317, ff.] and Paul
Riant [Expéditions et Pèlerinages des Scandinaves en Terre Sainte, Paris, 1865, p.
236], which is improbable. We might equally well suppose it to be Ireland, which through
Norse sailors (“Ostmen”) and merchants had communication with the Spaniards from
the ninth till as late as the fourteenth century [cf. A. Bugge, 1900, pp. 1, f.]. The Arabic


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

name “Maǵûs” for the Norman Vikings comes from the Greek μάγος; (Magian, fire-
worshipper), and originally meant heathens in general. (Nansen)

Norse Words in the Russian Language

The Russian language was also influenced by the Nordic traders who traveled the
Dnieper and Volga Rivers all
the way down to
Constantinople and founded
the cities of Moscow and Kiev.
A Rus chieftain named Rurik
came and set up a kingdom in
Novgorod in the time around
860 A.D. Examples of the
Norse words left by the Varangians in Russian include the futhark carving in Istanbul /
Constantinople by Viking Halvdan in the Sofia Hagia Mosque:
Runic writing continued in use for epigraphic purposes and for general information
(several thousand inscriptions exist, from 11th-century Sweden, especially, and all the
way from Russia to Greenland). The study of ancient languages serves as a roadmap
for the migrations of Nordic populations. Coupled with DNA science, invaluable clues
as to the origins of ancient civilizations can be deduced.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The preservation of ancient languages is of
importance not only to the Älvdalen locals in
Sweden today, who risk losing their heritage,
but also the global community which benefits
from the wealth of historical information old
languages can provide. Language historian
Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandsgaard Hansen, co-
organizer of a linguistic conference in
Copenhagen University conference stated of
Älvdalian (Elfdalian):

“Elfdalian is a goldmine. It works almost like a linguistic deep freeze, where one
can get a glimpse of Old Norse traits that have long since vanished in the other
Nordic languages."

The Ramsund carving is not exactly a runestone as it is not carved into a stone, but into
a flat rock close to Ramsund, Eskilstuna Municipality, Södermanland, Sweden. It is
believed to have been carved around the year 1030 A.D. and is considered an
important piece of Norse art in the runestone style Pr1.

Old Norse transcription:

Sigriðr gærði bro þasi, moðiR Alriks, dottiR Orms, for salu HolmgæiRs, faður SigrøðaR,
boanda sins.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

English translation:

“Sigríðr, Alríkr’s mother, Ormr’s daughter, made this bridge for the soul of Holmgeirr,
father of Sigrøðr, her husbandman.”

Israelites in the Americas

There have been numerous events in Jewish history that resulted in Jews leaving the
Land of Israel and then being compelled to disperse throughout the world. The most
significant such events recorded in the Hebrew Bible that forced large numbers of
Jewish and pre-Judaic Israelite communities out of the Land of Israel include the fall of
the northern Kingdom of Israel in the 720s B.C. to the Assyrian Empire and the southern
Kingdom of Judah in 586 B.C. to the Babylonian Empire. There were other events and
periods when Israelites left the Land, either as individuals or in groups.

There are many Native American Indian customs that support their Hebrew origin.
Many of those customs and linguistic evidence were observed and recorded by the first
Europeans who had contact with various Indian tribes. The old customs of the American
Indian people included many rituals that were the same or partially differed, from the
equivalent Hebrew observances of the Mosaic Law. Many Indian tribes displayed some
customs or traditions that are Hebrew in character. Other 19th century supporters of the
link between the Ten Lost Tribes and Native Americans include E. Boudinot (1740-
1821), author of A Star in the West, or A humble attempt to discover the long lost ten
tribes of Israel, preparatory to their return to their beloved city, Jerusalem. (Trenton, NJ,
1816), Ethan Smith (1762-1849), author of View of the Hebrews (Poultney, VT, 1825),
Israel Worsley (1768-1836) whose View of the American Indians, Their General
Character, Customs, Language, Public Festivals, Religious Rites, and Traditions
Showing Them to Be Descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel was published in London
in 1828. Mordecai Manuel Noah (1785-1851), a Jewish American journalist, best
remembered today for his plan to establish Ararat, a Jewish state in North America, was
another follower of the theory linking the Ten Lost Tribes to the native nations of
America. Noah published his ideas in Discourse on The Evidences of the American
Indians being Descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel delivered before the Mercantile

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Library Association, Clinton Hall (New York, 1837). The supposed connection between
the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel and the Native American nations of North America gained
support during the 18th century with the increase of European exploration of the
continent. James Adair (1709-1783), a trader with the Indians who lived amongst them
for forty years was one of the earliest to believe in a connection between the Ten Lost
Tribes and the various Indian tribes of North America, a theory that he formulated in his
History of the American Indians (London, 1775). At the same period, this theory also
received the support by Charles Beaty, a missionary to the territories west of the
Allegheny Mountains, who detailed it in his Journal of a Two Months Tour with a View of
Promoting Religion among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, and of Introducing
Christianity among the Indians to the Westward of the Allegheny Mountains, (London,

Members of the Latter Day Saint movement believe that through baptism and receiving
the Gift of the Holy Ghost, they become "regathered" as Israelites, either as recovered
from the scattered tribes of Israel, or as Gentiles adopted and grafted into Israel, and
thus become part of the chosen people of God. These religious denominations derive
from a movement started by Joseph Smith. Almost half of all members live in the
United States. Mormons do not strictly believe that they are ethnic Jews, but rather that
the term Israelites can be used to refer to members of many different cultures, including
Jews. They believe that certain Old Testament passages are prophecies implying that
the tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) will take a prominent role in the spreading
of the gospel to all scattered Israelites in the last days, and that the tribe of Judah also
has a prominent role in the last days and during the Millennium.

Manasseh ben Israel (1604–57) used the legend of the lost tribes in pleading
successfully for admission of Jews into England during Oliver Cromwell’s regime.
Peoples who at various times were said to be descendants of the lost tribes include the
Nestorians, the Mormons, the Afghans, the Falashas of Ethiopia, the American Indians,
and the Japanese. In the 17th century, the myth of the Ten Lost Tribes became a central

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

theme of Sabbatean propaganda – Shabbetai Zvi; the false messiah is depicted as
commander of the Ten Tribes. Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (Arabic: ‫ المسيح الد ّجال‬Al-Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl,
"the false messiah, liar, the deceiver") is an evil figure in Islamic eschatology. He is to
appear, pretending to be al-Masih (i.e. the Messiah), before Yawm al-Qiyamah (the Day
of Resurrection). He is an anti-messianic figure, comparable to the Antichrist in
Christian eschatology and to Armilus in medieval Jewish eschatology.

At the same period, R. Manasseh ben Israel of Amsterdam (1604-1657) in his book
Mikve Israel (Hope of Israel, London, 1652) brings the testimony of the Portuguese
crypto-Jew, Aaron Levi (known as Antonio de Montezinos), who claimed to have
encountered during his travels to South America (Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela)
Indian tribes practicing some Jewish rituals and who allegedly were descendants of the
tribes of Reuben and Levi.

When Europeans first saw Native Americans more than 400 years ago, many were
convinced they had discovered the Lost Tribes of Israel. At closer look, the connections
are astounding. In the 19th century a connection with the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel was
made again by the believers of the Jesus Christ Church of the Latter-Day Saints.
Believing to be descendants of Israel, the Mormons identify themselves with all tribes of
Israel and while most are regarded as sons of Joseph through his son Ephraim, some
see themselves as belonging to other tribes of Israel.

Unmistakable traces of Jewish prayer echo in the voice of Joseph Riverwind, the
Amahura (war chief) of the Northern Arawak Nation, the indigenous peoples of South
America and Caribbean, as he sings, “Shema, shema, nayena, popaska hoya yah”. He
translated this ancient Native American song for Breaking Israel News:

“Listen, listen, people, as you gather together, we will dance before the creator.” This is
strongly reminiscent of the Jewish prayer, Shema, which literally means ‘hear’.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

These two worlds are embodied in Chief Riverwind, a descendant of both Native
Americans and Bnei Anousim (Jews who hid their identity because of the Spanish
Inquisition). For him, the connection between Native Americans and Judaism is clear.
This transoceanic cultural connection goes against most scientific theories about the
origins of the Native Americans. Most anthropologists, but not all, theorize that the
Native Americans are descended from Siberian Mongolians who migrated to North
America via the Bering Strait, a 50-mile-wide gap that separates Alaska from Russia.
Chief Riverwind told Breaking Israel News that the Native Americans tell a very different

The Decalogue Stone with ten commandments written in Paleo-Hebrew, was found in
New Mexico.

“Some Anishnabi (Chippewa) believe they are from the Tribe of Ephraim,” according to
Chief Riverwind. “Anishnabi” is amazing similar to the Hebrew words, “Anshe Navi”
(people of the Prophet). “They lived on the coast, but their legends say that before that,
they came from across the great waters. We have cave-drawings of these ships that
are very similar to drawings of Phoenician ships in history books.” Many would be


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

surprised to learn that the Native Americans also have a messianic vision. Despite
being expressed in different terms, it is similar indeed to what Jews believe.

“First Nations have many prophecies that have been passed down for generations. We
know that in the long-ago time, the Creator destroyed the earth with water, and today,
we are living in the generations when the fires will come to purify the Earth,” (Chief

The Pitsfield Phylatery

The Pitsfield Phylatery buried in a field which had once been a Mohican settlement was
discovered in Pitsfield Massachusetts in 1815. The strap contained parchments with
Hebrew writing on it. It was taken to Professor Abiel Holmes, a scholar at Cambridge
University, who authenticated the scrolls as Hebrew. It seems likely that Joseph Smith
could have heard second or third-hand about the story of the Pittsfield phylactery as a
young boy. However, the broad outline of a story of a Hebrew inscription found in a hill
which proved the connection between the Indians and the ancient Hebrews closely
resembles the tale Joseph Smith spun about his golden tablets. If the Pittsfield
discovery was not a direct source of the Mormon legend, at the very least it contributed
to the contemporary mythology that caused other writers to concoct tales about ancient
historical manuscripts found in America.

Other inscriptions, also written in Paleo-Hebrew, have been discovered in the states of
Iowa, Ohio, and Tennessee, as well as in Brazil.

Other Indian Legends:

Indian legends, including that of the Yuchis, stated that their ancestors had migrated to
the area of Florida and Georgia from the region of the Bahamas. According to their
legends, the islands sank beneath the sea and they fled for their lives. Could the
Bahamas be the ancient Atlantis? Athanasius Kircher's map of Atlantis, locating it in the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

middle of the Atlantic Ocean, is from Mundus Subterraneus 1669, published in
Amsterdam. The map is oriented with south at the top. Plato's dialogues Timaeus
(written in 360 B.C.) and Critias are the only primary sources for the existence of
Atlantis - all other mentions of the island are based on them. His dialogues claim to
quote Solon, who visited Egypt between 590 and 580 B.C. They state that he translated
Egyptian records of Atlantis. Several hypotheses place the sunken island of Atlantis in
northern Europe, including Doggerland in the North Sea, and Sweden (by Olof Rudbeck
in Atland, 1672–1702). Doggerland, as well as the Viking Bergen Island, is thought to
have been flooded by a megatsunami following the Storegga slide of c. 6100 B.C.
Others have proposed the Celtic Shelf as a possible location, and that there is a link to

The Heimskringla Saga tells the mythological prehistory of the Norwegian royal

Snorre Sturlasson was born around 1179 and

killed by his son-in-law, Gissur Thorvalsdon. He
was a chieftain, politician, historian, author and
skald. His most famous works were Den yngre
Eddan (1222-1223), Heimskringla, Egil
Skallagrimssons saga. Den yngre Eddan, also called
Snorre-Eddan, illustrated Oden, Hugin och Munin,
Heimdall, Sleipner, and other Nordic mythological
characters on the title page. The Younger Eddan
(The Younger Eddan), is a handbook of skaldic
poetry and a textbook in Nordic mythology.
Sturlasson also wrote Heimskringla (The Circle of
the World) around 1230 A.D. This book describes the kings of Norway until the year
1177. He is also said to have written Egil Skallagrimsson's saga. JRR Tolkien studied
and was greatly influenced by Sturlasson.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The first saga tells the mythological
prehistory of the Norwegian royal
dynasty. It traces Odin, described as
a mortal man, and his followers from
the East, from Asaland and Asgard,
its chief city, to their settlement in
Scandinavia. According to Snorri, this
was in east-central Sweden. Odin was
the first King of Scandinavia (70
B.C.), and came from Asaland or
Asaheim, east of Tanais. He endeared
himself to his Asiatic subjects and was
successful in every combat. He was the
son of Fridulf, supreme ruler of the
Scythians, in Asaland or Asaheim,
Turkestand, between the Euxine and Caspian Seas in Asia. He reigned at Asgard,
leaving in 70 B.C., and became the first king of Scandinavia. He died in 50 B.C. and
was succeeded by sons who ruled in various parts of Scandinavia. The following sagas
are mostly devoted to Norwegian rulers. This first was Halfdan the Black and ends with
Magnus V of Norway. The saga describes the establishment of the kingdom of Norway.

Viking expeditions to various European countries, as far away as Palestine, are

chronicled in the saga of Sigurd the Crusader. A version of the Óláfs saga helga,
which is about the saint Olaf II of Norway, and his 15-year-long reign takes up about
one third of the entire work. Snorre Sturlesson’s Heimskringla was thought to be a
mythological prehistory of the Norwegian royal dynasty. Odin came with his followers
from the East, from Asaland and Asgard, east of Tanais. Odin was the first King of


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Scandinavia (70 B.C.), he was the son of Fridulf, supreme ruler of the Scythians, in
Asaland or Asaheim, Turkestand, between the Euxine and Caspian Seas in Asia.

Linguistic, Biblical and DNA research now supports much of Sturlesson’s

descriptions in the Heimskringla.

And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts.... Whose origin was from
Scythia, or Cathaia in Tartary, that lies to the north of China; and who will bring with him
many people from the Euxine and Caspian seas, and from the northern parts of lesser
Asia; and the Turk is, by many interpreters, thought to be the king of the north, in Daniel
… thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses; the Turkish armies
consisting chiefly of horse, as has been observed on Ezekiel 38:4, a great company,
and a mighty army; for quantity many, for quality strong and mighty. The Targum is,
"many armies, and much people;' the Turks usually have large armies; Ezekiel 38:4.

Ancient Scythians

They were called Skythians by the Greeks and Scythians by the Romans. These
Scythae were the barbarians belonging to the non-Greek and non-Roman empires.
They roamed north of the Black Sea, on the outer edge of the civilized world. The Bible
mentions them in Col 3:11. The country of the Scythae comprised a huge area in the
eastern half of Northern Europe, and in Western and Central Asia.

Col. 3:11 - Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision,
Barbarian, Scythian, bond [nor] free: but Christ [is] all, and in all.

Scythia (Σκυθιά, and Σκυθικὴ sc. γῆ) was the name the ancients called them at different
periods of history. Herodotus referred to Scythia as the southeastern parts of Europe,


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

between the Carpathian Mountains and the river Tanaïs (Don). The Greeks became
acquainted with this country through their settlements on the Euxine (Black Sea).
Herodotus thought the Scythians were of and part of the great Mongol race who
wandered over the steppes of Central Asia. Today, they are regarded to be of Aryan
descent by most researchers. Herodotus says further that they were driven out of their
abodes in Asia, north of the Araxes, by the Massagetae. From there, they migrated
into Europe, they drove out the Cimmerians. If this account is true, it must have some
connection with the invasion of the Cimmerians into Asia Minor. This was in the reign of
the Lydian king Ardys, around 640 B.C.

Scythian Kings
Scylas (ca. 500 BC) – Herodotus describes him as a Scythian whose mother was
Greek, he was expelled by his people
Octamasadas (ca. 450 BC) – was put on the throne after Scylas
Ateas (ca. 429–339 BC) – defeated by the Macedonians; his empire fell apart
Skilurus (ca. 125–110 BC) – died during a war against Mithridates VI of Pontus
Palacus (ca. 100 BC) – the last Scythian ruler, defeated by Mithridates
Fridulf, - supreme ruler of the Scythians, in Asaland or AsaHeim, Turkestand, between
the Euxine and Caspian Seas. Asgard is a historical, non-mythical place in Eastern
Europe that was inhabited by the (Gauthei, people of God) Goths, according to
some researchers. Fridulf and Odin descended from Fridulf.

After Odin, his firstborn heirs left Asgard "the place of the Goths/gods" in the east. They
moved to the Goth's new location in Sweden. His sons and grandchildren (heirs) had
almost entirely relocated. (as demonstrated below in the genealogy of Prince Stephen
Michael Nott). The Goths however continued to flourish in the East, and eventually to
conquer Rome in the 5th Century. From "House of Cnott"

The Firstborns were:

"King Flocwald (born 110AD in Asgard)


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

King Finn (born 160AD in Asgard)

Freothalaf (Fredulph) born 190AD in Asgard)

King Sigge (Odin) Fridulfsson (born 210AD in Asgard)

King Njord I of Sweden (born 228AD in Sweden)

Odin (Hervarar saga) [Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks (The Saga of Hervör and Heidrek) is
a legendary saga from the 13th century combining matter from several older sagas. It is
a valuable saga for several different reasons beside its literary qualities. It contains
traditions of wars between Goths and Huns, from the 4th century, and the last part is
used as a source for Swedish medieval history. Moreover, it was an important source of
inspiration for Tolkien when shaping his legends of Middle-earth. However, the saga
may be most appreciated for its memorable imagery, as seen in a quote from one of its
translators, Nora Kershaw Chadwick, on the invasion of the Horde:

Nú reið Ormarr aptr til borgarinnar, ok var þá Hervör albúin ok allr herr. Riðu þau nú út
af borginni með hernum móti Húnum, ok hófst þar allmikil orrosta. En með því at Húnar
hafa lið miklu meira, sneri mannfallinu í lið þeira Hervarar, ok um síðir fell Hervör ok
mikit lið umhverfis hana. En er Ormarr sá fall hennar, flýði hann ok allir þeir, er lífit þágu.
Ormarr reið dag ok nótt, sem mest mátti hann, á fund Angantýs konungs í Árheima.
Húnar taka nú at herja um landit víða ok brenna. [Then Ormar rode back to the fortress
and found Hervör and all her host armed and ready. They rode forthwith out of the fort
with all their host against the Huns, and a great battle began between them. But the
Hunnish host was far superior in numbers, so that Hervör's troops began to suffer heavy
losses; and in the end Hervör fell, and a great part of her army round about her. And
when Ormar saw her fall, he fled with all those who still survived. Ormar rode day and
night as fast as he could to King Angantyr in Arheimar. The Huns then proceeded to
ravage and burn throughout the land].

Sigrlami (Hervarar saga)


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Rollaugr (Hervarar saga)
Ráðbarðr (Sögubrot)
Hreggviðr (Göngu-Hrólfs saga)
Hálfdan Brönufostri (King of Svíþjóð hin kalda in Sörla saga sterka)[ Sweden the cold in
Sörla saga strong]

1. kafli
Gylfi konungur réð þar löndum er nú heitir Svíþjóð. Frá honum er það sagt að hann gaf
einni farandi konu að launum skemmtunar sinnar eitt plógsland í ríki sínu það er fjórir
öxn drægi upp dag og nótt. En sú kona var ein af ása ætt, hún er nefnd Gefjun. Hún tók
fjóra öxn norðan úr Jötunheimum, en það voru synir jötuns og hennar, og setti þá fyrir
plóg. En plógurinn gekk svo hart og djúpt að upp leysti landið, og drógu öxnirnir það
land út á hafið og vestur og námu staðar í sundi nokkru. Þar setti Gefjun landið og gaf
nafn og kallaði Selund. Og þar sem landið hafði upp gengið var þar eftir vatn. Það er nú
Lögurinn kallaður í Svíþjóð, og liggja svo víkur í Leginum sem nes í Selundi. Svo segir
Bragi skáld gamli [King Gylfi ruled where countries are now called Sweden. From him it
is said that he gave one traveling woman for his amusement one plow land in his
kingdom, which four oxen plowed day and night. But that woman was one of the
decendents of Asa, she is called Gefjun. She took four oxen north from Jotunheimar,
but these were the sons of the giant and her and set them before the plow. But the plow
went so hard and deeply up the land, and the oxen dragged it out to the sea and west
and stood swimming some time. There, Gefjun established the land and gave it the
name and called it Sealand. And there, where the land was plowed up, water was left. It
is now legally called Sweden, and so lies down in a promontory in Sealand. As Bragi,
the old poet said]:

Gefjun dró frá Gylfa, glöð djúpröðul óðla, svo að af rennirauknum, rauk, Danmarkar
auka; báru öxn og átta, ennitungl þar er gengu, yrir vineyjar víðri, valrauf, fjögur höfuð.

Ívarr inn víðfaðmi


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Ívarr inn víðfaðmi kom með her sinn í Svíaveldi, sem segir í konunga sögum, en Ingjaldr
konungr inn illráði hræddist her hans ok brenndi sik sjálfr inni með allri hirð sinni á þeim
bæ, er á Ræningi heitir. Ívarr inn víðfaðmi lagði þá undir sik allt Svíaveldi. Hann vann ok
Danaveldi ok Kúrland, Saxland ok Eistland ok öll austrríki allt til Garðaríkis. Hann réð ok
vestra Saxlandi ok vann hlut Englands; þat er kallat Norðumbraland [Invard came with
his army to Sweden in the wide-open fields, which is said in the Stories of the Kings, but
King Ingjald dreaded his army, and himself burned himself with all his court on that
farm, which is called the robber. Entering a wide-open field, they conquered all of
Sweden. He also ruled in the Danube Region and in Kyrgyzstan, Saxony and Estonia,
and all the states east of Garðaríki. He ruled western Saxony and won a part of
England; it is called Norway].

Ívarr lagði þá undir sik allt Danaveldi, ok síðan setti hann þar yfir Valdar konung ok gifti
honum Álfhildi, dóttur sína. Þeira sonr var Haraldr hilditönn ok Randvér, er fell í
Englandi. En Valdarr andaðist í Danmörk; tók þá Randvér Danaríki ok gerðist konungr
yfir. En Haraldr hilditönn lét gefa sér konungsnafn í Gautlandi, ok síðan lagði hann undir
sik öll framar nefnd ríki, er Ívarr konungr inn víðfaðmi hafði átt.
[Ivar Vithfathmi went with his army into the Swedish kingdom, as is told in the Sagas of
the Kings. And King Ingjald the Wicked was panic-stricken at the approach of his army
and burned the roof over himself and all his retinue at a place called Ræning. Ivar
Vithfathmi then conquered all Sweden. He also subdued Denmark and Kurland and the
land of the Saxons and Estonia, and all the eastern realms as far as Russia. He also
ruled the land of the Saxons in the West and conquered the part of England which was
called Northumbria.
Then he conquered all Denmark and set King Valdar over it, to whom he married his
daughter Alfhild. Their sons were Harold Hilditönn and Randver who afterwards fell in
England. And when Valdar died in Denmark, Randver got possession of the Danish
kingdom and made himself King over it. And King Harold Hilditönn got himself
proclaimed King of Gautland, and he afterwards conquered all the kingdoms already
mentioned, which King Ivar Vithfathmi had held].


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Vissavald (King from Garðaríki, Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar)

Return to Russia

Ninteen generations after Odin, his heir was King Radbard Skirasson, King of
Garderikke (Russia). He ruled from Kiev, the ancient headquarters of Russia. These
Kiev-Rus Gothic peoples flourished in Ukraine for ages. This is evidenced in the many
gothic places of power in Ukraine, including the golden gate of the Kings at Kiev
(Koenugard), Saint Andrew's hill of Kiev (the first apostle of Jesus visited and
prophesied there), etc. This Eastern home of the Goths proves all those so-called
"myths" of Scandinavia are really just good historical accounts of this great Russian
place of power.

Even the United States officially traces the ancestors of Presidents Washington and
Lincoln in their pedigrees to Asgard. (From a book in the Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C., written by Albert Welles, titled "Pedigree and history of the
Washington Family).

Asgard is a historical, non-mythical place in Eastern Europe that was inhabited by the
(Gauthei, people of God) Goths. From the Ancient Icelandic Annals "The Ynglinga Saga
or The Story of the Yngling Family from Odin to Halfdan the Black":
"The country east of the Tanaquisl in Asia was called Asaland, or Asaheim, and the
chief city in that land was called Asgaard. In that city was a chief called Odin, and it
was a great place for sacrifice. It was the custom there that twelve temple priests should
both direct the sacrifices, and also judge the people. They were called Diar, or Drotner,
and all the people served and obeyed them. Odin was a great and very far-travelled
warrior, who conquered many kingdoms, and so successful was he that in every battle
the victory was on his side. It was the belief of his people that victory belonged to him in
every battle. It was his custom when he sent his men into battle, or on any expedition,
that he first laid his hand upon their heads, and called down a blessing upon them; and
then they believed their undertaking would be successful. His people also were

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

accustomed, whenever they fell into danger by land or sea, to call upon his name; and
they thought that always they got comfort and aid by it, for where he was they thought
help was near. Often he went away so far that he passed many seasons on his

The Sarmatians remained dominant until the Gothic ascendancy in the Black Sea area,
Oium. Goths attacked Sarmatian tribes on the north of the Danube in Dacia, in what is
today Romania. Roman Emperor Constantine I called his son Constantine II up from
Gallia to run a campaign north of the Danube. In very cold weather, the Romans were
victorious, killing 100,000 Goths and capturing Ariaricus the son of the Goth king. In
their efforts to halt the Gothic expansion and replace it with their own on the north of
Lower Danube (present-day Romania), the Sarmatians armed their 'servants'
Limigantes. After the Roman victory, however, the local population revolted against their
Sarmatian masters, pushing them beyond the Roman border. Constantine, on whom
the Sarmatians had called for help, defeated Limigantes, and moved the Sarmatian
population back in. In the Roman provinces, Sarmatian combatants were enlisted in the
Roman army, whilst the rest of the population was distributed throughout Thrace,
Macedonia and Italy. The Origo Constantini mentions 300,000 refugees resulting from
this conflict. The emperor Constantine was subsequently attributed the title of
Sarmaticus Maximus.

In the 4th and 5th centuries, the Huns expanded and conquered both the Sarmatians
and the Germanic Tribes living between the Black Sea and the borders of the Roman
Empire. From bases in modern-day Hungary, the Huns ruled the entire former
Sarmatian territory. Their various constituents flourished under Hunnish rule, fought for
the Huns against a combination of Roman and Germanic troops in Worms on the Rhein
River in 426 A.D. They went their own ways after the Battle of Chalons, the death of
Attila and the appearance of the Chuvash ruling elements west of the Volga- current
Russian territory.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Sarmatians were eventually decisively assimilated (e.g. Slavicisation) and
absorbed by the Proto-Slavic population of Eastern Europe around the Early Medieval
Age. The Middle Ages (or Medieval period) lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It
began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and
the Age of Discovery. A related people to the Sarmatians known as the Alans survived
in the North Caucasus into the Early Middle Ages, ultimately giving rise to the modern
Ossetic ethnic group.

The Goths (Gothic: Gut-þiuda; Latin: Gothi) were an East Germanic people, two of
whose branches, the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, played an important role in the fall
of the Western Roman Empire through the long series of Gothic Wars and in the
emergence of Medieval Europe. The Goths dominated a vast area, which at its peak
under the Germanic king Ermanaric and his sub-king Athanaric possibly extended all
the way from the Danube to the Don, and from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea. In Old
Norse they were known as the Gutar or Gotar, in Latin as the Gothi, and in Greek as the
Γότθοι, Gótthoi.

The Goths spoke the Gothic language, one of the extinct East Germanic languages. It
was last spoken in Crimea in the 17th century by the Crimean Goths.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The earliest known material culture associated with the Goths on the southern coast of
the Baltic Sea is the Wielbark culture, centered on the modern region of Pomerania in
northern Poland. This culture replaced the local Oxhöft or Oksywie culture in the 1st
century AD, when a Scandinavian settlement developed in a buffer zone between the
Oksywie culture and the Przeworsk culture.

The maximum extent of territories ruled by Theodoric the Great in 523 A.D.

40,000 Goths were brought by Constantine to defend Constantinople in his later reign,
and the Palace Guard was mostly composed of Germanic peoples since foreign troops
were less likely to rebel so far from home and had less hesitation about using deadly
force on the native population.

The Gothic missionary

Wulfila devised the Gothic
alphabet to translate the
Wulfila Bible and converted
many of the Goths from
Germanic paganism to
Arian Christianity. Ulfilas
(c. 311–383), also known as
Ulphilas and Orphila, the
latinized forms of the Gothic
Wulfila, meaning "Little
Wolf", was a Goth of
Cappadocian Greek
descent who served as a
bishop and missionary. He
is credited with the
translation of the Bible into
the Gothic Bible and

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

participated in the Arian controversy. He developed the Gothic alphabet for the Bible to
be translated, except for Kings, due to the war narratives he feared would incite the
Goths. Although traditionally the translation of the Bible into the Gothic language has
been ascribed to Ulfilas, analysis of the Gothic text indicates the involvement of a team
of translators, possibly under the supervision of Ulfilas.

Wulfila is shown here explaining the Gospels to the Goths. Ulfilas converted many
among the Goths and preached an Arian Christianity.
This set them apart from their orthodox neighbors and
subjects when they reached the Western
Mediterranean. Ulfilas is thought to have consciously
chosen to avoid the use of the older Runic alphabet for
this purpose, as it was heavily connected with heathen
beliefs and customs. Most of the letters have been
taken over directly from the Greek alphabet, though a
few had been created or modified from Latin or Runic
letters to express unique phonological features of
The Greek-based script probably helped to integrate
the Gothic nation into the dominant Greco-Roman culture around the Black Sea.

The Arian controversy was a series of Christian theological disputes that arose between
Arius and Athanasius of Alexandria, two Christian theologians from Alexandria, Egypt.
The most important of these controversies concerned the relationship between God the
Father and God the Son. Der nur grobe Begriff arianischer Streit meint die
Auseinandersetzungen im vierten Jahrhundert, bei welchen es zwar auch um den
Arianismus ging, doch vielfach um weitere, vermeintlich 'arianische' Trinitätslehren und
die damit aufgeworfene Frage, ob der in Jesus Christus inkarnierte Logos göttlich,
gottähnlich oder anders als Gott, nämlich geschöpflich sei.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

In the 4th century, the Greuthungian king Ermanaric became the most powerful Gothic
ruler, coming to dominate a vast area of the Pontic Steppe which possibly stretched
from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea as far eastwards as the Ural Mountains.
Ermanaric's dominance of the Volga-Don trade routes made historian Gottfried
Schramm consider his realm as a forerunner of the Viking founded state of
Kievan Rus'. Ermanaric later committed suicide, and the Greuthungi fell under Hunnic

Kievan Rus' (Old East Slavic: Рѹ́сь (Rus'), Рѹ́сьскаѧ землѧ (Rus'skaya zemlya), Latin:
Rus(s)ia, Ruscia, Ruzzia, Rut(h)enia was a loose federation of East Slavic and Finnic
tribes in Europe from the late 9th to the mid-13th century, under the reign of the Rurik
dynasty. The modern peoples of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine all claim Kievan Rus' as
their cultural ancestors, with Belarus and Russia deriving their names from it. Ки́евская
Русь, Древнеру́сское госуда́рство, Дре́вняя Русь (др.-рус. и ст.‑слав. рѹсь,
рѹсьскаѧ землѧ, греч. Ῥωσία, лат. Russia, Rossia, Ruthenia, Ruscia, Ruzzia, др.-
сканд. Garðar, позже Garðaríki — средневековое государство в Восточной Европе,
возникшее в IX веке в результате объединения ряда восточнославянских и финно-
угорских племён под властью князей династии Рюриковичей. At its greatest extent,
in the mid-11th century, it stretched from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in
the south and from the headwaters of the Vistula in the west to the Taman Peninsula in
the east, uniting most East Slavic tribes.

The Goths remained divided – as Visigoths and Ostrogoths – during the 5th Century.
These two tribes were among the Germanic peoples who clashed with the late Roman
Empire during the Migration Period. A Visigothic force led by Alaric I sacked Rome in
410 A.D. Honorius granted the Visigoths Aquitania, where they defeated the Vandals
and conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula by 475 A.D.

The Visigoths


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The culture of this area was influenced by southern Scandinavian culture beginning as
early as the late Nordic Bronze Age and early Pre-Roman Iron Age (c. 1300 – c. 300
B.C.). In fact, the Scandinavian influence on Pomerania and today's northern Poland
from c. 1300 B.C. (period III) and onwards was so considerable that some historians
see the culture of the region as part of the Nordic Bronze Age culture. In Eastern
Europe the Goths formed part of the Chernyakhov culture of the 2nd to 5th centuries

The Tanum UNESCO World Cultural Heritage area is in the province Bohuslän –
roughly the area of western Sweden between the city Gothenburg and the Norwegian
border. The rock carvings in Bohuslän were mostly made during the Bronze Age and
early Iron Age – thus between 1700 BC and 200 BC. Different models of boats and
weaponry, as well as the appearance of animals, help to date the works. The land rise –
the area is around 25 m higher now than 4000 years ago – also help to date the various
scenes, as underwater carvings are highly unlikely.

The legendary Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl is of course remembered especially for his
Kon-Tiki Expedition, but as driven by Providence, Heyerdahl went from the one
discovery to the next. Heyerdahl’s last book was for Norway the greatest: Jakten på
Odin, (2001) where Heyerdahl re-discovered all these historical roots of Scandinavia. In
2003 the Prime Minister of Norway, Kjell Magne Bondevik, visited the settlement of the
Aser (Aserbygðjan), which Heyerdahl had discovered: Azerbaidjan.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Today, the Azerbaidjani are Turkish people. For
Norway, it was great discovery made by
Heyerdahl. It was hidden right in front of
everyone’s eyes and forgotten, but not lost. On
Thor Heyerdahl's third visit to Azerbaijan (1980,
1994, 1999), he was fascinated by the rock
carvings at Gobustan (about 30 miles west of
Baku). He discovered that their artistic style
closely resembles the carvings found in his native
Norway and Sweden.

The land rise – the area is around 25 m higher now than 4000 years ago – also help to
date the various
scenes, as underwater
carvings are highly
unlikely. The ship
designs were similar
and drawn with a simple
sickle - shaped line,
representing the base of
the boat, with vertical
lines on deck,
illustrating crew or,
perhaps, raised oars. Herodotus also describes such boats from this region in his
works of the 5th century B.C. In the 5,000-year-old caves of Gobustan drawings depict
two distinct kinds of boats that were used for early navigation. Heyerdahl was
convinced that people living in the area now known as Azerbaijan settled in

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Scandinavia around 100 A.D. Gobustan is located about 30 miles southwest of Baku.
Aserbygðjan is the Old Norse name for Azerbaidjan, according to Heyerdahl. Thus, we
can trace Aser and Vaner to Aserbygðjan (The Settlement of the Asers) in
Turkland. Two of the most important tribes of the Bible: Aser and Dan, were
located at this place and time in history.

Aser and Dan were two of the so-called Lost 10 Tribes of Israel. Originally, Israel
consisted of 12 tribes, of which none were Jews. Up to the year 721 B.C., 10 of the
12 tribes of Israel were deported out of Canaan, whereas others wandered to the north
on their own. The three most northern tribes of Israel were Dan, Aser, and Naphtali, of
which Dan was the Leader Tribe. Dan of the Bible became the Vaner under Odin.
The Russian river Dniepr is called by Snorre both Vanakvisl and Tanakvisl. In 500 A.D.
Jordanes called it Danapir, and today its name is Dniepr in Russian. On the Minor
Jellinge Stone, Danmark is spelled tanmarkaR - with a T. in Turkland. All these spellings
derive from the word Dan.

Heyerdahl hypothesized that Azerbaijan was the site of an ancient advanced civilization.
He believed natives migrated north through waterways to present-day Scandinavia
using ingeniously constructed vessels made of skins that could be folded like cloth.
When visiting Baku, Heyerdahl lectured at the Academy of Sciences about the history of
ancient Nordic Kings. He talked about an interesting notation made by Snorri, the 13th-
century historian, which reads: "Odin (a Scandinavian god who was one of the kings)
came to the North with his people from a country called Aser." Further description of the
geographic location of Aser leaves no doubt that it resembles the region of
contemporary Azerbaijan-"east of the Caucasus mountains and the Black Sea."
["Snorri, The Sagas of the Viking Kings of Norway". English translation: J. Stenersens, Forlag, Oslo,

The knowledge of the Scythians dates from the beginning of Greek literature.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Lost Tribes of Israel, according to some, first migrated to the area of the
Caspian Sea. There, they were known as the Parthians, a name which means
“exiles.” The Scythians were a nomadic people living in Scythia, the region
encompassing the Pontic-Caspian steppe, which stretched from the northern shores of
the Black Sea as far east as the Caspian Sea.

Suhm concluded that it is:

“reasonable that out Fathers have come here through Russia, and the Eastern part of
Poland. Now, when they came to the present-day land of Livonia, they split in two great
multitudes, of which the first went to the north, and from them our Fathers hail, and the
other went to the west, and became the Forefathers of many German peoples...”
(Peter Friderich Suhm: Historie af Danmark, 1. Tomé, 1782)

In the monumental work Atland Eller Manheim by the great Swedish historian Olof
Rudbeck, the conclusion is the same: The Nordic peoples were the Aser and Vaner
from the East. Olof Verelius edited and translated Icelandic sagas. Olof Rudbeck
became interested in Verelius’s work and developed a theory that Sweden was the lost
Atlantis and had been the cradle of Western civilization. He proposed this idea in Atland
eller Manheim (1679–1702), which, translated into Latin as Atlantica, and attained
European fame. Suhm worked with a great number of sources but gave great credit to
the earliest written source of our Eastern origin: Snorre Sturlasson the Icelander. In the
Ynglinge-Saga in the Younger Edda (app. 1220 A.D.), Snorre wrote that he had “let
write older stories of chiefs, who had kingdoms in the Northlands and the Danish

Samtidig beretter de ældste nordiske kilder, såsom Snorre Sturlasson (1178-1241), at

de nordiske og germanske folkeslag stammer fra Tyrkland og områder syd for
Kaukasus-bjergene og det Kaspiske Hav, og at de vandrede til Nordeuropa under
ledelse af en præstehøvding kaldt Odin. Thor Heyerdahl bekræftede dette i Jakten på
Odin (2002), hvor han skrev, at nordboerne kom fra Azerbajdjan. [At the same time, the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

oldest Nordic sources, such as Snorre Sturlasson (1178-1241), report that the Nordic
and Germanic peoples originate from Turkey and areas south of the Caucasus
Mountains and the Caspian Sea and that they traveled to Northern Europe under the
leadership of a priest-chief called Odin. Thor Heyerdahl confirmed this in the Hunt for
Odin (2002), where he wrote that the Norwegians came from Azerbaijan].

The descendants of most Israel's 12 tribes are none other than the peoples of
Northwest Europe, as well as those who are related to those in Europe, America,
Southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand! [Efterkommerne af størstedelen af Israels
12 stammer er ingen andre end folkeslagene i Nordvest-Europa, samt dem, der er
beslægtet med dem i resten Europa, Amerika, det sydlige Afrika, Australien og New

En norðan at Svartahafi gengr Svíþjóð hin mikla eða hin kalda; Svíþjóð hina miklu kalla
sumir menn eigi minni en Serkland hit mikla, sumir jafna henni við Bláland hit mikla.
Hinn nörðri hlutr Svíþjóðar liggr úbygðr af frosti ok kulda, svá sem hinn syðri hlutr
Blálands er auðr af sólar bruna. Í Svíþjóð eru stórheruð mörg, þar eru ok margskonar
þjóðir ok margar tungr: þar eru risar ok þar eru dvergar, þar eru ok blámenn, ok þar eru
margskonar undarligar þjóðir, þar eru ok dýr ok drekar furðuliga stórir. Or norðri frá
fjöllum þeim, er fyrir utan eru bygð alla, fellr á um Svíþjóð, sú er at réttu heitir Tanais;
hon var forðum kölluð Tanakvísl eða Vanakvísl; hon kemr til sjávar inn í Svartahaf. Í
Vanakvíslum var þá kallat Vanaland eða Vanaheimr. [But north of the Black Sea, is
Sweden the Great or the Cold, called by some men not less than Serkland, the Great of
the Great, some of them equal to the Great Land of Blåland (Africa). The northern part
of Sweden is inhabited by frost and cold, as the southern part of the island is rich in
sunlight. In Sweden there are many, many, there are many nations and many tongues:
there are giants, and there are dwarves; there are also blue men (Africans), and there
are many strange nations, where there are animals and dragons, and great ones. North
of the mountains that are built outside all, Sweden is covered, that is, rightly called
Tanais; she was formerly called Tanakvísl or Vanakvísl (The Mouth of the Don River); It


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

comes to and flows into the Black Sea. In Vanaclussia there it was then called
Vanaland or Vanaheim.]

Sú á skilr heimsþriðjungana: heitir fyrir austan Asía, en fyrir vestan Európa.

“North of the Black Sea lies Svithjod the Great, or the Cold. ... From the north in those
mounts that lies beyond all inhabited land, runs a Stream through Svithjod, which by
right is called Tanakvisl or Vanakvisl. It comes to the Sea inside the Black Sea... That
Stream divides two of the Earth’s thirds; east of it lies Asia, but to the west Europe...
East of Tanakvisl in Asia lies the land Asaland or Asheim, but the main castle which
was in the land is called Asgaard. In the castle there lives a chief whose name was
Odin; there was a great sacrificial place.”
(Snorre Sturlasson: Ynglinge-Saga, Chapter 1)

Navnet Vanaheim forekommer også i Ynglingesaga av Snorre Sturlason. Denne

sagaen utgør første del av Heimskringla, og i den fortellingen opptrer de nordiske
gudene som evhemeriske helter fra en fjern fortid, dvs. de beskrives som mennesker,
som siden ble oppfattet som guder. De kosmologiske lokaliteter plasserer han i den
virkelige verden, og Vanaheim knytter han til et område nord for Svartehavet ved
elva Tanais, dvs. Don, som blir kalt Tanakvisl eller Vanakvísl hos Snorre.
Fordum kaldet Tanakvisl eller Vanakvisl; den flyder ud i Sortehavet. I Vana-kvislene
kaldtes det dengang Vaneland eller Vanehjem. Den aa skiller mellem verdensdelene;
østenfor heder det Asia, men vestenfor Europa. [But the north to the Black Sea
stretches the big or cold Svitjod; Svitjod the big is probably as big as the great Serkland,
others are equal to the great Blaaland [Africa].


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Tillinge Runestone was raised in memory of a
Varangian who did not return from Serkland, at the
church of Tillinge in Uppland, Sweden, and can still be
seen today.

The runes for srklant or Serkland on the Tillinge


In Old Norse sources, such as sagas and runestones,

Særkland or Serkland was the name of the Abbasid
Caliphate and probably some neighboring Muslim
regions. Several sagas mention Serkland: Ynglinga
saga, Sörla saga sterka, Sörla þáttr, Saga Sigurðar Jórsalafara and Hjálmþés saga ok
Ölvis. It is also mentioned by the 11th century skald Þórgils Fiskimaðr, and the 12th
century skald Þórarinn Stuttfeldr.

Suhm concluded in 1771 A.D.:

“that those peoples whom the last Odin came from at Tanais, and led with himself into
the North, were actually called Aser, or Alans; in Hervarer Saga they are called Asia
Men, but commonly Aser or Æser, which explains that those persons who came
along with Odin, and later were made into gods, were especially called Aser, and
himself [Odin] the most dignified As, as the mightiest of them all; and therefore, the
place where they dwelt was called Asgaard, which also is the name of the dwelling
place of the gods in the Edda.”
(Peter Friderich Suhm: Om Odin og den Hedniske Gudlære og Gudstieneste udi Norden, pp. 35-36,1771)

The actual deportation of the 10 Tribes finally occurred in the year 721 B.C., where the
Assyrians forcefully relocate them to areas south of the Caucasus Mountains.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

2 kings 17:6. In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and
deported the Israelites to Assyria. He settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor
River and in the towns of the Medes. In the Caucasus traditions and beliefs concerning
possible origin from the Ten Lost Tribes have been documented among the Jews of
Georgia, one of the oldest Jewish communities in the Diaspora. In 724 B.C. Salmaneser
V King of Assyria attacked Samaria, the capital of the northern 10 tribe’s kingdom of
Israel, and in 721 B.C. his successor, Sargon II, took Samaria, and the rest of the 10
tribes of Israel were deported to areas south of the Caucasus mountains and south of
the Caspian Sea, as the Holy Scriptures record:

These areas are almost identical to the areas where the oldest Norse chronicles state
that the ancestors of the Nordic and Germanic tribes came from, before they trekked
over Eastern Europe to Northern Europe. In the late 18th century some members of the
Karaite community of Crimea tried to prove that they are descendants from the Ten Lost
Tribes and that they settled in that country already in the 7th century B.C. Their aim was
to obtain tax and military exemptions from the Czarist authorities by arguing that unlike
Rabbanic Jews, they were not guilty of the death of Jesus. The most prominent
exponent of this theory was Abraham ben Samuel Firkovich (1786-1874), a Karaite
scholar who, in his endeavors to prove the antiquity of the Crimean Karaite community,

forged documents and archeological findings.

In addition to the Bible, the most time-honoured historian on ancient Israel, was the
Roman Jew Flavius Josephus (37-95 A.D.). Josephus described the same event, where
the 10 Tribes were carried out of Canaan:
“... Salmaneser, the king of Assyria... was very angry, and made an expedition against
Samaria, in the seventh year of the reign of Hoshea; but when he was not admitted [into
the city] by the king, he besieged Samaria three years, and took it by force in the ninth
year of the reign of Hoshea, and in the seventh year of Hezekiah, king of Jerusalem,
and quite demolished the government of the Israelites, and transplanted all the peoples
into Media and Persia... and when he had removed these people out of their land, he


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

transplanted other nations out of Cuthah, a place so called, (for there is [still] a river of
that name in Persia,) into Samaria, and into the country of the Israelites. So, the ten
tribes of the Israelites were removed out of Judea, ... nine hundred and forty-seven
years after their forefathers were come out of the land of Egypt, and possessed
themselves of this country...”
(Flavius Josephus: Antiquities of the Jews, Book IX, Chapter XTV, p. 24, 1960)

The Old Testament describes it as follows: “Then the king of Assyria came up
throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years. In the
ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into
Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities
of the Medes.” (2nd Kings 17:5-6) “Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and
removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah
only.” (2nd Kings 17:18) The two sisters are Israel and Judah who both ‘play the harlot’,
i.e. worship idols such as Baal, and are not faithful to their Husband the LORD.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The books of 1st and 2nd Kings are written from the viewpoint of the 10 Tribes, and
speak of the prophet Elijah, a prophet to the 10 Tribes. The books of 1st and 2nd
Chronicles are on the contrary written from the viewpoint of the 2 Tribes of Judah.
When the books of 1st and 2nd Kings were committed to writing, app. 580 B.C., the 10
Tribes of Israel were far away from the land of Canaan: “For he rent Israel from the
house of David; and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king: and Jeroboam drove
Israel from following the LORD, and made them sin a great sin. For the children of Israel
walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they departed not from them; Until the
LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets.
So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day.”
(2nd Kings 17:21-23)

What happened to the so-called Lost 10 Tribes of Israel after they landed in the area
south of the Caucasus, many have pondered over through out history. Physically, they
left the prophets of God in the Middle East, but they did remain in the future prophecies
of the prophets. They returned to the prophets of God as the European heathens and
Gentiles in the New Testament, and today they constitute the White Christian peoples.
The people of Denmark of the Older Iron Age were not our forefathers! The Danes
were not in Denmark 3000 years ago!

One of Denmark's most learned and diligent historians, Peter Friderich Suhm, described
in Om Odin og den Hedniske Gudlære og Gudstieneste udi Nord (1769) that all of the
ancient Norse lands, Poland, and the Baltic states were inhabited by what Suhm called
‘Finns’. This was Suhm’s name for the stocky quasi-Mongolian Laplander, who were
different from the modern Nordic-Swedish Finns. Suhm showed that the Aser and the
Vaner from the Norse mythology originally were the very forefathers of the Norsemen,
who had gone down in the mythology as gods in order to legitimize their authority over
the people. Additionally, Suhm believed that the Dwarves, the Berg-Riiser, and the
Hrim-Turser of mythology were the ‘Finns’ whom the Norsemen had driven out of the
greater part the Norse lands.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Brøndsted, on the other hand, informed us that around the year 0 and in the 3rd century
A.D. Denmark experienced two new immigrations. He wrote that

“These pure long-heads show Nordic type, as it is called.” (Politikens Danmarkshistorie,

Volume 1, p. 495,1963)

If the first Danes only arrived in Denmark in the first centuries after the birth of Christ,
the question is then: Where did they come from?
In his masterly works Suhm views it as a solid conclusion that it is

“reasonable that out Fathers have come here through Russia, and the Eastern part of
Poland. Now, when they came to the present-day land of Livonia, they split in two great
multitudes, of which the first went to the north, and from them our Fathers hail, and the
other went to the west, and became the Forefathers of many German peoples...” (Peter
Friderich Suhm: Historie af Danmark, 1. Tomé, 1782)

In the monumental work Atland Eller Manheim by the great Swedish historian
Olof Rudbeck, the conclusion is the same: The Nordic peoples were the Aser and
Vaner from the East.

In the period 8th to 11th century the Vikings traveled throughout the known and
unknown world where they through trade and warfare met new cultures and religions:
From Greenland and Vinland (North America) in the west, Miklagard (Constantinople)
and India in the East, to Blåland (English: “Blue Land”, meaning Africa) in the south.

But the north to the Black Sea stretches the big or cold Svitjod. The people of Svitjod
were called in Old West Norse Svíþjóð ("the Svear people'", in Old East Norse Sweþiuð
and in Old English Sweoðeod. This compound noun appears on runestones in the
locatives i suiþiuþu (Runestone Sö Fv1948;289, Aspa Löt, Södermanland), a suiþiuþu
(Runestone DR 344, Simris, Scania) and o suoþiauþu (Runestone DR 216, Tirsted,
Lolland). The 13th century Danish source Scriptores rerum danicarum mentions a place
called litlæ swethiuthæ, which is probably the island Sverige (Sweden) near Stockholm.
The Swedes (Swedish: svear; Old Norse: svíar; Old English: Sweonas; Latin: Suiones,


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Suehans or Sueones) were an ancient North Germanic tribe in Scandinavia. As the
dominions of their kings grew, their land slowly evolved into the modern Swedish nation.

According to early sources, such as the Norse sagas, and especially Heimskringla, the
Swedes were a powerful tribe whose kings claimed descendence from the god Freyr in
order to legitimize their authority. During the Viking Age they constituted the basis of the
Varangian subset, the Vikings that travelled eastwards.
Their privileged position within the Swedish kingdom was abolished in the mid-13th
century. Until then, the Swedes had had semi-aristocratic status. They were only
obliged to provide the King of Sweden with ships, warriors and their provisions during
wars, whereas other nations within the kingdom, such as Geats and Gotlanders were
tributary nations who were regularly taxed. The pagan Ásatrú Aesir-cult centre in Gamla
Uppsala, was the religious centre of the Swedes. There the Swedish king served as a
priest during the sacrifices (blóts). Uppsala was also the centre of the Uppsala öd, the
network of royal estates that financed the Swedish king and his court until the 13th
(Frey's Offspring: Rulers and Religion in Ancient Svea Society by Olaf Sundqvist (2002) p. 94-136)

Gamla Uppsala is one of the most complex archaeologial monuments in Scandinavia.

The finds are considered a central place during the entire Late Iron Age. The mounds,
boat-graves, traces of hall and the wall to the north indicate the presence of a ruling
class at least from the 5th or the 6th century. These finds, together with the phosphate
values at the Eastern Mound and the Middle Mound, may also indicate ritual activity.
Archeological analysis shows the site has been settled since the Roman period. It is an
important site from at least the Migration Period up to the Middle Ages, though it may
have experienced some inactivity during the 9th century, after the hall on the southern
plateau was burnt down."
The earliest mention appears to be Suetidi in Jordanes' Getica (6th century). Jordanes
was of Gothic descent and wrote the "Gothic History", summarizing the much longer
treatment of Gothic history by Cassiodorus. Cassiodorus' book no longer survives.
Jordanes' sixth century treatment is often our only source for some of the events and is


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

generally believed to be quite reliable. One excerpt below tells of a request made to the
Britons, by the Roman Emperor Anthemius, for help in battling the Visigoths. The British
responded by sending Riothamus, King of the Britons, along with 12,000 men to the aid
of Rome. The Romans failed to arrive on time, leaving the British forces to do battle
alone with Euric of the Visigoths. Euric won the battle, killing most of the British army.

Greater Svitjod was probably as big as the great Serkland (Abbasid Caliphate), others
are equal to the great Blaaland (Africa). The northern part of Svitjod is built for frost and
cold, and the southern part of Blaaland is desolate by the sun's fire. In Svitjod there are
many great rulers, many kinds of people and many tongues; There are giants and there
are dwarfs, and there are blaamers (Africans), and there are many kinds of strange
creatures, which are also extremely big animals and dragons. Southward from the
mountains that go beyond the land built, by Svitjod falls a river, which in the right place
belongs to Tanais, formerly called Tanakvisl or Vanakvisl; It flows into the Black Sea. In
the Vana Kvisl (meaning branch or mouth of a river) it was called Vaneland or
Vanehjem. The river divides the continents; to the east it is called Asia, but to the west it
is Europe.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

In Old Norse sources, such as sagas and runestones, Særkland or Serkland was the
name of the Abbasid Caliphate and probably some neighbouring Muslim regions.
Despite the obvious similarity to Saracen, the place-name is likely derived from serkr
(gown or tunic, modern Swedish "särk") and land (land, country), referring to the clothes
of the people who lived in the area. Notably one of the Ingvar Runestones, the
Gripsholm Runestone, raised circa 1040 A.D. at Gripsholm, commemorates a
Varangian loss during an ill-fated raid in Serkland. The other remaining runestones that
talk of Serkland are Sö 131, Sö 279, Sö 281, the Tillinge Runestone (U 785) and
probably the lost runestone U 439. For a detailed account of such raids, see Caspian
expeditions of the Rus. Several sagas mention Serkland: Ynglinga saga, Sörla saga
sterka, Sörla þáttr, Saga Sigurðar Jórsalafara and Hjálmþés saga ok Ölvis. It is also

Odin himself was of the Aser people (folk), and the brother-folk (people) were the wise
Vaner. In their eastern homeland, the Aser and Vaner had a close, but hard, brother-

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

relationship. Much like the Swedes and the Danes had for many centuries. And yet,
they were very closely linked, they intermarried, and yet remained separate, and had
their differences and wars.

Die Sphären der nordischen Götterwelt [The Spheres of the Nordic Gods‘ World]
Vanaheimr, altnordisch für „Wohnort der Wanen“, eingedeutscht auch Wanenheim, ist
in der nordischen Mythologie der Ort, an dem der Gott Njörd aufwuchs. Im mythischen
Weltbild Snorri Sturlusons (insbesondere in seiner Prosa-Edda) steht Wanenheim
hingegen für den Wohnort der Wanen oder die Welt der Wanen. Dieses Verständnis als
göttlicher Gegenwelt zu Asgard geht aber wahrscheinlich nicht auf eine mythische
Überlieferung zurück, sondern auf eine Deutung Snorri Sturlusons.[ Vanaheimr, Old
Norse for "Residence of the Wanen", also Germanized as Wanenheim, is in Norse
mythology the place where the god Njörd grew up. In the mythical worldview of Snorri
Sturluson (especially in his prose Edda) Wanenheim stands for the place of residence
of the Wanen or the world of the Wanen. This understanding as a divine counter-world
to Asgard is probably not due to a mythical tradition, but to an interpretation Snorri

(Rudolf Simek: Lexikon der germanischen Mythologie (= Kröners Taschenausgabe. Bd. 368). 3., völlig
überarbeitete Auflage. Kröner, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-520-36803-X).

We have a good idea of when Odin began his wanderings with the Aser and the Vaner,
since Snorre wrote that the Roman Empire was expanding forcefully at the time that
Odin began the wandering, which means app. 100 B.C.-O:


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

“In that time the chiefs of the Romans went far across the Earth and subjected many
peoples, but many other chiefs fled from
their lands due to the turmoil. But
because Odin was far-seeing and
knowledgeable in sorceries, he knew that
his offspring would dwell and built in the
Northern part of the Earth. Then he set
his brothers Vee and Vilje over Asgaard;
but he himself departed; and with him all
Diar and many other people; first to the
west in Gardarike, and then south in
Saxland (Saxony). He had many sons:
across Saxland he subdued many
kingdoms and set his sons as
governors.” Then he went north to the
Baltic Sea and found his place to live on an island. That place is now called Odin’s-Ø on
Fyn. Odin conquered Sweden and settled in Uppsala. His son Skjold he set as king in
Lejre, and let him marry Gefion, the mother of Zealand. King Skjold is acknowledged as
the first king of Denmark. (Snorre Sturlasson: Ynglinge-Saga, Chapter 5)

Odense is the third-largest city in Denmark, located on Fyn. The name Odense is
derived from Odins Vé, meaning "Odin's sanctuary" as the area was known as a
sanctuary for worshippers of the Nordic god, Odin. Odense is one of Denmark's oldest
cities, and the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Isaac's sons became the Saxons, Celts, Cimmerians, Goths over time and settled in
North-Western Europe and in the British Isles and Ireland. Austrian tradition related that
Austria was once ruled by a line of Jewish kings. If they were of the Davidic line, that
could imply that their subjects, the Austrians, are from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.

According to Steve M. Collins the modern tribes of Israel are the USA, Canada,
Scandinavia and many mainland European nations, Australia, New Zealand, the Jewish
State of Israel and portions of many other nations. Pockets of Israelites are also located
all along the migration routes out of Asia into modern Europe.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Gårdarike, Garðaríki, är en gammal norrön (isländsk) benämning på Rus och/eller för
trakterna runt Holmgård, motsvarande dagens Novgorod, Ryssland.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[Garðaríki (anglicized Gardariki or Gardarike) or Garðaveldi is the Old Norse term used
in medieval times for the states of Kievan Rus].

As the Varangians dealt mainly with Northern Rus' lands, their sagas regard the city of
Holmsgardr (Holmgarðr, Veliky Novgorod) as the capital of Garðaríki. Other local towns
mentioned in the sagas are Aldeigjuborg (Old Ladoga), Kœnugarðr (Kiev), Pallteskja
(Polotsk), Smaleskja (Smolensk), Súrsdalar (Suzdal), Móramar (Murom), and Ráðstofa

Three Varangian runestones, G 114, Sö 338, and U 209, refer to Scandinavian men
who had been in Garðar. U 209 is not properly a runestone but a runic inscription in a
flat bedrock at Veda. It is dated to the mid-11th century. It was ordered by Þorsteinn
who enriched himself in Kievan Rus' in memory of his son. Omeljan Pritsak identifies
this Þorsteinn with Þorsteinn, the former commander of a retinue, who is

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

commemorated on the Turinge Runestone. He suggests that Þorsteinn was the
commander of the retinue of Yaroslav I the Wise and that his son Erinmundr may have
died in Kievan Rus' while serving under his father.

Latin transliteration:

þurtsain × kiarþi| |if×tiʀ irinmunt × sun sin auk| |kaubti þinsa bu × auk × aflaþi × austr i

Old Norse transcription:

Þorstæinn gærði æftiʀ Ærinmund, sun sinn, ok køypti þennsa by ok aflaði austr i

English translation:

"Þorsteinn made (the stone) in memory of Erinmundr, his son, and bought this estate
and earned (wealth) in the

[Pritsak, Omeljan (1981). The Origin of Rus': Old Scandinavian Sources Other than the Sagas.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 346, 396. ISBN 0-674-64465-4].

John Wilson (1779-1870), Scottish Presbyterian clergyman and evangelist. Born in

Kilmarnock, Scotland, residing in Cheltenham, England. After some years of studying
the subject Wilson in 1836 began a series of lectures entitled Our Israelitish Origin and
summarized them in the book Our Israelitish Origin: Lectures on Ancient Israel and the
Israelitish Origin of the Modern Nations of Europe (1840). John Wilson's lectures and
book was the beginning of the British-Israel movement. John Wilson viewed the Anglo-
Saxons, Norsemen, Germans, and other European peoples as the descendants of the
Lost Tribes of Israel. He viewed the Jews as Judah mixed with Edom, even though Our
Israelitish Origin by no means was anti-Jewish.
The 1925 Jewish Encyclopaedia states that the Ashkenazi Jews (who represent
approximately 90% of so-called world Jewry), are from the so-called enemy of the Jews,
Esau (also known as Edom, see Genesis 36:1, now actually represent the Jewish race.
These Ashkenazi Jewsare of the tribe God hates (Malachi 1:3 and Romans 9:13).


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The legendary Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl is remembered especially for his Kon-Tiki
Expedition, but Heyerdahl went from the one discovery to the next. The book which
proved to be his last was for Norway the greatest: Jakten på Odin (2001). In 2003 the
Prime Minister of Norway, Kjell Magne Bondevik, visited the settlement of the Aser
(Aserbygðjan), which Heyerdahl had discovered: Azerbaidjan. Snorre called
Aserbygðjan, “Odin’s Great Property or Dominion.” It was very close to Medien, or
Medes, where the actual deportation of the 10 Tribes finally occurs in the year 721 B.C.,
where the Assyrians forcefully relocate them to areas south of the Caucasus mountains.

The Old Testament describes it as follows: “Then the king of Assyria came up
throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years. In the
ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into
Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities
of the Medes.” (2nd Kings 17:5-6) “Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and
removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe of Judah only.” (2nd
Kings 17:18).

An Ashkenazi Jewish tradition speaks of the Lost Tribes as Die Roite Yiddelech, "The
little red Jews", cut off from the rest of Jewry by the legendary river Sambation "whose
foaming waters raise high up into the sky a wall of fire and smoke that is impossible to
pass through”. [Pathway to Jerusalem, CIS, 1992. pg. 68].

In rabbinical literature the river across which the ten tribes were transported by
Shalmaneser, King of Assyria was called Sambation. The name of the river occurs in
the Targum of pseudo-Jonathan to Ex. xxxiv. 10: "I will remove them from there and
place them beyond the River Sambation." R. Judah b. Simon said: "The tribes of Judah
and Benjamin were not exiled to the same place as the ten tribes; for the latter were
transported beyond the River Sambation," etc. (Gen. R. lxxiii.). The same statement is
found in Num. R. xvi. and Yalḳ., Gen. 984. There is no indication whatever in these
passages as to the origin of the name, the only inference to be drawn from them is that


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

the Sambation or Sabbation was a river of Media. It was therefore identified by
Naḥmanides, in his commentary on Deut. xxxii. 26, with the Gozan of the Bible (II Kings
xvii. 6 and elsewhere).

Pliny the Elder, writing in the mid-1st century, mentioned that there is a river in Judaea
that dries up every Shabbat (NH xxxi.18). His contemporary Josephus spoke of the
Sabbatical River (Σαββατικον) that he claimed was called after "the sacred seventh day
of the Jews." and that he located between Arka (in the northern Lebanon range) and
Raphanaea (in Upper Syria). The river is believed by some to be an intermittent spring
now called Fuwar ed-Deir. The Sambation was also a popular subject in medieval
literature, for instance, some versions of the Alexander Romance have Alexander the
Great encounter the river on his travels.

Others have said it is an active volcano (which explains the rapids, stones, fire and
smoke) which rests on the Sabbath. Reggio, arguing from the contradictions of the
ancient writers, denies the existence of such a river. He thinks that the Sambation of the
ten tribes, mentioned in the midrashim, is to be identified with the Euphrates, being so
called because the Israelites after settling near that river were able to observe the

Reggio's opinion may be supported by the fact that the River Don is called by Idrisi "Al-
Sabt," while Kiev is called by Constantinus Porphyrogenitus "Sambatas," each term
meaning "resting-place.” Both places were commercial stations and were so named by
the Chazars. Fuenn concluded that the Sambation of the ten tribes is to be identified
with the Zab in Adiabene, whither the ten tribes were deported. The name "Sabatos,"
as this river is called by Xenophon, was subsequently altered to "Sabbation" and
"Sambation." Later people confounded the Sambation with the Sabbatic River of
Josephus and Pliny and created many legends about the abode of the ten tribes (see
Herzfeld, "Gesch. des Volkes Israel," i. 366). David Kaufmann, without discussing the
existence of the river, explains the origin of the name "Sambation" as follows: "The


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

legend originated with a river of sand and stones which, owing to a volcanic cause,
might have been agitated. Its Hebrew name was 'Nehar Ḥol' (= 'river of sand'),
equivalent to the Arabic 'Wadi al-Raml.' This name was later misunderstood to signify
'the river of the week-days,' and thus gave rise to the legend of a periodic river which
alternated between Saturday and the week-days, whence its name 'Sabbation' or
'Sambation' (= 'Sabbatic river'). As the name does not indicate whether it flows or rests
on Saturday, Josephus and Pliny interpreted the matter in contrary senses."

Over the centuries, the Northern Ten Tribes had lost their Israelite identity and they did
not even recognize their own Northern Ten Tribal brother Israelites. In later centuries,
they fought among themselves, seeking power, greed and control but amazingly they
did keep each to their own tribal identity until the last two centuries, when the nations of
the world began to assimilate in mass among each other.

The Jews of today can only trace their lineage to Judah, one of the 12 Tribes of
Israel. It is erroneous to think that the Jews should hail from more than one of the 12
Tribes of Israel. One of the leading American rabbis, Shmuley Boteach, tells us in his
best-seller about Judaism, that,

“An Israelite is someone who is a descendant of Jacob... After the

dispersion of the ten tribes, the Israelites were referred to as Jews
because the remainder of the Jewish nation, those who today form the bulk
of the Jewish people - all stem from the tribe of Judah.” (Shmuley
Boteach: Judaism for Everyone, p. 387, 2002)

When we read the Gospels about the Lord Jesus, they are about Jews (of the tribe of
Judah), because none of them were of the 10 Tribes of Israel. These 10 Tribes had
been far, far away from the land of Canaan for more than 700 years, when Jesus was
born in Bethlehem. The most northern tribes were Dan, Aser, and Naphtali.

The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel

The Bible is a family chronicle of the 12 Tribes of Israel, the Israelites. Two of the
forefathers of the Israelites were Shem and Eber. The Israelites are also Semites and
Hebrews as well. The grandson of Abraham, namely Jacob, was given the name Israel
by God Himself: “And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel:


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast
prevailed.” (Genesis 32:28)

Jacob was the first Israelite and the forefather of all Israelites. Jacob-Israel begot 12
sons, the forefathers of the 12 Tribes of Israel: the Israelites. One of the 12 sons was
called Dan, today the Danes. One was called Aser, today the Swedes. One was called
Naphtali, today the Norwegians. By skipping the remainder, one was called Judah, the
forefather of the Judahites. Shortly before 500 B.C., those of the Judahites who were in
captivity in Babylon were suddenly called Jews. In the back of the 1992 translation of
the Danish Bible, as published by the Danish Bible Society, we read under the article
‘Juda’ (Judah): “The word Jew is derived from Judah.”

Odin in the Bible

The greatest authorities of the North, such as Snorre, described the historical Odin as
the priest-chief of the Aser and Vaner tribes. Later he was idolized so that he was
remembered as a god to legitimize his authority. The purely mythological god Odin and
the legends from the Norse mythology are full of associations and parallels to the
LORD, Christ, and the Bible. There are also many references to the many idol gods -
such as Baal - who Israel worshipped in Canaan. This was the very cause that the
LORD let the king of Assyria drive them out, and thus they became the Lost 10 Tribes.
Asherah was also called Astarte and Ishtar by the Babylonians. She was named Isis by
the Egyptians, Helena by the Helens (Greeks), and Venus by the Romans. She was
Lord Ba’al’s lover in ancient mythology. And Ba’al, the most commonly used Hebrew
word for “lord,” is Yahowah’s name for Satan. This is because the Adversary’s ambition
is to lord over, to control, and to possess humankind, deceiving the masses into bowing
down and worshipping him.
The Name of God was originally YAHWEH, also spelled JEHOVAH. At some point the
Jewish priests did change YAHWEH in the Old Testament to ADONAI, which is Greek
and means the LORD. In [English] Bibles, the LORD in the Old Testament is thus
originally ADONAI and YAHWEH.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

In Hebrew, the name Odin would be Aud’n or Ôdn, and would be the same as Adonai.
Odin was the name of a priest-chief, or the title of a priest-chief. In old Norse the
word/name Odin has a connection with oðr, which means ‘spirit or creating energy’,
according to the commentary to Vølvens Spådom [Vøluspå] by Preben Meulengracht
Sørensen and Gro Steinsland. The kings of the Aser and the Vaner very well were
called Odin all the way from the time in Aserbygðjan and Turkland. Great parts of the 10
Tribes in Northern Europe worshipped and exalted a mortal man as their Ruler, at the
very same time in which Jesus appeared for the 2 Tribes of Judah in the Promised
One of Luther’s most treasured psalms is ‘The LORD is my Shepherd’, which is derived
from the title of David’s Psalm 23 in the Old Testament. Jesus also calls Himself the
Good Shepherd of the sheep in the Gospel of John Chapter 10. Odin, on the contrary,
is predicted in the Bible prophecy of the Idol Shepherd in Zechariah Chapter 11 in the
end of the Old Testament. The prophecy is thus:

“And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish
shepherd. For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those
that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor
feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their
claws in pieces. Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall
be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his
right eye shall be utterly darkened.” (Zechariah 11:15-17)
The Edda says that Odin was blind on the one eye, as he had pawned it to
the Jætte Mimer. In the Norse mythology, the Jætter (usually translated Giants) were
an earlier creation, as different from the Gods (the Aser and Vaner). The Jætter were
also human beings, but were described as deceitful, tricky, swarthy, black-haired, and
with much bodily hair. The Aser and Vaner frequently intermarried with the Jætter. The
ultimate deceiver and betrayer in the Norse mythology, Loke, was a Jætte who lived
among the fair Aser and Vaner.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

(Different English translations give a more comprehensive understanding of this
prophecy. The Idol Shepherd “will not care for the lost” (New International Version,
verse 16), and he will not “seek the scattered” (Berkeley, verse 16). The lost and
scattered that this Idol Shepherd lets down, are the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel!)

The context in which the Idol Shepherd is mentioned, throws much light on the 10
Tribes and the 2 Tribes at the time of the Crucifixion.

God promises that He will save both the House of Judah and the House of Israel from
their degradations (Zechariah 8:13). As a tribe, Judah rejected what could have been
the King of the Jews by hanging Him on a Cross, but in Europe many kindred peoples
with each its language received the Gospel of Christ as their own: “Thus saith the
LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold
out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is
a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with
you.” (Zechariah 8:23)


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Azerbaijan was the Spreading Center of Caucasians, not Europe

Azerbaijan and not northern Europe was the spreading center of the Caucasian people
buried in northwestern China some 4,000 years ago and now discovered by Chinese
archaeologists who theorize (probably wrongly) that they came from northern Europe
because they were tall, blond, blue-eyed and with Caucasian features. According to
modern scholars in Azerbaijan, there used to be a strong blond and fair-skinned
element in the aboriginal Azeri population, as illustrated by the stone-age hunters at the
Gobustan Museum. Subsequent invasions by Romans and Arabs have somewhat
modified the original Azeri type. As to the remarkably high level of culture evinced by
the 4,000-year-old mummies in China, no people in Northern Europe had reached a
corresponding cultural level at that early time. But the merchants of Azerbaijan could
have, due to their long-range trade by skin-boats with Babylonia.

Sharon Turner was educated at a private school run by Dr Davis in Pentonville

(London). Herodotus reported that the Persians called the Scythians "Sakai," and
Sharon Turner identified these very people as the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons.
In carefully determining their origins in the Caucasus,
Turner wrote: "The migrating Scythians crossed
the Araxes, passed out of Asia, and suddenly
appeared in Europe in the sixth century B.C. The
names Saxon, Scythian and Goth are used

The Danes are first mentioned in the 6th century in

Jordanes' Getica (551 AD), by Procopius, and by Gregory of Tours. They spoke Old
Norse (dǫnsk tunga), which was shared by the Danes, the people in Norway and
Sweden and later Iceland. Icelandic writers employed the term dǫnsk tunga (literally
“Danish tongue”) to identify the language not just of those who were ruled by the Dana
konungr, but of all Germanic-speaking Scandinavians. In his description of Scandza,


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Jordanes says that the Dani were of the same stock as the Suetidi ("Swedes") and
expelled the Heruli and took their lands.
[Anderson, Carl Edlund. "The Danish Tongue and Scandinavian Identity" (PDF)].

The royal seat and capital of

the Danes was located on
Zealand near Lejre and
constituted what has later been
dubbed the Lejre Kingdom,
ruled by the Skjöldung dynasty.
Lejre is a town today with a
population of 2,415 in Lejre
Municipality on the island of
Zealand in east Denmark. The
town's Old Norse name was Hleiðr or Hleiðargarðr.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Tribe of Don (Dan) went to Wales. The goddess Don and her consort Bile settled in
Britain and Wales and in effect represent the Tribe of Dan and other Israelites including
Naphtali. Irish Ancestors included Israelites.

The proximity of the sacred mountain of Ararat did not impress the exiles of Tire and
Sidon, as they did not take a great interest in reading the Torah. They did not live in that
area for a long time. They continued migrating to the north and, after crossing the
Caucasus, arrived at the territories settled by the Scythians. Good trade relations with
the Scythians had already been established 600 years before the described events – the
Golden Fleece myth. Some of the Tribe of Dan migrants settled in the country of the
Scythians, and the other ones continued migrating to the south-west, to the coast of the
Aegean Sea. By the end of the 8th century B.C., the Danaans, who had left the coast of
the Aegean Sea in the middle of the 12th century B.C. during the war of “The Sea
Peoples”, closed the circle by joining their relatives, who had been living during all these
centuries in (Heb) ‫[ מוקדון‬mokdon] – the territory of future Macedonia.

The end of the 8th century B.C. was notable for two groups of newcomers, which
arrived to Greece: at first, relatively small group of the Danaans, who had passed
through the Northern Black Sea Lowland, settled by the Scythians; and secondly, the
masses of the Israelites who had escaped from the invasion of the Assyrians by sea
and in other ways.

The Danaans, who had settled with the Scythians in 732 – 731 B.C., dreamed of
returning to their homeland. In the middle of the 7th century B.C., some of them left
“habitual” Scythian lands and moved to the south. They could not return to their native
land (the territory of modern Lebanon and the Golan Heights) because the Assyrian
king Esarhaddon = (assyrian) ‫ ִא ִידינָּה‬-‫אַ ְחחה‬-‫[ אַ ּׁשּור‬ashur-akha-iddina], a descendant of
Tiglath-Pileser 3 in the 4th generation, had destroyed Sidon in 677 B.C. and controlled
the surrounding area. The Danaans continued migrating farther, for about 120 km to the
south, and settled to the south of Lake Kineret in the city of (Heb) ‫[ בית שאן‬Beit She’an].
Therefore, from the 6th century B.C., the Greek-speaking population started calling Beit

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

She’an as (Greek) Σκυθόπολις [Scythopolis or Scyphopolis], i.e. the city of the
Scythians. It was the second mass repatriation after the Exodus. Henry Spelman also
connected the Danes to the Tribe of Dan in 1620 A.D.

A 15th-century Latin chronicle, "Chronicon Holsatiae vetus", found in Gottfried Leibniz's

Accessiones historicae (1698), states the Danes were of the Tribe of Dan, while the
Jutes the Jews. The "Vetus Chronicon Holsatiae" attributed the Danes to the Tribe of
Dan and was first noted in Modern Times by Sharon Turner. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(1646-1716) was a German polymath and philosopher. Trained as a jurist and
employed as a counsellor, librarian, and historian, he made contributions to logic,
mathematics, physics, and metaphysics, yet viewed his own aspirations as ultimately
ethical and theological, and married these theoretical concerns with politics, diplomacy,
and an equally broad range of practical reforms: juridical, economic, administrative,
technological, medical, and ecclesiastical. Sharon Turner (1768-1847) was a very
important English historian. He was probably the first to appreciate the importance of
Beowulf and author of several observations of interest to Brit-Am type "Identity" studies.

In the 18th century the Swedish historian Olof von Dalinbelieved that the ancient Finns
(alongside Lapps and Estonians) who sprung from the Neuri descended ultimately from
the lost tribes of Israel:
...the Neuri seem to be remnants of the Ten Tribes of Israel which Shalmaneser, king of
Assyria, brought as captives out of Canaan... [When one realises that] the language of
the ancient Finns, Lapps and Estonians is similar to the Hebrew and even that this
people in ancient times reckoned their year's beginning from the first of March, and
Saturday as their Sabbath, then one sees that the Neuri in all probability had this origin."

John Eurenius (1688–1751), was a Swedish pastor in Torsåker, Angermanland,

Sweden. He also connected the Israelites to the Nordic countries, in his Atlantica
Orientalis (1751) where he theorised that the Gods of Norse mythology were
deified ancestors from the Levant, who he connected to Israel. Olof Rudbeck the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Younger in the 18th century also attempted to prove that the Nordic languages sprung
from Hebrew.

The Search for Odin (Norwegian: Jakten på Odin) is the title of Thor Heyerdahl's last
series of archaeological excavations, which took place in Azov (Tanais) in Russia.
Heyerdahl's intention was to prove the veracity of the account of Snorri Sturluson in the
Ynglinga saga, written in the 13th century, about the origin of the Norse royal dynasties,
and the pre-Christian Norse gods. Snorri provides a euhemeristic account, in which he
describes the Norse god Odin and some other Norse gods, the Æsir, as having been
real people who emigrated from the area around the river Don to Scandinavia at the
time of the Roman expansion into their old homeland. In Scandinavia, Snorri writes,
they so impressed the native population that they started worshipping them as gods.
Snorri's importance rests on his literary works of which "Heimskringla" (the world) is the
most important, since it is the chief authority for the early history of Iceland and
Scandinavia. However, it does not contain reliable statements until the history, which
extends to 1177, reaches a late period, while the descriptions of the primitive era are
largely vague narrations of sagas. The Sturlunga-Saga was probably only partly the
work of Snorri. On the other hand, he is probably the author of the Younger Edda called
"Snorra-Edda", which was intended as a textbook of the art of poetry. Its first part,
"Gylfaginning" relates the mythology of the North in an interesting, pictorial manner, and
is a compilation of the songs of the early scalds, the songs of the common people,
sagas, and probably his own poetic ideas.
[Wittman, P. (1912). Snorri Sturluson. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton

Many only remembered Odin as a godly being from the mythology, but originally, he
was a mortal man. Another writer of old who wrote of the historical Odin, was Saxo
Grammaticus, who in Danmarks Krønike wrote:
“At that time there was a man by the name of Odin, who all over Europe falsely was
seen as a god. For the most part, he dwelled in Upsal, whether this was so due to the
noted ignorance of the people there, or that he found a special pleasure in that beautiful

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

area. The kings in the Nordic lands, who were very keen on showing him honour as a
god, cast a golden image, adorned it even with heavy bangles and sent it down to him
in Byzans, as a witness of how high they in the fear of god honoured him.”
[Saxo Grammaticus: Danmarks Krønike, Book 1]

Thor Heyerdahls mål var at finde asernes (normalt opfattet som det oldnordiske
gudefolk) oprindelse ved at følge Snorri Sturlusons beretninger fra midten af 1200-tallet
i bl.a. Edda, Kongesagaerne og Ynglingesagaen. Snorri Sturluson fortæller, at
historierne om Odin og de andre guder i virkeligheden handler om en udvandring af
aser og vaner fra et område omkring byen Azov til Skandinavien, efter at deres høvding
Odin var blevet fortrængt af det Romerske Imperium, der okkuperede deres hjemland i
kaukasus-området. Odin og hans folk slog sig først ned på de danske øer og rejste
senere over Øresund (Öresund) [Thor Heyerdahl's goal was to find the Asian’s (usually
perceived as the Old Norse gods) origins by following Snorri Sturluson's accounts from
the mid-1200s in, among other things, the Edda, the King Sagas and the Ynglingsaga.
Snorri Sturluson tells us that the stories about Odin and the other gods are in fact about
a migration of the Aser and Vaner from an area around the city of Azov to Scandinavia
after their chief Odin had been forced out by the Roman empire who occupied their
homeland in the Caucasus area. Odin and his people settled first on the Danish islands
and traveled later over the Oresund]. The Don River flows into the Sea of Azov near
Rostov-on-Don as shown here.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Roman inscription at Gobustan indicating that Roman troops were in the region around
97 A.D.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

An anonymous work of 727 called Liber Historiae Francorum states that following the
fall of Troy, 12,000 Trojans led by chiefs Priam and Antenor moved to the Tanais (Don)
river, settled in Pannonia near the Sea of Azov and founded a city called Sicambria. In
just 2 generations from the fall of Troy (by modern scholars dated in the late Bronze
Age 1550-1200 BC) they arrived in the late 4th century AD at the Rhine. A variation of
this story can also be read in Fredegar, and similar tales continue to crop up repeatedly

throughout obscure, mediaeval-era European literature.

In a study conducted in 2014 by Gennady Afanasiev et al. on bone fragments from ten
Alanic burials on the Don River, DNA was extracted from seven of them.
In 2015, the Institute of Archaeology in Moscow conducted research on various
Sarmato-Alan and Saltovo-Mayaki culture Kurgan burials. In these analyses, the two
Alan samples from the 4th to 6th century AD turned out to belong to yDNA haplogroups
G2a-P15 and R1a-z94, while two of the three Sarmatian samples from the 2nd to 3rd
century AD were found to belong to yDNA haplogroup J1-M267 while one belonged to


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

R1a. Three Saltovo-Mayaki samples from the 8th to 9th century AD turned out to have
yDNA corresponding to haplogroups G, J2a-M410 and R1a-z94.
Like the Scythians, Sarmatians were of a Caucasoid appearance. Sarmatian noblemen
often reached 1.70–1.80 m (5 ft 7 in–5 ft 11 in) as measured from skeletons. They had
sturdy bones, long hair and beards. In the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD, the Greek
physician Galen declared that Sarmatians, Scythians and other northern peoples had
reddish hair. They are said to owe their name (Sarmatae) to it.

Pliny the Elder writes (4.12.79–81): From this point (the mouth of the Danube) all the
races in general are Scythian, though various sections have occupied the lands
adjacent to the coast, in one place the Getae ... at another the Sarmatae ... Agrippa
describes the whole of this area from the Danube to the sea ... as far as the river Vistula
in the direction of the Sarmatian desert ... The name of the Scythians has spread in
every direction, as far as the Sarmatae and the Germans. According to Pliny, Scythian
rule once extended as far as Germany. Jordanes supports this hypothesis by telling us
on the one hand that he was familiar with the Geography of Ptolemy, which includes the
entire Balto-Slavic territory in Sarmatia, and on the other that this same region was
Scythia. By "Sarmatia", Jordanes means only the Aryan territory. The Sarmatians were,
therefore, a sub-group of the broader Scythian peoples.

Tacitus' De Origine et situ Germanorum speaks of "mutual fear" between Germanic

peoples and Sarmatians:

All Germania is divided from Gaul, Raetia, and Pannonia by the Rhine and Danube
rivers; from the Sarmatians and the Dacians by shared fear and mountains. The Ocean
laps the rest, embracing wide bays and enormous stretches of islands. Just recently, we
learned about certain tribes and kings, whom war brought to light.

The Physical and DNA Characteristics of the Scythians

The Alans were a group of Sarmatian tribes, according to the Roman historian
Ammianus Marcellinus. He wrote, "Nearly all the Alani are men of great stature and

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

beauty, their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are frighteningly fierce." Early physical
analyses have unanimously concluded that the Scythians, even those in the east (e.g.
the Pazyryk region), possessed predominantly "Europid" features, although mixed
'Euro-mongoloid" phenotypes also occur, depending on site and period.
In works of art, the Scythians are portrayed exhibiting European traits. In Histories, the
5th-century Greek historian Herodotus describes the Budini of Scythia as red-haired
and grey-eyed. In the 5th century BC, Greek physician Hippocrates argued that the
Scythians have purron (ruddy) skin. In the 3rd century BC, the Greek poet Callimachus
described the Arismapes (Arimaspi) of Scythia as fair-haired.

The red-haired Proto-Indo-Europeans split in three branches (Proto-Italic, Proto-Celtic

and Proto-Germanic) during the expansion of the successive Bronze-age Unetice,
Tumulus and Urnfield cultures from Central Europe. From 3500 B.C., the vast majority
of the R1b migrated westward along the Black Sea coast. The Proto-Germanic branch,
originating as the R1b-U106 subclade, is thought to have migrated from present-day
Austria to the Low Countries and north-western Germany. They would continue their
expansion (probably from 1200 BCE) to Denmark, southern Sweden and southern
Norway, where, after blending with the local I1 and R1a people, the ancient Germanic
culture emerged.

Nowadays, the frequency of red hair among Germanic people is highest in the
Netherlands, Belgium, north-western Germany and Jutland, i.e. where the percentage
of R1b is the highest. This is presumably the first region to be settled by R1b, before
blending with the blond-haired R1a and I1 people from Scandinavia and re-expanding
south to Germany during the Iron Age, with a considerably lower percentage of R1b and
red-hair alleles. Red-haired is therefore most associated with the continental West
Germanic peoples, and least with Scandinavians and Germanic tribes that
originated in Sweden, like the Goths and the Vandals. This also explains why the
Anglo-Saxon settlements on southern England have a higher frequency of redheads
than the Scandinavian settlements of northeast England.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The 2nd century B.C. Han Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described the Sai (Saka) as
having yellow (probably meaning hazel or green), and blue eyes. In Natural History, the
1st century AD Roman author Pliny the Elder characterises the Seres, sometimes
identified as Iranians or Tocharians, as red-haired and blue-eyed. In the late 2nd
century AD, the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria says that the Scythians
were fair-haired. The 2nd century Greek philosopher Polemon includes the Scythians
among the northern peoples characterised by red hair and blue-grey eyes. In the late
2nd or early 3rd century AD, the Greek physician Galen declares that Sarmatians,
Scythians and other northern peoples have reddish hair. The fourth-century Roman
historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that the Alans, a people closely related to the
Scythians, were tall, blond and light-eyed. The 4th century bishop of Nyssa Gregory of
Nyssa wrote that the Scythians were fair skinned and blond haired. The 5th-century
physician Adamantius, who often followed Polemon, describes the Scythians are fair-
haired. It is possible that the later physical descriptions by Adamantius and Gregory of
Scythians refer to East Germanic tribes, as the latter were frequently referred to as
"Scythians" in Roman sources at that time.

Researcher Ariel David said in August 2018 that a mysterious 6,500-year-old culture
was brought by migrants to Israel. Genetic analysis indicated that ancient Galilean
farmers warmly embraced blue-eyed, fair-skinned immigrants from Iran and Turkey in
the late Copper Age. Spectacular pottery, exquisite tools and enigmatic works of art
appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. The culture would flourish for about 600 years
during the late Copper Age, then disappear as inexplicably as it arose. Secondary burial
vessels with human features, over a meter in height and dating to about 6,500 years
ago, found in Peki'in Cave, a village in the Western Galilee. Now archaeologists believe
they have deduced its origins: migrants from across the Middle East and Eurasia. At
least one of these outsider peoples seems to have included blue-eyed, fair-skinned
immigrants, according to a paper published in the journal Nature Communications.
These conclusions are based on the analysis of DNA extracted from the bones of these

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

nearly-forgotten people, found in a burial cave uncovered in the mid 1990s in Peki’in.
Comparing their DNA to other samples from previous and later periods, and to samples
from different regions, showed that the ancient ‘Peki’inese’ were an admixture between
local populations and two additional groups: one from Anatolia or northern
Mesopotamia, and one from Iran, the Nature paper says.

Eye-color and skin tone aren’t controlled by single genes: they are genetically complex.
Gene variants associated with blue eye-color in Europeans, and light skin, appeared
among ancient immigrants, suggesting that baby blues were possibly even common
among them.

Roman Gaul and Germania east of the Rhine around 70 A. D.

The Carolingian kings of the Franks traced Merovingian ancestry to the Germanic tribe
of the Sicambri. Gregory of Tours documents in his History of the Franks that when
Clovis was baptised, he was referred to as a Sicamber with the words "Mitis depone
colla, Sicamber, adora quod incendisti, incendi quod adorasti." The Chronicle of
Fredegar in turn reveals that the Franks believed the Sicambri to be a tribe of Scythian
or Cimmerian descent, who had changed their name to Franks in honour of their
chieftain Franco in 11 B.C. The Sicambri, also known as the Sugambri or Sicambrians,
were a Germanic people who during Roman times lived on the east bank of the Rhine
river, in what is now Germany, near the border with the Netherlands. They were first
reported by Julius Caesar. These stories
have obvious difficulties. Historians,
including eyewitnesses like Caesar, have
given us accounts that place the Sicambri
firmly at the delta of the Rhine, and
archaeologists have confirmed ongoing
settlement of peoples. Furthermore, the
myth does not come from the Sicambri
themselves, but from later Franks, and

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

includes an incorrect geography. Based on such accounts of Scythian founders of
certain Germanic as well as Celtic tribes, British historiography in the British Empire
period such as Sharon Turner in his History of the Anglo-Saxons, made them the
ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons.

The idea was taken up in the British Israelism of John Wilson, who adopted and
promoted the idea that the "European Race, in particular the Anglo-Saxons, were
descended from certain Scythian tribes, and these Scythian tribes (as many had
previously stated from the Middle Ages onward) were in turn descended from the Ten
Lost Tribes of Israel."
[Parfitt, Tudor (2003). The Lost Tribes of Israel: The History of a Myth. Phoenix.]
Tudor Parfitt, author of The Lost Tribes of Israel points out that the proof cited by
adherents of British Israelism is "of a feeble composition even by the low standards of
the genre.

However, in the 17th and 18th centuries, foreigners regarded the Russians as
descendants of Scythians.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

De skandinaver, som han underlagde sig, anerkendte ham som en gudekonge. Odin
havde selv Thor som gud, og regnede ham også som forfader i følge Snorre. Hans
beretning er skrevet mere end 1000 år efter begivenhederne angiveligt fandt sted.
Beretningen tillægges derfor normalt ikke stor værdi som historisk kilde til en evt.
indvandring til Skandinavien fra Asien. [Witnesses to the Israelite Origin of the Nordic,
Germanic, and Anglo-Saxon Peoples, Mikkel Stjernholm Kragh]
Hvem er
af Israels 12

beretter, at
størstedelen af
Israels 12
omkring år 721
f.Kr. blev
deporteret bort
fra Israels land
til områder syd
for Kaukasus-
bjergene og det
Kaspiske Hav.
De blev kendt
som "Israels


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

På Jesu tid var der kun en lille del af Israels 12 stammer tilbage i Palæstina. De var
primært af Judas stamme, og derfor kaldtes de ”jøder”, som jo kommer af navnet Juda.
Det var derfor, at Jesus sagde:

"Gå ikke ud på hedningers veje og ikke ind i samaritaneres byer! Gå hellere til de
fortabte får af Israels hus!" (Mattæus 10:5-6) og: "Jeg er ikke udsendt til andre end til de
fortabte får af Israels hus." (Mattæus 15:24)

Samtidig beretter de ældste nordiske kilder, såsom Snorre Sturlasson (1178-1241), at

de nordiske og germanske folkeslag stammer fra Tyrkland og områder syd for
Kaukasus-bjergene og det Kaspiske Hav, og at de vandrede til Nordeuropa under
ledelse af en præstehøvding kaldt Odin. Thor Heyerdahl bekræftede dette i Jakten på
Odin (2002), hvor han skrev, at nordboerne kom fra Azerbajdjan.

Efterkommerne af størstedelen af Israels 12 stammer er ingen andre end folkeslagene i

Nordvest-Europa, samt dem, der er beslægtet med dem i resten Europa, Amerika, det
sydlige Afrika, Australien og New Zealand!

En lang række kendte kristne har været klar over deres israelitiske oprindelse, bl.a.
George VI, Konge af Storbritannien og det Britiske Commonwealth 1936-52 og Kejser
af Indien 1936-47.

Who are the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel?

It can be read in the Bible that the majority of the 12 tribes of Israel around 721 B.C.
were deported out of the land of Israel to areas south of the Caucasus Mountains and
the Caspian Sea. They became known as "the lost tribes of Israel". When Jesus was
born, only a remnant of the 12 tribes of Israel remained in Palestine. They were
primarily of the tribe of Judah, and therefore they were called “Jews”, which is derived
from the name Judah. That is the reason Jesus said:

"Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 10:5-6) and: "I am not
sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 15:24)

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

At the same time, the oldest Norse sources, such as the Icelandic historian Snorre
Sturlasson (1178-1241), tells that the Nordic and Germanic tribes originate from
“Turkland” and areas south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea, and that
they trekked to Northern Europe under the leadership of a priest-chief called Odin. This
was confirmed by the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl in his book Jakten på Odin
(The Search for Odin) (2002), where he wrote that the Norsemen came from

Til venstre: Israels og Dans hovedvandringsrute, lavet ved at kombinere vidnesbyrdene

fra det Gamle Testamente, Snorre Sturlasson og Thor Heyerdahl. Andre vandringsruter
er ikke vist på dette kort.

Left: Israel's and Dan's main trek route, made by combining the testimonies of the Old
Testament, Snorre Sturlasson, and Thor Heyerdahl. Other trek routes are not shown on
this map.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The descendants of the greater part of the 12 tribes of Israel are the North-West
European peoples, as well as their kindred in the rest of Europe, America, Southern
Africa, Australia, and New Zealand! Many well-known Christians have been aware of
their Israelite origin. One of them was George VI, King of the United Kingdom and the
British Commonwealth 1936-52 and Emperor of India 1936-47.

Heyerdahl tried to seek the origins of the Æsir, following the route set out by Snorri
Sturluson in the Ynglinga saga, from the Black Sea and the river Tanais (referred to by
Snorri Sturluson by the names Tanaís and Tanakvísl [Quoted in Sharon Turner's
"History of the Anglo-Saxons" vol.I., 1799-1805, p. 130 and Suhm: Critisk Historie af
Danmark, Vol. 1 (1774), p. 175]) via Saxon homelands in northern Germany, Odense
on Fyn, Denmark to Old Sigtuna, ancient Sweden. When Heyerdahl died in 2002 the
second season of excavations had just been finished.

The Danes are of particular interest because of the ease with which they can be
identified. One of the lost ten tribes was the tribe of Dan. In the Old Testament the tribe
of Dan was noted for naming the places that they inhabited after their father, Dan. The
tribe of Dan has never lost this trait. We find that they have left their marks right across
the face of Europe as they progressively migrated towards the Isles of the West. Thus,
we have the River Danube, the River Don (?), the D(a)neiper and D(a)neister, the city of
Danzig, and Denmark, or as spelt by the Danes, Danmark. As we know from history,
many of the Danes, or the men of Dan, moved into the British Isles.

Gawler’s book focuses on the Tribe of Dan's settlements & connections with the
Scythians. He traces the Danaans or Danes of Scandinavia, Ireland & Scotland back to
the Tribe of Dan. The Tribe of Dan’s ancestor was the son of one of the concubines and
the firstborn of Rachel's household. "Dan" which means to judge and rule. This word
perhaps first started as a surname has been perpetuated as a title in the Gothic Anglo-
Saxon & English. In these languages Din Dun Don & Dan signify ruler master. The
expression is repeatedly used by Shakespeare, Spenser, Chauser Prior & others. The

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Spanish too had close contact for ages with the Hebrews. Dan's name given by Rachel
implies authority, vigour & Jacob when bestowing his blessings (Gen. 49:16) repeats &
confirms it: "Dan shall judge his people" said the venerable patriarch & proceeded to
name other characteristics implying great wisdom & astuteness. The serpent is the
scriptural symbol of wisdom (Gen. 3:1; Matt. 10:16). Colonel Gawler shows the
connection between the Danai of Greece and the Danites of Israel and tells why he
believes Dan was not sealed among the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation.
[Gawler, J.C. (1984). Dan, the pioneer of Israel, (Rev. VII.), originally published in 1880]

The leaders of Jewry are quite aware of their historical and prophetical background, and
rightly claim to have the most consecutive and complete historical records of any nation
or people in the world. In 1918, Dr. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, said: "The
people known at present as Jews are descendants of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin,
with a certain number of the descendants of the tribe of Levi. As far as is known there is
not any further admixture of other tribes. The ten tribes have been absorbed among
the nations of the world. We look forward to the gathering of the tribes at some future
Several great personalities also
believed that the Nordic,
Germanic, and Anglo-Saxon
peoples are the descendants of
the 'Lost' Tribes of Israel,
including the British king during
WWII, George VI (1895-1952),
the founder of Pentecostalism,
the American Charles Fox
Parham (1873-1929), the
founder of Danish
Pentecostalism Anna Bjørner
(1875-1955), and the car manufacturer, the American Henry Ford, Sr. (1863-1947).


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The 3 most northern tribes of Israel today are Denmark (Dan), Sweden (Aser), and
Norway (Naphtali). From Canaan, they wandered to Asia Minor, and under the chief
Odin. The Paarthian Horde wandered later later to the North. George Jones claims that
the American “Indians” were originally Phoenicians and Israelites, and that the Apostle
St. Thomas had Christianized the land. Jones claimed to see “Hebrew analogies”
amongst the Native Americans.

[Jones, George (1843). The History of Ancient America. Third Edition. London: Longman, Brown].

An article in The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine offers an intriguing theory on what

became of the Lost Tribes of Israel, claiming that these exiled people migrated to the
area of the Caspian Sea. They were called there the Parthians, a name meaning
“exiles.” “From the Caspian area, the Persians forced the “Parthians” (Lost Tribes) to
flee northwest, into Europe. Britain (B’rith-ain) is essentially today one of the Lost Tribes
of Israel, according to Trumpet magazine.”
[Flurry, Gerald (2012). “Why Most People Don’t Understand Bible Prophecy.” The Philadelphia Trumpet,
Oct./Nov. 2012)

Jesus, notices The Philadelphia Trumpet, had great hopes for the Lost Tribes. He told
the Apostles to “Go not into the way of the Gentiles” but “go rather to the lost sheep of
the house of Israel.” (Matthew 10: 5-6) Again, in Matthew 15, verse 24, Jesus says, “I


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Opinions differ as to the
meaning, but the Trumpet magazine interprets Jesus as referring to the actual Lost
Tribes of Israel.
Bibelen beretter, at størstedelen af Israels 12 stammer omkring år 721 f.Kr. blev
deporteret bort fra Israels land til områder syd for Kaukasus-bjergene og det Kaspiske
Hav. De blev kendt som "Israels fortabte stammer" [The Bible reports that the majority
of Israel's 12 tribes around 721 B.C. was deported from the land of Israel to areas south
of the Caucasus and Caspian Sea. They became known as "the lost tribes of Israel"].
På Jesu tid var der kun en lille del af Israels 12 stammer tilbage i Palæstina. De var
primært af Judas stamme, og derfor kaldtes de ”jøder”, som jo kommer af navnet Juda.
Det var derfor, at Jesus sagde:

"Gå ikke ud på hedningers veje og ikke ind i samaritaneres byer! Gå hellere til de
fortabte får af Israels hus!" (Mattæus 10:5-6) og: "Jeg er ikke udsendt til andre end til de
fortabte får af Israels hus." (Mattæus 15:24)

[At the time of Jesus, only a small part of Israel's 12 tribes remained in Palestine. They
were primarily of the tribe of Judah, and therefore they were called "Jews," which come
from the name of Judah. That is why Jesus said:

"Do not go out into the ways of the Gentiles, nor into the cities of Samaritans; rather go
to the lost sheep of the house of Israel!" (Matthew 10: 5-6) and, "I am not sent to other
than to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 15:24)].

The history of the Jews in Central Asia dates back centuries, where Jews have lived in
countries including Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
Marco Polo mentions the existence of Jewish traders along the silk road which passed
through modern day Kyrgyzstan, who built synagogues and spoke Aramaic. Famous
Arab geographer Al-Maqdisi (946−1000) mentioned the cities of Osh, Uzgen, Taraz and
others as having communities of Jews. Peoples who at various times were said to be
descendants of the lost tribes include the Nestorians, the Mormons, the Afghans, the
Falashas of Ethiopia, the American Indians, and the Japanese. Among the numerous
immigrants to the State of Israel since its establishment in 1948 were a few who
likewise claimed to be remnants of the Ten Lost Tribes. The descendants of the tribes


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

of Judah and Benjamin have survived as Jews because they were allowed to return to
their homeland after the Babylonian Exile of 586 B.C.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed inland body of water on earth by area, classed
as the world's largest lake or a full-fledged sea. It is in a basin without outflows located
between Europe and Asia. Its boundaries are Kazakhstan on the northeast, Russia on
the northwest, Azerbaijan on the west, Iran on the south, and Turkmenistan on the

Linguistic, Biblical and DNA research now supports much of Sturlesson’s

descriptions in the Heimskringla.

And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts.... Whose origin was from
Scythia, or Cathaia in Tartary, that lies to the north of China; and who will bring with him
many people from the Euxine and Caspian seas, and from the northern parts of lesser
Asia; and the Turk is, by many interpreters, thought to be the king of the north, in Daniel
… thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses; the Turkish armies
consisting chiefly of horse, as has been observed on Ezekiel 38:4, a great company,
and a mighty army; for quantity many, for quality strong and mighty. The Targum is,
"many armies, and much people;' the Turks usually have large armies; Ezekiel 38:4.

The saga of Harald Hardrada narrates his expedition to the East, and his brilliant
exploits in Constantinople, Syria, and Sicily. The story of Harald’s battles in England
against Harold Godwinson, the son of Godwin, Earl of Wessex, and his death at the
Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066 are recounted. A few days later Harold himself fell
at the Battle of Hastings. This saga is of relevance to the history of England and is an
example of splendid epic prose. The first part of the Heimskringla is based on Norse
mythology and it ends in factual history.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

DNA research is becoming a powerful tool for historical studies. A specialized genetic
and surname study in Liverpool demonstrated marked Norse heritage. Upwards of up to
50 percent of males belonged to original families, those who lived there before the years
of industrialization and population expansion. High percentages of Norse inheritance -
tracked through R1a1 haplotype signatures—were also found among males in the
Wirral and West Lancashire. This was similar to the percentage of Norse inheritance
found among males in the Orkney Islands. Recent research suggests that the Scottish
warrior Somerled, who drove the Vikings out of Scotland and was the progenitor of Clan
Donald, may himself have been of Viking descent—a member of Haplogroup R1a1.
R1a-Z284 branch (Norse).

DNA Evidence of the migration of Scandinavians from Central Asia

More than two thousand years ago the Scythians lived on the banks of the river Don.
Many Scythian tombs were found in this area.
[Keyser, C.; Bouakaze, C.; Crubézy, E.; Nikolaev, V. G.; Montagnon, D.; Reis, T.; Ludes, B. (2009)].
["Ancient DNA provides new insights into the history of south Siberian Kurgan people". Human Genetics.
126 (3): 395–410. doi:10.1007/s00439-009-0683-0. PMID 19449030.]

To help reveal some of the early Eurasian steppe migration movements, the Y-
chromosomal and mitochondrial haplotypes and haplogroups of 26 ancient human
specimens from the Krasnoyarsk area, dated from between the middle of the second
millennium B.C. to the fourth century A.D. were examined. The autosomal, Y-
chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA analyses reveal that few specimens seem to be
related matrilineally or patrilineally, but nearly all subjects belong to haplogroup R1a1-
M17. This indicates an eastward migration of the early Indo-Europeans. The results
also confirm that in the Bronze and Iron Ages, south Siberia was a region of
overwhelmingly predominant European settlement. This is further evidence of an
eastward migration of Kurgan people across the Russo-Kazakh steppe. The data

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

indicate that at the Bronze and Iron Age timeframe, south Siberians were blue (or
green)-eyed, fair-skinned and light-haired people. They very likely have played a role in
the early development of the Tarim Basin civilization. [Eiberg H, Troelsen J, Nielsen M
et al (2008)]. Blue eye color in humans may be caused by a perfectly associated
founder mutation in a regulatory element located within the HERC2 gene inhibiting
OCA2 expression. [Hum Genet 123:177–187]

Subsequently, the area was inhabited by the Khazars and the Polovtsians. The steppes
of the Don River were called "The Wild Field" (Дикое Поле). The area was under the
general control of the Golden Horde, and numerous Tatar armed groups roamed there,
attacking Russian and foreign merchants.

Not only did human groups migrate from Central Asia to Scandinavia, but in addition
genetic evidence concludes that the horses so important in Scandinavian life also
originated in Mongolia and were brought to Scandinavia at approximately the same time
as the proposed migration of humans.

Through secular and Biblical history, the Germans can be traced back to the lost tribes
of Israel. But the science of genetics also proves that modern Germans genetically are
of the same stock as the Scandinavians, Dutch, British, French and other nations of
Israelite ancestry.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Swiss DNA testing institute iGENEA has made statistics over how modern
European nations are genetically related to ancient peoples of the first millennium A.D.
iGENEA obtained the following results:

Germany Austria Switzerland Nether- Belgium UK France Czech Spain Sweden Denmark
lands Rep. &

Germanic 25% 35% 30% 40% 20% 13 20% 50% 15% 12% 40%

Viking 10% 80% 12 88% 60%


Celtic 45% 55% 50% 75 70% 40%


Slavonic 20% 30% 5% 42%

Finno- 10%

Iberian 30%

Phoenician 10% 10% 7%

Arab 1%

Jewish 10% 10% 10% 8%

iGENEA’s DNA statistics show that the Germans genetically are closely related to the
British and French. The Germans, British and French are all descended primarily from
Celts and secondarily from Germanic tribes and/or Vikings.

Hpg I1 is a branch of Hpg I is found frequently in Europe and in the Middle East.

Haplogroup I-M253, also known as I1, is a Y chromosome haplogroup. The genetic

markers confirmed as identifying I-M253 are the SNPs M253, M307.2/P203.2,


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

M450/S109, P30, P40, L64, L75, L80, L81, L118, L121/S62, L123, L124/S64,
L125/S65, L157.1, L186, and L187. It is a primary branch of Haplogroup I-M170 (I*).

The haplogroup reaches its peak frequencies in Sweden (52 percent of males in Västra
Götaland County) and western Finland (more than 50 percent in Satakunta province). In
terms of national averages, I-M253 is found in 35–38 per cent of Swedish males, 32.8%
of Danish males, about 31.5% of Norwegian males, and about 28% of Finnish males.
Haplogroup I-M253 is a primary branch of haplogroup I* (I-M170), which has been
present in Europe since ancient times. The other primary branch of I* is I-M438, also
known as I2. All known living members descend from a common ancestor 6 times
younger than the common ancestor with I2. Y DNA Haplogroups are the male DNA
Haplogroups which are inherited from father to son. Y DNA Haplogroup I1 is associated
with the Nordic and Germanic peoples. Hpg I1 is a branch of Hpg I which is found
quite frequently in Europe and in a few places in the Middle East.

Hpg I1 is associated with the descendants of the Israelites of the Old Testament


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

I-M253 is found at its highest density in Northern Europe and other countries that
experienced extensive migration from Northern Europe, either in the Migration Period,
the Viking Age, or modern times. It is found in all places invaded by the Norse. During
the modern era, significant I-M253 populations have also taken root in immigrant
nations and former European colonies such as the United States, Australia and

Prominent members of I-M253

Alexander Hamilton, through genealogy and the testing of his descendants (assuming
actual paternity matching his genealogy), has been placed within Y-DNA haplogroup I-
Birger Jarl, 'Duke of Sweden' of the East Geatish House of Bjälbo, his remains were
exhumed and tested in 2002 and found to be also I-M253. Birger Jarl, the founder of
Stockholm, the modern capital of Sweden, belonged to Y Haplogroup I-M253, according
to Andreas Carlsson at the National Board of Forensic Medicine of Sweden.
Birger Magnusson was the ancestor of a line of kings of both Sweden and Norway,
starting with his son, Valdemar, King of Sweden.
Martin Luther. Tested relatives of Protestant reformer Martin Luther belonged to
Haplogroup I2a-Din-N (L147.2+).
The first President of the United States, George Washington may well have belonged
to the L2 subclade of U152. This deduction is based on the results from the Washington
DNA Project. George Washington's ancestors hailed from Oxfordshire, and before that
from Lancashire. Washington is a relatively rare surname and was originally distributed
exactly in those two regions according to the 1881 survey. All project members with
ancestry confirmed in those regions share the same haplotype, hinting at a common
paternal ancestry. Cheshire and Lancashire was a region that was heavily settled by the
Romans (e.g. Chester, Manchester, Lancaster), which hints that the Washington family
could be patrilineally descended from ancient Romans from Italy. There is also a village
called Washington in the UK, which is in the suburbs of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, another
Roman stronghold.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Andrew Jackson (1767-1845), the 7th president of the United States, most probably
belonged to haplogroup I1 based on a comparison of his genealogy and results from the
Jackson DNA Project.
The haplogroup of the celebrated Russian writer Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy,
usually known as Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), was inferred by testing one of his
descendants, Pyotr Tolstoy. He is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time
and is best known for the novels War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877),
often cited as pinnacles of realist fiction.
Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), the 30th President and 29th Vice President of the United
States, was identified as a member of haplogroup I1 according to testing of relatives.
Jimmy Carter (b. 1922), the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981,
appears to belong to haplogroup I1 according to the testing of a close relative as
indicated on
The personal genomics company 23andMe tested the Y-chromosomal haplogroup of
business magnate and multi-billionaire Warren Buffett and singer/film producer Jimmy
Buffett to determine whether they shared a common patrilineal ancestor. Both men
were found to belong to haplogroup I1, though apparently not to closely related
Bill Clinton (born 1946), who served as the 42nd President of the United States from
1993 to 2001, most probably belonged to haplogroup I1 based on the results of distant
cousins testing available at
Rothschild Family. Men of the Jewish Rothschild family, who established an
international banking business, acquired the largest fortune in modern world history and
established a true dynasty in the 19th century, apparently belong to haplogroup J2a1-
L210. Haplogroup J2 is commonly found within Asia Minor, Persia, Central Asia and the
Caucasus Mountains but is rare in modern and historical inhabitants of the Levant and
Fertile Crescent. Subclade J2a is very common amongst Chechens and has been found
in West Eurasian corpses discovered in the Altai mountains, implying that the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Rothschilds do not have a paternal lineage traced from the ancient Israelites but rather
have origins somewhere within the Eurasian Steppe.
The English musician, singer-songwriter, and actor Gordon Matthew Thomas
Sumner, known professionally by his stage name Sting (b. 1951), was revealed to
belong to haplogroup I1 by the PBS TV series Finding Your Roots. He was the principal
songwriter, lead singer, and bassist for the new wave rock band The Police from 1977
to 1984, before launching a solo career. With The Police, Sting became one of the
world's best-selling music artists. Solo and with The Police combined, he has sold over
100 million records. Sting was revealed to belong to haplogroup I1 by the PBS TV
series Finding Your Roots.
Bill Gates (b. 1955), the co-founder of the Microsoft Corporation and the richest man in
the world according to Forbes for most of the time since 2000, appears to belong to
haplogroup I2-Y3684 (aka Y3713) according to the testing of a close relative. Several
other descendants of his patrilineal ancetsor Eutaces Gates (1580-1626) from Suffolk,
England, also tested positive for that haplogroup in the Gates Surname Project.
The American rock legend and cultural icon Elvis Presley (1935-1977) was revealed to
belong to haplogroup I in the book Old World Roots of the Cherokee (p.42). Elvis's
paternal grandfather was born out of wedlock and got his mother's surname. His Y-DNA
test showed numerous exact matches with the Wallace surname in Scotland, who within
haplogroup I belong overwhelmingly to the rare haplogroup I2c1a2a1a1a (F2044).
According to a study published in 2010, I-M253 originated between 3,170 and 5,000
years ago, in Chalcolithic Europe. A new study in 2015 estimated the origin as between
3,470 and 5,070 years ago or between 3,180 and 3,760 years ago, using two different
techniques. It is suggested that it initially dispersed from the area that is now Denmark.

In 1926 the Norwegian captain Ole Jørgen Johnsen wrote Israel i de siste dage (Israel
in the last days), where he wrote that the Germans were the tribe of Levi, Prussia was
Simeon and Austria was Reuben. Concerning Levi being Germany and Moses’ blessing
to Levi and Simeon, Johnsen wrote:


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

“The first part of the prophecy is about the past of this tribe, to which Moses belonged,
and about their service in the wilderness. The last part is about the future, and
rehabilitates Levi after he is separated from Simeon – the spiritual direction of his
seducing brother – which is the fallen Prussia. Germany – which during the Reformation
was Christianity’s force on the European continent, with Reformers such as Luther
and many other pious men – are the descendants of Levi, which was the priestly
tribe. The name of Levi’s eldest son was ‘Gershon’. And if they had called themselves
‘Gershonites’, then we would have recognized them immediately. Now, however, they
are called ‘Germanic’ peoples.”
Statistics over the distribution of Y DNA Hpg I1 again show that the Germans are
closely related to the Scandinavians, British, and French. John Wilson viewed the
Anglo-Saxons, Norsemen, Germans, and other European peoples as the descendants
of the Lost Tribes of Israel. He viewed the Jews as Judah mixed with Edom, even
though Our Israelitish Origin by no means was anti-Jewish.
Y-DNA Hpg in I1 I2a I2b R1a R1b G2 J2 J1 E1b1b N

Sweden 42 - 2 23.5 21 0.5 1 - 1 7

Norway 36 - 1 28 28 0.5 1 - 1 4

Iceland 33 - - 23 42 - - - - 1

Denmark 30.5 0.5 5 12.5 44.5 1 3 - 2.5 1.5

Finland 28 - 1 7.5 3.5 - - - 1 58.5

Netherlands 18.5 1 6 6 53 2.5 6 - 4.5 0.5

Germany total 16 1.5 4.5 16 44.5 5 4.5 0.5 5.5 1

East Germany 19.5 1 3 24 36 4 2 - 7.5 1

North 18 1 5 23 38 3.5 4 0.5 2.5 1.5


West Germany 13 2.5 7 9 47 5 5 - 8 1.5

South 9 5 3 9.5 48.5 7.5 5.5 1 7.2 0.5



The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Estonia 15 3 0.5 32 8 - 1 - 2.5 34

England 14 2.5 4.5 4.5 67 1.5 3.5 - 2.5 1.5

Belgium 12.5 3.5 4.5 4 59.5 4 5 1 4 -

Austria 12 6 2 26 23 8 12 - 9 0.5

Y-DNA Hpg in I1 I2a I2b R1a R1b G2 J2 J1 E1b1b N


Macedonia 10 18 - 13.5 13.5 4 12 - 23 -

France 9.5 3 4 2.5 61 5 7 - 7 -

Scotland 9 1 4 8.5 72.5 0.5 2 - 1.5 -

Ireland 7 2 4 3 79 1 1.5 - 2 -

Switzerland 7 1 3 5 48 10 6 - 9 -

Wales 6 0.5 1 2 82 4 1.5 - 2 -

North Italy 6 2.5 2.5 3.5 55 2.5 11.5 0.5 11 -

Lithuania 6 6 1 38 5 - - - 1 42

Slovakia 6 10 1 40 23 1 4 - 11 0.5

Russia 5 10.5 - 46 6 1 3 - 2.5 23

Sephardic Jews (11.5 I 3.9 29.5 (28.2 J 19.2

total) total)

Ashkenazi (4.1 I (9.7 G (38 J 19.7 0.2

Jews total) total) total)

Modern Germans are close genetic relatives of the Scandinavians, the Dutch, the
British, and other nations of Israelite ancestry. In 1931 the German Paul Senstius
published the book Die Stämme der Israeliten und Germanen (The Israelite and
Germanic Tribes) where he stated that the Germanic tribes were the descendants of the
Israelite tribes of the Old Testament. Senstius reached much the same conclusions as
presented in this study. He believed the Franks to be of Reuben, the Swabians and
Alemmanians of Simeon, Bavaria of Levi, and the Jutes and the Alemannic tribe the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Juthungen to be of Judah. Senstius also wrote that the name Germanic, Germans, etc.
means “strangers from Armenia”, because the Germanic tribes had trekked to Germany
through Armenia.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

They also identified the SNP at position 16213 in the male sample which denotes
Haplogroup X2a. Finally, the researchers sequenced a portion of the Y chromosome
and identified the C to T substitution that is characteristic of the Native American Q-M3
lineage. These results do not lend credence to the proposed idea that the Beothuk
(specifically, Nonosabasut) were of admixed (European-Native American) descent.

The Nephilim Bloodline has been revealed through the North America Native Indians
with DNA evidence in the form of DNA Haplogroup X2a. New theories propose this
enigmatic and somewhat rare blood group may indicate non-human traits in the genetic
makeup, basically meaning that Rh Negative blood is somewhat different than
conventional DNA found in homo sapiens. The Nephilim in Hebrew is translated ‘to fall’
and is interpreted by many as ‘the Fallen Angels’ due to mentions in ancient texts.
Interestingly, the Bible, the Tamid, and the Koran refer to the Nephilim as the ‘fallen
angels’, or the offspring of the gods.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

“The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that when the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the
mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. “(Genesis 6:4)

“And there we saw the giants…. and we

were in our own sight as grasshoppers.”
(Numbers 13:33).

This is a recently discovered (1997)

Human DNA group which is mainly only
found in the giant skeletal remains
removed from Ancient American Earth
Mounds, Ancient Egypt and at least 3% of
Native American Indians today.
Supposedly one way to tell whether a
person is of the Nephilim hybrid bloodline or not - draw their blood and check the CK
level. The Nephilim have a sky-high level of Creatine Kenase in their blood!
[Kozintsev AG, Gromov AV, Moiseyev VG (1999) Collateral relatives of American Indians among the
Bronze Age populations of Siberia? Am J Phys Anthropol 108:193–204]

Type X subjects arrived in North America 10,000 to 38,000 years ago, later than the
other groups. The highest concentration of Type X in Europe was found in the Basques,
a race of Caucasians who live in the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France.
The highest frequency of Type X in the entire world was found in the Berbers, a race of
Caucasians who live in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco in North Africa. The Basques
and Berbers have long puzzled anthropologists, linguists and historians because they
don’t seem to fit into their continental surroundings. Yet both the Basques and the
Berbers lived along the Phoenician trade routes to Cornwall and further!


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Linguistic and DNA research now support much of Sturlesson’s descriptions in the
Heimskringla. Migration paths of ancient Scandinavians can be revealed by researching
concentrations of DNA as they travelled over centuries to Europe and beyond. Thor
Heyerdahl has challenged historians and scientists to go beyond the “dogmatic
medieval view of history that puts Europe in the center of exploration, discovery and
settlement of the rest of the world.” His belief that “Europe arrived later in the global
scheme of things, and that Azerbaijan may well be one of the very first centers of
migration”, should be researched by future ancient history students, and compared with
Sturlesson’s Heimskringla, using all scientific resources available.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs


In 2003, an Oxford University scientist traced the Y-chromosome signature of Somerled

of Argyll (1100-1164), a military and political leader of the Scottish Isles of Norse-Gaelic
descent. Somerland drove the Vikings out of Scotland and became King of Mann and
the Isles. He was the founder of Clan Somhairle, the father of the founder of Clan
MacDougall, and the paternal grandfather of the founder of Clan Donald (which includes
the MacDonalds and MacAlisters).


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The researcher reported that the tested members of these clans with a confirmed paper
trail all belonged to the Norwegian variety of R1a-L448, and more specifically to the
subclade L176.1, which to date has been found almost exclusively among the
descendants of Somerled. In 2005, geneticist Bryan Sykes asked for DNA samples from
clan chiefs (Lord Godfrey Macdonald, Sir Ian Macdonald of Sleat, Ranald MacDonald of
Clan Ranald, William McAlester of Loup and Ranald MacDonnell of Glengary) to
complete the project, and all matched the presumed Somerled haplotype. Not all
Macdonalds, MacAlisters and MacDougalls are descended from Somerled though. The
majority (about 70%) are members of the Celtic haplogroup R1b. Check the Donald
Clan Genetic Genealogy Project for more information. Studies of genetic diversity
provide some indication of the origin and expansion of the Viking population. The
Haplogroup I1 (defined by specific genetic markers on the Y-chromosome) is
sometimes referred to as the IViking haplogroup. This mutation occurs with the
greatest frequency among Scandinavian males: 35 percent in Norway, Denmark, and
Sweden, and peaking at 40 percent within western Finland. It is also common near the
southern Baltic and North Sea coasts, and then successively decreasing further to the
south geographically.

Genetic studies in the British Isles of the Y-DNA Haplogroup R1a1, seen also across
Scandinavia, have demonstrated that the Vikings settled in Britain and Ireland as well
as raiding there. Both male and female descent studies show evidence of Norse
descent in areas closest to Scandinavia, such as the Shetland and Orkney Islands.
Inhabitants of lands farther away show most Norse descent in the male Y-chromosome
lines. (Haplogrupp I1 är den haplogrupp som har störst genetiskt koncentration i
området runt Skandinavien. Mutationerna som är identifierade som Haplogroup I1 (Y-
DNA) är M253, M307, P30, och P40. Haplogroup I1 is the haplogroup which has the
greatest genetic concentration in the area around Scandinavia. Mutations identified
include Haplogroup i1 (Y-DNS) are M253, M307, P30, and P40.)

Ifølge islandske sagaer kom vikingene til Nord-Amerika. Nå får sagaene støtte av DNA-
analyser [According to Icelandic sagas, the Vikings came to North America]. Brigitta

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Wallace revealed the evidence in 1994. A mitochondrial DNA "clock" for the
Amerindians was found. Now the sagas receive support from DNA analyses.

The Vikings made at least six trips to North America as recorded in the Icelandic sagas.
The sagas are now supported by DNA analyses. Today, 80 Icelanders have a certain
form of DNA only found with Indians and East Asians. They come from the same region
of southern Iceland and their DNA profile is at least 300 years old. This is evidence of
long-term trading and traveling of the Vikings between North America and Iceland, and
their habit of bringing women and children back from their conquests.

One must be forewarned that establishing their "identity as a Native American" by

testing for Native American DNA can be very difficult. "Native American DNA" may be
relevant to tribal enrollment. A paper by the Nevada-based Indigenous Peoples Council
on Biocolonialism (IPCB) explains why DNA is not a valid test of Native American
identity. IPCB points out that “Native American markers’ are not found exclusively
among Native Americans. They occur more frequently among Native Americans but are
also found in people in other parts of the world. A second problem with tying markers to
Native American identity is that mitochondrial DNA and Y marker testing show only one
line of ancestry each. Therefore, Native American ancestors on other lines are invisible.

Nevertheless, conclusions regarding melding of Norsemen and

Native Americans can be determined from DNA typing.

Geneticist Ripan Malhi at the University of Illinois, who is an expert in ethnic DNA-
variations, and who was not part of the project, agrees that the report contains”

strong genetic signs of pre-Columbian contacts between people on

Iceland and Amerindians.”
Paul Schrag/Xaviant Haze in their book “The Suppressed History of America”
hypothesize the Welsh influence on at least some part of American history (the Mandan
Indian tribe). Using DNA tracking it may be possible to demonstrate the interbreeding of


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Native American tribes with Norse settlers. Other researchers do not believe that there
is any known evidence which would objectively support the legend that the Mandan, a
Native American tribe of the central United States, are Welsh emigrants who reached
North America under Prince Madog . DNA coding may help resolve the issue. Recent
research in the Genome Project and other DNA studies have shown an X marker gene
that is in the Algonquian speaking people but not in Asia. This new marker is however,
found in the eastern Mediterranean, Spain and western Europe. This is evidence of
some contact from these areas thousands of years ago.
Viking expeditions made their way along the eastern coast of North America and
explored the northern waterways of Canada, reaching the western shore of Hudson Bay
and continuing inland and southward to Lake Winnipeg. Some of these Vikings were
apparently captured and adopted into the Mandan tribe. European explorers of the
seventeenth century described the Mandans as a race unique in the Americas, the
people said to have mixed hair colorings and many being fair skinned and blue eyed.

Could Nazarene missionaries have brought their message of Torah and Messiah to the
New World? It seems certain that Hebrews did reach Ancient America and teach them
many customs, perhaps even making many converts to Judaism from among them.

Mark 16:15 And He said to them: Go into the entire world, and proclaim My Good News
in all of creation.16 Whoever believes and is immersed, will live: and whoever does not
believe, is condemned. (Mark 16:15-16 HRV)
They took the phrases “all the Goyim” and “the entire world” and “all of creation” to
mean that they should “compass the sea and land” just as the Pharisees had in seeking
their converts.

The theory that the 10 lost tribes of Israel had migrated to the Americas after their
expulsion from ancient Israel is difficult to substantiate. Many went to great lengths
trying to prove it scientifically. Numerous attempts to find linguistic or archeological
evidence in support of it failed. Eventually the theory faded away. It would have most

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

likely been long forgotten had it not been for the work of an important figure in American
religious history—Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. The analysis of his
descendants's Y-chromosomal DNA confirmed that Joseph Smith (1805-1844), the
founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement, belonged to haplogroup

In the 19th century a connection with the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel was made again by
the believers of the Jesus Christ Church of the Latter-Day Saints. Believing to be
descendants of Israel, the Mormons identify themselves with all tribes of Israel and
while most are regarded as sons of Joseph through his son Ephraim, some see
themselves as belonging to other tribes of Israel.

The Yuchis who migrated to the area of Oklahoma eventually settled there. A custom
that they have is unique among Amerindians and they are racially and linguistically
distinct from their neighbors. Every year on the 15th day of the sacred month of harvest
in autumn they make a pilgrimage. For eight days they live in "boots" with the roof open
to the sky, covered only with branches, leaves and foliage. During this festival they
dance around a sacred fire and they call upon the name of God. Virtually an identical
custom existed among the ancient Israelites. In the harvest season of autumn on the
15th day of the sacred month of harvest (7th month) they celebrated the "festival of
booths." This festival dates to the time of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt (Leviticus

Joseph Smith appealed to supernatural revelation: a prophecy declaring that the 10 lost
tribes had indeed found their way to the Americas. Orson Pratt, one of Smith’s 12
apostles (and a direct ancestor of former US presidential candidate Mitt Romney),
explained: “From many intimations of ancient prophecy [the 10 lost tribes] evidently had
a highway made for them in the midst of the Arctic Ocean and were led to a land in the
neighborhood of the North Pole.” Likewise, the 10th Mormon article of faith states: “We


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion
(the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent…”
Mormon Scripture and prophecy situate America within the framework of the traditional
biblical story. The belief in the restoration of the 10 tribes provided the basis for an
America-centered theology and made America the home of a wholly new Scripture—the
Book of Mormon. (Benite, Zvi Ben-Dor (2009). The Ten Lost Tribes: A World History.
Oxford University Press. Benite is professor of history and Middle Eastern and Islamic
Studies at New York University).
Mormonism is more akin to Judaism than any other Christian religion. The doctrines of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints view the religious history of the world
as a continuum flowing from the “plan of salvation” established by God before the earth
was created. Mormons appreciate the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings as much
as they appreciate the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and
Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price, which comprise the canon of the Church.
Mormons look forward to and desire to participate in the gathering of Israel and the
return of the Lost Tribes of Israel. In fact, most Mormons are descendants of Epraim,
whose seed was dispersed among the nations. Mormons are either descended from or
adopted into the many tribes of Israel.

Some Mormon scriptures are of special interest to Jews. The Book of Mormon is a
history (both religious and secular) of Lehi ben Menasseh and his descendants. Lehi
prophesied in Jerusalem with other prophets just prior to the Babylonian captivity. He
tried to bring the people to repentance. Jeremiah was imprisoned, and Lehi’s life was
threatened. The Lord led Lehi, his family, and a few others into the wilderness. They
took along with them the Torah, all the writings up to the reign of Zedekiah, and a
genealogy of Lehi, all engraved on brass plates. The Lord led these people down
through Arabia and then by sea to the Americas. The Book of Mormon reveals that the
American Indians are descendants of the Lamanites, who descended from Lehi and are
therefore a "remnant of the House of Israel."


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Map showing the generally
accepted model of human spread
over the world. Numbers indicate
years before present. The
indigenous peoples of the Americas
are held by modern scientists to
descend from the Paleo-Indians,
who migrated from North Asia to Alaska via the Beringia land bridge, and not from the
Middle East as claimed by the Book of Mormon.

Since the late 1990s pioneering work of Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza and others, scientists
have developed techniques that attempt to use genetic markers to indicate the ethnic
background and history of individual people. The data developed by these mainstream
scientists tell us that the Native Americans have very distinctive DNA markers, and that
some of them are most similar, among old world populations, to the DNA of people
anciently associated with the Altay Mountains area of central Asia. This conclusion from
a genetic perspective supports a large amount of archaeological, anthropological, and
linguistic evidence that Native American peoples' ancestors migrated from Asia at the
latest 16,500–13,000 years ago.

At the 1971 Lamanite Youth Conference, Spencer W. Kimball stated: "With pride I tell
those who come to my office that a Lamanite is a descendant of one Lehi who left
Jerusalem six hundred years before Christ and with his family crossed the mighty deep
and landed in America. And Lehi and his family became the ancestors of all of the
Indian and Mestizo tribes in North and South and Central America and in the islands of
the sea." Ted E. Brewerton, a general authority of the LDS Church, stated in 1995:
"Many migratory groups came to the Americas, but none was as important as the three
mentioned in the Book of Mormon. The blood of these people flows in the veins of the
Blackfoot and the Blood Indians of Alberta, Canada; in the Navajo and the Apache of
the American Southwest; the Inca of western South America; the Aztec of Mexico; the


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Maya of Guatemala; and in other native American groups in the Western Hemisphere
and the Pacific islands."

An introductory paragraph added to the Book of Mormon in the LDS Church's 1981
edition stated in part: "After thousands of years, all were destroyed except the
Lamanites, and they are the principal ancestors of the American Indians.

The mainstream scientific consensus about the origin of the ancient Americans and
peoples is at odds with the claims put forth in the Book of Mormon, though Mormon
apologists have made efforts to reconcile these contradictions. The LDS Church
released an essay on their website titled "Book of Mormon and DNA Studies". The
conclusion states, "Much as critics and defenders of the Book of Mormon would like to
use DNA studies to support their views, the evidence is simply inconclusive."

Paleo-Hebrew Inscriptions and Discoveries

Ancient Hebrew merchants, explorers and missionaries (Pharisee and Nazarene) left
several artifacts behind which have been found and which testify to the fact that ancient
Hebrews came to America long before Columbus. In Newark, Ohio, a carved stone of
interesting workmanship was discovered, which also bears an engraved inscription of
the Ten Commandments of the Covenant, written in Paleo-Hebrew. At a site known as
Bat Creek Cave, Tennessee, an ancient Hebrew inscription was found that mentions the
Israelite tribe of Judah!

There are a surprising number of instances that appear to corroborate the fact th. at
Israelites had visited the American continents for thousands of years.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Keystone

In June of 1860 an
archaeologist by
the name of David
Wyrick found a
stone buried in
twelve to fourteen
inches of dirt in a
pit adjacent to
some Hopewell
earthworks in what
is now known as Newark Ohio. The most fascinating thing about this stone wedge is the
fact that it had Hebrew inscriptions on each of its four sides.

The Ohio Decalogue

Another fascinating archeological discovery in America is an ancient artifact bearing an
old Hebrew inscription of the Ten Commandments unearthed in Ohio in 1860. The
tablet also includes a scene of an individual - Moses- carved into the front of the tablet
in considerable detail, holding the tablets of the Ten Commandments. This artifact was
discovered in an ancient burial mound. Wyrick found another stone some ten miles
south, underneath a Hopewell structure called “The Great Stone Stack”. This structure
of stone had a base of 500 square feet and a height of 55 feet. Early settlers drew
pictures of it and wrote detailed accounts of it. The stones were removed in 1831 or
1832 and used to reinforce a dam. Several small mounds were buried beneath the
Great Stone Stack. Wyrick and five of his associates excavated one of the mounds.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

They found what they called a “coffin” buried in the mound, it was more like a funeral
pier. They dug beneath this and found several artifacts, two of which have survived. The
first of these was a stone box which contained the Decalogue Stone”. They also found a
stone bowl and “two beautiful plumb bobs.”

The Los Lunas Decalogue

New Mexico’s Rio Puerco River, New Los Lunas, there is a mountain known commonly
is “Hidden Mountain”. Atop this mountain are the ruins of an ancient Anasazi city. The
Anasazi were a cultural group in ancient America centered on the present-day Four
Corners area of the United States, comprising southern Utah, northern Arizona,

northwest New Mexico, and a lesser section of Colorado. They flourished for over 2,000
year between 1,200 B.C. and to have left their cliff top cities around 1,300 A.D. The
Anasazi settlement has a large bolder with the Ten Commandments inscribed on it in a
form of the ancient Paleo-Hebrew script at the base of the mountain.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

The Bat Creek Stone

Bat Creek flows into the Little Tennessee River which flows down from the Appalachian
Mountains. In the 1880’s a Smithsonian Institution burial mound survey team led by
John W. Emmert and overseen by Cyrus Thomas, conducted several excavations in the
valley. These were bonafide excavations, with the full credibility of the Smithsonian

When Emmert excavated one of the mounds he found nine skeletons. Immediately
under the head of one skeleton were found several artifacts: an inscribed tablet (the Bat
Creek Stone), two “copper” bracelets (which have since been determined to be brass),


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

a small drilled fossil, a copper bead, a bone tool and two pieces of polished wood (ear

Emmert and Thomas both represented the stone upside down and later determined that
the characters were a Cherokee inscription. It was not until 1971 that Dr. Gordon turned
the photograph of the artifact right side up, verified that the characters were indeed
Paleo-Hebrew and not Cherokee. At this point the Bat Creek Stone gained worldwide


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

In recent years the stone itself and the other artifacts that were found with it have been
tested. These tests have verified the validity of the stone itself and dated the artifacts to
as old as the first century.

There is enough ice and snow packed deep over 1.7 million square kilometers of
Greenland that, were it all to melt, would cause a rise in global sea levels of about six
metres. The new research, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, estimates
the threshold in global temperature rise leading to the complete melt of the ice sheet
between 0.8-3.2°C and the best estimate at 1.6°C. This is historic evidence of how
the global warming period in 1000 A.D. would have released enough water to
flood great areas of North America, including Minnesota, Oklahoma, and the
Northwest Passage. The Vikings / Norse, ancient Hebrews, and other explorers
could sail and row great distanced into North America under these conditions.

“And the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth, and all the high hills under the
whole heaven were covered. The waters prevailed fifteen cubits upward, and the
mountains were covered (Genesis 7:19–20).”


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

1. DNA science can help us to identify the “Lost Tribe of Dan.” The Haplogroup
E1b1b has three common subclades: M78, M81, and M34. M78 is found
throughout North and Northeast Africa, as well as the Near East and Europe.
The cluster is particular to Europe and it is highest in the Balkans. It enjoys
frequencies of about 23.8% among Greeks, with a frequency of about 47% in the
Peloponnese region of Greece, a frequency of 46% among Albanians in Kosovo,
and frequencies of about 20% in some South Slavic populations (Serbs,
Macedonians, Bulgarians). Among Jews both in Europe and the Middle East,
E1b1b is the second most common Y haplogroup after haplogroup J.

2. Genetic studies in the British Isles of the Y-DNA Haplogroup R1a1, found across
Scandinavia, have demonstrated that the Vikings settled in Britain and Ireland as
well as raiding there. Both male and female descent studies show evidence of
Norse descent in areas closest to Scandinavia, such as the Shetland and Orkney
Islands. Inhabitants of lands farther away show most Norse descent in the male
Y-chromosome lines.

3. Haplogrupp I1 är den haplogrupp som har störst genetiskt koncentration i

området runt Skandinavien. Mutationerna som är identifierade som Haplogroup
I1 (Y-DNA) är M253, M307, P30, och P40. Haplogroup I1 is the haplogroup
which has the greatest genetic concentration in the area around Scandinavia).
Mutations identified include Haplogroup i1 (Y-DNS) are M253, M307, P30, and
P40. Sarmatian samples from the 2nd to 3rd century AD were found to belong to
yDNA haplogroup J1-M267 and one belonged to R1a. Three Saltovo-Mayaki
samples from the 8th to 9th century AD turned out to have yDNA corresponding
to haplogroups G, J2a-M410 and R1a-z94. Many people who claim Jewish
decent today, such as the Samaritan Cohen, belong to the E1b1b Haplogroup.

4. Haplogroup I reaches its peak frequencies in Sweden (52 percent of males in

Västra Götaland County) and western Finland (more than 50 percent in
Satakunta province) . I-M253 is found in 35–38 per cent of Swedish males,
32.8% of Danish males, about 31.5% of Norwegian males, and about 28% of
Finnish males. Haplogroup I-M253 is a primary branch of haplogroup I* (I-M170),
which has been present in Europe since ancient times. Y DNA Haplogroup I1 is
associated with the Nordic and Germanic peoples. Hpg I1 is a branch of Hpg I
which is found quite frequently in Europe and in a few places in the Middle East.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

5. The other primary branch of I* is I-M438, also known as I2. All known living
members descend from a common ancestor 6 times younger than the common
ancestor with I2. Y DNA Haplogroups are the male DNA Haplogroups which are
inherited from father to son. Y DNA Haplogroup I1 is associated with the Nordic
and Germanic peoples. Hpg I1 is a branch of Hpg I which is found quite
frequently in Europe and in a few places in the Middle East.

6. Jacob was the first Israelite and the forefather of all Israelites. Jacob-Israel begot
12 sons, the forefathers of the 12 Tribes of Israel: the Israelites. One of the 12
sons was called Dan, today the Danes. One was called Aser, today the Swedes.
One was called Naphtali, today the Norwegians.

7. Azerbaijan and not northern Europe was the spreading center of the Caucasian
people buried in northwestern China some 4,000 years ago and now discovered
by Chinese archaeologists who theorize (probably wrongly) that they came from
northern Europe because they were tall, blond, blue-eyed and with Caucasian
features. According to modern scholars in Azerbaijan, there used to be a strong
blond and fair-skinned element in the aboriginal Azeri population, as illustrated by
the stone-age hunters at the Gobustan Museum.

8. Snorre Sturlasson (1178-1241), accurately reported that the Nordic and

Germanic peoples originate from Turkey and areas south of the Caucasus
Mountains and the Caspian Sea. They then migrated after intense pressure from
the Romans and traveled to Northern Europe under the leadership of a priest-
chief called Odin. Thor Heyerdahl confirmed this in the Hunt for Odin (2002),
where he asserted that the Norwegians came from Azerbaijan.

9. Norsemen were present over much of North America, at one time or another.
Interactions and merging of Indian, Inuit, and Norse settlers occurred for more
than 500 years before the races were merged and assimilated, as was the case
with all the Viking settlers in every land throughout history. Definitive conclusions
regarding melding of Norsemen and Native Americans can be determined from
further development of DNA science.

10. The greatest authorities of the North, such as Snorre and Suhm, described the
historical Odin as the priest-chief of the Aser and Vaner tribes. Later Odin was
idolized so that he was remembered as a god to legitimize his authority. The
purely mythological god Odin and the legends from the Norse mythology are full
of associations and parallels to the LORD, Christ, and the Bible.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

11. The Bible states that ancient Israel, under King David, was stockpiling massive
quantities of copper ore around 1,000 B.C. Sources also confirm that the North
American copper mines ran out of ore during the reign of Solomon. The
connection between the two is obvious: most of the ancient North American
Michigan copper ore was shipped to ancient Israel by the Phoenicians and used
for the construction of the Temple and later projects of Solomon.

12. Over the centuries, the Northern Ten Tribes lost their Israelite identity, that they
did not even recognize their own Northern Ten Tribal brother Israelites. In later
centuries, they fought among themselves, seeking power, greed and control but
amazingly they did maintain much of their own tribal identity until the last two
centuries, when the nations of the world began to assimilate in mass among
each other.

13. Europeans, Africans, and Asians made routine yet historically unremembered
visits to North and South America beginning at least 3,000 years prior to
Columbus's celebrated landfall, three thousand years before Rome was founded
in 750 B.C. More DNA and linguistic research can corroborate the findings of
long-term interaction between Native American and Norse populations. This are
excellent sources of research for scientists and young PhD candidates. ''Ich
werde suchen die Kritik der Geschichte nicht nach dunkeln Gefühlen, sondem
forschend, auszuführen, nicht ihre Resultate, welche nur blinde Meinungen
stiften, sondem die Untersuchungen selbst in ihrem ganzen Umfange vortragen
(I will seek the criticism of history, which only support biased feelings, but rather
research, and execute, but rather present the investigations in their complete
scope.)" Nansen

14. “One thing is clear: navigation occurred before civilization. We used to believe
that civilization came first, and once people had developed a high enough level of
civilization, then they started to build boats. This just isn't true. On the contrary, it
was when people built ocean-going vessels - that enabled them to contact each
other so that they could trade and learn from each other. It was through contact
and peaceful cooperation that civilization developed.” (Thor Heyerdahl). Further
archaeological and DNA investigation of the 5,000-year-old caves of Gobustan,
and Thor Heyerdahl’s evidence that people living in the area now known as
Azerbaijan settled in Scandinavia around 100 A.D. should be made by future
historians and academics to resolve the controversies associated with his


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

15. There are many more scientific and linguistic tools available to researchers and
archaeologists in the 21st century, which previous scholars did not have available
to them in the past. DNA analysis, satellite archaeology, computer interpretation
of ancient scripts and rock carvings, meterrological and climatic data from past
eras, ocean current models, global warming cycles, meteorite and asteroid fields,
cultural artifacts and legends, and detailed global models of the changing
geography of the earth, all of which can contribute to a much more complete and
rich understanding of our past. Last, not least, a careful study of the Holy Bible
and other religious books may reveal and corroborate current and past findings
and conclusions. These are promising and fascinating areas for research for
young academics, and a host of master and PhD degrees can result from them.

16. We all are bound together on this planet with a common history and culture by
our Creator:

Deine Zauber binden wieder; Was die Mode streng geteilt;

Alle Menschen werden Brüder, Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.

(Your miracles will bind once more; what tradition had strictly separated,
All men will become brothers; Wherever Your tender wing dwells.)
Friedrich Schiller, 1785


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs


[1] Ingstad, Helge and Ingstad (2000). The Viking Discovery of America: The Excavation of a Norse
Settlement in L’Anse Aux Meadows, Newfoundland, St. John's. Breakwater Books. ISBN 1-55081-158-4.
[2] Ingstad, Anne Stine, The Textiles in the Oseberg Ship. Amongst many other discoveries the
Oseberg grave chamber also contained the largest and most varied collection of textiles and textile tools
that has ever been found in a single grave. It is without equal in Nordic Prehistory.
[3] L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site of Canada. Discovery of the Site and Initial Excavations
(1960-1968). Parks Canada.
[4] McG. Thomas, Robert, Jr. 1997. “Anne-Stine Ingstad, a Sifter Of Viking Secrets, Dies at 79”, The
New York Times.
[5] Capelle, Torsten (1971).. Die Wikiger. Stuttgart, Berlin, Köln, Mainz.
[6] Posner, Michael. 2017. Andrew Gregg's Documentary, The Norse: An Arctic Mystery, on CBC TV's
The Nature of Things. Until recently one of the Canadian Museum of Civilization's senior archaeologists,
Patricia Sutherland has spent 30 years documenting her case – that Norse traders conducted a thriving
trade in fur and walrus ivory with the native Dorset peoples on Baffin Island a millennium ago. Her
evidence is laid out persuasively in Norse cordage, Norse whetstones, Norse metals, the pellets of rats
who accompanied the Norse on their ships – it's all here. It's not easy changing entrenched academic
opinion, but Sutherland is on the road to doing it.
[7] Broensted, Johannes (1964). Die große Zeit der Wikinger. Neumünster.
[8] Oxenstierna, E.(1966). Die Wikinger. Stuttgart.
[9] Pörtner, Rudolf. (1973). Die Wikinger-Saga. München.
[10] Cohat, Yves. (1990). Die Wikinger. Otto Maier Ravensburg.
[11] S. Baring-Gould. (1899). A Book of The West: Being An Introduction To Devon and Cornwall (2
Volumes), Methuen Publishing.
[12] S. Baring-Gould (1902). A Book of Cornwall, Second Edition 1902, New Edition, 1906. Methuen
[13] Adam of Bremen (1080 A.D.). Descriptio insularum aquilonis or Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae
pontificum and Adam of Bremen. c. 1080. History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen. Translated by
Francis Joseph Tschan.
[14] Þorsteinsdóttir, Sigríður Helga (2013). Masters Thesis: Ritgerð til MA-prófs í íslenskum fræðum;
Kt.: 010657-3699. Leiðbeinandi: Jón Karl Helgason. Janúar 2013.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[15] Dobson, C.C. (1936). Did Our Lord Visit Britain as they say in Cornwall and Somerset? Glastonbury.
Avalon Press. The author’s previous editions (this is the 8th edition) of this work present the theme that
Jesus not only visited Britain when a boy in the care of Joseph of Arimathea but later when a man came
and resided for some time at Glastonbury immediately prior to the beginning of His Ministry at the age of
30. During that visit He preached there contacted the Druids and sowed the seed of a future Christian
Church there.
[16] Price, Dennis Price (2009). The Missing Years of Jesus: The Greatest Story Never Told. Hay House
Publishing. ISBN 9781848500334.
[17] Schledermann, Peter, ARCTIC; VOL. 33, NO. 3 (SEPTEMBER 1980), P. 454-463.
[18] Gigot, F. (1910). Joseph of Arimathea. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York. Robert Appleton
Company. Joseph fulfilled Isaiah's prediction that the grave of the Messiahs would be with a rich man
(Isaiah 53:9). The Greek Church celebrates the feast of Joseph of Arimathea on 31 July, and the Roman
Church on 17 March. The Catholic Encyclopedia does not accept the accounts about Joseph of
Arimathea in the apocryphal "Acta Pilati", or the legend which tells of his coming to Gaul A.D. 63, and
thence to Great Britain, where he is supposed to have founded the earliest Christian oratory at
19] Schrag, Paul and Haze, Xaviant. (2011). The Suppressed History of America. Publisher: Bear &
Company; F First Edition edition (May 20, 2011). ISBN-10: 1591431220, ISBN-13: 978-1591431220.
Paul Schrag and Xaviant Haze propose that the America of old taught in schools is not the America that
was discovered by Lewis and Clark and other early explorers. Investigating the discoveries of Spanish
conquistadors and Olmec stories of contact with European-like natives, the authors uncover evidence of
explorers from Europe and Asia prior to Columbus, sophisticated ancient civilizations in North America
and the Caribbean, the fountain of youth, and a long-extinct race of giants. Verifying stories from Lewis’s
journals with modern archaeological finds, geological studies, 18th- and 19th-century newspaper articles,
and accounts of the world in the days of Columbus, the authors reveal how Lewis and Clark’s finds
infuriated powerful interests in Washington--including the Smithsonian Institute--culminating in the murder
of Meriwether Lewis.
[20] Rafinesque, C. S. (1836). The American Nations: Or Outlines Of A National History Of The Ancient
And Modern Nations Of North And South America. Kessinger Publishing, LLC (June 2, 2008). ISBN-10:
9780548956380, ISBN-13: 978-0548956380, ASIN: 0548956383.
[21] Sherwin, Reider T. (1940). The Viking and the Red Man: the Old Norse origin of the Algonquin
language. Consists of eight volumes with the same name, published mostly in the 1940s.English
Publisher: New York, London, Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1940- Editions: 3 Editions OCLC: 331130.
[22] Ogilvie, Astrid E.J., L.K. Barlow and A.E. Jennings. (2000). “North Atlantic Climate c. AD 1000:
Millennial reflections on the Viking discoveries of Iceland, Greenland and North America”. Weather 55 (2):
34-45. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[23] Berger, Gilda (2003). The Real Vikings: Craftsmen, Traders, and Fearsome Raiders. National
Geographic Children's Books.
Short (54 pages) balanced view of Viking culture, as opposed to
the Hollywood version. The Vikings were Scandinavian farmers,
cooks, craftsmen, merchants, sailors, traders, and explorers as
well as infamous raiders of other civilizations. Repudiating a
negative image with the statement that "most experts now believe
that the Vikings were no more brutal or ruthless than other
Europeans of the time," the Bergers pay tribute to the Vikings'
ideals of freedom and democracy as well as their skills and
courage. The many illustrations include maps, drawings, prints,
and paintings from many periods in addition to color photographs of Viking artifacts and sites, some
[24] Chapman, Paul H. (1996). "Norumbega: A Norse Colony In Rhode Island", The Ancient American,
Issues 17-32. Publisher W.N. May, 1996. Original from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Digitized.
Aug 7, 2008 1994.
[25] Anderson, Carl Edlund (2013). "The Danish Tongue and Scandinavian Identity.”
Icelandic writers (who provide the bulk of our surviving documentation) commonly employed the term
dǫnsk tunga (literally “Danish tongue”) to identify the language not just of those who were ruled by the
Dana konungr, but of all Germanic-speaking Scandinavians. The Danes are first mentioned in the 6th
century in Jordanes' Getica (551 AD), by Procopius, and by Gregory of Tours. They spoke Old Norse
(dǫnsk tunga), which was shared by the Danes, the people in Norway and Sweden and later Iceland. In
his description of Scandza, Jordanes says that the Dani were of the same stock as the Suetidi ("Swedes")
and expelled the Heruli and took their lands. The Old English poems Widsith and Beowulf, as well as
works by later Scandinavian writers (notably by Saxo Grammaticus (c. 1200)), also provide some of the
original written references to the Danes. According to the 12th century author Sven Aggesen, the mythical
King Dan gave name to the Danes.
[26] Clark, William and Ordway, John (1804). Lewis & Clark journals, November 28, 1804. Digitized.
University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
[27] Alfred W. Bowers, collector. Mandan-Hidatsa cultural change and language studies, Fort Berthold
Reservation, 1971.
[28] Gunnvôr silfrahárr (Christie L. Ward). Vikings in Russia and Byzantium.
A look at the Viking exploration and expansion to the east, into Russia and Byzantium, and the famous
Varangian Guard.
[29] Williams, Roger, A Key into the Language of America, 1643. [Courtesy of Annenberg Rare Book
and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania].


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[30] Dennis J. Stanford (Author), Bruce A .Bradley (Author), Michæl Collins (Foreword). 2013). Across
Atlantic Ice: The Origin of America's Clovis Culture.
[31] Nuzhet al-Mushtaq, AD 1150, a compendium of travelers’ stories from around the world.
[32] Enterline, James Robert. 2002. Medieval European Knowledge of America, JHU Press.
[33] Winroth, Anders, Conversion of Scandinavia - Vikings, Merchants, and Missionaries in the Remaking
of Northern Europe, E-BOK. Yale University Press, Engelska, 2012-01-24.
[34] Samling af de i nordens oldskrifter indeholdte -efterretninger om de gamle nordboers
opdagelsesreiser til america - fra det 10de til det 14de aarhundrede. Societas regia antiqvariorum
septentrionalium; hafniæ; typis officinæ schultzianæ; 1837.
[35] Eiríks saga rauða ok Grænlendinga þáttr (Eric the Red’s Saga & the Greenland Saga). Ok er várar,
þá bjuggust þeir ok sigldu burt, ok gaf Leifr nafn landinu eftir landkostum ok kallaði Vínland.
[36] In the years from 1072-6 Anno Domini, Iceland, Greenland and Vinland are mentioned by Adam of
Bremen's Descriptio insularum aquilonis or Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum [Jones,
1964:85; Vaughan, 326].
[37] Michigan’s Copper Country, Ellis W. Courter Contribution to Michigan Geology 92 01.
[38] Smith, Angela Thompson, Introduction to the Study of Runes.
[39] Blum, Ralph, Master, was one of the first individuals to bring the Viking runes to public attention. His
little purple book The Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient oracle. The Viking Runes
was first published in 1982 in the USA by St. Martin’s Press.
[40] Facsimile of page 7, Roger Williams’ A Key into the Language of America, 1643. [Courtesy of
Annenberg Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania].
[41] Hauptmann, A., Maddin, R., Prange, M., “On the structure and Composition of Copper and Tin
Ingots Excavated from the Shipwreck of Uluburun”, American Schools of Oriental Research, Bulletin
No.328, pgs.1-30, Nov.2002.
[42] Joan M. & Romas K. Vastokasi. 1973. Sacred Art of the Algonkians: A Study of the Peterborough
Petroglyphs. Peterborough: Mansard Press.
[43] Arneborg, J., J. Heinemeier, N. Lynnerup, H. L. Nielsen, N. Rud, and Á. E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir.
Radiocarbon 41 (1999): 157.
[44] Arneborg, Jette. "A Very Preliminary Report on the Find of Textiles and Textile Equipment in
Greenland." Archaeological Textiles Newsletter (1992).
[45] Arneborg, Jette. "Burgunderhuer, Baskere Og Døde Nordboer I Herjolfsnæs." Nationalmuseets
Arbejdsmark (1996): 75-83.
[46] Arneborg, Jette, J. Heinemeier, N. Lynnerup, H. L. Nielsen, N. Rud, and Á. E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir. "C-
14 Dating and the Disappearance of Norsemen from Greenland." Europhysics News 33, no. 3 (2002).
[47] Audun's Story. Icelandic Saga.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[48] Barlow, L. K., J. P. Sadler, A. E. J. Ogilvie, P. C. Buckland, T. Amorosi, J. H. Ingimundarson, P.
Skidmore, A. J. Dugmore, and T. H. Mcgovern. "Interdisciplinary Investigations of the End of the Norse
Western Settlement in Greenland." Holocene 7, no. 4 (1997): 489-499.
[49] Brown, Dale Mackenzie. The Fate of Greenland's Vikings. 28 February 2000; 14 March 2002,
[50] Buckland, P. C. "An Insects-Eye View of the Norse Farm." In The Viking Age in Caithness., Orkney
& the North Atlantic, ed. C.E. Batey, J. Jesch and C. D. Morris, 506-527: Edinburgh University Press,
[51] Buckland, P. C., T. Amorosi, L. K. Barlow, A. J. Dugmore, P. A. Mayewski, T. H. Mcgovern, A. E. J.
Ogilvie, J. P. Sadler, and P. Skidmore. "Bioarcheological and Climatological Evidence for the Fate of
Norse Farmers in Medieval Greenland." Antiquity 70, no. 267 (1996): 88-96.
[52] Buckland, P. C., and P. Skidmore. Insect Remains from Gårdet under Sandet (Gus), an Interim
[53] Carlson, I. Marc. History of Medieval Greenland, and Associated Places, Like Iceland and Vinland.
2 February 2004, 2001.
[54] Симоненко, А. В.; Лобай, Б. И. (1991). "Сарматы Северо-Западного Причерноморья в I в. н.
э.". Погребения знати у с. Пороги. Киев. (in Russian) Simonenko, A.V .; Lobay, BI (1991). "Sarmatians
of the North-Western Black Sea Coast in the first century AD." Burials of the nobility with. Thresholds.
Kiev. (in English)
[55] Dahl-Jensen, D., K. Mosegaard, N. Gundestrup, G. D. Clow, S. J. Johnsen, A. W. Hansen, and N.
Balling. Science 282 (1998): 268.
[56] Афанасьев Г.Е., Добровольская М.В., Коробов Д.С., Решетова И.К. О культурной,
антропологической и генетической специфике донских алан // Е.И. Крупнов и развитие археологии
Северного Кавказа. М. 2014. С. 312-315. | Gennady Afanasiev and Irina Reshetova -
дДНК Сарматы, Аланы Google Mapser De Mensura Orbis Terrae.
[57] Heinrich, Johannes. (2005). Sugambrer. In: Heinrich Beck, Dieter Geuenich, Heiko Steuer (Hrsg.),
Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde. Bd. 30. de Gruyter, Berlin – New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-
[58] Bruno Krüger, Bruno.(1983). (Hrsg.), Die Germanen – Geschichte und Kultur der germanischen
Stämme in Mitteleuropa. Ein Handbuch in zwei Bänden. Bd. 1, 4. Auflage, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1983
(Publications of the Central Institute for Ancient History and Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of
the GDR, Bd. 4).
[59] Fagan, Brian M. (2000). The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History, 1300-1850. New York, NY:
Basic Books.
[60] Finnur, Jónsson. (1924). "Interpretation of the Runic Inscriptions from Herjolfsnes." In Meddelelser
Om Gronland: Udgivne Af Kommissionen for Ledelsen Af De Geologiske Og Geogrfiske Undersogelser I
Gronland, LXVII, [271]-290. København: B. Luno.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[61] Fitzhugh, William W. and Jacqueline S. Olin, eds. (1993). Archeology of the Frobisher Voyages.
Washington, London: Smithsonian Institution Press.
[62] Fitzhugh, William W. and Dosia Laeyendecker. (1993). "A Brief Narrative of the Frobisher
Voyages." in Fitzhugh, William W. and Jacqueline S. Olin. Archeology of the Frobisher Voyages.
Washington, London: Smithsonian Institution Press.
[63] Fitzhugh, William W., and Elisabeth Ward (2000) eds. Vikings, the North Atlantic Saga. Washington
and London: Smithsonian Institution Press.
[64] Gad, F. History of Greenland from Earliest Times to 1700. 3 vols., 1971–83.
[65] Grønlands geologiske, undersøgelse, and undersøgelse Danmarks og Grnlands geologiske.
Bulletin - Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse. Bulletin - Geological Survey of Greenland. København:
Grønlands geologiske undersøgelse etc., 1948.
[66] Gulløv, Hans Christian. From Middle Ages to Colonial Times: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical
Studies of the Thule Culture in South West Greenland 1300-1800 Ad. Vol. 23 Meddelelser Om Grønland.
Man & Society, 23.1997; Variation: Meddelelser Om Grønland.; Man & Society; 1997-23. Copenhagen,
Denmark: Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland, 1997.
[67] Hansen, Fr C. C.(1924). "Anthropologia Medico-Historica Groenlandiæ Antiquæ I. Herjolfsnes." In
Meddelelser Om Grønland: Udgivne Af Kommissionen for Ledelsen Af De Geologiske Og Geografiske
Undersøgelser I Grønland, LXVII. København: C.A. Reitzels Forlag.
[68] Harbottle, Garman, Richard G. Cresswell, and Raymond W. Stoenner. (1993). "Carbon-14 Dating
of Iron Blooms from Kodlunarn Island." in Fitzhugh, William W. and Jacqueline S. Olin. Archeology of the
Frobisher Voyages. Washington, London: Smithsonian Institution Press.
[69] Ingstad, Helge. (1965). Västervägen Till Vinland: Hur Man Fann Vikingarnas Boplaster I
Nordamerika. Stockholm: Forum.
[71] Alexander Sitzmann, Friedrich E. Grünzweig, Hermann Reichert (Hrsg.): Die altgermanischen
Ethnonyme. Fassbaender, Wien 2008, ISBN 978-3-902575-07-4.
[72] Skúlason, Friðrik (1998). Íslendingabók. Íslendingabók is a database created by the biotechnology
company deCODE genetics and Friðrik Skúlason, attempting to record the genealogy of all Icelanders
who have ever lived, where sources are available. Íslendingabók takes its name from the first history of
Iceland, written by Ari the Wise.
[73] Jansen, Henrik M. (1972). A Critical Account of the Written and Archaeological Sources' Evidence
Concerning the Norse Settlements in Greenland, Meddelelser Om Grønland, Bd. 182, Nr. 4; Variation:
Meddelelser Om Grønland; Bd. 182, Nr. 4. Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel.
[74] Jones, Gwyn. (1964). The Norse Atlantic Saga.
[75] Jones, Gwyn. (1969). Eirik the Red: And Other Icelandic Sagas. London; New York: Oxford
University Press.
[76] Jones, Gwyn. (1984). A History of the Vikings. Rev. ed. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press.
[77] Krogh, K. J. (1982). Erik Den Rødes Grønland. København: Nationalmuseet.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[78] Kuijpers, A., N. Abrahamsen, G. Hoffman, V. Hühnerbach, P. Konradi, H. Kunzendorf, N.
Mikkelsen, J. Thiede, and W. Weinrebe. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 183 (1998): 61.
[79] Landnamabok. Icelandic Records of Settlements.
[80] Larson, Laurence Marcellus, and tr. The King's Mirror (Speculum Regalae - Konungs Skuggsjá)
Scandinavian Monographs, V. 35. New York: American-Scandinavian Foundation London Humphrey
Milford, 1917.
[81] Wolters, Reinhard. (2008). Die Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald. Arminius, Varus und das römische
Germanien. Beck, München. ISBN 978-3-406-57674-4.
[82] Lynnerup, Niels. The Greenland Norse, a Biological-Anthropological Study. Vol. 18 Mog Man &
Society, 1998.
[83] Magnusson, M. (1973). The Vinland Sagas. Penguin. New Impression edition (September 27,
1973). ASIN: B002RI9DL0.
[84] Tacitus, Cornelius. (1948). Germania 40. In The Agricola and Germania. Translated by Harold
[85] Malaurie, Jean. (1985). The Last Kings of Thule: With the Polar Eskimos, as They Face Their
Destiny. 1st ed. New York: Dutton, 1982.
[86] Mathiassen, Therkel. (1934). Contributions to the Archaeology of Disko Bay. Vol. 93 Nr. 2
Meddelelser Om Gronland: Udgivne Af Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersogelser I Grønland.
København: C.A. Reitzels Forlag.
[87] Franklin, Simon and Jonathan Shepard. (1996). The Emergence of Rus 750-1200. London:
Longman, 1996. ISBN 058249091X.
[88] Pritsak, Omeljan. The Origin of Rus'. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991.
[89] Nörlund, Poul. .(1924). "Buried Norsemen at Herjolfsnes: An Archaeological and Historical Study."
In Meddelelser Om Grønland: Udgivne Af Kommissionen for Ledelsen Af De Geologiske Og Geografiske
Undersogelser I Grønland, LXVII. København: C.A. Reitzels Forlag.
[90] Nörlund, Poul, and Marten Stenberger. (1934). Brattahlid. Vol. 88 Nr. 1 Meddelelser Om Gronland:
Udgivne Af Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersøgelser I Grønland. København: C.A. Reitzels
[91] Lindow, John (2002). [First published 2001, by ABC-CLIO]. Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods,
Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-515382-0.
[92] Finck, William (2007). Finck has in great detail traced the German people back to the lost tribes of
Israel in the series of articles, Classical Records and German Origins (2007). The author of this study
identifies the Germans as Israelites. Those who identify the Germans as specific tribes do not all reach
the same conclusion, but they do identify the Germans as Israelites specifically of the tribes descended
from Leah!


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[93] Gawler, J.C. (1984). Dan, the pioneer of Israel: With an appendix, Why Dan was not sealed among
the 144,000 (Rev. VII.) Originally published in 1880. ArtisanPublishers. As we know from history, many
of the Danes, or the men of Dan, moved into the British Isles. This book focuses on the Tribe of Dan's
early enterprises & their settlements & connections with the Scythians. Traces the Danaans or Danes of
Scandinavia, Ireland & Scotland back to the Tribe of Dan. The Tribe of Dan by its enterprise & vigour has
made itself one of the most conspicuous branches of Jacob's family. Its ancestor was the son of one of
the concubines and was the firstborn of Rachel's household. "God has judged me" said Rachel & she
called his name "Dan" which means to judge to rule; and this word perhaps on that occasion first started
as a surname has been perpetuated as a title in the Gothic Anglo-Saxon & English. In these languages
Din Dun Don & Dan signify ruler master. The expression is repeatedly used by Shakespeare Spenser
Chauser Prior & others. The Spanish too from close contact for ages with the Hebrew has engrafted it in
their title of Don; it is in use in the universities to designate a professor or university official. How often do
we see in the Bible that the name of an individual foreshadows the character and career? Dan's name
given by Rachel implies authority, vigour & Jacob when bestowing his blessings (Gen. 49:16) repeats &
confirms it: "Dan shall judge his people" said the venerable patriarch & proceeded to name other
characteristics implying great wisdom & astuteness. The serpent is the scriptural symbol of wisdom (Gen.
3:1; Matt. 10:16): In dealing with foes his plans would be laid with wisdom & secrecy & his action would
be unlooked for & rapid. Thus, begins the opening chapter of this 1880 reprint of the Tribe of Dan's early
enterprises & their settlements & connections with the Scythians. The Danaans or Danes of Scandinavia,
Ireland, & Scotland are traced back to the Tribe of Dan. Colonel Gawler shows the connection between
the Danai of Greece and the Danites of Israel and tells why he believes Dan was not sealed among the
144,000 in the Book of Revelation. ArtisanPublishers.
[94] Reynolds, Terry S., and Stephen H. Cutcliffe. Technology & the West: A Historical Anthology from
Technology & Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
[95] Rousell, Aage. Sandnes and the Neighboring Farms. Vol. 88 Nr. 2 Meddelelser Om Gronland:
Udgivne Af Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersogelser I Gronland. København: C.A. Reitzels
Forlag, 1936.
[96] Rousell, Aage. Farms and Churches in the Mediaeval Norse Settlements of Greenland. Vol. 89 Nr.
1 Meddelelser Om Grønland: Udgivne Af Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersøgelser I Grønland.
København: C.A. Reitzels Forlag, 1941.
[97] Saxo Grammaticus (1994).SAXO Grammaticus: Danmarks Krønike. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Forlaget Sesam.
[98] Schiller, Barbara, William Bosk, and Gwyn Jones. The Vinlanders' Saga. 1st ed. New York: Holt
Reinhart and Winston, 1966.
[99] Seaver, Kirsten A.1996. The Frozen Echo: Greenland and the Exploration of North America, Ca.
A.D. 1000-1500. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
[100] Spalding, Timothy. Vinlanda: Vinland and the Vinland Map.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[101] Story of Einar Sokkason. Icelandic Saga.
[102] Афанасьев Г.Е., Добровольская М.В., Коробов Д.С., Решетова И.К. О культурной,
антропологической и генетической специфике донских алан // Е.И. Крупнов и развитие археологии
Северного Кавказа. М. 2014. С. 312-315. | Gennady Afanasiev and Irina Reshetova -
дДНК Сарматы, Аланы Google Maps.
[103] Vebæk, Christen Leif. 1943. Inland Farms in the Norse East Settlement. Vol. 90 Nr. 1 Meddelelser
Om Grønland: Udgivne Af Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Undersøgelser I Grønland. København:
C.A. Reitzels Forlag.
[104] Wallace, Patricia. Norse Expansion into North America. Kaplan SA, and Woollett JM. 2000.
Challenges and Choices: Exploring the Interplay of Climate, History, and Culture on Canada's Labrador
Coast. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 32:351-359.
[105] Wallace, Patricia (2006). Westward Vikings: The Saga of L’Anse aux Meadows. St John’s,
Newfoundland: Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador in association with Parks
[106] Wallace, Patricia (2003). L’Anse aux Meadows and Vinland: An Abandoned Experiment. Pp. 207-
238 in Contact, Continuity, and Collapse: The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic, edited by James
H. Barrett. Brepols Publishers: Trunhout, Belgium.
[107] Brown, Frederic N. (1996). The Voyage of the Wave Cleaver. Winter/Spring 1996,
[108] Rafn, Carl Christian. (1837). Antiquitates Americanae. Copenhagen, Denmark.
[109] "First Americans 'reached Europe five centuries before Columbus voyages'".
[110] Strachan, Gordon. (1998). Jesus The Master Builder: Druid Mysteries and The Dawn of Christianity.
Edinburgh: Floris Books. ISBN 9780863152757.
[111] Joseph, Frank (editor) et. al. (2006). Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America: Lost History
And Legends, Unearthed And Explored, New Page Books.
[112] Mann, Charles C. (2006). 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Vintage
[113] Rees, Charlotte Harris. (2006). Asiatic Fathers of America, Warrick House Publications, Lynchburg
[114]. Rydholm, C. Fred. (2006). Michigan Copper, the Untold Story, Winter Cabin Books & Services,
Marquette, MI.

[115] McGhee R. (1984). Contact between native North Americans and the medieval Norse: A review of
the evidence. American Antiquity 49(1):4-26.
[116] Gallagher, Ida Jane, and Dexter, Warren. (2004). Contact with Ancient America, Sovereign Terrace
Books., Mt. Pleasant, S.C.
[117] Fell, Barry. (1980). Saga America. Times Books, a Division of Quadrangle, New York, NY.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Dean R. Snow, writing for American Heritage in 1981, was critical of Saga America and Fell’s claim that
mnemonic symbols developed by Roman Catholic missionaries to the Micmac Indians of Nova Scotia
were derived from Ptolemaic hieroglyphs. Egyptian, Phoenician, Libyan, Carthaginian, Semitic, and Celtic
speakers are alleged by Fell to have passed through ancient America, leaving a scatter of words in
various Indian languages. Fell tells us in America B.C. that the Zuni language derives from ancient
Libyan, that some New England place names are Celtic, that the Pima language can be read using a
“Semitic” dictionary. Future researchers have many more scientific and computer tools to investigate
Fell’s claims today, to resolve these issues.
[118] De Jonge, Reinoud and Wakefield, J.S.9 (2002). How the SunGod Reached America: A Guide to
Megalithic Sites. Medical Communications & Services.
[119] Gilmore, Donald Y. and McElroy, Linda S. (1998). Across Before Columbus, NEARA Foundation,
Edgeworth. Maine.
[120] Farley, Gloria, In Plain Sight, Old World Records in Ancient America, ISAC Press, Columbia, GA.
Gloria first saw the Heavener Runes in 1928. She then contacted Frederick J. Pohl of New York City, and
author of several books on Norse explorations. Pohl told her that the if the Vikings sailed to Russia,
Ireland and England, then they surely could have reached Oklahoma via the Mississippi River, by
rounding Florida and entering the Gulf of Mexico.
[121] Enterline, James Robert. 1992. Viking America, New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc.
[122] Thomas Lillesand, Ralph W. Kiefer, Jonathan Chipman. 2015. Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation, 7th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York. ISBN-13: 978-1118343289, ISBN-10:
[123] Huyghe, Patrick, Columbus Was Last, Hyperion, New York.
[124] Robert F Marx and Jenifer Marx. 1992. Quest of the Great White Gods: contact between the Old
and New World from the dawn of history, Crown Publishing, Ind. New York. ISBN 0-517-58270-8, ISBN
978-0-517-58270-1, OCLC 24065049
Marx has written extensively about the concept of White Gods. Marx concluded that White Gods "figure in
almost every indigenous culture in the Americas." A review by Jonathan Kirsch in the Los Angeles Times
concluded that "Quest" is a good yarn, but Marx tries hard to dress it up as something slightly scandalous.
In that sense, "Quest" is the archeological equivalent of Oliver Stone's "JFK." Marx seeks to prove the
existence of "great white gods" by offering us a haphazard collection of oddities, rumors and
coincidences, but what's on display here is really nothing more than the passions and obsessions of a
born showman."
[125] McGlone, William R., and Leonard, Philip M. (1986). Ancient Celtic America, Panorama West
Books, Fresno CA.
[126] Mahan, Joseph B. (1983). The Secret, America in World History before Columbus, Columbus, GA.
[127] Fell, Barry. (1982). Bronze Age America, Ruggles De Latour, Inc. New York
[128] Arlington Mallery and Harrison, Mary Roberts, The Rediscovery of Lost America, E. P. Dutton, NY

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[129] de Gorog, R. P. 1958. The Scandinavian Element in French and Norman, New-York.
[130] Bernage G.1984. in Heimdal, n°29, Bayeux.
[131] Boimare, J. and Boëmare, J-M.1979. in Heimdal, n°39, Bayeux.
[132] Mabire, J. 1997. Légendes Traditionnelles de Normandie.
[133] Renaud, J.1989. Les Vikings et la Normandie.
[134] Fell, Barry. 1976., America, B. C., Demeter Press Co.
[135] Van Sertima, Ivan. 1976. They Came Before Columbus, Random House, New York.
In a New York Times 1977 review of Van Sertima's 1976 book They Came Before Columbus, the
archaeologist Glyn Daniel labelled Van Sertima's work as "ignorant rubbish", and concluded that the
works of Van Sertima, and Barry Fell, whom he was also reviewing, "give us badly argued theories based
on fantasies". In response to Daniel's review Clarence Weiant, who had worked as an assistant
archaeologist specializing in ceramics at Tres Zapotes and later pursued a career as a chiropractor, wrote
a letter to the New York Times supporting Van Sertima's work. Weiant wrote: "Van Sertima's work is a
summary of six or seven years of meticulous research based upon archaeology, egyptology,
African history, oceanography, astronomy, botany, rare Arabic and Chinese manuscripts, the
letters and journals of early American explorers, and the observations of physical
anthropologists.... As one who has been immersed in Mexican archaeology for some forty years,
and who participated in the excavation of the first giant heads, I must confess, I am thoroughly
convinced of the soundness of Van Sertima's conclusions.”
[136] Alf Mongé and O .G. Landsverk.1967. Norse Medieval Cryptography In Runic Carvings. Norseman
In 1968 a copy of the Runes came into the hands of Alf Monge of California. He was born in Norway and
had been a cryptographer in the U.S. Army. He said the Runes were numbers not letters and they stood
for the date November 11, 1012. His theory was that they were written by the Viking crew of the
Karlsefini's Dragon ship which had made it up the Mississippi. There were many more Runic tablets
found in the Poteau Mountain area of Oklahoma. All were disregarded by the Smithsonian. Why
does the Smithsonian spend millions digging up Native American artifacts? Why does it go to
Egypt to dig, when we have ancient treasures proving the Vikings, Irish, and Nordic
Scandinavians were here in North America? Why does it suppress the evidence that the Vikings
were here 500 years before Colubus?
Sivert Fløttum wrote on 1 February 2012: I have myself written what Holand, Alf Monge and the rest of
the commentators have written about the Kensington Rune Stone (KRS). I have in vain tried to get
Norwegian runologists to look at the crypto graphics on the stone. What did the Nordic explorers doing in
that wilderness, far from the sea, and which way did they come there?
[137] Suhm, Peter Friderich (1774). Critisk Historie af Danmark, Volume 1, p. 188.
[138] Lee, Thomas E. (1970). Archaeological Investigation of a Longhouse, Pamioke Island, Ungava.
Quebec City: Universite Lavel.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[139] Hapgood, Charles H. (1966). Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Philadelphia: Chilton Co.
[140] Ingstad, Helge. Land Under the Pole Star. New York: St. Martin's Press.
[141] Lee, Thomas E. Archaeological Discoveries, Payne Bay Region, Ungava, Quebec City: Universite
[142] Greene, D. (1973). “The influence of Scandinavian on Irish” in Bo Almqvist & David Greene (eds.)
Proceedings of the Seventh Viking Congress, Dundalgan Press, Dundalk, pp. 75-82.
[143] Holand, Hjalmar Rued. (1962). Explorations in America before Columbus. New York: Twayne
Publishing Co.
[144] Magnusson, Magnus and Herman Palsson. (1973). The Vineland sagas: The Norse Discovery of
America. New York: University Press.
Magnus Magnusson is an Icelander was a resident in Scotland for most of his life and is well-known for
his presentation of the BBC's Mastermind. He is also chairman of the Scottish National Heritage. He
studied English and Old Icelandic at Oxford University. Hermann Palsson studied Icelandic at the
University of Iceland and Celtic at University College, Dublin. Formerly Professor of Icelandic at the
University of Edinburgh and General Editor of the New Saga Library, he has written many books on the
history and literature of medieval Iceland. He died in 2003.
[145] Boland, Charles Michael.1963. They All Discovered America, New York: Pocket Books, Inc.
[146] Haugen, Einar. 1942. Voyages to Vinland. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
[147] Llewellyn, Karl N. and E. Adamson Hoebel. 1941. The
Cheyenne Way. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma
[148] Horsford, Eben Norton. 1891. Norse Discovery of America,
Boston: Horsford.
[149] Grotius, Hugo. 1625. De origine gentium Americanarum.
[150] De Bremen. 1070. Descripto Insularum Aquilonis.
[151] Andreas, A.T. 1883. “Early Copper Mining In The Upper
Peninsula Of Michigan.”
[152] Somerville-Woodward, Robert "Two 'views of the Irish
language': O'Connell versus Davis." The History Review: journal
of the UCD History Society, 9 (1995) 44–50.
[153] Dial, David Allen, “Ancient Michigan’s Solar Eclipse
Tablet(s),” Ancient American (Magazine), Vol. 9, No. 58.
[154] Hagar, Albert D. 1865. “Ancient Miners On The Shores of Lake Superior.”
[155] Smith, Samuel L., “Pre-Historic And Modern Copper Mines Of Lake Superior.”


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[156] Rydholm C. Fred. 2008. “Where Did All The Copper Go?” Ancient American (Magazine), Vol. 12,
No. 78, 2008.
[157] Gallagher, Ida Jane, “Grave Creek Tablet Is Genuine,” Ancient American magazine, Vol. 12, No.
78, 2008.
[158] Almgren, Bertil et al. .1975. THE VIKING, AB Nordbok, Gothenburg 1975.
[159] Barreé, Georges. Reconnaissance archéologique dans la région de la Baie de Wakeham
(Nouveau-Québec). Montréal, La Société d'Archéologie Préhistorique du Québec, 1970:107.
[160] Bibeau, Pierre. Établissements paléoesquimaux du site Diana 73, Ungava. Montréal, Laboratoire
d'archéologie de l'Université du Québec à Montréal, coll. Paléo-Québec No. 16, 1984:167.
[161] Brent, Peter. THE VIKING SAGA, Tinling, Prescott 1975.
[162] Bruemmer, Fred. "the Petroglyphs of Hudson Strait," The Beaver, Summer 1973: 33-35
[163] Boutray, Bernard de. Etude pétrographique comparative de quartzites enfumés utilisés par les
Paléoesquimaux de l'Arctique québécois. Géographie physique et Quaternaire (Montréal), Vol. 35, No. 1,
[164] Emmons, George, T. 1991.The Tlingit Indians, edited with additions by Frederica de Laguna and
biography by Jean Low, Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver.
[165] Fairbridge, Rhodes W. et Claude Hillair-Marcel. "An 8,000-yr palaeoclimatic record of the 'double-
hale' 45-yr solar cycle." Nature (London), vol. 268, No. 5619, 1977:413-416.
[166] Gordon, Brian. Nadlok and the Origin of the Copper Inuit, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull.
[167] Graham-Campbell, James. THE VIKING WORLD, Francis Lincoln, London, 1980.
[168] Hartweg, Raoul et Patrick Plumet. Archéologie de l'Ungava: sépultures et squelette de l'Ungava,
Montréal, Laboratoire d'archéologie de l'Université du Québec à Montréal, coll. Paléo-Québec No. 3,
[169] Helmer, James W. "Climate change and Paleoeskimo culture change: fact, fiction or feasible? In:
Man and the mid-Holocene climatic optimum: Proceedings of the seventeenth annual conference of the
Archaeological association of the University of Calgary, Neil A. McKinnon and Glenn S.L. Stuart, eds.,
The University of Calgary Archaeological Association, Calgary, 1987: 211-233.
[170] Lee, Thomas, E. "Payne Lake, Ungava Peninsula, Archaeology 1964." Centre d'études nordiques.
Université Laval, coll. Travaux divers, No 12, 1966.
"The Norse in Ungava," Anthropological Journal of Canada, Vol. 4. No 2, 1966.
"Archaeological investigations, Deception Bay, Ungava Peninsula, 1965," Anthropological Journal of
Canada, Vol. 5, No 3, 1967.
[171] Davis, Thomas Osborne. (1974). The Sea Kings, Essays of Thomas Davis. Lemma Publishing
Corporation. ISBN 0876960417, 9780876960417.
[172] Magnusson, Marcus. VIKING: Hammer of the North, Orbis, London, 1976.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[173] Mary-Rousseliere, Guy. "How Old Monica Ataguttaaluk Introduced Me to Arctic Archaeology,"
INUKTITUT, Spring 1987.
[174] Wiglew T.M.L., M.J. Ingram and G. Farmer, eds (1981). “Archaeological evidence for climatic
change during the last 5 000 years.” In: Climate and history: Studies in past climates and their impact on
Man. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, 1981:162-179.
[175] Menzies, Gavin.2002. 1421: The Year China Discovered the World, Bantam, Toronto.
[176] Mountfield, David. A HISTORY OF POLAR EXPLORATION, Dial Press, New York 1974.
[177] Mowat, Farley. 1999. The Farfarers, Seal Books, Toronto.
[178] Plumet, Patrick. People of the Far North: From Myths to Prehistory, 2 Vols. éditions Errance, Paris
[179] Rolf Gilberg et Hans-Christian Gullov éd. "L'importance archéologique de la région de
Kangirsujjuaq au Nunavik (Arctique québécois): un centre chamanique dorsétien? In: Fifty years of Arctic
research. Copenhague, Department of Ethnography, The National Museum of Denmark, Publications of
the National Museum Ethnographical Series Vol. 18, 1997:249-260.
[180] “Le Paléoesquimau dans la baie du Diana (Arctique québécois). In: Threads of Arctic prehistory:
Papers in honour of William E. Taylor, Jr., David Morrison and Jean-Luc Pilon, eds., Canadian Museum of
Civilization, Archaeological Survey of Canada, Hull, Archaeological Survey of Canada Mercury Series
149, pp.1994:103-144.
[181] "L'archéologie de l'Arctique face à l'impérialisme ethnologique." In: Ethnoarchéologie: Justification,
problèmes, limites. Actes des rencontres 17-18-19 octobre 1991, XIIe Rencontres internationales
d'archéologie d'Antibes, Centre de Recherches Archéologiques du CNRS, ed., APDCA (Association pour
la promotion et la diffusion des connaissances archéologiques), Juan-les-Pins,1991.
[182] "Cairns-balises et mégalithes de l'Ungava (Cairns-beacons and megaliths of Ungava)." Études Inuit
Studies (Québec), Vol. 9, No. 2, 1985:61-99.
[183] Áísínai’pi (Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park) - Alberta. Park contains 50 petroglyph sites with
thousands of drawings and is the most important petroglyph site in Great Plains. Arnaud River Hammer of
Thor - Quebec. Unique archaeological monument - 3.3 metres high stack of three stones, resembling an
enormous hammer. It is speculated that it has been erected by Vikings.
[184] Archéologie de l'Ungava: le problème des maisons longues à deux hémicycles et séparations
intérieures. Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études - Sorbonne, sixième section: Sciences économiques
et sociales, coll. Contribution du Centre d'Études arctiques et finno-scandinaves No. 7, 1969.
[185] "Vikings et Tunnit: à propos de l'ouvrage de Tryggvi J. Oleson": Early voyages and northern
approaches, 1000-1632. Inter-Nord (Paris) No. 10, 1968:303-308.
[186] Plumet, Patrick and Pierre Gangloff. "Contribution à l'archéologie et l'ethnohistoire de l'Ungava
oriental: côte est, Killiniq, îles Button, Labrador septentrional. Québec, Presses de l'Université du
Québec, coll. Paléo-Québec No.19, 1991:286.


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[187] "Contribution à l'étude du peuplement préhistorique des côtes du Québec arctique et de son cadre
paléogéographique." Etudes Inuit Studies (Québec), Vol. 11, No. 1, 1987: 67-89.
[188] Saladin D'anglure, Bernard. "Iqallijuq ou les réminiscence d'une âme-nom inuit". Études Inuit
Studies (Québec), Vol. 1, 1977:33-64.
[189] "Discovery of petroglyphs near Wakeham Bay”. The Arctic Circular Vol. 15, No. 1, 1963:7-14.
[190] "Découverte de pétroglyphes à Qajartalik, sur l'île de Qikertaaluk. North, Vol. 9, No.6, pp.1962:34-
39. Around the world, wherever they are located, rock art sites (whether in the form of pictographs,
petroglyphs, lichenomorphs, petroforms, or geoglyphs) represent one of the most long-lasting cultural
phenomena associated with human visual experience of the tangible and intangible worlds. Furthermore,
most of these sites retain impressive examples of past artistic traditions and, at the same time, provide us
with insights into some aspects of the world-views (Weltanschauungen) of ancient societies. Thanks to
their graphic content and associated features, they can still be a place of expression, especially visual
expression, as a means of communication, as a locus for transmitting traditional and sacred knowledge,
as a place of memory and remembrance where our ancestors left their marks.
[191] Dolukhanov, P.M. (1996). The Early Slavs: Eastern Europe and the Initial Settlement to Kievan
Rus'. London: Longman.ISBN 0582236185.
[192] Schlederman, Peter. Voices in Stone: A Personal Journey into the Arctic Past. Komatik Series, No.
5. The Arctic Institute of North America of the University of Calgary, Calgary, 1996.
[193] Crossroads to Greenland: 3000 years of prehistory in the Eastern High Arctic. Calgary, The Arctic
Institute of North America, coll. Komatik series No.2, 1990.
[194] "Eskimo and Viking Finds in the High Arctic," National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 159, No. 5, May
1981. Eskimo and Viking Finds in the Arctic [Eskimo and Viking Finds in the High Arctic: Ellesmere
Island]. On Ellesmere Island, far north in Canada, archeologist Peter Schledermann finds dramatic
evidence of early inhabitants and visitors - - among them, possibly, Norsemen
[195] Weick, Ed. Photographs and Observations: The Stone Cairns of Diana Island, Light Stuff, 2003.
[196] Nansen, Fridtjof. MCMXI. In Northern Mists – Arctic Exploration in Early times. The University of
Christiana. G.C.V.O, D.SC., D.C.L., PhD, Professor of Oceanography. Volume Two, London. ''Ich werde
suchen die Kritik der Geschichte nicht nach dunkeln Gefühlen, sondem forschend, auszuführen, nicht ihre
Resultate, welche nur blinde Meinungen stiften, sondem die Untersuchungen selbst in ihrem ganzen
Umfange vortragen."
[197] Liebersohn, Harry (1998). Aristocratic Encounters: European Travelers and North American Indians
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN 0 521 64090 3.
[198] Moshkova, M. G. (1995). "A brief review of the history of the Sauromatian and Sarmatian tribes".
Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age: 85–89.
[199] Christian, David. (1999). A History of Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia. Blackwell. ISBN


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Leah[a] is described in the Hebrew Bible as the daughter of Laban. She and her younger sister Rachel

became the two concurrent wives of Hebrew patriarch Jacob. She had six sons, whose descendants
became some of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Leah and Rachel each wanted to have as many of those
sons as possible, going so far as to offer their handmaidens as proxies to Jacob so they could have a
share in the upbringing of their handmaidens' sons, too. She also had a daughter, Dinah.
[200] AARTUN, Kjell: Runer i kulturhistorisk sammenheng (Oslo, Norway: Pax Forlag A/S, 1994).
[201] Peidong Shen, Tal Lavi, Toomas Kivisild, Vivian Chou, Deniz Sengun, Dov Gefel, Issac Shpirer,
Eilon Woolf, Jossi Hillel, Marcus W. Feldman and Peter J. Oefner. “Reconstruction of Patrilineages and
Matrilineages of Samaritans and Other Israeli Populations From Y-Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA
Sequence Variation. Stanford Genome Technology Center, Palo Alto, California; Department of Genetics,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences,
Rehovot, Israel; Department of Evolutionary Biology, Tartu University, and Estonian Biocenter, Tartu,
Estonia; Department of Medicine-C, Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon, Israel; Pulmonary Institute, Assaf


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, Israel; Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford,
California. Hum Mutat. 2004 Sep;24(3):248-60.
[202] Losch, Richard R. (2005). The uttermost part of the earth: a guide to places in the Bible. Wm. B.
Eerdmans Publishing, ISBN 0-8028-2805-1, ISBN 978-0-8028-2805-7.
[203] Aðalsteinsson Stefán, og Bjarni E. Sigurðsson 1998. "Er forfaðir íslenska hestsins fundinn? (Is the
ancestor of the Icelandic horse found?) " Eiðfaxi (10), 66-67.
[204] Stenersens, J. (1987). Snorri, The Sagas of the Viking Kings of Norway. English translation: J.
Stenersens, Forlag, Oslo.
[205] Brandt, Dagmar (1943). Gardariki. Ein Stufenbuch aus dem russischen Raum (novel). 2 Volumes,
Berlin 1943. Reprint Faksimile Verlag Bremen 1981.
[206] Store Norske Leksikon (2005–2007).
[207] Pritsak, Omeljan (1981). The Origin of Rus': Old Scandinavian Sources Other than the Sagas.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-64465-4.
[208] Kristján Eldjárn (1991). "Orð í belg um uppruna íslenska hestsins." Eiðfaxi (4), 4-6.
[209] Shetelig, H. (1933). Vikingeminner i Vest-Europa. H. Aschehougs & co, Oslo.
[210] Bjørnstad, Gro (2001). Genetic diversity of Norwegian horses with emphasis on native
breeds (doktorsritgerð). Norges Veterinærhøgskole, Oslo.
[211] Hannes Finnsson, Hannes (1970). Mannfækkun af hallærum (Reduction of Famine), Almenna
bókafélagið, Reykjavík.
[212] Benite, Zvi Ben-Dor (2009). The Ten Lost Tribes: A World History. Oxford University Press. Benite is
professor of history and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at New York University.
[213] Bang, Jørgen Chr (1998). «Runernes herkomst og medbyrd», article in Selskab for Nordisk Filologi:
Årsberetning 1996-1997. Copenhagen, Denmark: Selskab for Nordisk Filologi.
[214] Bartholdy,Y, C.(1956) Dansk Bibelværk for Menigheden (Udarbejdet af en kreds af danske
teologer): Jeremias Bog, Klagesangene. Copenhagen, Denmark: O. Lohses Forlag, Eftf.
[215] Bjørner, Anna (1927). ”Den store Pyramide”. From Evangeliebladet: Organ for den apostolske Kirke
i Danmark, 21st April, 1927 (Copenhagen, Denmark: Den apostolske Kirke i København, 1927)
[216] Bjørner, Anna (1935). ”Kajfas’ mærkelige profeti”. From Evangeliebladet: Organ for den apostolske
Kirke i Danmark, 7th August, 1935 (Copenhagen, Denmark: Den apostolske Kirke i Danmark.
[217] Blodgett, Terry Marvin (1981). “Phonological Similarities in Germanic and Hebrew”. (Salt Lake City,
Utah, United States: Department of Languages, University of Utah, 1981)
[218] Boteach, Shmuley (2002). Judaism for Everyone. New York, New York, United States: Basic Books.
[219] Brøndsted, Johannes (1977). Politikens Danmarkshistorie, Bind 1: De Ældste Tider, Indtil år 600,
3rd edition (Copenhagen, Denmark: Politikens Forlag A/S.
[220] COURT, Norman. Old Ginger (Woodford Green, Essex, England: The Society for Proclaiming
Britain is Israel, undated)
[221] DAVIDIY, Yair (2001). Ephraim.Jerusalem, Israel: Russell-Davis Publishers.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[222] GESENIUS. Wilhelm (1979). Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament (Grand Rapids,
Michigan, United States: Baker Books.
[223] Hallbäck, Geert (1998). , Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensen & Bertil Wiberg (Ed.): Gads Bibel
Leksikon A -K. Copenhagen, Denmark: Gads Forlag.
[224] Hjelmslev, Louis (1970). Language: An Introduction. Madison, Wisconsin, United States: The
University of Wisconsin Press.
[225] Jagodzinski, Grzegorz (2005). Indo-European and Semitic Languages. (from Researchers claim to have found 23 words that may date back 15,000 years. They
hypothesize an ancient language that may be the ancestor of modern languages. The words are still
reflected in seven linguistic families that span from Europe to Asia and may support the idea of a “proto-
Eurasiatic” language from which almost all modern languages derive. Several mainstays of language
predictably make the list, however, there are a couple of surprises. The whole list:
thou, I, not, that, we, to give, who, this, what, man/male, ye, old, mother, to hear, hand, fire, to pull, black,
to flow, bark, ashes, to spit, worm
The seven language families studied were: Indo-European (European languages, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali,
Punjabi); Altaic (Turkish, Uzbek, Mongolian); Chukchi-Kamchatkan (northeast Siberia); Dravidian (south
Indian languages); Inuit-Yupik (Arctic languages); Kartvelian (Georgian) and Uralic (Finnish, Hungarian).
[226] Shamir. Israel (2003). Galilee Flowers. South Carolina, United States: Book Surge.
[227] Strong, James. Strong’s Exhastive Concordance of the Bible. Peabody, Massachusetts, United
States: Hendrickson Publishers, undated.
[228] Sturlasson, Snorre. Norges Konge-Sagaer (Christiania, Norway: Feilberg & Landmark, 1881)
[229] Suhm, Peter Friderich (1774). Critisk Historie af Danmark, Bind 1. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Brødrene Johann Christian og Georg Christopher Berling.
[230] Suhm, Peter Friderich (1769). Forsøg til et Udkast af en Historie over Folkenes Oprindelse I
Almindelighed, som en Indledning til de Nordiske Folkes i Særdeleshed. Copenhagen, Denmark:
Brødrene Johann Christian og Georg Christopher Berling.
[231] Suhm, Peter Friderich (1782). Historie af Danmark, 1. Tomé. Copenhagen, Denmark. Brødrene
[232} Suhm, Peter Friderich (1771). Om Odin og den Hedniske Gudlære og Gudstieneste udi Norden
(About Odin and Pagan Teaching and Worship in the Nordic countries). Copenhagen, Denmark:
Brødrene Berling.
[233] Tacitus, Cornelius (1970). The Agricola and the Germania, translated by H. Mattingly (Middlesex,
England: Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth.
[234] Vermes, Geza (Ed.) (1997). The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English. New York, New York,
United States. Penguin.
[235] Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph (1823). Publisher: J.F. Hammerich. Digitized at the University of
Lausanne. 'Research on the Field of History' (German: Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte).

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[236] The Jellinge Stone: ‘Denmark’s Baptismal Stone’. The stone which Harald Blue Tooth erected upon
his own personal baptism, and all of Denmark’s official national, conversion to Christ in the year 1000
A.D. The prominence of the Cross in every Scandinavian flag serves as a dramatic testimony to the
conversion of the Vikings.
[237] Latourette, Kenneth Scott (1938). A History of the Expansion of Christianity. Harper and Row.
[238] Rohan, Michael Scott and Allan J. Scott. (1980). The Hammer and the Cross. Alder.
[239] Sawyer, Birgit and Peter Sawyer and lan Wood. (1987). "The Christianisation of Scandinavia",
edited by Viktoria Bokforlag.
[240] Reston, James (1998). Doubleday. "The Last Apocalypse". Doubleday.
[241] Holt, Henry (1997). "The Barbarian Conversion".
[242] Sawyer, Peter and Brigit (1993). "Medieval Scandinavia". University of Minnesota.
[243] Josephus, Flavius (1960). The Complete Works of Josephus. Grand Rapids, Michigan, United
States: Kregel Publications.
[244] Josephus, Flavius (1602). The Famous and Memorable Workes of Iosephvs. G. Bishop, S.
Waterson, P. Short and Tho. Adams.
[245] Balaicius, Robert Alan (2001). Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance (Mountain
City, Tennessee, USA: Sacred Truth Ministries.
[246] Johnsen, Ole Jørgen (1936). Israel i de siste dage (Israel in the Last Days). Asker, Norway: Ole
Jørgen Johnsens Forlag.
[247] Jones, Stephen E. (2006). The Prophetic History of the United States. Fridley, Minnesota, USA:
God’s Kingdom Ministries.
[248] Senstius, Paul (1931). Die Stämme der Israeliten und Germanen (The Tribes of the Israelites and
the Germanen). Leipzig, Germany: Eduard Pfeiffer Verlag.
[249] The Chronicles of the Kings of Norway, Ynglinge Saga.
[250] Friderich Suhm, Peter Friderich (1782). Historie af Danmark, Vol. 1. Copenhagen, Denmark:
Brødrene Berling.
[251] Suhm, Peter Friderich (1771). Om Odin og den Hedniske Gudelære og Gudstieneste udi Norden
(About Odin and the Heathen Culture and Worship). Copenhagen, Denmark: Brødrene Berling.
[252] Titcomb, J.H. (1875). British-Israel: How I Came To Believe It. London, UK: The Covenant
Publishing Co. Ltd., 1928) (A new edition of the book originally entitled The Anglo-Israel Postbag
published in 1875.)
[253] Wilson, John (1850). Our Israelitish Origin. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Daniels & Smith Co.
John Wilson believed the Jews to be Israelites mixed with Edomites and Canaanites as he described in
the chapter “The Jews, or Judah mingled with Edom, etc.”, p. 120-124.
[254] Kozlovskaya, Valeriya (1972). The Northern Black Sea in antiquity: networks, connectivity, and
cultural interactions. Cambridge, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781108517614. OCLC 1000597862.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[255] Tarasov I. (2002). The Balts in the Migration Period. P. I. Galindians. Brzezinski & Mielczarek.
[256] Gluhak, Alemko (1990). Podrijetlo imena Hrvat (The origin of the ethnonym Hrvat) (in Croatian),
Zagreb: Jezik (Croatian Philological Society).
[257] Keyser, Christine; Bouakaze, Caroline; Crubézy, Eric; Nikolaev, Valery G.; Montagnon, Daniel;
Reis, Tatiana; Ludes, Bertrand (May 16, 2009). "Ancient DNA provides new insights into the history of
south Siberian Kurgan people". Human Genetics. Springer-Verlag.
[258] Cunliffe, Barry W. (2001). The Oxford Illustrated History of Prehistoric Europe. Oxford University
Press. pp. 402–. ISBN 978-0-19-285441-4.
[259] Grousset, Rene (1970). The Empire of the Steppes. Rutgers University Press. p. 15. ISBN 0-8135-
[260] Anthony, David W. (2007). The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the
Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-05887-3.
[261] Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В., Коробов Д.С., Решетова И.К., Ли Х..
Хазарские конфедераты в бассейне Дона // Естественнонаучные методы исследования и
парадигма современной археологии. М. 2015. С.146-153. | Irina Reshetova and Gennady Afanasiev - [GE, Wen Sh., Tong S., Wang L., Wei L., Dobrovolskaya MV, Korobov DS, Reshetova IK,
Li Kh. Khazar Confederates in the Don Basin // Natural scientific methods of research and the paradigm
of modern archeology. M. 2015. P.146-153. | | Irina Reshetova and Gennady Afanasiev -]
Day 2001, pp. 55–57.
[262] Baumgarten, Siegmund Jakob; Beer, Ferdinand Wilhelm; Semler, Johann Salomo (1760). A
Supplement to the English Universal History: Lately Published in London: Containing ... Remarks and
Annotations on the Universal History, Designed as an Improvement and Illustration of that Work ... E.
Dilly. p. 30.
[263] Periplus of Pseudo-Scylax, 70; cf. Geographi Graeci minores: Volume 1, p.58
[264] Herodotus' Histories, book IV.
[265] Strabo's Geography, books V, VII, XI
[266] Harmatta, J. (1970). "Studies in the History and Language of the Sarmatians". Acta antique et
archaeologica. Szeged. XIII.
Germania omnis a Gallis Raetisque et Pannoniis Rheno et Danuvio fluminibus, a Sarmatis Dacisque
mutuo metu aut montibus separatur: cetera Oceanus ambit, latos sinus et insularum inmensa spatia
complectens, nuper cognitis quibusdam gentibus ac regibus, quos bellum aperuit. [The rivers, the
Danube, from Rhaetia and Pannonia, by the Gauls, and from the whole of Germany is the Rhine, from
Sarmatia and Dacia by mutual fear, or by high mountains: the rest is encompassed by the ocean,
embracing broad peninsulas and islands of unexplored extent, where certain tribes and kingdoms are
newly known to us, such as the war opened it].
[267] Eusebius. (1636). "IV.6". Life of Constantine. *Valois, Henri, ed. Anonymus Valesianus I/Origo
Constantini Imperatoris.

The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[268] Brzezinski & Mielczarek (2002). Slovene Studies. 9–11. Society for Slovene Studies. 1987. p. 36.
… the ancient Scythians, Sarmatians (amongst others), and many other attested but now extinct peoples
were assimilated in the course of history by Proto-Slavs.
[269] Minahan, James (2000). "One Europe, Many Nations", Published by Greenwood Publishing
Group. "The Ossetians, calling themselves Iristi and their homeland Iryston are the most northerly Iranian
people. ... They are descended from a division of Sarmatians, the Alans who were pushed out of the
Terek River lowlands and in the Caucasus foothills by invading Huns in the fourth century A.D.
[270] Lloyd, Howell A, Glenn Burgess; Simon Hodson (2007). European Political Thought 1450-1700:
Religion, Law and Philosophy. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-11266-5.
[271] Kresin, O. Sarmatism Ukrainian. Ukrainian History
[272] Sulimirski, Tadeusz (1970). The Sarmatians. New York: Praeger Publishers.
[273] P. M. Barford, P.M. (2001). The Early Slavs. Ithaca: Cornell University.
[274] Brzezinski, Richard; Mielczarek, Mariusz (2002). The Sarmatians 600 BC–AD 450. Men-At-Arms.
Bloomsbury USA; Osprey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84176-485-6.
[275] Davis-Kimball, Jeannine; Bashilov, Vladimir A.; Yablonsky, Leonid T. (1995). Nomads of the
Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age. Berkeley: Zinat Press. ISBN 1-885979-00-2.
[276] Day, John V. (2001). Indo-European origins: the anthropological evidence. Institute for the Study of
Man. ISBN 0941694755.
[277] Hinds, Kathryn (2009). Scythians and Sarmatians. Marshall Cavendish. ISBN 978-0-7614-4519-7.
[278] Istvánovits, Eszter; Kulcsár, Valéria (2017). Sarmatians: History and Archaeology of a Forgotten
People. Schnell & Steiner. ISBN 978-3-7954-3234-8.
[279] Kozlovskaya, Valeriya (2017). The Northern Black Sea in Antiquity. Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 978-1-107-01951-5.
[280] Kuzmina, Elena Efimovna (2007). The Origin of the Indo-Iranians. ISBN 90-04-16054-X.
[281] Sinor, Denis, ed. (1990). The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia. Cambridge University Press.
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Классик. ISBN 978-5-458-40072-5. K.F. Smirnov. Sarmatians and the assertion of their political
domination in Scythia. Ripol the Classic. ISBN 978-5-458-40072-5.
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истории. ТДК. Азов: 4–18.
[284] Genito, Bruno (1988). "The Archaeological Cultures of the Sarmatians with a Preliminary Note on
the Trial-Trenches at Gyoma 133: a Sarmatian Settlement in South-Eastern Hungary (Campaign 1985)"
(PDF). Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Napoli. 42: 81–126.
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The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

[286] Козлова, Р. М. (2004). "О Сормах, Сарматах, Сорматских горах". Студії з ономастики та
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Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. (in ukrainian)
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[288] Mordvintseva, Valentina I. (2015). "Сарматы, Сарматия и Северное Причерноморье" [Sarmatia,
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[289] Mordvintseva, Valentina I. (2013). "The Sarmatians: The Creation of Archaeological Evidence".
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Eric Torbjørn Hinrichs

BSEE Electrical Engineering(University of Missouri), BA German Literature (University

of the State of New York), MSCert Computer Science (Air Force Institute of
Technology), MA Economics (University of Oklahoma), Masters in Strategic Intelligence
(American Military University) , PhD Theology, Level III Certified Systems Engineer
(Defense Acquisition University), Den Danske Klub i St Louis, Missouri, The Swedish
Council of St. Louis, The Viking Club of St. Louis, The Norwegian Society of St. Louis,
The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF), Deutsch-Schwedische Gesellschaft
Heidelberg e.V. 21 Books published at Xulon Press, and Barnes & Noble..
Jeg er en Skandinav!


The Ancient Origins of Scandinavia - Hinrichs

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