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Calculus for Scientists and Engineers

1st Edition Briggs Solutions Manual

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7.1 Inverse Functions 141


This chapter introduces and examines several important classes of transcendental functions: the natural
logarithm and natural exponential functions, general logarithmic and exponential functions, and inverse
trigonometric functions. These topics provide an excellent opportunity to review and solidify results from
Chapter 6, such as the area between curves and volumes of solids of revolution. Additionally, we devote a
section to exponential modeling, and we return to the topic of l’Hôpital’s Rule and consider three more
indeterminate forms. L’Hôpital’s Rule is then used to obtain a ranking of functions based on their growth rates.
This chapter concludes with an introduction to the hyperbolic functions.

Section 7.1 Inverse Functions

In this section, we introduce inverse functions and lay the groundwork for the rest of the chapter.

Lecture Support Notes

• Give the definition of an inverse function, state conditions under which a function is invertible on an
interval (one-to-one; horizontal line test), and cover Theorem 7.1.
• Show how to find the formula for the inverse of a function, and explain that the reversal of the roles
played by x and y implies that the graph of a function and its inverse are reflections of one another over
the line y = x .
• For functions that do not pass the horizontal line test, describe how the domain may be restricted to
produce an invertible function (Example 3b, which is a continuation of Example 2).
• Offer a visual proof of Theorem 7.2 by appealing to the graph of a one-to-one function (continuous on
an interval) and its inverse, and the fact that reflecting the function over the line y = x to produce its
inverse does not introduce discontinuities.
• Briefly cover Theorem 7.3, which is used to find the derivative of an inverse function in general cases.
In subsequent sections, we favor using implicit differentiation (or the Chain Rule) to find the derivative
of specific inverse functions, such as the inverse trigonometric functions—present Example 6 to show
students why we need Theorem 7.3 (it allows us to compute the derivative of an inverse in cases where
it is difficult or impossible to find a formula for the inverse and/or its derivative). See also Additional

Interactive Figures
• Figure 7.2 illustrates the concept of a one-to-one function.
• Figure 7.3 illustrates how restricting the domain of a parabola makes it one-to-one.
• Figure 7.5 illustrates the actions of a function f and its inverse f −1 .
• Figures 7.8–9 illustrate the graphical relationship between y = x, f, and f −1 .
• Figures 7.11–12 illustrate finding derivatives of inverse functions in general.

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• The relationship between a function and its inverse is used to develop the natural exponential function
from the natural logarithm in the next section. This theme is repeated to map out the relationships
between the general exponential and logarithmic functions, and to generate the inverse trigonometric
• Theorem 7.2 is used to show that the natural exponential function is continuous on its domain.
• The properties of the inverse trigonometric functions (Section 7.5) flow directly from the results
established in this section.

Additional Activities
Sometimes a visual demonstration of a theorem can be as powerful for students as a formal proof, especially
when it comes to gaining a better understanding of what a theorem says. Students tend to have a difficult time
wrapping their heads around the details of Theorem 7.3—the following short activity may help. It amounts to a
combination of Examples 5 and 6 and Figures 7.11–7.13. It can be used to introduce Theorem 7.3, or to buttress
the conclusions of the theorem.

1. Ask students to sketch the graph of f ( x) = x 2 on [0, ∞ ) ; label the point (2, 4) .

2. Compute f ′(2) = 4 , and instruct students to draw the line tangent to f at (2, 4) .

3. Label another point on this tangent line. You could ask students to find an actual point on the line, such as
(1, 0) , or a random point with coordinates ( x1 , y1 ) . We’ll assume the latter for the purposes of this activity.

4. Now draw a graph of f −1 ( x ) = x on the same set of axes, and label the point (4, 2) . Explain that because
the graphs of f and f −1 are reflections of one another over the line y = x , the tangent line at (2, 4) on f is
also reflected over y = x to become the tangent line at (4, 2) on f −1 . We also know that because ( x1 , y1 )
is a point on the first tangent line, the point ( y1 , x1 ) is on the graph of the second tangent line. Have
students sketch this second tangent line, and label the point ( y1 , x1 ) on the line.

y2 − y1
5. Ask students to compute the slopes of these two tangent lines using m = . Point out that the
x2 − x1
4 − y1 2 − x1
slopes— m1 = and m2 = —are reciprocals of one another. This is the key observation of the
2 − x1 4 − y1
activity: The reflection of any line with slope m ≠ 0 over the line y = x produces another line whose slope
is 1/ m (Example 5), and when these lines are tangent lines (slopes given by derivatives), Theorem 7.3
follows. In this case, we can conclude that ( f −1 ) ′(4) = 1/ f ′ (2) = 1/ 4 .

6. Complete the activity by computing the derivative of f −1 directly, and evaluate it at x = 4 to show the
results are consistent.

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Section 7.1 Quick Quiz

Answer the following multiple choice questions by circling the correct response.

1. On which of the following intervals does f ( x) = x − 1 have an inverse?

(a) x ≥ 0 (b) x ≥ −1 (c) x ≥ 1

2. If f has a unique inverse and f (2) = 4 , then

(a) f (4) = 2 . (b) f −1 (2) = 4 . (c) f −1 (4) = 2 .

3. Suppose you graph f and f −1 and you know that y0 = f ( x0 ) . Then

(a) ( x0 , y0 ) is on the graph of y = f −1 ( x) . (b) ( y0 , x0 ) is on the graph of y = f −1 ( x) .

(c) ( y0 , x0 ) is on the graph of y = f ( x) .

4. How are the graphs of a function f and its inverse f −1 related?

(a) If the point ( x0 , y0 ) is on the graph of f , then ( x0 , y0 ) is also on the graph of f −1 .

(b) The graphs of f and f −1 are symmetric about the line y = x .
(c) The graphs of f and f −1 are symmetric about the origin.

5. Suppose f is an even function defined on (−∞, ∞) . Then the inverse of f is

(a) always well defined. (b) never well defined. (c) sometimes well defined.

6. Suppose f is an odd function defined on ( −∞, ∞) . Then the inverse of f is

(a) always well defined. (b) never well defined. (c) sometimes well defined.

7. The inverse of f ( x) = x3 + 2 is

(a) f −1 ( x) = 3 x − 2 . (b) f −1 ( x) = x3 − 2 . (c) f −1 ( x) = 3 x − 2 .

8. Consider the function f ( x) = on the interval (−∞, ∞) . The inverse of f is
x +1

1 1
(a) f −1 ( x) = −1 . (b) f −1 ( x) = − −1 . (c) not well defined.
x x

9. Let f ( x) = −2 x + 1 . The slope of the line tangent to the graph of y = f −1 ( x) at the point (−3, 2) is

(a) 1/ 2 . (b) –2. (c) −1/ 2 .

10. Suppose f is differentiable, has an inverse, f (0) = 8 and f ′(0) = 4 . Then ( f −1 ) ′(8)
(a) equals 1/ 4 . (b) equals 4. (c) cannot be determined.

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Section 7.2 The Natural Logarithmic and Exponential Functions

The natural logarithm is defined in terms of a definite integral, and from this definition we establish familiar
algebraic properties of logarithms. Using inverse relationships, we introduce the natural exponential function
and reveal its properties.

Lecture Support Notes

The two functions introduced in this section are among the more important functions in mathematics—plan on
full coverage of most of the material. That said, you may be able to move quickly through the properties of
logarithms and exponentials that are familiar from algebra.
• Begin with the integral definition of the natural logarithm: ln x =
1 t
dt . ∫
• Establish the properties of the natural logarithm. Two key properties are needed to move forward to the
natural exponential function: ln x is differentiable (and therefore continuous) and one-to-one on its
• Derive at least some of the other properties of the natural logarithm to show that ln x is a logarithmic
• Because f ( x) = ln x is one-to-one on its domain, it has a well-defined inverse f −1 ( x) = exp x , which
is continuous by Theorem 7.2. Show that this inverse satisfies the defining properties of exponential
functions, and that it is, in fact, the natural exponential function e x .
• Present derivative and integral results associated with ln x and e x . It’s important to show that both
ln x and ln x have a derivative equal to 1/ x , which explains the need for the absolute value in the
formula ∫ x
= ln x + C .

• ∫ e dx = e + C (Theorem 7.6) to the more general form given

x x
It’s a good idea to extend the formula
1 ax
∫e dx =
e +C .
in the integral table found in the end papers of the text:
• The technique of logarithm differentiation can be viewed as optional—it is used very infrequently in
the remainder of the text.
• Try to leave time for applications encountered earlier in the text (e.g. graphing, area computations, arc
length, and so on).

Interactive Figures

• Figure 7.14 illustrates the integral definition of ln x.

• Figure 7.15 displays ln x and its first two derivatives.
• Figure 7.16 illustrates ln x and ln |x|, along with their derivatives.
• Figure 7.17 shows that ln x and e x are reflections of one another about the line y = x.
• Figure 7.18 connects the integral definition of ln x with the mathematical constant e.

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7.2 The Natural Logarithmic and Exponential Functions 145


• The natural logarithm is likely the first function your students have encountered that is defined as an
integral function. Highlight the use of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 5.3) when
presenting the derivative of ln x and explain that there are many important functions that are also
defined in terms of an integral.
• Logarithmic and exponential functions with other bases (Section 7.3) is a generalization of the material
presented in this section.
• Exercise 101 gives a preview of the harmonic series, covered in Chapter 10.

Additional Activities
Suggested Guided Projects: Acid, noise, and earthquakes and Atmospheric CO2

• Acid, noise, and earthquakes looks at logarithmic scales in the sciences.

• Data on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been gathered at points around the
globe since the mid-1950s; the most famous CO2 time line comes from the observatory at Mauna Loa,
Hawaii. Atmospheric CO2 is a guided project that gives students the opportunity to create a
mathematical model that fits the Mauna Loa CO2 data set by superimposing the oscillations of a
trigonometric function onto a linear or exponential function.

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Section 7.2 Quick Quiz

Answer the following multiple choice questions by circling the correct response.

1. The natural logarithm ln x is defined for x > 0 as

(a) an area function for f ( x) = 1/ x . (b) the derivative of f ( x) = 1/ x .
(c) the logarithm base 10 of x.

2. The domain of y = ln(2 x) is

(a) {x : 0 < x < ∞} . (b) {x : − ∞ < x < ∞} . (c) {x : 0 ≤ x < ∞} .

3. Letting f ( x) = ln( x 2 ) , the value of f ′(2) is

(a) 2. (b) 0. (c) 1.

d ⎡ 2x
4. If f ′ exists, then e − f ( x) ⎤⎦ evaluated at x = 0 is
dx ⎣
(a) − f ′(0) . (b) 0. (c) 2 − f ′(0) .
5. The derivative of with respect to x equals
e2 x
3x 2 3x 2 − x3 x 2 (3 − 2 x)
(a) . (b) . (c) .
2e 2 x e2 x e2 x

6. The graph of y = ln x has a tangent line with slope 1 at the point

(a) (1,1) . (b) (e,1) . (c) (1, 0) .

7. If f is differentiable with f ( x ) > 0 on an interval, then (ln( f ( x))) equals
(a) 1/ f ( x) . (b) f ′( x) / f ( x) . (c) f ( x) / f ′ ( x) .

8. The correct first step in using logarithmic differentiation to find the derivative of f ( x) = x + 1( x 4 + 1)3/ 2
(a) is to use the Product Rule. (b) is to write ln ( f ( x )) = ln x + 1 ⋅ ln( x 4 + 1)3/ 2 .
1 3
(c) is to write ln ( f ( x)) = ln( x + 1) + ln( x 4 + 1) .
2 2
sec 2 x
9. The value of ∫ 2 tan x
dx is

tan x 1 1
(a) 2
+C . (b) ln tan x + C . (c) ln sin x cos x + C .
tan x 2 2

10. The arc length of y = ln x on the interval [1, a ] is given by

a a 1 a x2 + 1
(a) ∫1
1 + ln 2 x dx . (b) ∫
dx . (c) ∫
1 x2
dx .

11. For any real number p > 1 , the value of ∫1/ p x

(a) 2 ln p . (b) 0. (c) (ln p) / 2 .

12. As x → ∞ , the function f ( x) = e−2 x sin x

(a) approaches 1. (b) approaches 0. (c) grows without bound.

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7.3 Logarithmic and Exponential Functions with Other Bases 147

Section 7.3 Logarithmic and Exponential Functions with Other Bases


The natural logarithm and exponential functions from the previous section are generalized to include other
bases. This leads to a generalization of the Power Rule from Chapter 3.

Lecture Support Notes

Because logarithmic and exponential functions with general bases are not used often in calculus, this section
can be covered with less depth than the previous section. On the other hand, the material presented here leads to
the General Power Rule, which is an important result.

• Begin with the change of bases rule for exponential expressions ( b x = e x ln b ) to define exponential
functions with base b (an important restatement of a result from Section 7.2). Most of the subsequent
material relies upon this rule. If nothing else, students should strive to retain this fact as it is used again
in later chapters.
• Introduce logarithmic functions with base b using inverse relationships.
• Present derivative and integral results associated with these functions.
• State and prove the General Power Rule.

Interactive Figures

• Figures 7.21–22 illustrate y = b x for different values of b.

• Figures 7.23–24 illustrate y = b x and the inverse function y = log b x .
• Figure 7.25 illustrates the slope of the function y = b x at x = 0.
• Figure 7.27 illustrates lines tangent to the graph of f ( x ) = x x .


• The rule b x = e x ln b arises in the study of the indeterminate limit forms 00 , 1∞ , and ∞ 0 treated in
Section 7.6. It also makes an appearance when computing limits of sequences (Chapter 10).
∞ dx
• The General Power Rule is used to determine the values of p for which ∫
1 xp
converges (Section

8.8), which is connected to the p-series p
(Section 10.4). In Section 11.3, it is used to derive the
k =1
Binomial Series.

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Additional Activities
Suggested Guided Projects: Enzyme kinetics and Means and tangent lines

• Enzyme kinetics explores the effect of a catalyst on a biochemical reaction; it relies on the Quotient

• Means and tangent lines is a guided project that defines and explores various means (e.g. the
arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic mean of two numbers) via intersecting tangent lines.

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Section 7.3 Quick Quiz

Answer the following multiple choice questions by circling the correct response.

1. The solutions of 4 x = 8 are
(a) x = ±2 . (b) x = ± 3 / 2 . (c) x = ± 2 / 3 .

2. With any b > 0 , the solution of logb ( x 2 − 2) = logb x is

(a) x = 2 . (b) x = 2 and x = −1 . (c) x = −2 and x = 2 .

3. If y = 3x , then
(a) x = 3 y . (b) x = log3 y . (c) y = log3 x .

4. The domain of the function f ( x) = log8 ( x 2 − 1) is

(a) {x : x > 1} . (b) {x : x is a real number} . (c) {x : x > 0} .

5. Evaluate lim 2− x .
x →∞
(a) 0 (b) ∞ (c) 2

6. The expression 3x −1 can be written

(a) e3ln( x −1) . (b) e( x −1)ln 3 . (c) eln(3( x −1)) .

7. The slope of the line tangent to the graph of y = 4 x at x = 0 is

(a) 1. (b) 4. (c) ln 4.

8. Letting f ( x) = x x , the value of f ′(1) is

(a) 1. (b) 0. (c) e.

9. The population growth function P(t ) = 1000 ⋅ (1.05)t has its minimum rate of change on the interval t ≥ 0
(a) t = 1 . (b) t = 2 . (c) t = 0 .

10. The derivative of log 2 (10 x) is

(a) 1/(10 x) . (b) 1/( x ln 2) . (c) 10 /( x ln 2) .

11. The derivative of g ( x) = (1/ 2) x is

(a) positive for all x. (b) negative for all x.
(c) negative for x > 0 and positive for x < 0 .

12. The value of sin(2 x )dx is

cos(2 x )
(a) − +C . (b) cos(2 x ) + C . (c) ln 2 ⋅ cos(2 x ) + C .
ln 2

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Section 7.4 Exponential Models

Exponential functions play a prominent role in mathematical modeling. Several topics of interest are examined
using the concepts of exponential growth and decay.

Lecture Support Notes

• Explain the characteristic behavior of the exponential model y (t ) = Cekt with rate constant k, where k
is assumed to be positive. In particular, the rate of change dy / dt , identified as the growth rate, is
1 dy
proportional to the value y (t ) ; the relative growth rate is constant. The latter observation
y dt
explains why exponential growth models are associated with constant doubling times (and decay
models with constant half-lives). These properties are not shared by other functions (Example 1).
• For exponential decay models, we use y (t ) = Ce − kt with k > 0 so that it is clear y (t ) = Cekt describes
exponential growth, and y (t ) = Ce − kt describes exponential decay.
• Show that for all exponential models, we have y (0) = C , and therefore we identify the constant C as
the initial value y0 that corresponds to t = 0 .
• Once the basics are in place, illustrate the details with applied problems that are best suited for your
students. Show how to find the rate constant k to fit data points, the associated doubling time or half-
life (Example 2), and so on. Example 4 offers a look back at the ideas of net change and future value
from Section 6.1.
• Though it’s not covered in the text, consider discussing the domain of an exponential function used in
the context of a modeling problem. The basic message: The functions used for exponential models are
not valid over all values for which they are defined. Rather, each has a finite domain over which the
model gives reasonable results. For example, the model for radiocarbon dating says that there will
always be some C-14 left from an original sample, but in fact, the last molecule from a 1-mole sample
will have decayed in roughly 500,000 years. More practically, our means of accurately measuring the
parent/daughter ratio from a carbon sample implies that the radiocarbon dating model can be used to
date objects no older than about 60,000 years. Similarly, models for increasing population predict
absurd populations after a certain amount of time, even for small growth rates.


As mentioned previously, exponential functions are used extensively in mathematical models, many of which
are featured in the examples and exercise sets throughout the text. In particular, see Chapter 9 (Differential

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7.4 Exponential Models 151

Additional Activities
Suggested Guided Projects: Pharmacokinetics—drug metabolism; Oscillators; Optimizing fuel use; and Landing
an airliner

• Pharmacokinetics—drug metabolism uses exponential modeling to determine the concentration of a

drug in the bloodstream.
• Oscillators is a guided project that gives the governing differential equation for the motion of a block
on a spring and explores the solutions of this equation.
• Optimizing fuel use models fuel consumption and gas mileage with exponential functions.
• Landing an airliner models the descent of an airliner approaching a landing strip.

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Section 7.4 Quick Quiz

Answer the following multiple choice questions by circling the correct response.

1. A population that increases at the rate of 500 people per year exhibits

(a) exponential growth. (b) logarithmic growth. (c) linear growth.

2. A population that increases at the rate of 5.5% per year exhibits

(a) exponential growth. (b) logarithmic growth. (c) linear growth.

3. If a quantity Q decreases at an annual rate of 4% per year with an initial value of Q0, then

(a) Q(t) = Q0e−0.04t. (b) Q(t) = Q0eln(0.96)t. (c) Q(t) = Q0e−0.96t.

4. If a quantity Q increases at an annual rate of 11% per year with an initial value of Q0, then

(a) Q(t) = Q0e0.11t. (b) Q(t) = Q01.11t. (c) Q(t) = Q0e1.1t.

5. Consumer debt increases according to the growth function y(t) = y0e0.03t, which is equal to

(a) y(t) = y0 1.03t. (b) y(t) = y0 20.03t/ln 2. (c) y(t) = y0 0.03t.

6. The doubling time of a bank account whose balance is given by B(t) = 1000e0.055t is

(a) ln 2/ 0.055. (b) 0.055/ln 2. (c) 1/0.055.

7. The half-life of a radioactive sample whose mass is given by m(t) = 10 . 2−t/1200 is

(a) ln 2/1200. (b) 1200/ln 2. (c) 1200.

8. Exponential growth is characterized by

(a) constant growth rate. (b) constant relative growth rate.

(c) constant derivative.

9. The population of a culture of bacteria is given by p(t ) = . What can you conclude?
2e0.05t + 100
(a) The population grows without bound.
(b) The population reaches a steady-state level of 0.
(c) The population reaches a steady-state level of 600.

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7.5 Inverse Trigonometric Functions 153

Section 7.5 Inverse Trigonometric Functions

The inverse trigonometric functions are defined, and the graphs and properties of these functions are examined.
We then investigate the derivatives and integrals associated with the inverse trigonometric functions.

Lecture Support Notes

The first third of this section reviews ideas from trigonometry. It is our experience that students need this
review, though it’s wise to cover it quickly to save time for the rest of the material.

• Discuss the domain restrictions necessary for the definition of the inverse trigonometric functions,
illustrated with appropriate graphs. The three most important inverse functions are sin −1 x , tan −1 x ,
and sec−1 x .
• Review the use of a right triangle (or reference triangle) for the purpose of simplifying expressions
such as cos(sin −1 x) (Examples 2 and 4c). This work is needed for trigonometric substitution in
integrals (Section 8.4).
• Focus on the derivatives of sin −1 x , tan −1 x , and sec−1 x ; the derivatives of the other three inverse
functions are not often used.
• Reverse the derivative rules just mentioned to produce the integral formulas in Theorem 7.13.
• There’s a lot of material to cover in this section—try to save time for an application or two (Examples
7 and 9).

Interactive Figures

• Figure 7.35 illustrates how to restrict the domain of sine and cosine so that they are one-to-one.
• Figures 7.36–37 display the domain and range of sin x and sin −1 x , and cos x and cos −1 x ,
• Figures 7.41–44 display tan x , cot x , sec x , and csc x , and their inverse functions.
• Figures 7.46 and 7.48 illustrate the relationship between y = sin −1 x and y = tan −1 x and their inverse
functions; Figures 7.47 and 7.49 illustrate their derivatives.
• Figure 7.50 illustrates the relationship between y = sec −1 x and its inverse function.
• Figure 7.52 is an application problem involving y = tan −1 x.


• The connection to Section 7.1 (Inverse Functions) is evident; however, we favor using implicit
differentiation (Section 3.7) rather than Theorem 7.3 to derive the derivatives of the inverse
trigonometric functions.
• Reference triangles and domain/range considerations are crucial for understanding the method of
trigonometric substitution given in Section 8.4.
• The integrals listed in Theorem 7.13 occur frequently throughout the remainder of the text.

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Additional Activities
Suggested Guided Project: Inverse sine from geometry defines the inverse sine function as an arc length integral
and an area integral; it also defines the inverse tangent function as an arc length integral. Newton investigated
the properties of the inverse sine function with this approach.

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Name: _________________________________ Section: ____________________ Date: ________________

Section 7.5 Quick Quiz

Answer the following multiple choice questions by circling the correct response.

1. The value of tan −1 (tan 9π / 4) is

(a) 9π / 4 . (b) 1. (c) π / 4 .

2. The value of cos(sin −1 x) is

(a) 1 − x2 . (b) 1/ 1 − x 2 . (c) x.

3. The range of sin −1 x is

(a) [−π / 2, π / 2] . (b) all real numbers. (c) [−1,1] .

4. The domain of f ( x) = cos −1 x is

(a) [−π / 2, π / 2] . (b) all real numbers. (c) [−1,1] .

5. The end behavior of the function f ( x) = tan −1 x may be summarized as follows: f has
(a) no horizontal asymptote. (b) one horizontal asymptote. (c) two horizontal asymptotes.

6. The function f ( x) = tan −1 x

(a) has tangent lines with positive slopes on (−∞, ∞) .
(b) has tangent lines with positive slopes on (−∞, 0) and tangent lines with negative slopes on (0, ∞) .
(c) has tangent lines with negative slopes on (−∞, ∞) .

7. The curve y = sin −1 x has slope of 1/ 2

(a) at x = 0 . (b) at x = ±1/ 2 . (c) never.

8. Let f ( x) = cot −1 x . On (−∞, ∞)

(a) f ′ ( x) > 0 . (b) f ′( x) < 0 . (c) −1 < f ′ ( x) < 1 .

9. Katrina is at O watching her dog walk on a

northward path that passes 100 feet due east of her N
(see figure). Find dθ/dy when y = 10.
(a) 1/101. (b) 1/ 2 . (c) 10.

10. The units of the answer in Question 9 are θ

(a) ft/radian. (b) radian/ft. (c) degree/ft.
O 100 feet

11. The region in the first quadrant bounded by the curves y = sin x and y = 3x / π is revolved about the y-
axis. The volume of the solid generated is
π /6 ⎛ 3x ⎞
2 1/ 2 ⎛ ⎛ π y ⎞ 2 ⎞ 1/ 2 ⎛ π y ⎞
(a) π
0∫ ⎜

sin x − ⎟ dx .
π ⎠
(b) π
0 ⎝ 3 ∫
⎝ ⎟

− (sin −1 y )2 ⎟ dy . (c) π
⎠ 0 ∫

⎝ 3
− sin −1 y ⎟ dy .

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Section 7.6 L’Hôpital’s Rule and Growth Rates of Functions


We revisit l’Hôpital’s Rule, first encountered in Section 4.7, and introduce three important indeterminate limit
forms ( 00 , 1∞ , and ∞ 0 ); each can be handled by l’Hôpital’s Rule after preliminary manipulation. L’Hôpital’s
Rule is then used to establish a ranking of functions based on their growth rates as x → ∞ .

Lecture Support Notes

• Begin with a quick review of l’Hôpital’s Rule and remind students that it can be applied only for limits
of the form 0 / 0 or ∞ / ∞ . Include an example of the form 0 ⋅ ∞ before moving on to new material—
this form always occurs when manipulating the new forms introduced in this section.
• Show how each of the three limit forms 00 , 1∞ , and ∞ 0 arise in practice and explain why these forms
cannot be evaluated directly. In particular, students should understand that when we write 1∞ , we do
not mean the number 1 raised to an infinite power (similar explanations should be given for the other
two forms).
• Illustrate with examples how each of the forms can be rewritten using the property
f ( x) g ( x ) = e g ( x )ln f ( x ) , after which the limit of g ( x) ln f ( x) is evaluated using methods from Section
4.7. Let students know that in each case, the limit of g ( x ) ln f ( x ) should be of the form 0 ⋅ ∞ ; this is a
useful check on their work.

This section ends by using l’Hôpital’s Rule to arrive at a ranking of the standard functions based upon their
growth rates as x → ∞ . Explain what it means for one function to grow faster than or at a rate comparable to
another function. Because class time may not allow a full explanation of each of the rankings, you should
establish one or two of them, and ask your students to read about the rest. What’s important is that they form an
intuitive understanding of the growth rate rankings given on p. 476.

Interactive Figures
• Figures 7.56–57 illustrate the growth rate of functions as x goes to infinity.

• This section extends the results given in Section 4.7.
• The exponential property b x = e x ln b from Sections 7.2 and 7.3 is used to manipulate the limit forms
given in this section.
lim g ( x )ln f ( x )
• The fact that lim f ( x) g ( x ) = e x→a is a consequence of Theorem 2.10.
x→ a
• L’Hôpital’s Rule is used to evaluate limits in later work, particularly in Chapter 10, where limits of
sequences are evaluated. Convergence tests for series also use the rule on occasion.
• The concept of functions ranked by growth rate is employed again in Chapter 10 (Sequences and
Infinite Series).

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7.6 L’Hôpital’s Rule and Growth Rates of Functions 157

Additional Activities

The following math minute activity will help students attain an intuitive sense of the growth rates of common
functions. Allow students to work in groups of 2–3, and provide answers at the end.

Put the functions given in 1–7 in order according to their growth rates as x → ∞ , from slowest growing to
fastest growing. Visualizing or sketching the graph of each function is helpful. Based upon your answers,
evaluate the limits in 8–10 without any further calculations.

1. 1
x 2. e x 3. x 2 − 2 x + 1 4. ln x
5. x 6. 0.1x x 7. x ln x
e x
ln x x2 − 2 x + 1
8. lim 9. lim 10. lim
x →∞ x ln x x →∞ x x →∞ 0.1x x


1–7. ln x , x, 1
x , x ln x , x 2 − 2 x + 1 , e x , 0.1x x
8. ∞ 9. 0 10. 0

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Section 7.6 Quick Quiz

Answer the following multiple choice questions by circling the correct response.

1. Which of the following limits is an indeterminate form?

(a) lim 2− x (b) lim+ x1/ x (c) lim+ x x
x →∞ x→ 0 x→ 0

2. Notice that the form of lim+ (sin x) x is 00 . When evaluating this limit, the first step is to
x→ 0
(a) evaluate lim+ x ln(sin x) . (b) evaluate lim+ sin x ln( x) . (c) use l’Hôpital’s Rule.
x→ 0 x→ 0

ln(1000 x)
3. The value of lim is
x →∞ x 0.01
(a) 0. (b) ∞ . (c) 1.

⎛ 1⎞
4. The value of lim ⎜1 + ⎟ is
x →∞ ⎝ x⎠
(a) e . (b) 1. (c) 0.

5. The value of lim+ x ln x is

x→ 0
(a) 0. (b) ∞ . (c) not defined.

6. As x → ∞ , the function f ( x) = ln x grows faster than

(a) ln(ln x) . (b) 2 x . (c) x 2 .

7. A function that grows at a rate comparable to f ( x ) = ln x is

(a) 2 x . (b) ln x10 . (c) ln(ln x) .

8. Which of the following functions grows faster than the other two as x → ∞ ?
(a) x e (b) 10 x 2 (c) x 2 ln x

9. Rank the functions f ( x) = 3 x , g ( x) = x ln x , and h( x) = (π / 3) x in terms of their growth rates as x → ∞ ,

from slowest to fastest.
(a) x ln x , 3 x , (π / 3) x (b) (π / 3) x , 3 x , x ln x (c) 3 x , x ln x , (π / 3) x

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7.7 Hyperbolic Functions 159

Section 7.7 Hyperbolic Functions

Hyperbolic functions and their inverses are introduced, accompanied by important identities, derivative and
integral results, and a dose of applications.

Lecture Support Notes

This section is one of the longest in the text, and will likely take 2–3 days to cover in full. Recognizing that
many instructors do not cover hyperbolic functions, or cover them only selectively, we made the decision to
deposit all information in one section despite the resulting length. Decide which of the following bullet items
are necessary for your course, and plan your lecture(s) accordingly. For example, some instructors may wish to
cover only the first several bullet points in order to prepare students for differential equations whose solutions
involve hyperbolic functions. For others, the aim may be to develop the hyperbolic functions to the point where
the integral formulas in Theorem 7.18 can be understood. There’s a lot of material here: Make your objectives
clear to your students at the outset.

• You may introduce the hyperbolic functions with a geometric definition analogous to the definition of
the trigonometric functions as we do in the text (Figures 7.58 and 7.59), or jump straight to the
algebraic definitions in terms of exponential functions if you need to save time. To keep things simple,
note that we do not interpret the case in which the point P lies below the x-axis in Figure 7.59. In that
case, the parameter t is taken to be twice the net area of the hyperbolic sector, which results in negative
t values and accounts for the fact that sinh t < 0 when t < 0 (because the y-coordinate of P is less than
zero). We leave it to you to decide whether to explain these extra details.
• Present the hyperbolic identities needed by your students.
• Explain how the graphs of sinh x and cosh x are obtained, and use the PowerPoint slides that
accompany the book (or Figure 7.61 in the eBook) to show the graphs of the other hyperbolic
functions. If you intend to cover the inverse hyperbolic functions, it may be wise at this juncture to
point out that the functions cosh x and sech x are not 1–1, and therefore their domains must be
restricted when defining their inverses.
• Finding the derivatives of the hyperbolic functions from their definitions is straightforward—call upon
your students to discover the derivatives of sinh x and cosh x on their own, and then ask them to use
those results along with the Quotient Rule to produce the derivative of tanh x . List the remaining
derivatives of the hyperbolic functions and present their corresponding integral formulas.
• Cover several examples to help students absorb the material presented so far.
• The integrals in Theorem 7.15 are encountered less frequently than those listed in Theorem 7.14. If
you want to give a full account of the material in this section, include Theorem 7.15, and derive
formula (1) or (2)—formulas (3) and (4) are involved; their derivations are left to the exercise set.
• Discuss the inverse hyperbolic functions, and show how they can be expressed in terms of logarithms.
If you expect your students to be able to evaluate the inverse hyperbolic secant, cosecant and cotangent
on a calculator, recognize that most calculators do not allow for direct evaluation of these functions;
Theorem 7.16 is needed.
• Though the inverse hyperbolic functions are interesting and useful on their own, most instructors use
them to develop new integral formulas (Theorem 7.18) from their derivatives (Theorem 7.17). Again,
be clear with your students which formulas they will be responsible for.
• There are many compelling applications involving hyperbolic functions. Use those covered in the text
to wrap up the section, or prepare application problems that are most relevant for your students.

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Interactive Figures
• Figures 7.58 and 7.59 illustrate the geometric definitions of the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
on the unit circle and unit hyperbola, respectively.
• Figure 7.60 shows how the graphs of cosh x and sinh x are related to the graphs of 0.5e − x and 0.5e x .
• Figure 7.61 can be used to show the graphs of tanh x , coth x , sech x , and csch x .
• Figure 7.62 illustrates the hyperbolic functions and their inverses in pairs.
• Figure 7.65 illustrates how the graph of the catenary y = a cosh( x / a ) varies with the parameter a.

Aside from a few isolated exercises in subsequent sections, hyperbolic functions is a stand-alone topic; you can
cover as little or as much of the material as desired with no interruption in the flow of your course.

Additional Activities
Suggested Guided Project: Hyperbolic Functions is a guided project that can be used as an independent study if
you don’t have time in class to cover this section; its scope is narrower than the material presented in the text.

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Name: _________________________________ Section: ____________________ Date: ________________

Section 7.7 Quick Quiz

Answer the following multiple choice questions by circling the correct response.

1. Fill in the blank: The graph of has a horizontal asymptote.

(a) y = sinh x (b) y = sech x (c) y = cosh x

2. The derivative of x 2 tanh x is

(a) 2 x sech 2 x . (b) x(2 tanh x + x sech 2 x ) . (c) −2 x sech x tanh x .

3. ∫
Which function f satisfies f ( x) + C = cosh 2 xdx and f (ln 2) = 1 ?

(a) f ( x ) = 12 sinh 2 x + 161 (b) f ( x ) = sinh 2 x − 87 (c) f ( x ) = 2sinh 2 x − 114

4. Which of the following derivative rules is incorrect?

(ln sinh x ) = coth x (b)
( )
tanh −1 5 x =
1 − 25 x 2
( ) (
sinh −1 x = ln x + x 2 + 1 )
5. The indefinite integral ∫ x − 16
dx is equal to

x 1 x x
(a) 2 cosh −1 +C . (b) sinh −1 + C . (c) 2sinh −1 +C .
4 2 4 4

ln 3
6. The value of ∫0
tanh x sech 2 xdx is

(a) 25 / 32 . (b) 8 / 25 . (c) (ln 3)2 / 2 .

ln 2 6e x
7. The value of ∫0 9 − e2 x
dx is

(a) 5
. (b) ln 25 . (c) ln 25 .

cosh x
8. The result when using l’Hôpital’s Rule to evaluate lim is
x →∞ x2
(a) ∞ . (b) 0. (c) 2.

9. The region bounded by the graph of y = csch x on [1,2] is revolved around the x-axis to generate a solid of
revolution. The volume of the solid given by the disk method is

(a) π (coth1 − coth 2) . (b) π (coth 2 − coth1) . (c) π coth 12 .

10. The arc length of the curve y = f ( x ) over the interval [ a, b] is L = ∫
1 + f ′ ( x) 2 dx . Therefore, the arc

length of y = cosh −1 x over [2,7] is

(a) 3 5 . (b) 3 3 . (c) sin −1 48 − sin −1 3 .

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Chapter 7 Key Terms and Concepts

Inverse functions (p. 414)

One-to-one functions and the horizontal line test (p. 414)
Existence of inverse functions (Theorem 7.1) (p. 415)
Graphing the inverse function (p. 417)
Continuity of inverse functions (Theorem 7.2) (p. 418)
Derivative of the inverse function (Theorem 7.3) (p. 419)
Integral definition of ln x (p. 423)
Properties of ln x (Theorem 7.4) (p. 426)
The number e and the natural exponential function (p. 428)
Properties of ex (Theorem 7.5) (p. 429)
Exponential functions with general bases (p. 429)
Derivative and integral of the exponential function (Theorem 7.6) (p. 430)
Logarithmic differentiation (p. 432)
Derivative of bx (Theorem 7.7) (p. 440)
Indefinite integral of bx (Theorem 7.8) (p. 441)
General Power Rule (Theorem 7.9) (p. 442)
Derivative of logb x (Theorem 7.10) (p. 444)
Exponential growth and decay models (pp. 447–54)
Inverse sine and cosine (p. 457)
Other inverse trigonometric functions (p. 460)
Derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions (Theorems 7.11 and 7.12) (p. 464)
Integrals involving inverse trigonometric functions (Theorem 7.13) (p. 466)
Indeterminate forms (p. 472)
Ranking growth rates as x → ∞ (p. 476)
Definition of hyperbolic functions (p. 479)
Hyperbolic identities (p. 480)
Derivatives and integrals of hyperbolic functions (Theorems 7.14 and 7.15) (pp. 481 and 483)
Inverses of hyperbolic functions (Theorem 7.16) (p. 485)
Derivatives of inverse hyperbolic functions and corresponding integral formulas (Theorems 7.17 and 7.18)
(pp. 486–7)

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Chapter 7 Review 163

Chapter 7 Review Questions

1. Given the graph of a function, how do you determine whether it is one-to-one?

2. Why must a function be one-to-one on an interval in order to have an inverse on that interval?

3. Describe the procedure used to find the inverse of a function f on an interval, assuming f is one-to-one on
that interval.

4. Sketch the graph of a function that is one-to-one on an interval [a, b] . Sketch the graph of its inverse on the
same set of axes. Explain why the inverse function has the graph you sketched.

5. Explain how to find the derivative of the inverse of a function at the point ( y0 , x0 ) if you know the
derivative of the function at the point ( x0 , y0 ) .

6. Give the definition of ln x and ln( x 2 ) in terms of integrals.

7. Without appealing to its graph, how do you know that f ( x) = ln x is one-to-one on its domain?

8. Circle the correct responses: f ( x) = ln x is (increasing, decreasing, constant) and (concave up, concave
down, changes concavity) over its domain.

9. What is the base of the natural logarithm?

10. What are the derivatives of y = ln x , y = ln x , and y = e x ? What important integral formulas correspond
with these derivative formulas?

11. Explain how the method of logarithmic differentiation works for a positive function f.

12. Explain the meaning of logb x .

13. Make a sketch of the graphs of y = b x and y = logb x for b > 1 .

14. Explain the inverse relationship between the functions f ( x) = b x and f −1 ( x) = logb x .

15. How do you write 5 x in base e?

16. What are the derivatives of b x and logb x ?

d p
17. Explain how to prove the General Power Rule: ( x ) = px p −1 , for x > 0 and p a real number.

18. Give two characterizing properties of exponential growth.

19. Explain what is meant by doubling time and half-life.

20. Given the doubling time of the function f (t ) = Ae kt , how do you find the rate constant k?

21. Find the exponential growth function of the form y (t ) = y0 ekt that fits the data points (0, y (0)) and

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(a, y (a)) given that a > 0 and y (a ) > y (0) .

22. How and why must the domain of the sine function be restricted in order to define the inverse sine

23. What are the domain and range of the inverse cosine function?

24. Use a right triangle to evaluate sin(cos −1 (4 / 5)) .

25. What are the derivatives of sin −1 x , tan −1 x , and sec−1 x ? How are the derivatives of cos −1 x , cot −1 x ,
and csc −1 x related to the derivatives of the first three functions?

26. What are the horizontal asymptotes (if any) of the graphs of y = sin −1 x , y = tan −1 x , and y = sec −1 x ?

27. For what values of x is sin −1 (sin x) = x ? For what values of x is tan(tan −1 x) = x ?

dx dx
28. Evaluate ∫ 4− x 2
and ∫ 4+ x 2

29. How is l’Hôpital’s Rule used (indirectly) to evaluate limits of the form 1∞ , 00 , or ∞ 0 ?

30. In terms of limits, what does it mean if f grows faster than g as x → ∞ ?

31. Compare the growth rates of 3x and x99 . Compare the growth rates of x 0.1 and ln x .

32. Which of the graphs of the hyperbolic functions has the shape of a catenary (a hanging cable)?

33. Suppose you know the identity sinh( x + y ) = sinh x cosh y + cosh x sinh y. How do you derive the identity
for sinh 2 x, and what is the resulting identity?

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Chapter 7 Test Bank 165

Chapter 7 Test Bank Exercises

1–2. Finding inverse functions Determine whether the following functions are one-to-one on the given
interval. If so, find the inverse function on that interval.

1. f ( x) = x 2 − 6 x + 9; (−∞, ∞) 2. f ( x) = x 2 − 6 x + 9; [3, ∞)

3. Finding inverse functions

a. Find the inverse of f ( x) = and write it in the form y = f −1 ( x) .
x +1
b. Verify the relationships f ( f −1 ( x)) = x and f −1 ( f ( x)) = x .

4–5. Properties of logarithms Assume logb y = 0.56 and logb z = 0.83 to evaluate the following expressions.
1 z3
4. logb 5. logb
y y2

6–7. Solving equations Without using a calculator, solve the following equations.
6. 2cos x = 7. log10 (cos 2 x ) = 0

8. Changing bases Express ln 6 using the logarithm base 6.

9–10. Finding f –1 and its derivative Consider the following functions f.

a. Determine the (largest possible) intervals on which f is one-to-one.
b. Find an expression for f −1 on each interval.
d ⎡ −1 ⎤
c. For each function, determine f ( x)⎦ .
dx ⎣
9. f ( x) = ln( x + 1) 10. f ( x) = 32 x +1

11. Linear approximation Find the linear approximation L( x) to f ( x) = e2 x at x = 0 . Hint: Recall that
L( x) is the equation of a tangent line.

12–14. L’Hôpital’s Rule Evaluate the following limits (using l’Hôpital’s Rule when necessary) or explain why
they don’t exist.
y y x
⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎛ 2x + 3 ⎞
12. lim+ ⎜ ⎟ 13. lim ⎜ ⎟ 14. lim ⎜ ⎟
y→0 ⎝ y ⎠ y →∞ ⎝ y ⎠ x →∞ ⎝ 2 x ⎠

15–18. Derivatives Compute and simplify the first derivative of the following functions.
15. y = log5 ( x 2 + 25) 16. y = sin −1 2 x

17. y = ( x 2 + 1) tan −1 (− x) 18. y = sec−1 ( x + 1)

19. Increasing and decreasing functions Find the intervals on which f ( x) = is increasing and
e2 x

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20. Concavity On what interval(s) is f ( x) = x ln(2 x) concave up? Concave down?

21–26. Integrals Evaluate the following integrals.

1 2 3
21. ∫
0 1 + x2
dx 22. ∫ 2 x dx
3/ 2 1
∫e ∫
23. dx 24. dx
9 − x2

cos x x2
25. ∫ 1 + sin x
dx 26. ∫ 1+ x 6

4e x
27. Area of region Find the area of the region bounded by the graph of y = and the x-axis on the
4 + e2 x
interval [− ln 2, ln(2 3)] .

28. Solid of revolution The region bounded by y = , x = 0 , x = 1 , and the x-axis is rotated about the y-
1 + x2
axis to produce a solid of revolution. Find the volume of the solid using the shell method.

29. Exponential forestry Clear cutting of one million acres of old growth forest begins at the beginning of
2005. At the beginning of 2010, 850,000 acres remain. Assuming an exponential decay model, when will
the old-growth acreage reach 600,000 acres?

30. Population depletion A town with a population of 15,000 is losing residents at a rate of 0.3% per month
because of a poor economy. At this rate, after how many years will the population reach 12,000?

31. Aspirin Metabolism Assume that for the average individual, aspirin has a half-life of 12 hours in the
bloodstream. Suppose you take a 200 mg dose of aspirin at noon.

a. How much aspirin will be in the blood at 6:00 pm later the same day? at midnight? at 12:00 noon the
next day?

b. Estimate when the amount of aspirin reaches 5% of its original amount.

32–35. Derivatives and integrals involving hyperbolic functions Evaluate the following derivatives and

tanh 2 x ) 33.
sinh −1 x 2 )

32 dx
34. ∫ cosh x sinh x dx 35. ∫ x 4 + x2
; express your answer as a single


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