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I'm going to talk about these potos

In the first photo, in the front I can see a boy who is holding a book, and in the back I can see a
group of children made up of 2 girls and a boy.

It seems that the group of children has had some problem with the other child beacuse they
are pointing him and he is leaving with his head looking at the ground and apparently quite

maybe the girl who is wearing the pink t-shirt had an argument with the guy who is wearing a
striped t-shirt, or they're just ignoring him or they are laughing at him

They are probably in a school yard or around one school , because we can see how they are
carrying their backpacks, that could mean that the clases had just finised and they are going

I think it's summer because they wear light clothes

And in the second photo I can see very big group of children, I don't know how many there are,
maybe 20. It seems that they are from the same team because they are wearing the same
equipment and they are jumping together.

It may be that they have just played a game and they have won it, because they are very
happy and they are also celebrating. Maybe they have won the league or a tournament
because they are so excited.

I think that after the celebration they will go to the pool to continue the celebration

Now I am going to compare them, in both photos there is a group of small people, but then
the photos are very different.

in the first one there is a person who is alone, because possibly the others are ignoring him,
also everyone is sad or angry. However, in the second we see a very united group of children,
all very happy and there is a great camaraderie.

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