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Yes: ¡Good evening!

Yo: Hi, girl!

Yes: What’s your first name?
Yo: Analy, Yesenia. Sure.
Yes: Why Analy? Did you know why your parents call you Analy?
Yo: It’s simple because my first name and middle name are similar to my names’
mother. My mom is Ana Maria and I’m Analy Marylia. I asked my parents and they
told me that my mom hoped her daughter would be called like her, but my dad
thought it’s a bad idea. Do you imagine a familiar meet? For this, my dad added two
Yes: Do you have a nickname?
Yo: Sure. My friends and parents call me by my middle name Marylia. But, they
always call me short Mary.
Yes: When you sign do you use your initials or your full name?
Yo: No, I don’t use my initials or my full name when I sign. But, In formal documents I
added my full name at the bottom of the signature. In informal letters, only I signed
and I added my middle name.
Yes: Interesting. Do you like your name?
Yo: I like my name. I never change it, because these are similar to my mom, and I
search for the meaning and it's interesting for me.
Yes: If you are given the opportunity to call a baby. What names could you not? Why
dislike these names?
Yo: First, If I name a baby I will search for information about the options names,
because I think it’s very important to the baby. I never call for example characters or
cartoons as Peter Parker, Peter is a good name but Parker is a surname. A baby is a
girl never called Barby. I played with Barbie but Barbie is a toy to change it for
Barbara better.
Yes: Do you think it’s an advantage or a disadvantage to have a very long name?
Yo: I'm sure that people never call for a long name, maybe for a job. But an
advantage is that friends and parents use nicknames, and some are very creative.
Yes: Do you think it’s an advantage or a disadvantage to have a very unusual name?
Yo: The name is interesting and new. All people ask you for your unique name and
what’s the meaning or why is the reason. But, people have problems with correcting
the pronunciation every time. I was forgetting, the person who enrolled at the public
register could spell the name wrong or to listen to what he writes, in this case it’s a
real problem.
Yess: Do you think it’s an advantage or a disadvantage to be named after a
Yo: All people remember your name, they never forget your name, sure.
Yess:Thank you for your answers.
Yo: Well, these were very interesting, thanks.

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