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Names come from variety of size and shapes.

We can see into the past just by looking at our
names. Since it is passed down from generation to
generation. Last names are the most essential
portion of anyones name. Daryl means,
I am Daryl Ivan. Daryl Ivan Miclat
Condestable is my full name. I am 17 years old in
this year, a loving and fresh man. I was not given
a special name. I didn’t get my name from a
singer, athlete, or actor. I didn’t get my name
from a family member. Neither an auntie or an
uncle. My parents choose the name for me because
they liked it. It’s merely a common name. My
middle name is unusual. It was chosen because it
is my uncle’s name. My mother had a different last
name before adopting my father’s last name which
is Condestable, which is now mine.
I really like my name and have no intention
of changing it in the near future. People are
blank canvases when they are born. The name of the
paint is decided by their parents. I represents
aspects of your personality as well as your
origins. There are certain names that are more
well-known than others.
My name is beloved. We have something in
common. Sometimes it sounds spontaneous and
different, yet other times it sounds boring and
dull, also a loving and caring man, and that’s
exactly how I am. Daryl works of me, like the name
flowers works for flowers, and ice cream works for
ice cream.
Whether your name is Bentoy or some crazy,
grandiose name, everyone’s name is unique to them.
Who would we be if you despise or adore your name?
It was chosen specifically for you. That is why I
would never, ever change my name.

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