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Zachary Shuler

Ms. Raymond

English LXO?-EO?

January 22,2013

The Passing Down of Names

ln my family it is sometimes common for someone to have the same name or part of
someone else's name. When rny parents were trying to figure out a middle name for me they

were having a hard time of finding one that they thought was right. So, they started going through family members and I got my middle name from my Uncle Tom that is how I got
Thomas as my middle name.

When my older brother was born my parents knew what his middle name was going to
be as his middle name is kind of a tradition in our family. My brothe/s middle name is the same
as my great grandpas, my grandpas, and my dad's. The



that the first male boy gets

the middle name Douglas in our family. that my last name Shuler comes from my ancestors and that they acquired

I have heard

the name because they did work with shoes. ln my family not a lot of people acquire the first
name from another family member, we normally do middle names and of course the last name
comes from the male when married. With the way that things are now that the women takes

the last name of the male, anyone's last name could die out and possible lost forever if the familytras nothing but girls the likely hood of the families name dying out is likely.

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