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¿Tu nombre tiene algún significado especial?

The name Bryam, according to Google, means a man with great strength.
The truth is that my mother, was a fan of the singer, Bryan Adams, She liked all his songs, in particular one, his name was:
everything I do.
¿Es un nombre tradicional, es un nombre moderno o tus padres lo inventaron, o te llamaron como algún familiar?
The reason for my name was confessed by my mother at 13 years old.
The name Bryam is American.
¿Tu familia tiene un apellido común?
The surname Polo, comes from France and England.
I really like my last name a lot and I always try to make my last name stand out.
¿Te gusta tu nombre o no? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué otro nombre hubieras preferido?
I am very happy with the name that my parents chose for me, I really like it. I am grateful to my parents for having chosen
a normal name, because in the ancestors the parents chose strange names for their children. The truth would have
preferred that my name had been, nicolas or santiago. I don't know why, maybe in my previous life, my name was like
¿Algún miembro de tu familia tiene algún nombre interesante o raro?
When my wife became pregnant, I started looking for names, for men and women.
Until the month came when the doctor confirmed the sex of my baby.
I've told me that he will be a woman
Look for many names, but nothing interesting.
The name that I chose and at the same time I found it interesting was, Marian.
I had never heard that name. But it was not easy to find that name, because the truth
was a combination.
Combine my mother's name with my wife's. My mother's name is mariela. So I broke
the name in two: Mari
My wife's name is called: Anyi.
So I also broke the name of two: An
So, putting the two parts of the names together, together it would be: Marian.

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