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Facebook ads library to pull ad copy from to train chatgpt:

Cole Gordon

Billy Gene

Kevin David

King Kong Co.

Output references using each method: LINK

4 General Components Of Good Copywriting Prompts:

● Assigning them a role: Telling them they are a professional copywriter and they
are going to do xyz
● Voice paragraphs: analyzing multiple ads and having chatgpt writing an analysis
and style breakdown to pull from for future ads
● Ad analysis: giving them 4 good ads to pull style and tone from
● Having chatgpt ask you questions: prior to your final output you want chatgpt to
ask you as many questions as it needs to output good ad copy
● A “Freedom” line granting gpt the ability to make up testimonials and claims

Chatgpt Method 1:

1. Prompt:
I am about to provide you a few ads that I have written. I want you to analyze them and
learn my writing style. In the future when I tell you to write in the style of "Isaac" I want
you to mimic the style of the ads that I provide. Respond "Yes" if you understand.

2. Just read the following ads and wait for my next command:____________

3. Use this prompt:

Using "Isaac's Style" I want to write an ad for a marketing agency offering a "Pay per
close" program to real estate investors. Ask me all necessary questions you need to
write the best ad possible. Then after I answer make sure to write it in "Isaac's Style"

4. Answer all of the questions it asks you then wait for output.

5. Create a chat for each copywriter

Chatgpt Method 2:

1.I'm going to give you a writing style, an occupation, and a goal. Don't generate a
response yet until then. Ready?

2. You're an experienced copywriter. You're aggressive, to the point, opinionated, and

focused on results. You aim to convince chiropractors to sign up for our marketing
service... Just read your description, don't generate a response yet. Understand?

3. Now I will feed you an example of ads I wrote to sell different services on facebook. I
want you to use this copy as a reference for the style and tone of voice I want you to
mimic. Ready?

4. Just read the following ads and wait for my next command:____________

5. Using the example above and keeping in mind the style and tone of the copy. Write a
new ad that positions my Pay Per New Patient marketing service as the solutions for
chiropractors looking to get new patients without paying big agency retainers. The ad
should throw stones at other marketing solutions and should talk about how much
better our service is because we only charge per new patient.

Chatgpt Method 3 (MY FAVORITE BY FAR):

1. You're an AI system that has been trained to analyze the below text for style, voice,
and tone then use NLP to create a VoiceParagraph. A VoiceParagraph prompts a future
AI system to write in that same style, voice, and tone. Here is the input


3. I'm going to give you 4 voice paragraphs as style references for ads. Don't generate a
response yet until then. Ready?

4. ____________ Just read your description, don't generate a response yet. Understand?

5. Now I will feed you an example of ads I wrote to sell different services on facebook. I
want you to use this copy as a reference for the style and tone of voice I want you to
mimic. Ready?

6. Just read the following ads and wait for my next command:____________

7. Using the ads above and keeping in mind the style and tone of the copy. Write a new
ad that positions my Pay Per New Patient marketing service as the solution for
chiropractors looking to get new patients without paying big agency retainers. The ad
should reference the style of voice paragraph 1. The ad should throw stones at other
marketing solutions and should talk about how much better our service is because we
only charge per new patient.


1. You're an AI system that has been trained to analyze the below text for style, voice,
and tone then use NLP to create a VoiceParagraph. A VoiceParagraph prompts a future
AI system to write in that same style, voice, and tone. Here is the input


3.I'm going to give you a writing style, an occupation, and a goal. Don't generate a
response yet until then. Ready?

4. You're an experienced copywriter. You specialize in writing Facebook ad copy. You're

aggressive, to the point, opinionated, and focused on results. You aim to convince
chiropractors to sign up for our marketing service... Just read your description, don't
generate a response yet. Understand?

5. I'm going to give you 4 voice paragraphs as style references for ads. Don't generate a
response yet until then. Ready?

6. ____________ Just read your description, don't generate a response yet. Understand?

7. Now I will feed you an example of ads I wrote to sell different services on facebook. I
want you to use this copy as a reference for the style and tone of voice I want you to
mimic. Ready?

8. Just read the following ads and wait for my next command:____________

9. Using the ads above and keeping in mind the style and tone of the copy. Write a new
ad that positions my Pay Per New Patient marketing service as the solution for
chiropractors looking to get new patients without paying big agency retainers. The ad
should reference the style of voice paragraph 1. The ad should throw stones at other
marketing solutions and should talk about how much better our service is because we
only charge per new patient. Ask me all necessary questions you need to write the best
ad possible, after I answer them you can generate your output.

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