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Picking up a career

Attention – Quote
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that its stupid. – Albert Einstein.
Have you ever felt lost when people asked what would you be when you grow up? Well,
in this presentation we will focus on that feeling of feeling lost with our decisions.
Hi, my name is Andrea Escalante, I’m a therapist psychologist, I have experience in my
area of more than 10 years.
My presentation this afternoon is divided into two main parts:
- How our brain can play dirty with us
- How to make decisions without feeling lost and without fear.

I would like you to take a minute to analyze and think about how far your decisions
have led you, and to feel proud of who you are today.
May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
And for a person who changed careers five times, who was left without support from his
Who ended up being a psychologist helping others with their decisions?
Let me tell you, do not be afraid.

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