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Application Letter:

Surabaya, 18 November 2022

To: Head of HRD
PT. Rineka Jaya

With respect
Based on the information I saw on a website for a translator, PT. Rineka Jaya has a job
opening as a translator. I believe that the position is fit with my education background as
a translator.
My name is Jane Josephine, and I am 23 years old. I’m fresh graduated on October this
year from English Department of Surabaya University. I can speak English fluently.
I have also attached multiples for your consideration, such as:
 Curriculum vitae
 Copy of transcript and certificate
 Latest photo 3x4
 ID Government copy

I hope you can give me the chance to follow the next test, so I can talk more about my
abilities and skills. Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards

Jane Josephine

2. How if we meet on Monday afternoon?

3. The explanation of following sentences:

1) Could you elaborate in that? This sentence means the speaker wants a further
explanation about it to give a more comprehensive understanding.
2) Let me see if I have that right. This sentence means “let me check it again to
confirm my understanding.

4. Simple phrases:
1) We need to maintain a focus on value and quality which makes us one of the first
wellness companies to implement manufacturing standards.
2) We have reached 10 millions worth of sales in 2020, and will increase 20% in

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