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Department of Management
Mathematics for Management Mid-Exam

Name ………………………. Department……………… section……… id………………. Time- 1 Hour

Section-1 Choose the Best answer for following questions [20X1=20 Marks]
1. The variables of linear equation is implicitly raised to [……..]
A) first power B) second power C) third power D) four power
2. The first step in graphing the linear equation is to [……..]
A) identify and plot coordinates B) connect two points
C) extend the straight line D) substitute values in intercept
3. The example of linear equation involving two variables is [……..]
A) 7x+3y+4z = 20 B) 6x+2y = 10 C) 8x = 2+10 D) 7a+8b+9c = 10+5
4. In the ordered pair (9,-5) of the linear equation, the x-intercept is [……..]
A) −5 B) 5 C) −9 D) 9
5. In the linear equation 'ax+by = c' the a,b and c are considered as [……..]
A) variable B) constants C) zero D) real numbers
6. In the linear equation ax = c, the simplified form is [……..]
A) c = x⁄a B) x = c⁄a C) x = a⁄c D) a = c⁄x
7. The slope intercept form of linear equation is [……..]
A) m=y2-y1/x2-x1 B) m=x2-x1/y2-y1 C) m=x1-y1/x2-y2 D) all
8. In the linear equation ax+by = c, the a and b cannot be equal [……..]
A) to rational numbers B) to one C) to zero D) set of even numbers
9. The slope of the straight line with two connecting points is determined by the [……..]
A) one-point formula B) two-point formula C) zero-point formula D) intercept formula
10. …………….. is the additional cost incurred in producing one additional unit of output [……..]
A) Variable cost B) marginal cost C) fixed cost D) total cost
11. The Breakeven quantity qe= [……..]
A) FC/p-v B) VC/p-q C) FC/v-p D) PQ/v-p
12 The indication of number of rows and number of columns in a matrix is classified as [……..]
A) direction B) dimension C) classification D) specification
13. The matrix having same number of columns and rows is classified as [……..]
A) triangle matrix B) square matrix C) rectangle matrix D) circle matrix
14. The dimension of matrix of the matrix with 6 columns and 4 rows is [……..]
A) (6-4) B) 4x6 C) 6x4 D) 4+6
15. In the transpose of matrix A, the columns of the matrix A becomes [……..]
A) multiple column B) rows C) multiples D) divisors
16. After performing row operations on the augmented matrix A in Gauss jordan procedure then the resulting
matrix is [……..]
A) (I | B-1) B) (I | A-1) C) (I | P-1) D) (M | A-1)
17. The type of matrix determinant in which the value of one element contained in matrix is classified as
determinant of ……… [……..]
A) 1x1 matrix B) 2x2 matrix C) 3x3 matrix D) 4x4 matrix
18. A matric having the property that A2 = A is called [……..]
A) Idempotent matrix B) Unit Matrix C) Square Matrix D) All
19. The unit matrix written in format of square matrix is also called as
A) Identity matrix B) unidentified matrix C) direction matrix D) dimension matrix
20. The generalized form of matrix is best represented as [……..]
A) constant rows and columns B) variable rows and columns
C) m rows and n columns D) n rows and m columns
Department of Management
Mathematics for Management Mid-Exam

Name ………………………. Department……………… section……… id………………. Time- 1 Hour

Section 2- Solve the following problems
21. Find the distance between the points given below by using Pythagoras theorem – 3 marks
a. [-2,-5] and [3,-4] b. [4,7] and [6,-5]
22. Given the total cost function C=5Q+10. If 10 units are produced, find total cost, average cost, marginal
cost, fixed cost and variable cost per unit --------- 3 marks
23. Find the inverse of the following matrix by using Gauss Jordan method----- 4 marks

[ ] A=
3 3
2 2

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