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English 8

Lesson Objectives
1 2 3

Recognize Identify Examine

the idea of examples of bias in
bias Bias various
"Jenna deserves to be the
school valedictorian
since she is more
intelligent than Jane and
because Jenna is my best
• Bias is the tendency of
individual to have a
positive or negative
tendency of liking
towards or against
• An author's bias is any
opinion that affects
/prevents an individual
to approach an issue or
matter from neutral
point of view.
words that are charged with
emotions (whether positive /
negative) can reveal an
author's opinion about
his/her topic.
If the author labels an entire
group, the writing is probably
People are often biased
against others outside of their
own social group.

Black people to be more violent and

to engage more in crimes than the
white people.

• People with tattoos are

• Politicians are all corrupt.

• People with lighter skin

complexion are kinder,
intelligent and more capable
than those with darker
If the author is not using
specific language, this could
be an indicator of bias.
Educators do not consider each
child's learning style when
developing lessons.

Some educators do not consider

each child's learning style when
developing lessons.
If the author only presents
one side of an argument,
his/her writing is probably
My daughter texts constantly,
which shows that teenagers
use cellphones more than
they did in the past.
According to Pew Research, it
showed that 71% of teenagers
had cellphone specifically for
texting in the year of 2018
from ages 12 to 17.
Facts are the truth which are
objective, but opinions can be
based on feelings, emotions,
or prejudices which are
1. Kapampangans are known
to be the most religious
people in Pampanga.
A. most religious B. people
C. Kapampangans D. country
2. A Prepaid card is definitely
better than a postpaid SIM
A. prepaid B. people
C. than D. sim
3. Modular learning is the most
appropriate learning modality
in the new normal education.
A. delivery B. people
B. most appropriate

C. modular learning D. new normal

4. Eating fruits is the only way
to live healthy.

Write the word(s) which make

the sentences look biased.
5. Online teaching proves to be
more effective than face-face
Write the word(s) which make
the sentences look biased.

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