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Repetytorium gimnazjalne - CZŁOWIEK GRUPA B

Name: .........................................................................................

I. Przetłumacz wyrazy.
dogadywać się przesadzać
rzetelny uparty
wykończony przerażony
towarzyski zmarszczki
dolna warga podbródek

II Zakreśl odpowiednie wyrazy.

1 I was quite skinny when I was a child, but my brother was quite plump / slim.
2 I like to look elegant, so I don’t like wearing high heels / trainers.
3 How long will it take to complete / fill in this form?
4 The news was so sad I was really disappointed / miserable.
5 I don’t like plain / patterned clothes – especially ones with flowers or dots.

III. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.

1 I just can’t stop eating chocolate ice cream, I think I’m a __ __ i __ __ __ __ to it.
2 I was so __ x __ __ __s __ __ d after jogging in the park that I fell asleep in the armchair.
3 I can’t spend too much time in the sun because I immediately get lots of __ r __ __ __ l __ s on my skin.
4 My little cousin Mia is __ e __ __ __ u __ of her younger brother because she thinks her parents love him more than her.
5 She has expected to get something more expensive, so he’s a bit d_ _ _ _p_ _ n _ e _.

IV. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.

1 Are you fond ...................... Hollywood films?
2 He looks .......................... to his father – they both have blue eyes and dark hair.
3 My best friend is really keen ........................ medical series – his favourite is ‘House, M.D.’
4 Can you fill ............................. this form, please?
5 I was ............................ the moon when I heard the exam results. I got the best mark in the class.

V. Napisz odpowiednie wyrażenia.

1. Zapytaj kolegę o wygląd jego brata: .................................................................................................................
2. Zapytaj kolegę czym się interesuje: ...................................................................................................................
3. Zapytaj kolegę jak spędza czas wolny: ..............................................................................................................
4. Odpowiedz na pytanie: What are you crazy about? ...........................................................................................
5. Odpowiedz na pytanie: What is your best friend like? ......................................................................................

VI. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Spośród podanych wyrazów wybierz te, które poprawnie uzupełniają luki (7.1–7.3). Wpisz
odpowiednią literę (A–F) obok numeru każdej luki. Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej
A disappointed B elegant C shirt D serious E skirt F worried
Hi Tom,
I’m writing because I want to explain something. As you know, I’ve lost some weight recently and a lot of my clothes are
too big for me. I had to take your blue 7.1.............. , the one that goes with my suit, as it was my girlfriend’s birthday party
yesterday. I wanted to look really 7.2.............. because it was quite an important day for her. You’re probably 7.3..............
that it got dirty but don’t worry, I will give it back to you washed and ironed once you come back from your trip.
See you next week,
VII. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach.
1 My brother ............................. (study) in England.
2 .................................... (he/have) any hobbies?
3 I ................................... (not/play) computer games at weekends.
4 What .......................................... (you/be) interested in?
5 She ............................. (watch) her favourite TV.programme every Saturday.
6 She often (wear) ............................... dresses to school.
7 Tom (not read) ................................................ at the moment.
8 I (not like) .............................................. this book. I think it’s boring.
9 (you/remember) ................................................ to pay the bills?
10. (you study) ............................................... for the history test this week?
VIII. Przetłumacz na język angielski podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań (8.1–8.5). W każdym zdaniu brakuje
maksymalnie czterech wyrazów.
1 This jacket ...................................... (nie pasuje na ciebie) – the sleeves are too short.
2 I ............................. (nie cierpię chodzić) to family parties because I find them quite boring.
3 My best friend Tom doesn’t like my sister Judy as they ........................ (mają ze sobą niewiele wspólnego).
4 ‘................................................ (Ile on ma lat) ?’ ‘I think he is in his thirties.’
5 Mark ....................................... (nie interesuje się) football.
6 He .................................................. (jest często głodny) just before lunch.
7 Jack, .................................................. (dlaczego nie lubisz) this English singer?
8 ............................................. (Co ty zwykle) eat for breakfast on Sunday?
9. Sylwia ....................................... (nie chodzi do) bed before 10 p.m.
10. ............................................ (Czy Anna ma) two sisters?

IX. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie, tak aby utworzyć pytania.
1 (Martha/be) ................................... from Poland?
2 What time (you/go) ................................. to bed?
3 (she/write) ........................................ her blog every day?
4 (Jack/have) ....................................... any pets?
5 When (they/do) ................................. their homework?

X. Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę 1-5 jednym wyrazem z ramki we właściwej formie – w taki sposób, aby powstał spójny i
logiczny tekst. Jeden wyraz podano dodatkowo – nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
day they mix learn friend sense
Hi Alex,
The music camp is absolutely fantastic! You know I’ve always been keen on ............................... (1) to play the electric guitar very
well. So, this is my chance!
Our teacher are really interesting people and some of them have their own bands. The classes are absolutely amazing! I’m sharing a
room with a girl called Rita. Well, I must say that I have some ................................... (2) about her. On the one hand, she’s
extremely ................................... (3) and fun to be with, but on the other hand, she’s too ............................... (4). Yesterday, I said
something about her quitar technique and nearly started crying! Apart from that, I feel at home here and can’t get used to thinking that
it’ll be over in just three ................................ (5). I’d definitely like to stay here the whole summer.
That’s all for now.
Write back soon,

XI. Przeczytaj tekst. Do każdego akapitu (3.1–3.3) dopasuj właściwy nagłówek (A–D). Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok
numeru każdego akapitu. Uwaga! Jeden nagłówek został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego akapitu.
A Body language and lies
B Numbers don’t lie
C Learning how to catch out liars
D Avoiding eye contact
Paul Ekman, a leading researcher on lying, says that most liars can fool most people most of the time. However, a lot of people believe that
there are some easy ways to discover if someone is lying to them.
Studies on lying do not support this opinion, though. Researchers claim that the average person has only about 54% chance of recognising a
liar. Why, in that case, do we believe that we can do it as well as Cal Lightman, the main character in the series ‘Lie to Me’, whose job is to
find out if someone is lying?
One of the biggest myths about detecting lies is that a liar typically does not look you straight in the eye. This is not always true. Not looking at
someone may just mean that the speaker is feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed. That’s how people often react in difficult situations, so it
does not mean that they are not telling the truth.
Another myth is that a liar covers his or her mouth while speaking to you. However, covering one’s mouth often means that someone feels
stressed or uncomfortable. It does not necessarily mean that they are lying. Therefore, it is important to be very careful when reading a
person’s body language, or we may wrongly accuse someone of lying.

IX. Napisz kilka zdań na temat wybranej osoby. Opisz jej wygląd, cechy charakteru i zainteresowania. (50-100 słów)

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