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Anesthesiology 2005; 102:447–71 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

The Anesthetic Cascade

A Theory of How Anesthesia Suppresses Consciousness
E. Roy John, Ph.D.,* Leslie S. Prichep, Ph.D.*

ADEQUATE surgical anesthesia must achieve three goals: alteration of neurophysiologic processes that are essen-
immobility, amnesia, and absence of awareness. After tial for the mediation of consciousness. Before undertak-
the evidence of anesthetic lipophilicity was presented by ing that effort, it is appropriate to provide a brief over-
Meyer1 and Overton,2 it was widely assumed that all view of the results of research in related fields.

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these actions were accomplished at some unitary site.2 A
body of evidence has now accumulated demonstrating
that for many anesthetic agents, the dose required to Proposed Mechanisms of General Anesthesia
suppress consciousness exceeds the amnestic dose but
is substantially less then that required for surgical immo- Action of Anesthetics to Produce Immobility
bility during noxious stimuli.3,4 This suggests that these During the past 15 yr, major progress was made to
three dimensions may be mediated by different regions establish that anesthetics achieve immobilization largely
of the central nervous system. As has been pointed out by actions on the spinal cord. These investigations were
by Rampil,5 the variability among anesthetics of the guided by demonstrations that the thalamus and cortex
ratios of concentrations needed to suppress conscious- are more sensitive to anesthetics than the spinal cord7
ness, to block memory, and to achieve surgical immobil- and that transmission is blocked and spinal motor neu-
ity further invalidate the unitary hypothesis. rons are depressed by inhaled anesthetics.8,9 Rampil and
A comprehensive explanation of the mechanism by Laster10 provided supporting evidence further implicat-
which anesthetics cause loss of consciousness (LOC) has ing action at the level of the spinal cord by their dem-
not yet been developed. Abundant in vitro and in vivo onstration that movement responses to noxious stimula-
evidence has been provided of effects of anesthetics on tion could occur despite an electroencephalogram made
a wide variety of molecular and cellular processes. Cam- essentially isopotential by isoflurane, after removal of
pagna et al.6 have recently provided a review of current cortex and thalamus,11 and after hypothermic transec-
understanding of the molecular mechanisms of anesthe- tion of the spinal cord.12 Concordant evidence was pro-
sia, summarizing evidence showing that inhaled anes- vided by the findings that neither freezing the cerebral
thetics achieve immobilization by depressing the spinal hemispheres13 nor causing forebrain ischemia14 nor us-
cord, whereas amnesic actions are mediated within the ing brain-preferential anesthetic procedures15 blocked
brain. They document research indicating that subtle movement. This body of evidence supports the conclu-
differences in the clinical actions of inhaled anesthetics sion that immobility may be achieved by action at the
may be attributed to distinct actions on a number of level of the spinal cord.5 However, the blockade of
critical molecular targets. Although this evidence makes ascending somatosensory transmission by spinal anes-
it clear that neuronal actions and interactions at many thesia alters the excitability of reticulothalamocortical
different levels and in many different brain tissues are arousal mechanisms, reflecting the interactions between
altered or disrupted by anesthetic drugs, it does not the different levels of the nervous system.16 –18
explain why these different more or less discrete effects Much subsequent research focused on ligand- and ion-
have the common global effect of causing LOC, which gated channels, examining whether specific receptors
we define as suppression of awareness. This article at- mediated immobility. Numerous neurotransmitters or
tempts to provide such an explanation in terms of the ionic sites of action are plausible candidates for such
effects. Genetic engineering provides animals with spe-
cific modifications that allow discrete testing of particu-
* Professor. lar candidates for producing immobility. After a review
Received from the Department of Psychiatry, Brain Research Laboratories, of the extensive literature on the results of interfering
New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York, and the Nathan
S. Kline Psychiatric Research Institute, Orangeburg, New York. Submitted for with ion channels, Sonner et al.19 concluded that no
publication May 10, 2004. Accepted for publication September 28, 2004. Some action on a single receptor can explain how inhaled
of the work cited was supported by grant Nos. APR 76-24662 and DAR 78-18772
from the National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia; grant No. MH 32577 anesthetics achieve immobility and concurrent actions
from the National Institute of Aging, Bethesda, Maryland; and Physiometrix, Inc., on many receptors are implausible. Their evidence indi-
North Billerica, Massachusetts.
Address reprint requests to Dr. John: Brain Research Laboratories, Old Belle-
cates that among the candidates not yet convincingly ruled
vue Administration Building, 8th Floor, 462 First Avenue, New York, New York out are glycine receptors, serotonin type 2 (5-HT2A) recep-
10016. Address electronic mail to: Individual
article reprints may be purchased through the Journal Web site,
tors, sodium channels, and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, whereas potassium channels, ␣2 adrenorecep-

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005 447


tors, and ␣-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxa-zole prop- primarily on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The an-
ionic acid (AMPA), ␥-aminobutyric acid (GABA), opioid, terior cingulate, medialis dorsalis nucleus in the thala-
serotonin type 3 (5-HT3), or acetylcholine receptors are mus, and parietal association areas may also be affected.
probably irrelevant. We know of no studies in humans that have probed the
extent to which the effects of these agents on memory
Action of Anesthetics to Produce Amnesia may involve the communications of various neocortical
There is adequate reason to believe that the amnestic regions with each other, as reflected in studies of coher-
effects of anesthetics are mediated by some processes ence. Effects on interactions with the limbic system
other than those that block awareness. Abundant find- must also be evaluated, possibly awaiting technically
ings unequivocally demonstrate that memory can be difficult and demanding studies that require use of func-
blocked at levels of anesthetic that do not suppress tional magnetic resonance imaging or intracerebral elec-

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awareness. As cited previously, for many anesthetics the trodes. Finally, the studies of the sort thus far cited have
dose to suppress consciousness significantly exceeds only evaluated episodic but not implicit memory that is not
that required to prevent memory storage.3 Gajraj et al.20 manifested as explicit recall but is usually demonstrable
used repeated arousals from periods of unconsciousness only using associative or priming paradigms. A substantial
produced by target-controlled propofol infusion during literature indicates that implicit memory formation is pos-
hip or knee replacement under spinal anesthesia in 12 sible even though consciousness is not present.
patients. The auditory evoked potential (AEP) index, a
measure derived from the midlatency auditory evoked Action of Anesthetics to Suppress Consciousness
response (MLAER), increased sharply at each awakening, The evidence thus far summarized supports the con-
thereby indicating recovery of the MLAER. The MLAER is clusions that anesthetics act on different regions of the
depressed with loss of consciousness and recovers on nervous system to produce immobilization, amnesia, and
return of consciousness (ROC; see AEP monitors in sec- absence of awareness, and that immobilization very
tion entitled Electrophysiologic Monitors of the Effects likely is mediated by effects on the spinal cord while
of Anesthetics). However, at the end of the procedures, amnesia is probably mediated by effects on the dorsolat-
none of the more than 120 such awakenings was re- eral prefrontal cortex. This theoretical article is focused
called by these patients. on the most significant, perhaps more intriguing, and
As well as anesthetics, a class of “nonimmobilizing” less well-understood problem of how anesthetics act to
agents predicted to have anesthetic action by virtue of suppress consciousness, which we define as the absence
their lipid solubility can suppress learning and produce of awareness. Although our primary concern is the at-
amnesia without causing LOC or surgical immobili- tempt to explain the neurophysiologic processes by
ty.21,22 Dutton et al.23 studied one of these agents to which this remarkable property is mediated, the current
ascertain whether these effects might result from block- status of understanding of the underlying molecular
ade of perception of external stimuli required for learn- mechanisms will first be summarized.
ing to take place. They studied alterations of the vertex-
recorded MLAER in rats during inhalation of isoflurane, Molecular Mechanisms of Anesthesia
desflurane, or nitrous oxide that produced sedation, as A number of neurochemical/neuropharmacologic the-
well as inhalation of the nonimmobilizer compound 2N ories of how anesthetics suppress consciousness have
that failed to produce sedation. All the volatile anesthet- been proposed. This approach seeks to identify specific
ics increased the latency and depressed the amplitude of receptors and molecular sites for anesthetic action, with
particular components of the MLAER recorded at the the goal of identifying the processes within the brain at the
vertex. These components arise from the medial genic- neuronal level that are critical for anesthesia. With the
ulate in the thalamus and the primary auditory cortex. Meyer-Overton demonstration of correlation between an-
Because compound 2N did not significantly alter either esthetic action and solubility of anesthetic drugs in fat-like
of these indices, it was concluded that the site at which solvents, attention was directed toward membranes as
2N interfered with learning was not a component gen- likely sites of drug action. Initially, many concluded that
erator of the MLAER vertex response. This finding impli- general anesthetics acted by extensively disrupting the
cates some anatomical substrate later in the processing lipid portions of neuronal membranes. It was thought that
stream than the primary auditory cortex. nonpolar amino acid side groups become buried within
In a series of elegant studies using quantitative electro- protein interiors in the process of protein folding and that
encephalographic as well as positron emission tomo- polar interactions with solvent water would be avoided in
graphic (PET) evaluation of alterations of brain activity, such hydrophobic pockets. The lipid-like characteristics of
correlated with blockade of memory during conscious these pockets would dissolve anesthetics, which might
sedation, Veselis et al.,24 –28 presented evidence leading bind in them.
to the same conclusion, showing that the effects of As experimental evidence contradicted the hypothesis
anesthetics on episodic memory are related to actions of lipophilicity, the work of Franks and Lieb29 shifted

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


attention from lipids to proteins as anesthetic targets. mines the size and complexity of representational struc-
Many subsequent studies on the effects of anesthetics in tures that can be built up. If the receptor were disabled,
the central nervous system focused on nerve mem- the representations could not be produced, which they
branes, ion channels and their regulatory mechanisms, considered equivalent to LOC. They proposed that the
and especially on synaptic transmission. Franks and common mode of anesthetic action is the disruption of
Lieb30 proposed that at the molecular level, anesthetics NMDA-dependent computational processes. They as-
almost certainly act by binding directly to proteins rather serted that inhibition of such processes is the necessary
than by perturbing lipid layers in cell membranes. They and sufficient condition for agents to have anesthetic
concluded that although at high enough levels general properties, reviewing the extensive literature showing
anesthetics might act nonspecifically on a wide variety of that many substances antagonize or modulate membrane
neuronal sites, at clinical concentrations they are much functions relevant to activation of the NMDA receptor

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more selective and might act by binding to only a small channel complex. An excellent review of research on how
number of targets in the central nervous system. These different classes of inhaled anesthetics act on specific mo-
were considered likely to be postsynaptic ligand-gated ion lecular targets and ion channels to affect neural networks
channels, because voltage-gated ion channels are very re- has recently been provided by Campagna et al.6
sistant to clinical concentrations of general anesthetics. Challenging the view that consciousness arises as the
Some agents seem to be effective at both inhibitory and result of discrete interactions via synaptic connections
excitatory synapses, and both inhibition of excitatory syn- in specific interconnected neural networks, which are
apses and potentiation of inhibitory synapses may be in- blocked by anesthetics, some have attempted to explain
volved in anesthetic effects. Although some agents might the molecular basis of anesthetic action using concepts
act at excitatory synapses (such as ketamine at NMDA from quantum physics. Hameroff36 has suggested that
receptors), others suggested that anesthetic potentiation of nonpolar amino acid side groups are interiorized by
inhibitory synaptic receptors (primarily GABA) best folding of target proteins, creating hydrophobic pockets
matches the pharmacologic profile of a wide variety of to which anesthetics probably bind. This retards elec-
general anesthetic agents. General anesthetics potentiate tron mobility required for protein dynamics and may
GABA by increasing flow of Cl ions in open channels, and thereby potentiate the activity of inhibitory and inhibit
it has been suggested that anesthetics act at the GABA the action of excitatory receptors, especially in thalamo-
receptors at the lipid–protein interface.31,32 Franks and cortical projections. However, he questioned whether
Lieb33 later suggested that inhalation anesthetics act by the mere presence of anesthetic molecules in hydropho-
inactivating proteins that are transmitter-gated receptors bic pockets would be sufficient to explain anesthesia. He
for GABA, serotonin and acetylcholine, and possibly gluta- has presented a quantum-theoretical model proposing
mate receptors. Urban and Friederich34 believed that the that consciousness arises from the coherent superposi-
evidence demonstrates that both voltage-gated and ligand- tion of states described by wave functions, generated by
gated ion channels may be affected by clinically relevant endogenous van der Waal London forces in hydrophobic
concentrations of general anesthetics. pockets of certain brain proteins, collapsing when an
objective threshold of entropy is reached. Anesthetics
Theoretical Explanations of Anesthetic Action are proposed to act by preventing quantum states in
A number of explanations of a more theoretical nature such pockets.
have been proposed to account for the effects of anes- In more recent work, Woolf and Hameroff37 have
thetics on consciousness. In a conceptually different proposed that rudimentary visual consciousness de-
approach to this problem, Flohr35 proposed that the pends on quantum computation in microtubules in the
conditions for consciousness to appear can be defined cytoplasmic interiors of cortical pyramidal dendrites in-
by a specific computational structure that gives rise to terconnected by gap junctions, forming a horizontal syn-
functional states that are identical with states of con- cytium or “hyperneuron” spanning visual cortical areas.
sciousness. Such functional states are higher-order rep- These interactions are critically dependent on cholin-
resentations by which an information processing system ergic action on pyramidal cell dendrites and on ␥-ami-
represents its own inner state. Flohr reviewed the long nobutyric acid–mediated (GABAergic) interneurons in-
philosophical tradition of this proposition and proposed terconnected by electrotonic gap–junction connections.
that higher-order representations are instantiated by They suggest that it is at this level that the anesthetic
complex, rapidly formed cell assemblies that depend action interferes. Jibu38 has attempted to explain the
critically on the function of the NMDA synapse. The action of anesthetics within the framework of con-
NMDA synapse is both voltage and transmitter depen- densed matter physics. A new phase of condensation of
dent. This group argued that the NMDA receptor serves massive photons (called tunneling photons) in the per-
as a Hebbian coincidence detector, modulating the syn- imembranous region is proposed to control the lateral
aptic efficacy as a function of amount of use, and the diffusion of molecules in the nerve cell membrane, de-
activation state of the cortical NMDA synapses deter- termining the molecular biologic functioning of the cell

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


by modulating chemical reactions. Jibu proposes that increasingly available from a variety of electrophysi-
anesthetic molecules trespassing into the perimembra- ologic instruments that have been developed to enable
nous region break the order of this condensation and continuous intraoperative quantification of the depth of
thereby disrupt cell functions that require maintenance anesthesia, independent of any particular agent. Numer-
of ordered chemical reactions. Although such proposals ous studies support the belief that variables extracted by
remain theoretically controversial and without experi- computer analysis from the electroencephalogram and
mental support, they are mentioned here for complete- the AEP are well correlated with changes in conscious-
ness and to illustrate that theories of the molecular ness. Although they are based on quite different tech-
mechanisms of anesthesia still cover a wide range. niques, the methods have in common their reliance on
As is evident from consideration of this body of re- electrophysiologic assessment of brain activity, reflect-
search and contemporary theoretical speculations, anes- ing effects that are anatomically widespread throughout

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thetics may act on a variety of neurotransmission pro- the brain. This evidence clearly establishes that several
cesses, and the effects are anatomically widespread dimensions of brain electrical activity sensitively and
throughout the brain. Ion channel proteins do not func- reliably reflect effects of the administration of a wide
tion by themselves but are integrated with other pro- variety of agents that result in LOC. This article combines
teins into a membrane patch, patches are integrated into what is known about processes underlying these various
a nerve cell, nerve cells are integrated into networks, aspects of brain electrical activity with some recent
and local networks are integrated into functional units. It findings in cellular neurophysiology to conceptualize
is not sufficient for a theory of anesthesia to be based on how anesthetics suppress awareness.
demonstration of some primary effects of an anesthetic The instruments currently being used to monitor the
drug on neuron membranes or receptors or on some depth of hypnosis fall into two categories. One class of
particular molecular or cellular site of action. Evidence such devices quantifies electroencephalographic vari-
on that level of discourse cannot explain why such ables extracted from the spontaneous electrical activity
actions result in the disappearance of consciousness. of the resting brain, quantitative electroencephalo-
As Mashour39 has pointed out, perceptual processing graphic monitors. Some other monitoring approaches
is accomplished by relatively discrete and functionally measure the AEPs elicited by stimulation (AEP monitors).
specialized neural ensembles that are anatomically dis-
persed. Abundant evidence suggests that synchroniza- Quantitative Electroencephalographic Monitors
tion within and among these regions may play a critical Based on visual inspection of electroencephalographic
role in integrating such dispersed information into a tracings, early studies found that anesthesia induction was
unified perception. Cognitive binding at all levels plays a accompanied by an increase of fast, high-frequency oscilla-
crucial role in the generation of conscious experience. A tions of voltage waves in frontal regions, spreading to more
deeper understanding of how anesthetics disrupt con- posterior regions with increased sedation and LOC. Con-
sciousness might require examination of whether they versely, slow low-frequency waves appeared in posterior
interfere with this binding process at some critical lev- regions and migrated forward. This topographic pattern of
els. In view of the hierarchical organization of the central frontal predominance or “anteriorization” of quantitative
nervous system and the cascade of consequences of electroencephalographic power with LOC during anesthe-
action at any level, it seems evident that to judge the sia was first reported in monkeys40 and has since been
relevance of any particular effects at any level of obser- consistently replicated in humans.
vation, whether molecular, ion channel, membrane, cel- Early attempts to use brain electrical activity in patients
lular, or network, we must identify the neuronal net- to evaluate the depth of anesthesia relied on global
works underlying the interlocking constituents of features extracted from the power spectrum provided
general anesthesia and how these components interact by the fast Fourier transform. This transform describes
with one another. The primary goal of this article is to any brief waveshape that is represented as a series of
describe these networks and explain how their interac- numerical values at successive time points, such as a
tion produces perception and awareness. digitized segment of a quantitative electroencephalo-
graphic tracing, QEEG (t), as the sum of a number of
sinusoidal waveforms across the frequency range from
Electrophysiologic Monitors of the Effects of low to high frequencies. The amount or “amplitude” of
Anesthetics each frequency fi contained in the original tracing is
represented by a coefficient, ai, of the corresponding
One approach to understanding the critical mecha- term in the time series, so that
nisms by which general anesthetics suppress awareness
QEEG (t) ⫽ a1f1 ⫹ a2f2 ⫹ a3f3 · · · ⫹ an⫺1fn⫺1n ⫹ anfn.
is to seek for invariant changes in the human brain as
patients lose and regain consciousness under the effects The waveshape of the original tracing can be accu-
of a variety of anesthetic agents. Such information is rately reconstructed by addition of the set of waveforms

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


fi in this “expansion,” multiplying each oscillation by the the depth of anesthesia.47,48 The initial version of this
corresponding coefficient ai. A precise and concise rep- instrument analyzed the quantitative electroencephalo-
resentation of the original tracing is therefore provided gram from four brain regions in an anterior/posterior
by the set of amplitude coefficients a1 to an. It has array, and a later version uses a number of electrodes on
become conventional to square each term in this repre- the forehead. Extracted features describe not only the
sentation, thereby converting amplitude to power, thus local quantitative electroencephalographic power spec-
obtaining the “power spectrum.” trum at each electrode but also some dynamic relations
In attempts to summarize the most relevant informa- among these regions, such as power gradient and coher-
tion about a particular quantitative electroencephalo- ence. These features are combined into a proprietary
graphic sample that was provided by this analysis, mea- discriminant function to assess the probability that the
sures have been devised, such as the median frequency or patient is “awake,” a number scaled to range from 0 to

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the spectral edge frequency, which respectively define 100. Significant relations of the Patient State Index with
those frequencies below which one finds 50% or 95% of “level of consciousness” and sensitivity to change in
the quantitative electroencephalographic power. Such state have been demonstrated.47– 49
measures have been related to clinical signs or compared to Narcotrend® Index. The dimensionless Narcotrend®
analgesic endpoints (see review elsewhere).41 The use of index (NCI; MonitorTechnik, Bad Bramstedt, Germany)
these relatively crude features is based on the hypothesis is a new index based on quantitative electroencephalo-
that with increasing depth of anesthesia, the distribution of graphic pattern recognition,50 classifying the raw elec-
power in the quantitative electroencephalogram steadily troencephalographic epochs into six different stages
shifts toward lower frequencies. Median frequency can be from A (awake) to F (increasing burst suppression to
conceptualized as akin to the center of mass of the area of electrical silence), rescaled into an index from 100
the curve outlining the power spectrum. Such methods (awake) to 0 (electrical silence). This instrument derives
attempt to summarize the information in the whole spec- from previous studies on automatic sleep staging of the
trum by a single number representing only that point in the electroencephalogram into five stages, with an added
spectrum that satisfies an algebraic definition. However, a sixth stage of isopotential electroencephalography.51 Af-
great variety of more comprehensive descriptors of the ter artifact rejection, electroencephalographic segments
electrical activity of the brain can be constructed by math- are classified based on similarity to analyses of proto-
ematically combining quantitative features extracted from typic waveshapes in the time and frequency domain,
an array of electrodes using such spectral analysis methods. results are entered into a discriminant analysis, probabil-
The quantitative electroencephalogram measures cur- ities of similarity are calculated, and the result is ex-
rently being used in commercial monitors to estimate pressed as the index from 0 to 100.
the depth of anesthesia include the following. Electroencephalographic Entropy Monitors. En-
Bispectral Index. The Bispectral Index® (BIS®) mon- tropy, as a physical concept, is related to the amount of
itor (Aspect Medical, Newton, MA) relies on spectral “disorder” in a system52 and, in an information theoret-
analysis of the electroencephalogram recorded from one ical context, describes the irregularity, complexity, or
or two electrode positions on the forehead. The constit- unpredictability of a signal.53 Entropy can be computed
uent measures contributing to the BIS value are derived in the time domain, the frequency domain, or both. The
from this analysis and include power in selected fre- S/5® Entropy Module (Datex-Ohmeda, Helsinki, Finland)
quency bands and certain elements of the “bispectrum,” computes the approximate entropy of the power spec-
which represent the covariance of power in particular trum to quantify the depth of anesthesia.54,55 This
low frequencies with the power at particular high fre- method treats the quantitative electroencephalographic
quencies. This monitor combines a variety of such de- power spectrum obtained before induction of anesthesia
scriptors of the quantitative electroencephalogram into a essentially as the “ground state” of the organized signal
multivariate number, the BIS, using a proprietary algo- system represented by the quantitative electroencepha-
rithm.42 This number is then scaled to range between 0 logram and quantifies the shift from that state as negative
and 100. High correlations between this number and the entropy, or disorganization. Entropy measures have also
state of consciousness have been reported in numerous been utilized to evaluate LOC induced by anesthetic as a
studies.43– 45 The performance of BIS has been evaluated phase transition.56
as the input to a closed-loop system for propofol admin-
istration that was considered to be clinically acceptable AEP Monitors
in a comparison with standard practice– controlled Evoked potentials (EPs) are a series of oscillations in
administration.46 the brain electrical activity that are “time-locked” to the
Patient State Index. The Patient State Analyzer, PSA® presentation of a stimulus, i.e., the successive peaks in
monitor (Physiometrix, Inc, N. Billerica, MA) computes a these oscillations appear at particular latencies after stim-
different multivariate quantitative electroencephalo- ulus onset. EP waveshapes elicited by different stimulus
graphic index called the Patient State Index to assess modalities have been well studied, and the most proba-

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


ble neural generators whose activation corresponds to subcortical generators in the thalamus or midbrain.70,71
peaks at distinctive latencies have been identified. The This method takes advantage of the fact that the responses
latency of each peak in the EP waveshape reflects the of the brain to auditory stimuli become “entrained” as the
time required for the neuronal encoded information repetition rate of the stimulation is increased. Essentially,
about the stimulus to be transmitted to successive struc- the later components of the MLAER elicited by each stim-
tures in the sensory pathway. As long as an individual ulus become superimposed on the early peaks of the re-
subject remains in a stable state, transmission velocities sponse to the subsequent auditory input. Thus, the ASSR
are constant and latencies remain stable. Changes in provides a simple index of the ability of the brain to re-
latencies of EP components along a neural pathway spond to rapid stimulation as it is impaired by anesthesia,
caused by anesthetic therefore can potentially provide a which can be quantified by using spectral analysis with the
sensitive indicator of anesthetic effects on the excitabil- fast Fourier transform to compute the power at the stimu-

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ity of the corresponding brain structures. The EP mea-
lus repetition rate.72,73
sures in current use to monitor anesthesia include the
MLAER. The AEP can be divided into several domains Comparisons among Electrophysiologic Indices
as a function of latency. The brainstem auditory evoked As might be expected, investigations of the relative
response extends from 0 to approximately 6 ms and is sensitivity and specificity of the detection of the absence
composed of a wave with five peaks, reflecting transmis- and return of awareness, ease, and reliability of these
sion in the lateral lemniscal pathway from the acoustic different methods are already in progress. Gajraj et al.20
nerve to the inferior colliculus. The next domain in the compared the performance of the BIS, the AEP index,
AEP is the midlatency response or MLAER that extends the spectral edge frequency, and the mean frequency
from approximately 6 to 60 ms, reflecting transmission during repeated transitions from consciousness to un-
through the medial geniculate body in the thalamus to consciousness. Sleigh et al.74 compared the BIS, spectral
the primary auditory cortex.57 The remaining compo- edge, and approximate entropy. Vanluchene et al.75
nents of the AEP are considered to be long-latency re- compared spectral entropy to the BIS and processed
sponses and are comprised of several latency regions
MLAER. Bonhomme et al.76 compared the ASSR and the
that reflect increasingly complex cognitive processes
BIS, and Struys et al.77 compared the BIS and MLAER.
engaging cortical association areas, the frontal cortex, and
Kreuer et al.78 compared the Narcotrend® and BIS indi-
the hippocampus. It has long been known that the wave-
ces during propofol sedation. Schmidt et al.79 compared
shape of the auditory evoked response simplifies and be-
comes smaller with increasing depth of anesthesia. the Narcotrend®, the BIS, and the classic quantitative
Although the brainstem auditory evoked response is electroencephalographic variables: spectral edge fre-
essentially resistant to anesthetic effects and the long- quency, median frequency, and relative power in the
latency responses are too variable to facilitate reliable four quantitative electroencephalographic frequency
and rapid evaluation, the MLAER has received substantial bands, ␦, ␪, ␣, and ␤. A detailed evaluation of the relative
attention as a possible monitor of the depth of anesthe- virtues of various indices is beyond the scope of this
sia. The MLAER has been shown to reflect reliably the article. These studies are cited only to point out that the
level of anesthesia with a wide variety of anesthetic concern is no longer whether such electrophysiologic
agents58 – 61 and to detect awareness.62 Methods have descriptors have validity but rather the relative sensitiv-
been devised to quantify the morphology of this region ity and specificity of different measures and to provide
of the auditory EP, using features extracted from the readers interested in such comparisons with ready ac-
MLAER61,63– 66 and incorporated into anesthesia moni- cess to relevant reports.
tors. One such measure, referred to as the Auditory
Index, is implemented in an instrument called the Alaris
Autonomic and Electromyographic Indices of
AEP® Monitor (Danmeter, Inc., Odense, Denmark). This
measure represents the morphology of the MLAER by Anesthetic Depth
calculating the total length of the curve describing the Some researchers have investigated the feasibility of
EP waveshape as if it were a string. The longer the string anesthesia monitors using heart rate variability and re-
is, the lighter the anesthesia level is, and the shorter the spiratory sinus arrhythmia80 and electromyography of
string is, the deeper the level of anesthesia is. the frontal and orbicularis muscles, or the Facial Electro-
Forty-hertz Auditory Steady State Evoked Re- myographic Index.81 These measures are also electro-
sponse. Another method to use auditory evoked re- physiologic and are mentioned in the interest of com-
sponses to evaluate anesthetic depth has been proposed, pleteness. Although these indicators display sensitivity
which is based on the 40-Hz steady state auditory evoked to anesthetics, they will not be further discussed in this
response (ASSR).67 The ASSR arises mainly from the pri- article, which is devoted to more direct measures of
mary auditory cortex,68,69 with a lesser contribution from brain electrical activity.

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


Theoretical Implications of the Capability for underlie the quantitative electroencephalographic and
Electrophysiologic Monitoring of Depth of Anesthesia EP measures that display reliable and sensitive alterations
The proposition that aspects of the quantitative elec- during anesthesia and to combine that information with
troencephalogram and the EP reflect the depth of anes- a number of recent research findings to construct a
thesia has become well accepted. Quantitative electro- neurophysiologic theory of anesthesia.
encephalographic and AEP monitors to extract and
quantify mathematical electrophysiologic descriptors
Neurophysiologic Bases of Contemporary
have been incorporated into a wide variety of instru-
Quantitative Electroencephalographic and EP
ments and are increasingly being used routinely by many
Monitors of Depth of Anesthesia
anesthesiologists as adjuncts to standard procedures for
the evaluation of intraoperative depth of anesthesia. Nu- Stability of the Quantitative

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merous reports have been published confirming that Electroencephalographic Power Spectrum
selected measures of brain electrical activity change in a Recordings from the surface of the scalp have long
reliable way with the administration of a wide variety of been known to demonstrate rhythmic voltage oscilla-
agents that cause LOC. The magnitude of such changes tions derived from the electrical activity of the subjacent
can be used to ascertain whether the depth of anesthesia neuronal populations.82 Such fluctuations of voltage in
is sufficient to allow intubation and to permit surgical brain electrical activity, whether recorded from the
procedures to begin. Reversal of these changes gives a scalp as the electroencephalogram or EP waves or as
reliable indication that the patient is returning to a con- intracerebral local field potentials, reflect the nonran-
scious and responsive state. dom synchronization of postsynaptic potentials in enor-
Reliable correlations between specified quantitative mous numbers of neurons. The various quantitative elec-
electroencephalographic and AEP parameters and clini- troencephalographic and EP monitoring techniques rely
cal signs demonstrate that certain aspects of brain elec- on the fact that the spontaneous electrical activity, re-
trical activity are sensitive to the level of consciousness. corded from the scalp of a healthy person resting with
These clinical monitors rely on the stability and sensitiv- closed eyes, is dynamically regulated by interactions
ity of brain electrical activity but differ with respect to within a homeostatic system that are mediated by many
the particular quantitative electroencephalographic different neurotransmitters. The existence of such a ho-
rhythms or EP waveshapes selected for monitoring, the meostatic system is established by evidence that the
scalp regions from which recordings are collected, the power spectrum of the quantitative electroencephalo-
precise nature of the features objectively extracted from gram can be predicted for repeated samples of adequate
the raw data, and the invariance or lack thereof that has length, recorded from healthy, normally functioning in-
been demonstrated for the effects of various anesthetic dividuals while at rest with closed eyes. The same power
agents on the measure. They have in common that they spectrum will be obtained reproducibly from a set of
provide practical clinical evidence that consciousness is artifact-free samples of adequate length obtained shortly
a neurobiologic phenomenon that can be objectively after each other, provided that the state of the brain does
quantified so that depth of anesthesia can be analyzed not change. The homeostatic regulatory system is dis-
reliably using electrophysiologic variables. Although cussed in the section entitled Homeostatic Regulation of
such derived measures correlate well with drug concen- Brain Electrical Activity.
trations or clinical state, they provide relatively little Such instruments inherently depend on establishing a
insight into the underlying physiology of anesthesia or multivariate signal space of features extracted from the
the brain mechanisms mediating consciousness. quantitative electroencephalogram, in which a reference
They differ in that they focus on different aspects of region around the origin or “baseline” is defined as
brain electrophysiology. To try to infer the basis of awake and functioning normally. This baseline is deter-
anesthetic action from such condensed descriptors is mined by statistically scaling and combining measures
reminiscent of the four blindfolded individuals in the extracted from the patient and compared to some large
folk tale who were trying to describe an elephant by reference database. The BIS, GABA, and other quantita-
each touching one of his four legs. However, by consid- tive electroencephalographic indices may be conceptu-
ering the neuroanatomical and neurochemical system alized as the estimated length of a vector describing the
which is the origin of the electrical activity being mea- distance between the momentary brain measure taken
sured, and by comprehensively analyzing the set of neu- from a patient and the origin of the signal space in which
rophysiologic changes in processes generated by this they are contained. These indices differ with respect to
system that take place in common when anesthetics the actual extracted measures chosen to be combined
suppress consciousness, much can be inferred about the measures and also in that some use actual values of the
brain mechanisms of anesthesia and perhaps about the extracted features, such as microvolts or phase angle or
processes that sustain consciousness. The intent of this percent change, whereas others rescale to reflect the
article is to examine the neurophysiologic processes that probability of the observation relative to the baseline.

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


the quantitative electroencephalogram recorded from the

scalp over the left occipital cortical areas (10/20 electrode
position O1) and obtained from a large group of healthy,
normally functioning individuals at ages ranging from 5 to
97 yr of age. Similarly, regular evolution with age has been
shown for power spectra from quantitative electroen-
cephalograms recorded at every position of the Interna-
tional 10/20 Electrode Placement System.
These sets of quantitative electroencephalographic
spectra have been described by algebraic equations in
which the major variable is the age of the subject, mul-

Downloaded from by guest on 12 October 2023

tiplied by a different set of constant coefficients for every
cortical region. These age-regression equations provide
the mean value and SD of the distribution of many
different variables extracted from the power spectrum
of the quantitative electroencephalogram recorded from
Fig. 1. The stability of the electroencephalographic power spec- any scalp electrode position. The accuracy with which
trum is shown by this developmental surface for log spectra at
the O1 region, obtained from 211 healthy subjects aged 5–97 yr. such developmental equations predict the composition
The vertical axis is log power, and the horizontal axis is fre- of the quantitative electroencephalogram in healthy in-
quency from 0.39 to 19 Hz. From Valdes P, Valdes M, Carballo dividuals has been widely investigated and confirmed in
JA, Alvarez A, Diaz GF, Biscay R, Perez MC, Szava S, Virues T,
Quesada ME: QEEG in a public health system. Brain Topogr a large number of research studies. These precise de-
1992; 4:259 – 66. Used with permission. scriptions are independent of the ethnic or cultural back-
ground of the subject, confirmed in many countries
Specificity and Sensitivity of Variables Extracted around the world.83 Neurometric quantitative electroen-
from the Electroencephalogram by Computer cephalography has excellent test–retest replicability
(Quantitative Electroencephalography) within an individual and has been demonstrated to have
After a sufficient sample of artifact-free data has been extremely high specificity as well as extremely high
collected, using validated automatic editing algorithms sensitivity to a wide variety of cognitive, developmental,
to remove contaminated signals that do not arise from neurologic, and psychiatric disorders.84,85 Because it is
brain electrical activity, quantitative electroencephalog- also exquisitely sensitive to changes of state, it offers an
raphy uses computer analysis to describe the power ideal method to examine the effects on the brain of
spectrum in each scalp region. The many measures that agents that alter consciousness, such as pharmacologic
can be calculated using spectral analysis include the total agents and anesthetics.
power and the amount in each of several frequency After extraction of quantitative electroencephalo-
bands of the local activity in each region (absolute graphic variables from any recording, they are preferably
power), the percentage of power in a region that lies subjected to a mathematical transformation to achieve
within each of these bands (relative power), and the gaussianity of the normative distributions.86,87 Trans-
relations among regions within or between the two forming a set of measures sampled in a reference popu-
hemispheres in total and within each band (coherence lation into gaussian distributions, sometimes referred to
and symmetry). For such quantitative electroencephalo- as normal distributions, legitimizes the rescaling of
graphic analyses, the quantitative electroencephalogram each such measure to a standard or Z score, such that
is conventionally divided into frequency bands, approx-
Z ⫽ 共M ⫺ S兲/sd,
imately defined as ␦ (0.5– 4 Hz), ␪ (4 – 8 Hz), low ␣ (8 –10
Hz), high ␣ (10 –12 Hz), ␤ (12–25 Hz), and ␥ (25–50 Hz). where M ⫽ mean value of the measure in the popula-
tion, S ⫽ the value obtained from an individual subject,
Neurometric Quantitative Electroencephalography and sd ⫽ the SD of the reference sample.
There are a variety of methods for quantitative electro- Z transformation rescales a variable into units of SDs
encephalographic analysis. The quantitative electroen- from the mean value of the reference distribution. Be-
cephalographic analysis method we have used in the cause the transformation to gaussianity has forced 100%
studies reported here is called neurometrics. This term of the reference distribution to correspond to the famil-
refers to using certain mathematical procedures de- iar bell curve, calculation of the Z score for an obtained
scribed below, for probabilistically scaling and combin- measurement defines the percentage of the reference
ing measures derived from an individual and compared population that lies more SDs away from the mean than
to a particular set of normative equations that describe the observation in question. Integration of the remaining
the resting state. area establishes the probability, P, that the observation
Figure 1 illustrates average power spectra, extracted from could be obtained in the reference population by chance

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


Fig. 2. Schematic block diagram of inter-

actions among brain regions hypothe-
sized to constitute the homeostatic sys-
tem that generates and regulates the
electroencephalographic power spec-
trum. Complex dependence on ionic cur-
rents that cause development of a se-
quence of hyperpolarizations followed
by depolarizations can cause some neu-
rons in thalamocortical circuits to be-
have as neuronal pacemakers in re-
sponse to network interactions. Under
certain conditions, these cells have an
intrinsic propensity to enter oscillatory
modes of activity in the 7.5- to 12.5-Hz

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range, generating prominent rhythms in
the ␣ frequency range, 7–14 Hz. ␥-Ami-
nobutyric acid–mediated influences of
nucleus reticularis can hyperpolarize cell
membranes of these thalamic neurons,
slowing the ␣ rhythm toward the ␪ range
(3.5–7.5 Hz), and the cortex can initiate
such action, closing thalamic gates to di-
minish or exclude sensory throughput.
This mechanism can serve as a focus of attention and may also be involved in sleep. Input of sensory stimulation to the brainstem
reticular formation, sometimes referred to as the ascending reticular activating system, can oppose such inhibition by the release
of acetylcholine, which serves to antagonize ␥-aminobutyric acid and to depolarize the membranes of the oscillators, increasing the
frequency of the ␣ rhythm. Theta activity (3.5–7.5 Hz) is generated by the limbic system and is propagated to the cortex vias the
anterior cingulate and medialis dorsalis. Delta activity (0.5–3.5 Hz) is generated in the cortex when cortical neurons are deprived of
input, and ␤ activity (12.5–25 Hz) largely reflects intracortical transactions. Gamma activity (25–50 Hz) reflects corticocortical and
corticothalamocortical transactions particularly important in perceptual processes, which generate a reverberating ␥ loop. This is
further explained in figure 3.

alone and can be found using any set of statistical tables. by multimodal sensory stimuli are also predictable88 and
For example, P ⫽ 0.35 if Z ⫽ 1.0, 0.10 if Z ⫽ 1.64, 0.05 sensitive.89,90 The latency of each EP peak is determined
if Z ⫽ 1.96, 0.01 if Z ⫽ 2.56, 0.001 if Z ⫽ 3.20, and so by conduction time and the amplitude by the excitability
forth. Thus, use of these methods for quantitative elec- of these neuroanatomical structures, and both of these
troencephalographic analysis allows electroencephalo- parameters are similarly regulated. As a result, the mor-
graphic recordings to be evaluated statistically by trans- phology and scalp distributions of auditory, visual, and
forming each quantitative variable from its initial somatosensory evoked potentials in the resting, normal
physical dimensions (voltage, covariance, latency, and individual are well known and are used widely in clinical
others) into the metric of probability. The probability of neurology to assess the integrity of sensory pathways.91
a mean Z score for a group of n individuals can be
assessed by multiplying the mean Z value by the square Homeostatic Regulation of Brain Electrical Activity
root of n and estimating the probability of n1/2 Z. The neuroanatomical structure of the homeostatic sys-
A further advantage of the transformation of univariate tem regulating the quantitative electroencephalographic
quantitative electroencephalographic measurements power spectrum is depicted in the much simplified sche-
into Z scores is that variables in the common metric of matic diagram in figure 2. The system shown here is
probability can be legitimately combined into multivari- adapted from a more complete diagram constructed by
ate descriptors of brain state, and differences among Hughes and John,92 which also indicates the putative neu-
such brain states can be further evaluated by multivariate rotransmitters mediating some of the indicated neural in-
discriminant functions or other similarly powerful objec- teractions. In this figure, dotted arrows indicate primary
tive methods. Such analyses have shown quantitative multimodal sensory inputs; solid arrows indicate excitatory
electroencephalographic evaluations to have high spec- relations; and heavy, dashed arrows indicate inhibitory
ificity, with false-positive findings at the chance level, interactions.
and also to have high sensitivity to a wide variety of This complex neuroanatomical homeostatic system,
cognitive, neurologic, and psychiatric disorders.83,86,87 probably genetically determined, regulates baseline lev-
els of (1) local synchrony,93 (2) global interactions
Specificity and Sensitivity of the Evoked Potential among regions,94 and (3) periodic sampling of the signal
The EP monitoring techniques rely on the fact that space.95 A critical role in the regulation of brain rhythms
each peak in an EP waveshape reflects the excitation of is played by the interaction between brainstem, limbic
huge numbers of neurons within successive levels of the system, thalamus, and cortex. The spontaneous electro-
transmission pathways from sensory receptors to the encephalogram is conventionally considered to consist
cortex. The waveshapes of EPs from any region elicited of rhythmic oscillations in several broad frequency

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


bands, referred to as ␦, ␪, ␣, ␤, and ␥ activity. The animal and desynchronize the electroencephalogram in
following processes are believed to generate these dis- widespread regions of the cortex.98 From such early
tinctive rhythms. observations, this system was denoted as the ascending
␣ Activity. The sensory receptors encode information reticular activating system (ARAS). Cholinergic influ-
about the environment. Multimodal sensory inputs (dot- ences of the ARAS, as a consequence of sensory stimu-
ted arrows) go to sensory specific relay nuclei in the lation, diminish the efficacy of the GABAergic RE neu-
thalamus, serving as gates between the receptors and the rons, resulting in removal of their hyperpolarizing
cortex. Pacemaker neurons distributed throughout tha- influences and facilitating throughput to the cortex. A
lamic regions oscillate in the frequency range of the ␣ concomitant of strong activation by the ARAS is cortical
rhythm (8 –12 Hz, with a mean frequency of approxi- “arousal,” desynchronization of the ␣ oscillators, with
mately 10 Hz), regulating and synchronizing the excit- the appearance of faster rhythms in the ␤ frequency

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ability of the cells in the thalamocortical pathways. This range (12–25 Hz). Evidence that such arousal could also
modulation is further distributed throughout the cortex be accomplished by stimulation of the intralaminar nu-
by cortico– cortical interactions. Small spatially distrib- clei of the thalamus has led some to modify this view,
uted cortical areas seem to act as epicenters from which referring to an “extended reticular–thalamic activating
␣ activity spreads through cortical neuronal networks by system.”99 It has been proposed that normal conscious
interneuronal connections, generating the ␣ rhythm that functioning requires a circulating flow of activation
dominates the resting quantitative electroencephalo- among the ARAS, the intralaminar nuclei, and the cortex.
graphic power spectrum seen in recordings from many Activity within a subcortical reticular–intralaminar nu-
scalp regions. This rhythm is often at different mean cleus–RE system is proposed to be necessary for the
frequencies and phase in these dispersed regions. state of consciousness, whereas interaction of this sys-
To clarify this explanation, a brief discussion of the tem with cortex is envisaged to provide the perceptual
structure of the thalamic neural networks is necessary. A content of consciousness.100,101
much more detailed explanation has been provided by ␪ Activity. By GABAergic action, RE neurons of nucleus
Steriade96 and by Lopes da Silva.97 In the thalamic relay reticularis, a thin shell of cells surrounding much of the
nuclei, some types of neurons display rhythmic oscilla- thalamus, can inhibit these thalamic pacemaker neurons
tions in the frequency range of 6 –10 Hz. This oscillatory (thick dashed arrows), slowing their rhythms. Unless op-
behavior seems to be an intrinsic property of these posed, these inhibitory influences of the nucleus reticularis
neurons. Alpha activity arises from the interaction be- can act to hyperpolarize the pacemakers and diminish
tween populations of these neurons in the thalamus and sensory throughput from the TCR neurons to the cortical
in certain areas of the cortex. In the thalamic nuclei receiving areas, slowing the mean frequency of the oscilla-
where this activity can be recorded, three main types of tors and shifting the ␣ rhythm toward ␪ (4 – 8 Hz).
neurons interact: thalamocortical relay (TCR) nuclei Mesolimbic ␪ Activity. In parallel with these pro-
whose axons project to the cortex, reticular nucleus (RE) cesses, a mesolimbic system receives multimodal inputs,
neurons that interact synaptically with the TCR cells and from the ARAS in the brainstem and collaterals of afferent
contribute GABAergic inhibitory feedback control, and lo- sensory pathways as well as via the inferotemporal cortex,
cal intrinsic neurons. The TCR neurons display two distinct and distributes this activity to a system comprised of the
modes: either functioning as relay cells that depolarize and entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, septum (pha-
produce spikes in response to an adequate input volley sically inhibited by the hippocampus-thick dotted arrows),
from sensory pathways or as oscillatory cells that produce and anterior cingulate cortex. Representations of relevant
rhythmic bursts of high-frequency spikes repeated in a past experience, stored in this system, are activated by
rhythmic oscillatory pattern. The mode of activity is deter- associative linkages. This readout from the “endogenous
mined by the resting membrane potential of the TCR neu- system” is transmitted via the non–sensory-specific, in-
ron and the strength of its synaptic interactions with the tralaminar, diffuse projection nuclei and nucleus medialis
sensory inputs and the RE neurons. Hyperpolarization of dorsalis, and by the anterior cingulate gyrus, to the axoden-
the TCR neurons by the RE neurons blocks transmission by dritic synapses of pyramidal neurons in upper cortical lay-
TCR neurons of sensory input to the cortex and enhances ers (layer 1). This nonsensory specific input produces the
slow rhythmic oscillations. late secondary positive peaks that appear after the primary
Essentially in the center of the brainstem, mesial to the component of the EP at latencies that depend on the
lemniscal auditory and somatosensory pathways, lies the sensory modality. Strong activation of this system can gen-
brainstem reticular formation. All afferent sensory path- erate widespread ␪ rhythms. A distinctive output from this
ways send collaterals into this region. Based on a series system is often observed as “frontal midline ␪” during
of lesion and stimulation experiments, it has been performance of cognitive tasks such as delayed matching
known for many years that bilateral transection of this or mental arithmetic.
system led to long-lasting coma. Further, electrical stim- ␦ Activity. Extreme depression of thalamic gates re-
uli delivered to this region would awaken a sleeping leases some cortical cells from the influences of sensory

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


specific input that, together with diminished activation Such reverberation has been proposed by Thompson and
of the cortex by the ARAS, results in the production of a Varela,104 Rodriguez et al.,105 and Llinas et al.103 to play an
very slow rhythm called ␦ activity (0.5– 4 Hz). Note that essential role in perception.
the cortex can inhibit the ARAS by descending pathways These neurophysiologic interactions that regulate
via the striatum (heavy dotted arrows). brain electrical activity are mediated by a wide variety of
␤ Activity. The ARAS receives inputs via collaterals neurotransmitters. Brain functions are critically depen-
(double dotted arrows) of afferent activity from the sen- dent on the availability of these substances and the
sory pathways. Activation of this system by incoming processes that control their synthesis and metabolism, a
stimuli causes the brainstem reticular formation to in- complex topic beyond the scope of this article. The
hibit the nucleus reticularis, opposing the GABAergic monitoring strategies implemented in quantitative elec-
inhibitory action of nucleus reticularis by acetylcholine troencephalographic and EP anesthesia monitors are

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and releases its inhibitory actions on the thalamus. The based on detecting electrophysiologic correlates of dis-
frequency of the thalamic oscillators is increased into the ruptions of this homeostatic regulation by different an-
10- to 12-Hz region. Thalamic gates are opened so that esthetic agents, which exert their effects at various
afferent inputs from the “exogenous system” are trans- points of the system. Some of these distinctive effects are
mitted from the sensory specific thalamic nuclei via the illustrated in this article.
projection pathways to axosomatic synapses of pyrami-
dal neurons in lower layers of the cortex (layer 5). Dependence of Perception on Intact Coincidence
Information about complex, multimodal environmental Detection
events is fractionated, and “fragments of sensation” are Based on animal experiments, John106,107 proposed
distributed across the cortex into cell assemblies of fea- that perception depended on the coincidence at the
ture extractors. Cortical activity is desynchronized in cortical level between exogenous, sensory-specific input
some regions thus activated, sometimes referred to as of information about the environment and endogenous,
event-related desynchronization, and corticocortical in- non–sensory-specific readout from a representational
teractions generate the ␤ rhythm (12–25 Hz). This sen- system encoding memories of the relevant past. Confir-
sory-specific input also produces the primary or early mation in human subjects of this hypothesis was first
positive components of the EP recorded from the scalp. provided by Libet.108 In awake neurosurgical patients,
␥ Activity. Information about current complex envi- Libet stimulated the cortex electrically to coincide with the
ronmental stimuli and relevant previous experience, aris- time of arrival of the non–sensory-specific, secondary com-
ing from the anatomically distinct exogenous and endog- ponent of the EP waveshape, usually present in the re-
enous systems, converges on synapses in layers 1 and 5 sponse of the somatosensory cortex that was evoked by a
of the anatomically extensive sheets of cortical pyrami- mild electrical shock to the wrist, and found that such
dal neurons. Experiments using direct electrical stimula- time-locked brain stimulation could block subjective aware-
tion of pyramidal neurons with micropipettes,102 as well ness of the wrist shock. Similar findings during brain sur-
as studies in brain slices combining direct electrical gery were reported shortly thereafter by Hassler,109 who
stimulation of specific and nonspecific thalamic nuclei recorded the cortical evoked responses to mild wrist
with visualization of cortical responses using voltage shock, electrical shock to the sensory specific ventrobasal
sensitive dyes,103 have directly demonstrated that the nucleus, and electrical shock to the non–sensory-specific
pyramidal neurons act as comparators, detecting tempo- nucleus centralis lateralis. The waveshape of the cortical
ral coincidence of inputs to layer 1 and layer 5 synapses. response evoked by wrist shock consisted of an early com-
Direct stimulation of the soma of the pyramidal neuron ponent like the response to ventrobasal nucleus alone plus
or stimulation of a specific thalamic relay nucleus (ven- a later component like that to centralis lateralis alone.
trobasal) caused a moderate activation in layer 5 of the Hassler then showed that the perception by a patient of
corresponding sensory cortex. Direct stimulation of the wrist shock could be blocked by later stimulation of cent-
apical synapse or stimulation of nonspecific nucleus of ralis lateralis in the thalamus, appropriately delayed to dis-
the diffuse projection system (centralis lateralis) caused rupt the late cortical response.
a moderate activation in cortical layer 1. When both Based on intracerebral recordings, several authors
somatic and apical synapses or ventrobasal plus centralis have reported that a brief period of ␥ activity with zero
lateralis were stimulated concurrently, that is when ex- phase lag appears coherently between prefrontal cortex
ogenous and endogenous inputs were coincident, corti- and parietal cortex of human subjects during perfor-
cothalamic discharges were markedly enhanced, and mance of perceptual tasks.110,111 Varela104 has proposed
activity at the ␥ frequency back-propagated to the cortical that such spatially extensive, phase-locked ␥ oscillations
regions where coincidence had occurred. This feedback may be the physiologic concomitant of perception. Co-
from the corticothalamic volley binds the distributed frag- incidence detection may serve to convert fragmented
ments and causes coherent corticothalamocortical loops to sensory attributes of the complex stimuli to fragments of
reverberate at the frequency of the ␥ rhythm (25–50 Hz). percepts, thus identified and encoded in distributed fea-

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


multimodal aspects of these relevant memories, which

are projected via the non–sensory-specific nuclei of the
diffuse projection system to the apical dendrites of the
pyramidal neurons, in layer 1 of the multimodal sensory
cortices. Coincidence between the inputs from the ex-
ogenous and the endogenous systems, converging on
selected neurons in the sensory cortices, causes a coher-
ent corticothalamic volley to impinge on the thalamic
cells from which the ascending coincident influences
arose. This volley causes a back-propagation and a
thalamocortical–thalamic reverberation in the ␥ fre-

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quency range, depicted by the green arrows. Persistence
of this reverberation engages the prefrontal cortex, and
these simultaneous reverberating, coherent circuits be-
come phase locked and resonant, binding the unimodal
elements of sensation into a multimodal conscious per-
ception. As has been pointed out by Mashour,39 as the
functions of binding dispersed elements of sensation
into a unified perception provide the framework for
integrating multiple simultaneous processes into a uni-
fied conscious experience, so might a paradigm of un-
Fig. 3. Model of the hypothetical system proposed to construct binding provide a framework for understanding the ac-
fragments of perception from dispersed neural ensembles, tions that underlie anesthesia.
whose activity has been nonrandomly enhanced by coinci-
dence detection, and binding these fragments together into a
unified reverberating system that comprises the perceptual Effects of Anesthetics on Brain Activity
content of consciousness. Blue arrows indicate input to the Effects on Power Spectra. In figure 4A are shown the
axosomatic synapses of pyramidal neurons, located in layer 5 positions of the 19-electrode array located at positions
of the cortex. Gold arrows depict input from the endogenous
system to axodendritic synapses on the apical dendrites of the defined according to a convention standardized for clin-
pyramidal neurons, located in layer 1 of the cortex. Green ical electroencephalography, the International 10/20
arrows depict the corticothalamic ␥ discharge resulting from Electrode Placement System. As in many of the head
coincidence detection between these two inputs, with back-
propagation culminating in thalamocorticothalamic reverbera- maps illustrated later in this article, the head is displayed
tion. Sustained reverberations of these thalamocortical loops as if seen from above, with the face at the top.
are hypothesized to result in a resonance that binds together In figure 4B is a recording made from such an array,
the fragments of perception dispersed throughout the cortex,
into a unified perception, which becomes the content of con- recorded from an awake subject resting with closed
sciousness. eyes. This recording is contaminated by some artifactual
potentials generated by movements of the eyeballs and
the head, but an artifact-free segment can be seen be-
ture detecting cell ensembles. Coherent corticothalamic tween the arrows in the central region of this time
discharge of dispersed synchronized populations of corti- period. To perform reliable intraoperative electrophysi-
cal pyramidal neurons, and the resulting back-propagation ologic monitoring based on accurate quantitative elec-
from those neurons whose thalamocortical exogenous and troencephalographic measurements, such devices must
endogenous projections resulted in coincidence detec- include algorithms for automatic detection and removal
tion, may bind these fragments together into a unified of all artifactual contamination.
resonating system, which is the perceptual content of Figure 5 illustrates the prototypic effects of anesthesia
consciousness.103,112–114 Such perception has been re- on quantitative electroencephalographic samples before
ferred to by some as the “remembered present.”115 A and after LOC, induced by infusion of propofol. After
model of this process is shown in figure 3. computation of the absolute power spectra, the amount
The blue arrows in figure 3 depict afferent input to the of power at each frequency has been Z-transformed, and
exogenous system, propagating from the eyes and ears the results are depicted as Z spectra. The Z spectra are
to the primary relay nuclei in the thalamus and thence to illustrated for every frequency at every electrode posi-
the axosomatic synapses of pyramidal neurons, in layer 5 tion of the 10/20 System, labeled according to the usual
of the auditory and visual cortices. Collaterals from these convention and shown above each graph. The two hor-
exogenous inputs go to the endogenous system via the izontal lines are at Z ⫽ ⫾2 SDs, the interval that repre-
reticular formation and the mesolimbic system, activat- sents the 0.05 probability level of significant departure
ing episodic memories by associative mechanisms. The from the reference distribution. The vertical lines in
gold arrows in the figure depict the readouts of the each small graph are at the strongest peak in the power

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


Downloaded from by guest on 12 October 2023

Fig. 4. (A) In the 10/20 convention, odd
numbers refer to placements over the left
hemisphere, even numbers refer to
placements over to the right hemisphere,
and Z refers to midline locations. Upper-
case letters indicate underlying brain re-
gions: C ⴝ central; F ⴝ frontal; Fp ⴝ fron-
topolar; O ⴝ occipital; P ⴝ parietal; T ⴝ
temporal. (B) Sample of electroencepha-
lographic recording. Each tracing comes
from 1 of the 19 electrodes in the 10/20
array, positioned according to the labels
at the left side of each trace. An artifact-
free segment lies in the region above the
two arrowheads on the bottom line.

spectra, and the number corresponding to the Z score sures extracted from quantitative electroencephalo-
for that frequency is indicated to the right of the elec- graphic recordings obtained from baseline recordings
trode identification. from 164 resting patients, before premedication. Note
Figure 5A depicts the Z spectra recorded from a typical also that the significance of mean Z scores, averaged
patient at baseline, with a maximum deviation at approx- across a group of n individuals, can be estimated by
imately 12 Hz, perhaps reflecting the effect of a mild multiplying the average Z value by the square root of the
sedative premedication. Figure 5B depicts the mean Z sample size.
spectra for a group of 15 patients shortly after LOC due Effects on Selected Quantitative Electroencepha-
to infusion of propofol, with a maximum deviation at lographic Variables. Marked effects of anesthetic
approximately 1–3 Hz in every lead. In figure 5A, all agents on a wide variety of quantitative electroencepha-
preinduction baseline Z-spectral values lie between ⫺0.1 lographic variables can be detected in all scalp elec-
and 1.7, within the 95% confidence interval of the nor- trodes during induction of anesthesia and maintenance
mal range in each graph (i.e., Z ⫽ ⫾2.). After LOC, the Z at surgical plane with many different agents. Represen-
scores at the frequency of 2 Hz lie between 3.6 and 6.8, tative quantitative electroencephalographic effects of
far outside the normal range. such agents are depicted on group averaged interpolated
Note that in figures 5–7, all Z scores were calculated topographic Z score maps in figure 6. The Z scores were
relative to the reference distributions of the same mea- calculated relative to the distribution of these quantita-

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


Fig. 5. This figure presents a graph de-

picting narrow-band (0.39-Hz frequency
intervals) Z spectra for each electrode in
the 10/20 System, using standard nomen-
clature above the curves to identify each
location. All Z scores used in figures in
this article were calculated relative to the
reference distributions of the same mea-
sures extracted from electroencephalo-
graphic recordings obtained from 164
resting patients, before premedication.
The two horizontal bars in each graph
indicate the Z values that are 2 SDs above
and below the mean values of the norma-
tive distributions for each frequency. The

Downloaded from by guest on 12 October 2023

number next to the electrode identifier
above each graph is the Z value corre-
sponding to the location of the vertical
cursor located at the position corre-
sponding to the most deviant value in the
graph. In estimating the confidence level
of Z scores averaged across data from a
sample of n subjects, the calculated Z score should be multiplied by the square root of n. For example, if an average Z score of 1.0
were obtained across a sample of 164 subjects, the statistical significance would be as if the score were approximately 12.8. (A)
Preinduction: Very-narrow-band (0.39-Hz bins) power Z spectra of the electroencephalographic data recorded from one typical
premedicated patient, at rest but alert with eyes closed. (B) Group average (n ⴝ 15) Z transformation of the very-narrow-band
electroencephalographic power spectra recorded just after loss of consciousness (LOC) with infusion of propofol.

tive electroencephalographic variables in this popula- row 5 and row 6 indicated the value to be assigned to F,
tion of 164 patients before the onset of induction. encoded by the horizontal color bar, 0 to *.
Each map depicts interpolated mean Z scores of the Note that the maps in row 1 already show a significant
indicated feature from 164 patients, averaged across all shift of these variables from the baseline, which would
anesthetic protocols used for induction and surgical otherwise be encoded as the dull hues close to black on
maintenance. Statistical significance for all maps in figure the color bar. These changes reflect the slowly increas-
6 is encoded by using a single color palette. Different ing effects of the administration of the inducing agents,
scaling is necessary to avoid saturation of the color encod- altering brain state with increasing sedation but still
ing the actual statistical significance because the magnitude compatible with the patient systematically counting
of anesthetic effects varied on different variables. The ap- backward aloud, a cognitive activity that itself is accom-
propriate scaling constant for each variable is provided by panied by shifts from the resting baseline. The dramatic
the numbers in the rows marked ⫾ Z, under rows 2 and 4 changes between rows 1 and 2 occur very abruptly with
of the mean Z score maps. Each number specifies the Z cessation of counting and the disappearance of the lash
values to be assigned to the positive and negative extrema reflex. Note that many of the changes brought about
of the color palettes used for the corresponding variable in with LOC caused by the set of inducing agents, seen in
the preceding two rows of head maps. Recall that statistical row 2, remain substantially unchanged during mainte-
significance of a mean Z score is estimated by multiplying nance at surgical plane by quite a different set of sub-
the mean value by the square root of the sample size, or stances, as seen in row 3. Finally, some but not all of
12.8 with n ⫽ 164. these effects reverse with ROC, as some of the maps in
The six columns of maps depict (1) absolute power in row 4 again become similar to those in row 1, during
the ␪ band, (2) absolute power in the ␣ band, (3) absolute induction.
power in the ␥ band, (4) interhemispheric coherence be- The states and agents represented in figure 6 include
tween symmetrical positions over the two hemispheres in induction with methohexital, etomidate, or propofol and
the ␦ band, (5) interhemispheric coherence in the ␤ band, maintenance with total intravenous concentration, gases
and (6) interhemispheric coherence in the ␥ band. (desflurane, isoflurane, or sevoflurane), or nitrous/narcotic.
The first four rows of maps depict row 1, induction The mapped features were selected from a much larger set
(while counting on the operating table at the onset of to illustrate the great variety of quantitative electroencepha-
induction); row 2, LOC (immediately after cessation of lographic variables that change invariantly and reversibly
counting with loss of lash reflex); row 3, surgical plane with the LOC and ROC under the influence of agents
(during maintenance at surgical plane just before onset commonly used during surgical anesthesia.
of weaning); and row 4, ROC (immediately on return of These data show clearly that monitors of the depth of
response to loud verbal command). The last two rows anesthesia using quantitative electroencephalographic
encode the F value obtained using analysis of variance to variables have a rich panoply of effects on which to base
compare row 5, induction versus LOC, and row 6, sur- their assessment of the depth of anesthesia. The task of
gical plane to ROC. The numbers below each map in development of anesthesia monitoring algorithms is to

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


Effects on Quantitative Electroencephalographic

Coherence. Coherence provides a measure of the func-
tional interaction or coupling between two brain regions.
Administration of anesthetic agents causes marked changes
in coherence, which are of particular interest because of
the hypothetical role of coherence in binding that has been
proposed in the theoretical formulation presented above in
the discussion illustrated by figure 3.
Figure 7 presents the results of more extensive com-
putations of coherence as well as power that were car-
ried out on the 164 patients whose Quantitative electro-

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encephalographic data were partially presented above.
All data shown in figure 7 represent mean Z scores
relative to the distribution of the resting baseline values
in the 164 patients before onset of induction; the signif-
icance of these mean Z scores can be estimated by
multiplying the average Z value by 12.8.
Figure 7A illustrates that the frontal lead F3 and the
occipital lead O1 demonstrate an increase in power and
a relative change in the power gradient at LOC in all
frequency bands except ␥, showing enhanced anterior-
ization, i.e., the increase in mean Z scores for ␦, ␣, and ␤
activity is greater for the frontal than for the occipital
lead. Changes in ␪ power essentially paralleled ␦ and are
not illustrated. These power changes gradually diminish
during emergence.
Fig. 6. (A) Mean values of Z scores for selected quantitative Figure 7B shows that coherence of ␥, but not of ␦, ␣,
electroencephalographic features are shown, averaged across
164 patients at different anesthetic states, established with a or ␤, between F3 and O1 increases during the mental
wide variety of agents to achieve induction and maintain surgi- task of counting backward during induction. Shortly
cal anesthesia. The interpolated topographic maps depict the after LOC, coherence in all bands decreases significantly
19-electrode array of the 10/20 System, looking down on the
head, with the anterior regions at the top. The number under and remains diminished during maintenance at surgical
each column of maps defines the Z score that corresponds to plane. As emergence begins, although there is no
the corresponding color on the horizontal palette. Induction ⴝ marked increase in power, coherence of ␤ and ␥ returns
on the operating table, counting at the onset of induction; LOC
ⴝ immediately after loss of consciousness, with loss of respon- to the levels seen while counting during induction.
sivity and disappearance of lash reflex due to induction using These data suggest that anterior and posterior brain
either thiopental, etomidate, or propofol in approximately regions become functionally uncoupled with the LOC
equal groups within the sample; surgical plane (SP) ⴝ approx-
imately midway during the procedures, with anesthesia under caused by the action of anesthetics and remain uncou-
standard procedures primarily maintained by propofol, gas pled during surgical maintenance. Consciousness re-
(isoflurane, desflurane, or sevoflurane), or nitrous/narcotic in turns, as evidenced by the opening of eyes on a loud
approximately equal groups within the sample. Note the re-
markable similarity of electroencephalographic effects of the command, as coupling between prefrontal cortex and
different agents used for induction versus maintenance. ROC ⴝ sensory regions is restored to previous levels in ␤ and ␥
immediately after return of consciousness, when patient first frequencies. The most striking coherence changes as
opens eyes on loud command. (B) The results of analyses of
variance between (induction vs. LOC) and (SP vs. ROC) are emergence progresses are in ␥, for which sharp in-
presented in the two rows of maps of the corresponding F creases in coherence begin to appear several minutes
values, indicating that the changes illustrated are highly signif- before opening of the eyes. While similar uncoupling
icant. All Z scores were calculated relative to the reference
distributions of the same measures extracted from electroen- occurs in all frequency bands, recoupling of ␦ and ␣
cephalographic recordings obtained from 164 resting patients, occurs only several minutes after responsive conscious-
before premedication. From John et al.121; used with ness is restored. These findings are particularly interest-
ing in view of some of the reports cited above, in the
select the most robust set of variables from among these discussion of the role of coincidence detection in bind-
many candidates that are both necessary and sufficient to ing, of prefrontal–parietal phase-locked ␥ coherence dur-
provide the most accurate and sensitive assessments of ing performance of perceptual tasks.
patient state across the widest range of chemical agents, We interpret these data to suggest that anesthesia
with the most rapid and reliable detection of the changes interrupts and consciousness restores the cortico-
relevant for the optimal clinical management of each thalamocortical reverberation resulting from detection
case. by the pyramidal neurons of coincidence between the

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


Fig. 7. Mean changes in Z scores for ab-

solute power of electroencephalogram
from left mesial prefrontal and occipital
(leads F3 and O1) and coherence between

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those two leads (F3O1), computed for the
␦, ␣, ␤, and ␥ frequency bands, at sequen-
tial stages between induction and return
of consciousness, averaged across 164 in-
dividuals in procedures using different
agents, as in the previous figure. All Z
scores were calculated relative to the ref-
erence distributions of the same mea-
sures extracted from electroencephalo-
gram recordings obtained from 164
resting patients, before premedication.
(A) Absolute power F3 and O1. (B) Coher-
ence F3O1. Induc ⴝ counting during in-
duction; LOC ⴝ immediately after loss of
consciousness; Maint ⴝ surgical plane;
ROC-1 ⴝ 5 min before ROC; ROC ⴝ im-
mediately after patient opens eyes on
loud command.

exogenous report of sensory specific inputs and the anesthetic (n ⫽ 19), isoflurane (n ⫽ 17), desflurane (n ⫽
endogenous readout of episodic memories, endowing 6), and nitrous/narcotic (n ⫽ 20). Note the lengthening
the sensations with meaning. Whether this correlation is of the Pa–Nb–Pb interval with LOC caused by each of
unique to ␥ coherence or is also a property of coherent these agents and the diminished amplitude and longer
activity in the ␤ range awaits inquiries specifically de- latency of subsequent components. Note that the prein-
signed to answer that question. duction Pa–Pb interval is approximately 25 ms, which is
Effects on MLAER. In figure 8A is depicted the nor- the period of a 40-Hz oscillation (␥). In figure 8C are
mal waveshape of the auditory evoked response and the depicted the set of power spectra computed from a
neuroanatomical structures presumed to generate the simulated series of EP templates; these simulated wave-
successive components. These include the brainstem shapes were morphed using the MLAER waveshapes
auditory evoked response, with peaks I (acoustic nerve), from preoperative baseline to loss of consciousness re-
II (cochlear nucleus), III (superior olivary complex), IV corded during induction with desflurane, as shown in
(trapezoid body), and V (inferior colliculus) and the early the middle panel. Note the gradual disappearance of the
cortical or midlatency evoked response, with peaks No 40-Hz component from the resulting spectra. These re-
and Po (medial geniculate), Na, Pa, and Nb (early re- sults suggest that perhaps the change in the MLAER
sponses of primary auditory cortex), and P1 (also some- waveshape reflects blockade of a 40-Hz thalamocortical
times referred to as Pb), and later components are be- back-propagation.
lieved to reflect activity in association areas and frontal Effects on the 40-Hz Steady State Evoked Re-
cortex. In figure 8B are shown group averaged MLAERs, sponse. As noted above, the 40-Hz SSEP has been ex-
obtained in surgical procedures using total intravenous plored as a possible index of anesthesia. The 40-Hz SSEP

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


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Fig. 8. Changes in midlatency auditory
evoked response with loss of conscious-
ness. (A) The sites in the auditory path-
ways usually attributed as neuroanatomi-
cal generators of components of auditory
evoked potentials. (B) Changes in the
midlatency auditory evoked response re-
corded from vertex (Cz) versus mastoid,
during standard administration of anes-
thesia with various agents (L. Gugino,
Ph.D., M.D.; L. S. Prichep, Ph.D.; and E. R.
John, Ph.D., unpublished observations,
May 2001). (C) Power spectra of the midla-
tency auditory evoked response morphed
from the awake state to loss of conscious-
ness. DES ⴝ desflurane; ISO ⴝ isoflurane;
N/N ⴝ nitrous/narcotic; TIVA ⴝ total intra-
venous anesthetic.

waveshape is a rhythmic oscillation at 40 Hz, reflecting changes in ASSR with stepwise titration of the amount of
the entrainment of the small early components of the anesthetic, concomitant with clinical assessments of the
MLAER by the much larger components of the subse- depth of anesthesia using the Observer’s Assessment of
quent cortical auditory responses to a series of closely Anesthesia and Sedation scale. Group grand averages
spaced auditory stimuli. Many anesthetics disrupt the (n ⫽ 15) were constructed by averaging 40-Hz auditory
40-Hz SSEP, seen as the progressive diminution of ampli- steady state evoked potential averages recorded from the
tude with increasing amount of anesthetic agent. 19 electrodes of the International 10/20 System, ob-
This effect is illustrated in figure 9, showing the tained from volunteer subjects during stepwise titration

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


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Fig. 9. Group grand averages (n ⴝ 15) constructed by averaging 40-Hz auditory ASSRs recorded from the 19-electrode arrays of the
International 10/20 System referenced to linked earlobes, as if looking down on the head with the frontal electrodes at the top,
obtained from 15 volunteer subjects during stepwise titration of anesthesia using propofol. (Left column) PRE ⴝ on operating room
table, awaiting induction; LOC ⴝ immediately after loss of consciousness at 0.4 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC), with
cessation of counting and loss of lash reflex; 1.0 ⴝ after 15 min at 1.0 MAC, descending from 0.4 MAC. (Right column) 1.4 ⴝ after
15 min at 1.4 MAC, descending from 1.0 MAC; 0.4 ⴝ after 15 min at 0.4 MAC, ascending from 1.4 MAC; ROC ⴝ immediately after
opening eyes to a loud command.

of anesthesia using propofol. Each array is depicted as if imum alveolar concentration (MAC) equivalent, but LOC
viewed from above, with the face or nose at the top and and ROC were established using the usual clinical crite-
the left side of the subject on the left. The numbers at ria. The three arrays in the left column, from top to
the top left of each array refer to the approximate min- bottom, depict the steady state evoked potential at in-

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


creasing depths of anesthesia, pre, descending LOC (ap- cident with LOC by three possible mechanisms or a
proximately 0.4 MAC), and 1.0 MAC, and the three combination thereof: (1) direct hyperpolarizing effects
arrays in the right column depict the steady state evoked on thalamic and cortical cell membrane potentials117; (2)
potential at 1.4 MAC, 0.4 MAC, and ROC, defined by suppression of midbrain/pontine areas involved with
opening of the eyes in response to a loud command. regulating arousal, removing excitatory inputs to the
thalamocorticothalamic loops by inhibiting glutamater-
Functional Brain Imaging Studies of Anesthesia: gic and cholinergic neurotransmission118; (3) enhance-
Regional Cerebral Metabolic Rate, Regional ment of GABAergic synaptic neurotransmission mediat-
Cerebral Blood Flow, and Quantitative ing inhibitory circuitry within thalamocortical loops119;
Electroencephalographic Source Localization and (4) that different anesthetics might use only one of
To round out this overview of the effects of anesthetics these proposed mechanisms, but some agents might use

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on the brain, it is useful to examine recent findings various combinations of these different mechanisms. No
obtained in functional brain imaging studies. matter which process is initiated by the agent, these
Effects on Regional Cerebral Metabolic Rate. Us- authors suggest that any substance or event that pushes
ing evidence from PET scans to visualize changes in thalamocortical cells toward hyperpolarization, no mat-
brain regional cerebral metabolic rate (rCMR) during ter what the mechanism, will cause LOC.
general anesthesia with halothane and isoflurane, as re- Their initial hypothesis, based on neuroanatomical and
flected by uptake of radioactively labeled (F18) 2-deoxy- neurophysiologic evidence, was that thalamic and mid-
glucose, Alkire et al.116 addressed two questions: (1) Did brain reticular formation activity is needed to maintain
the regional effects of halothane and isoflurane, exam- function in a specific set of neurons essential for con-
ined with this method, show commonalities of action on sciousness. They argue that these findings place the
brain metabolism that help to understand the mecha- most important site of anesthetic action not in the retic-
nism by which these agents produce unconsciousness, ular formation itself, but rather in the thalamic gated
and (2) will the common effects of these two substances regions regulated by the reticular arousal centers. They
be suppression of thalamocortical activity? Subjects proposed, consonant with the extended reticular–tha-
were 11 healthy volunteers who each underwent two lamic activating system theory proposed by Newman
separate PET scan procedures separated by at least 1 and Baars,99 that those regions that generate conscious-
week. The baseline awake regional cerebral metabolic ness might have been identified in their experiments.
rate of glucose was assessed in the first scan. The second Effects on Regional Cerebral Blood Flow. Changes
scan assessed metabolism during a period of uncon- in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), determined using
sciousness, established by unresponsiveness to verbal H2O15 PET imaging, can be used to visualize changes in
commands, prodding, or shaking, induced either with brain oxygen utilization by neural circuitry, reflecting
halothane (n ⫽ 5) or isoflurane (n ⫽ 6) general inhala- the effects of centrally acting drugs. This method was
tion anesthesia. The mean expired halothane and isoflu- used by Veselis et al.25,26 to study the effects of infusions
rane concentrations were 0.7 ⫾ 0.2 and 0.5 ⫾ 0.1%, of two different concentrations of midazolam on mem-
respectively. ory and rCBF in 14 healthy volunteers. Midazolam has an
For all subjects, general inhalational anesthesia in- agonistic action at the GABAA receptor complex and is
duced both a global reduction and specific regional re- widely used clinically to accomplish temporary sedation
ductions of brain glucose metabolism. No brain regions and amnesia. Subjects were randomly assigned to re-
were found that increased their metabolism during an- ceive computer-assisted continuous midazolam infusion
esthesia. The mean global or whole-brain rCMRglu was intended to produce either a “low” or a “high” effect.
reduced by 42% (⫾ 13%) during isoflurane and 40% (⫾ The initial effect site target concentrations were 7.5 ⫾
10%) during halothane anesthesia. Effects common to 1.7 mg midazolam (serum concentration ⫽ 74 ⫾ 24
both agents were observed and included a significant ng/ml) for the low-effect group and 9.7 ⫾ 1.3 mg (serum
reduction of rCMRglu in the cuneus, thalamus, midbrain concentration ⫽ 129 ⫾ 48 ng/ml) for the high-effect
reticular formation, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, me- group.
dial frontal gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus, cerebellum, Subjects were then classified into low- and high-effect
and occipital cortex. groups based solely on analysis of the quantitative elec-
The results were interpreted to arise from hyperpolar- troencephalograms obtained during PET scanning.
ization block of the TCR neurons in thalamic networks These effects were identified using spectral analysis of
and a transition from the state enabling thalamocortical the quantitative electroencephalographic activity during
throughput of sensory information to an inactivated state the PET imaging, depending on the presence or absence
in which thalamocortical gates are essentially closed. of a clear peak at 14 Hz in the power spectrum arising
These thalamic networks are discussed above in the from spindle activity. Effects were localized using statis-
section on the generation of ␣ rhythms. These authors tical parametric mapping with respect to standard ste-
envisaged that anesthetics cause neuronal changes coin- reotaxic coordinates. Relative changes in rCBF were

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


calculated after the absolute changes in global rCBF tion of potentials in space, or the field, especially if the
were determined. Participants were asked to memorize a number of generators is more than one, there are essen-
list of 16 words presented verbally at baseline, before tially an infinite variety of spatial distributions of voltage
onset of drug infusion, and during midazolam infusion. sources that will generate the same field. The mathemat-
The degree of memory loss was measured by the number ical problem of locating within the brain the most prob-
of words retained. Participants in both groups experi- able neuroanatomical sources of electroencephalogram
enced memory loss during midazolam administration. or EP surface potentials is referred to as the inverse
From the 16-word list presented during infusion, the problem. Until recently, this problem was considered
mean numbers of words recognized at the end of the mathematically insolvable. By making a number of rea-
study day were 5 ⫾ 4.5 (P ⬍ 0.002) and 1.6 ⫾ 1.7 (P ⬍ sonable assumptions and imposing a number of reason-
0.001) for the low-effect and high-effect groups, able constraints, several methods have been developed

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recently for this purpose.
The rCBF changes in the low-effect group were a
One three-dimensional electroencephalographic
subset of those observed in the high-effect group. Re-
source localization method that has been developed su-
gions where the decreased in rCBF reached significance
perimposes the computed generators of electroencepha-
at the P ⬍ 0.001 level included the insula, the thalamus,
lographic voltages recorded from the scalp on images of
the cingulate cortex, multiple areas of the prefrontal
cortex, and the parietal and temporal association areas of brain slices taken from a Probabilistic MRI Atlas con-
the cortex. Conversely, rCBF was increased in the occip- structed at Montreal Neurologic Institute (Montreal,
ital areas. The authors concluded that midazolam seda- Quebec, Canada). This method is referred to as variable
tion alters normal function of brain regions associated resolution electromagnetic tomography (VARETA).120
with arousal, attention, and memory. The solutions place the “proportional” positions of scalp
Levels of midazolam as high or slightly higher than electrodes in the International 10/20 System in registra-
were used in the high effect group in this study can be tion with the “proportional” Probabilistic MRI Atlas to
expected to cause deep sedation and unresponsiveness, coregister the calculated three-dimensional quantitative
with severe obtunding of consciousness. The depression electroencephalographic source locations with neuro-
of the thalamus can be attributed to the agonistic en- anatomical images, providing a “virtual functional MRI”
hancement of GABA action by nucleus reticularis on the in so-called Talairach space. Methods like VARETA solve
TCR neurons, which would block throughput to the the formidable problem posed by the uncertainty of
axosomatic synapses on the lower layers of the cortex. mathematical solutions to the problem, if approached
The observed effects also indicate interference with the with no constraints, by two major conceptual break-
outflow of the mesolimbic system to the prefrontal cor- throughs: (1) neuroradiologists have constructed
tex and other neocortical regions via the anterior cin- “masks” that identify those voxels within white matter
gulate and the medialis dorsalis nucleus of the thalamus. or cerebrospinal fluid space that can arbitrarily be ex-
This would block input to the axodendritic synapses of cluded from candidacy as putative voltage sources, and
the pyramidal neurons in upper layers of the cortex. The (2) regularization parameters define the amount of
net effect would be to prevent coincidence detection by “smoothness” that must be imposed on the solutions,
the pyramidal neurons of converging inputs from the thereby arbitrarily restricting the permitted gradients
exogenous and endogenous systems onto the cortex. around voxels where sources are located. Numerous
Because prefrontal–parietal interactions are involved in
studies have found images computed using these various
focusing attention and cognitive processing, these ef-
three-dimensional methods to localize sources of quan-
fects are compatible with interference with attention
titative electroencephalographic abnormalities to be in
and memory retrieval. The apparent increased rCBF in
good correspondence with images of neuropathology
the occipital areas may in fact indicate that the occipital
areas were relatively unaffected by midazolam, in view obtained using computed tomography, magnetic reso-
of the fact that the global rCBF decreased; that is, the nance imaging, and PET imaging techniques. Further-
images depict relative values, not absolute values, i.e., more, a large quantitative electroencephalographic nor-
percent of total. mative database has been used to compute the expected
Effects on Three-dimensional Quantitative Elec- distribution in more than 3,500 brain voxels, which are
troencephalographic Source Localization. If one cubic volumes 7 mm on a side, of the sources of power
knows that there are a number of specific voltages at from 0.37 to 19 Hz. The statistical significance of devia-
particular points in space, together with certain electri- tions from the expected source strength of any voxel at
cal parameters of the space, it is possible to describe the any frequency can now be encoded in color, yielding
potential field that will be generated in space by that set functional neuroanatomical images that can be inter-
of voltage points, and the solution is unique. However, preted like a neurometric quantitative electroencephalo-
the converse is not true, i.e., if one knows the distribu- graphic map.

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


Fig. 10. The five rows of images depict

group average variable-resolution elec-
tromagnetic tomography Z images com-
puted from the quantitative electroen-
cephalographic activity at 3.5 Hz in five
different states. Row 1 (baseline): at rest
on the operating table before induction
begins; row 2 (Induct): while counting on
the operating table at the onset of induc-
tion, just before row 3 (LOC): immedi-
ately after cessation of counting with loss
of lash reflex; row 4 (SP): during mainte-
nance at surgical plane just before onset
of weaning; row 5 (ROC): immediately on
return of response to loud verbal com-

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mand. Each panel (the axial, sagittal, and
covonal views) represents the average of
15 patients in the corresponding state for
each agent except for the nitrous/nar-
cotic data in rows 4 and 5, which repre-
sent the average of only 10 cases. The
bars under row 3 present the statistical
significance of the colors assigned to ev-
ery voxel of images in the first three rows
above, whereas the bars under row 5 re-
late only to the images in rows 4 and 5.
Every voxel has been Z-transformed rel-
ative to the resting distribution of power at 3.5 Hz in the baseline data from 164 cases. Only voxels that are significant beyond the
P < 0.001 level are colored in these images, i.e., the image has been thresholded to depict only extremely significant changes.

We have used VARETA to visualize the neuroanatomi- of these images is color coded relative to the mean value
cal regions that are the probable sources of changes in and SD (voxel Z score) of the distribution of resting
quantitative electroencephalographic activity that are in- power in that voxel at that frequency, calculated from
variant and reversible with the LOC and ROC indepen- the corresponding distribution of values in 176 patients
dent of the anesthetic agents used for induction or main- in the preoperative resting state. Hues of red through
tenance of the anesthetized state.121 While numerous yellow indicate increases, and hues of blue through
quantitative electroencephalographic changes take turquoise indicate decreases from the mean value.
place with anesthesia, as shown previously in figure 6, The results show 3.5-Hz power increased significantly
significant increases of absolute power at 3.5 Hz are (indicating relative inhibition) in a set of regions including
perhaps the most reliable quantitative electroencephalo- the orbital prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,
graphic changes that accompany LOC with anesthesia, anterior cingulate gyrus, basal ganglia, amygdala, postcen-
and activity at this frequency is indicative of significant tral gyrus, hippocampus, and thalamus. This set of struc-
inhibition. Therefore, we chose to report findings at this tures is in good correspondence with those showing most
frequency using this method. Representative VARETA marked changes in the rCMR and rCBF studies discussed
images at 3.5 Hz are presented in figure 10. above.26,116 The depression of the thalamus can reflect
Figure 10 shows average VARETA images of groups of inhibition by the GABA action of nucleus reticularis, itself
patients (n ⫽ 15 in each panel) in five stages verified by released from inhibition due to depression of the midbrain
standard clinical practice: (1) at rest on the operating reticular formation. Inhibition of the TCR neurons would
table before induction; (2) counting just before LOC, block throughput to the axosomatic synapses on the lower
during induction with three different agents; (3) just layers of the cortex. The depression of amygdala, hip-
after LOC; (4) just before ROC, during emergence from pocampus, basal ganglia, and anterior cingulate indicates
maintenance at surgical plane using three different the suppression of mesolimbic system outflow to the pre-
agents; and (5) just after opening their eyes in response frontal cortex and other neocortical regions. This would
to a loud verbal command using their name. All images block input to the axodendritic synapses of the pyramidal
were based on the localization of quantitative electroen- neurons, in upper layers of the cortex.
cephalographic power at 3.5 Hz, one of the frequencies Therefore, the results discussed in this section indicate
that displayed the most distinctive and consistent set of that three different functional imaging methods, evalu-
changes (heterogeneity of variance across states, homo- ating brain changes caused by a variety of different
geneity within each state across all agents). The fre- anesthetic agents, detected a common effect. This effect
quency is at the margin between high ␦ and low ␪ and is prevention of coincidence detection by the pyramidal
can be considered to reflect significant inhibitory effects. neurons of converging inputs from the exogenous and
The statistical significance of the changes in each voxel endogenous systems onto the cortex.

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


Fig. 11. Schematic depiction of six stages

(dark black font) hypothesized to ex-
plain the effects of anesthetics that cause
loss of consciousness. Step 1: depression
of the ascending reticular activating sys-
tem causing a diminution of availability
of acetylcholine, initially resulting in
step 2: decreased reactivity of the limbic
system blocking interaction with the dor-
solateral prefrontal cortex and prevent-
ing recent memory transfer for storage,
followed by step 3: further decrease of
acetylcholine disinhibiting the blockade
of the ␥-aminobutyric acid–mediated in-

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hibition by nucleus reticularis, resulting
in closure of thalamic gates of thalamic
gates, and leading to step 4: blockade of
reverberations in corticothalamocortical
␥ loops and interruption of resonance,
causing step 5: uncoupling of parietal-
prefrontal cortical ␥ interactions, result-
ing in step 6: depression of prefrontal
cortex with loss of consciousness.

A Neurophysiologic Theory of the Action of on the specific and nonspecific thalamic nuclei and the
Anesthetics to Suppress Awareness cortex. Depression of the ARAS can also release complex
GABAergic inhibitory effects in the limbic system due to
Based on the evidence presented above, we propose diminution of ARAS inputs that produce cholinergic in-
that the neurophysiologic effects that produce amnesia hibition of GABA. There seems to be a level of such
and loss of awareness due to the action of anesthetics agents that diminishes interactions of the mesolimbic
occur in six steps: circuits, including the amygdala, hippocampus– cingu-
Step 1: Depression of the brainstem reduces the influ- late cortex with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, to
ences of the ARAS on the thalamus and cortex. block the storage of memory and achieve amnesia for
Step 2: Depression of mesolimbic– dorsolateral pre- ongoing events. A somewhat greater depression of the
frontal cortex interactions leads to blockade of memory brainstem releases the nucleus reticularis from the inhib-
storage. iting influence of the ARAS. This can lead to closure of
Step 3: Further depression of the ARAS releases its thalamic gates due to the inhibitory action of nucleus
inhibition of the nucleus reticularis of the thalamus, reticularis, resulting in diminished cortical input. De-
resulting in closure of thalamic gates (especially in the creased thalamocortical input may result either by loss of
diffuse projection system) by hyperpolarizing GABA-me- activation from the ARAS or by dynamic inhibition via
diated inhibitory action of the nucleus reticularis (␪ in- nucleus reticularis. Inhibition of either the cortex or the
crease), thereby blocking non–sensory-specific, diffuse thalamic projection nuclei
Step 4: Thalamocorticothalamocortical reverberations blocks the corticothalamocortical reverberations hy-
and perception (␥ decrease), so that pothesized to be critical for awareness. Depression of
Step 5: Parietal–frontal transactions are uncoupled (␥ the parietal cortex interrupt the prefrontal–parietal
coherence decreases), blocking cognition, and transactions critical for perception. Inhibition of the
Step 6: Prefrontal cortex is depressed to reduce aware- prefrontal cortex releases its modulation of nucleus re-
ness (increase of frontal ␦ and ␪). ticularis, resulting in defocusing of attention and reduc-
These steps are described in figure 11. ing activation of the systems mediating speech and
movement. The level of vigilance can be lowered by
Conclusion influences from the striatum or substantia nigra imposed
on the reticular formation, increasing the threshold for
Although one may consider these six steps as a hierar- arousal.
chical sequence, it must be kept in mind that reciprocal We have attempted to determine how abruptly the
pathways interconnect all of the neuroanatomical struc- brain state changes with LOC due to anesthesia. These
tures engaged in this cascade. There are many ways that studies have been limited by the temporal resolution of
amnesia and blockade of awareness can be accom- our equipment and the VARETA software currently avail-
plished. Agents that cause depression of the ARAS in the able to us. Although they must be considered tentative
brainstem can reduce activating and arousal influences and preliminary, the results lead us to an estimate on the

Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005


order of 10 –20 ms, for the change in state shown by the that the lower the frequency is, the more remote the
quantitative electroencephalographic alterations on brain region is from which the influence arises,123,124
LOC, as illustrated in figure 6, and in the underlying evidence like that summarized previously and more fully
dispersed system of anatomical regions, illustrated in elsewhere,112,113 indicates that neural synchronization is
figure 10. It should be pointed out that such speed may present from extremely small to global scales and plays
make more plausible and attractive the notion of LOC as a critical role in assembling dispersed information into a
a “phase transition,” as proposed by Steyn-Ross et al.122 seamless conscious experience. Using indwelling elec-
Even though these steps may occur almost instanta- trodes in epileptic patients, intracerebral electroen-
neously, we propose that steps 1– 6 are arranged in a cephalographic recordings reveal progressive suppres-
sequence that corresponds to their sequential activation sion of ␥ activity in the hippocampus with increased
and thus constitute a “cascade.” For example, it may be concentrations of sevoflurane,125 a finding buttressed by

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that the release of corticofugal inhibitory influences on subsequent neurophysiologic studies in animals that
the thalamus, as ascending reticular activating influences showed septal– hippocampal inactivation and suppres-
on the cortex (and perhaps inhibitory reticulohippocam- sion of ␥ activity by both volatile and nonvolatile anes-
pal influences) are blocked in step 1, contributes to the thetics.126 We have elsewhere proposed that the process
behavioral excitation evident in delirium or stage II an- that generates ␥ activity in the hippocampus is the initial
esthesia. The blockade of memory by low doses of an- source of the endogenous input to the apical dendrites
esthetics shown by Veselis et al.24 may reflect blockade of the coincidence detector depicted in figure 3.127 As
of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus and the Mashour39 has emphasized in discussing and extending
depression of septal– hippocampal outflow to the pre- our findings, such evidence supports the concept of
frontal cortex as proposed in step 2. The closing of the cognitive unbinding as a final common mechanism for
gates of the thalamic diffuse projection system in step 3 anesthesia, occurring at many different levels ranging
nonetheless allow primary sensory thalamocortical in- from convergence at the cellular level to interruption of
puts to continue, as reflected by preservation of the synchronization within an ensemble assembling dis-
primary components of cortical evoked potentials in persed fragments of information within a system to bind-
anesthesia or coma. Synchronization of interactions ing the state of many systems into conscious awareness,
within cortical ensembles may generate some level of and reversing the elements of brain interactions that
local ␥ activity even though interaction with other cor- produce cognitive binding.
tical regions is blocked. While uncoupling of corticocor-
tical transactions is proposed in step 5, the implication is Some of the original data contained herein was collected in collaboration with
Lavern Gugino, Ph.D., M.D. (Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesia,
that neural processing of data encoding sensory frag- Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachu-
ments may continue although the formation of complex setts), and analyzed in collaboration with Robert Isenhart, B.S. (Assistant Re-
search Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, New York University School, New
representations may not. Effects initiated at any level of York, New York). Some of the analyses performed on data reported herein were
the system rapidly propagate both upward and down- done in collaboration with Arnaud Jacquin, Ph.D. (Senior DSP Engineer, Everest
Biomedical Instruments, Chesterfield, Missouri).
ward through the brain to modulate other parts of this
interactive network. There is no unique neuroanatomi-
cal structure at which action is both necessary and suf-
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Anesthesiology, V 102, No 2, Feb 2005

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