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PAGE 1 : The creation of the first actual map originated

from Babylonia but was adopted by Muslims in the 15
century. Maps have been used so much threw out time. The
map is an invention that was used to travel around the
world. People are only able to trade their goods because
maps were made.

Page 2: Maps are still used in modern-day like Ubers, google

maps, and on posters. Maps usually tell a person where to
travel on a compass which Muslims also adapted. Maps
were used for boats, jets, cars, and many other
transportation systems. The map is a piece of paper that
shows where your destination is and the way to get there.
PAGE 3: Maps were created by a Greek academic called
Anaximander in the 6th century. It wasn't very well
mapped because it was based on if the Earth was shaped
like a cylinder still the very first map made. However,
there are many different maps that are showing different
areas, for instance, Anaximander wasn’t the first
inventor of trade routes on the maps. Neither was his map
up to date. As Muslims adapted his creation and made
many other up-to-date maps. The first map was made a
century before the Islamic Golden Age.
PAGE 4: The map was an invention that has been used the
day it's been created and is still being used today. This is
because the importance of the map is significant. One
example is that 23.4 million people already have the app
“google maps” which is a map that's on your phone you can
also see the route to your destination. Google maps keep
track of almost every street so you can find your
destination. Maps throughout time have evolved by so
much. For instance, the first few maps only used
compasses to direct the route. However, this has changed
over the years in 150 BC they started using latitude and
longitude and with more knowledge of the world like now
knowing that the world is shaped like a sphere. As
modern-day maps, you can pull out your phone search up
your destination and you can just drive there. Maps are
very important because they help you navigate someplace
you couldn’t locate before, for example, try finding the
nearest Walmart without technology.
PAGE 5: Maps used back then were used more back then
because the merchants and traders have to travel around
with a map. Pirates also used maps. Maps were used during
the Islamic Golden age by helping Muslims trade their
materials and more. Maps have involved a lot as you can
see from an old sacred crumpled up paper to now thing
anyone can pull up on a device.
Page 6: Maps are so important being able to show routes
and give people navigation to stuff they can’t locate. Like
maps then were used for trading and finding islands and
other countries, but now used to find a restaurant for
ubers. People today are still using maps and this is because
maps were one of the most important inventions in the

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