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Everyone needs a confessor.

NO one is an island = no one is so isolated that there are no other

people around.

The reason why I talk to myself is because I want expert opinion.

You need to unburden yourself. Just like when we sleep, we

unburden our brains. We need to unburden our minds/souls. The
only way we can do this is with and through other people.

Trust. The greatest fear is that when you trust someone, and that
someone breaks your trust.

If you are the confessor (listener), you have the responsibility of

keeping that trust.

You are forgiven.

What does discipline mean?

It does NOT mean punishment.

Disciple = follower

Discipline means that you follow a course of action/thinking/etc.

Often talking to people who do not listen is akin as trying to

teach a pig to sing! First, it is frustrating for you and annoying
for the pig!

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