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School of Psychology
2600 Legarda St., Sampaloc, Manila
Tel. 734-7371 loc. 210


Title: The Perceiving Person


This chapter talks about the Perceiving person, wherein it we well embark on a journey of getting
to know each other, specifically, how people see others. As we navigate through the pages, our main goal
is to understand the process on how individuals assess and evaluate one another during a social
interaction. We would delve into the very essence of human connection, showing how we form
impressions of those around us.

This is significant because we are humans who have daily interactions. In order to as much as
possible avoid any misunderstanding, we have to understand one another. Every day, we find ourselves
in multiple social situations, may it be buying groceries, going out, and even staying in with our family, we
interact. By peeling back, the layers of social perception, we gain invaluable insights into the mechanisms
that support our judgments and interpretations of the individuals we encounter.


"The Perceiving Person" encompasses several sections, each contributing to our understanding of
social perception. It starts with "The Elements of Social Perception," which explores how people make
judgments based on physical appearance, perceptions of situations, behavioral evidence, and the ability
to detect truth and deception. For example, you met someone well-dressed and carry themselves well, at
a gathering, so you quickly assume that they are friendly, approachable, and rich. You based your
judgement on their appearance and body language.

Moving on to "Attribution: From Elements to Dispositions," the article delves into attribution
theories, attribution biases, the role of culture, and motivational biases in shaping our perceptions of
others. For instance, your classmate always arrives late at school, you then assumed that she is generally
irresponsible but later realized that she had trouble commuting, this shows how attribution helps us make
sense of a behavior.

The next section, "Integration: From Dispositions to Impressions," discusses how information
integration works, including the arithmetic behind forming impressions and deviations from this process.
It also touches on how we perceive moral character. Consider a job interview scenario. The candidate has
a strong resume, but during the interview, they seem nervous and provide unclear answers. As the
interviewer, you must take this information to form an impression. You may weigh the positive disposition
(strong resume) against the impression of nervousness (situational factor) to make a hiring decision.
Lastly, in "Confirmation Biases: From Impressions to Reality," the article addresses the
perseverance of beliefs, confirmatory hypothesis testing, and the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Let's say you believe that a new student is unfriendly based on your initial impression. You unconsciously
seek out instances that confirm this belief, such as when they don't engage in small talk. You may overlook
moments when they are friendly or cooperative, thus reinforcing your initial impression. This illustrates
the confirmation bias, where we tend to notice information that supports our existing beliefs and overlook
contradictory evidence.

Critical Analysis:

This chapter was able to explain comprehensive the social perception. This includes how we
understand one another, and how we perceive other people. Those perceptions are usually because of
the first impression we had of them, may it be because of their physical appearance, attitude, or how they
carry themselves. Some even believes that their perception of others are facts that they don’t want to
reevaluate. And that is where the shortcoming of social perception begins. Some people feel the necessity
to judge other by the little things they know about them. We become bias with our judgement because
of prejudice towards individuals that does not fall into our self-made rules of what people should be.


The relevance of understanding social perception extends far beyond the realm of academic
curiosity; it holds profound implications for various aspects of our daily lives and society as a whole. In our
increasingly interconnected and diverse world, grasping the intricacies of social perception is pivotal for
promoting fairness, inclusivity, and effective communication. In workplaces, this knowledge can inform
policies and practices aimed at combating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities for all
employees. In the educational arena, it can guide educators in creating inclusive and equitable learning
environments, ultimately benefiting students from diverse backgrounds. Within the justice system,
acknowledging the limitations of social perception can lead to more just legal decisions, reducing the
potential for biases to unfairly influence outcomes. Moreover, in everyday interactions, understanding
social perception can foster empathy, reduce prejudice, and improve communication among individuals
from different walks of life, contributing to stronger, more harmonious communities. By recognizing the
relevance of social perception, we can actively work towards a society that values and respects the
differences among its members, fostering a more equitable and interconnected world.

Personal Response:

Personally, diving in into the complexities of the social perception is an eye-opener. It has made
me more aware of how quickly judgements based on surface-level cues can often lead to
misunderstanding and prolong stereotypes. Understanding the intricacies of attributions, biases, and the
various theories of social perception has not only deepened my comprehension of human behavior but
has also encouraged self-reflection. I've become more conscious of my own biases and strive to approach
interactions with a more open and empathetic mindset. Additionally, the knowledge that our perceptions
can influence outcomes, creating self-fulfilling insights, has made me more mindful of the impact of my
words and actions on others. It has underscored the importance of fostering inclusive and respectful
environments where individuals from diverse backgrounds can thrive without being subject to unfair
judgments. In essence, exploring social perception has not only expanded my intellectual horizons but
also encouraged me to become a more empathetic and considerate individual in my personal and
professional interactions.


To sum it all up, understanding social perception which are composed of subtopics that are about
elements like attributions, biases, and various theories, underscored the complexity of human
interactions and judgement. It enhances how we understand human behavior but also highlights the
practical relevance of this knowledge. To navigate our diverse and interconnected world effectively, it is
important to acknowledge the limitations and potential drawbacks of social perception. We must actively
work to lessen biases and promote fairness and inclusivity in various areas, such as the workplace,
education, and the justice system. Embracing empathy and open-mindedness in our personal interactions
can contribute to stronger, more harmonious communities. By recognizing the significance of social
perception, we embark on a journey towards a more equitable and compassionate society, where
individuals are valued for their unique qualities rather than subjected to hasty judgments based on
surface-level cues. This understanding empowers us to be more thoughtful and considerate individuals,
fostering a more inclusive and connected world for us all.


Kassin, S., Fein, S., & Markus, H. R. (2017). Social Psychology, Tenth Edition. Cengage Learning

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