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“Do not outshine the master”

1. What is Physical Geography?
The branch of geography dealing with natural features and processes. Physical geography is the branch of natural
science which deals with the processes and patterns in the natural environment such as the atmosphere,
hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. The scientific study of the natural features of the Earth's surface, especially
in its current aspects, including land formation, climate, currents, and distribution of flora and fauna.
2. Why the Physical Geography is important to teach on the learners?
Because the natural processes of Earth affect the distribution of resources (from carbon dioxide in the air to
freshwater on the surface to minerals deep underground) and the conditions of the human settlement. The study of
Physical Geography is essential for the sufficient allocation of the natural resources on the earth. It is essential for
enabling human resolution as per the adjacent conditions and to be improved informed in order to protect our planet
3. How Physical Geography connects to human?
Physical geography impacts human development and settlement by providing the resources and constraints that
define much of human activity. For example, a coastal area surrounded by large mountains may make for an isolated
4. What is the difference of Physical Geography and Human Geography?
Physical Geography is the study of the science of spaces; it examines the structures of the world around us-
both natural and man-made- as well as the formative processes of these. Human Geography is concerned with
the spatial patterns of humans and human activity over spaces and places.
5. What is the similarities between Physical Geography and Human Geography?
Human and physical geography both involve studying the Earth, but they also deal with the interactions of humans
with the Earth. A gold mine, for example, was created and developed by humans (Human Geography) but is there
because of the minerals in the ground (Physical Geography).

“Do not compare yourself to others. There is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They will just
shine when it’s their time.”
1. What is individual sport?
Individual sports are also known as solo sports. These are sports that one competes in by oneself. Individual sports
are characterized by the fact that participants do not have teammates to rely on to achieve the main objective. For
example: Dancing; Bowling; Windsurfing; Paddle boarding.
2. What is dual sport?
Dual sports are played by two people opposing each other, whereas team sports involve organized groups of people
competing against each other. For example: Badminton; Table Tennis: Beach Volleyball
3. Why individual and dual sport is important?
The movement concepts and strategies learned or refined in individual and dual sports will enhance or maintain
one’s personal fitness level. Individual and Dual sports help promote acceptable personal and social behaviors that
demonstrate respect for themselves and their peers.

“The laws are not to change heart but to restrain the heartless.”
1. What are the Law-Related Studies?
This course is a survey of law related to the teaching profession. It introduces to student’s laws that are related and
relevant to their chosen profession that may serve as their personal and professional guide in the conduct of their
future profession.
2. What is the importance of studying Law-Related Studies?
The legal professions are of fundamental importance. They bring about justice, protect human rights, regulate
interactions and keep social stability. Therefore, studying law is both important and relevant to our everyday lives
in a number of ways. In fact, law is one of the oldest academic fields in the world.

“The ultimate resource in economic development is people. It is people, not capital or raw materials that
develop an economy”
1. What is Macroeconomics?
The part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national
productivity. Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how an overall economy—the markets,
businesses, consumers, and governments—behave. Macroeconomics examines economy-wide phenomena such
as inflation, price levels, rate of economic growth, national income, gross domestic product (GDP), and changes in
2. What is the difference between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics?
Microeconomics is the field of economics that looks at the economic behaviors of individuals, households, and
companies. Macroeconomics takes a wider view and looks at the economies on a much larger scale—regional,
national, continental, or even global.
3. What is the similarities between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics?
The similarity between microeconomics and macroeconomics is that both aim to improve the economy of their
respective domains and branches. The two have an impact on one another and draw ideas from one another. Future
macroeconomic trends are predicted using microeconomic factors.
4. How can we apply Macroeconomics for the learners?
Macroeconomics helps to evaluate the resources and capabilities of an economy, churn out ways to increase the
national income, boost productivity, and create job opportunities to upscale an economy in terms of monetary
development. Macroeconomics helps us understand what kind of jobs are available and why, and what kind of skills
are needed to get the best jobs. We don't always know why unemployment is high or low, but studying
macroeconomics can help us understand it and know what kind of job to look for.


“Just as storms change the landscape of the Earth. Our hardships change the landscape of the heart.”
1. What is Place and Landscape in Changing World?
The course analyzes the interrelationship of man and his environment both in the global and local contexts, including
the outcome of these relationships.
2. What is the importance of this subject?
It provides not only a body of knowledge about the creation of places and regions but also a deep understanding of
the interdependence of places and regions in a globalizing world - reflecting the major changes that have recently
been impressed on global, national and regional landscapes.


“If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there.”
1. What is Social Networking for Social Integration?
Social integration is defined as involvement with ties spanning the range from intimate to extended. Social networks
are defined by their structure (number of ties, proximity of ties) and function (frequency of contact, reciprocity).
2. How social networking connects to learners?
Students can share study materials through social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram and even WhatsApp.
In this process of social learning, it's becomes very important for students to stay connected to peers. Students can
make friends with friends of friends and build a strong network.
3. How the learners affect for social integration?
Social interaction can benefit effectively by fostering motivation, self-esteem and social-emotional development.
When students feel connected to others, they are more likely to be engaged in learning, take risks and persist in
challenging tasks.


“Never stop learning, because life never stop teaching.”
1. What is learning?
The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught. Learning is a lifelong process
of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, and behaviors.
2. What is child learner?
Children learn by: Having more opportunities to be exposed to the second language. Making associations between
words, languages, or sentence patterns and putting things into clear, relatable contexts. Using all their senses and
getting fully involved; by observing and copying, doing things, watching and listening.
3. What is adolescent learner?
The adolescent learner in the intermediate grades is involved in a period of rapid and significant change with respect
to physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual and moral development.
4. What is the difference of learning between child and adolescent?
The first difference is that children are not concerned with the time spent in class. When it comes to the adult learner,
their responsibilities often compete with their desire to learn.
5. What is learning principles?
The Principles of Learning are a set of characteristics research has found in successful classrooms. These theory-
and research-based statements are designed to help educators analyze and improve teaching and learning for all


“A good teacher is like a candle; it consumes itself to light the way for others.”
1. What is teaching?
Teaching can be defined as engagement with learners to enable their understanding and application of knowledge,
concepts and processes. It includes design, content selection, delivery, assessment and reflection.
2. Why teaching considered as profession?
Teaching is a rewarding and challenging profession that requires a strong commitment to the well-being and
success of students. It also has excellent communication skills, patience, adaptability, empathy, and a passion for
inspiring and empowering their students.
3. How teaching is the best instrument for learners?
Teaching methods are the broader techniques used to help students achieve learning outcomes, while activities
are the different ways of implementing these methods. Teaching methods help students: master the content of the
course. learn how to apply the content in particular contexts.


“History doesn’t change the past, but most likely change the future.”
1. What is world history?
World history is macro history – the study of human history across boundaries. World historians examine
developments that go beyond single states, cultures, and regions, including movements (of peoples, cultures,
commodities, diseases, and ideas), cross-cultural contact, and exchange.
2. What is ancient world history?
Ancient history is a time period from the beginning of writing and recorded human history to as far as late antiquity.
The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 years, beginning with the Sumerian cuneiform script. Ancient history
covers all continents inhabited by humans in the period 3000 BC – AD 500.
3. What is medieval world history?
The geographical boundaries for European countries today were established during the Middle Ages. This was a
period that heralded the formation and rise of universities, the establishment of the rule of law, numerous periods
of ecclesiastical reform and the birth of the tourism industry.

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