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Group questioning
So it is usually happen after the reporting if you notice.

4. Editorial groups
Editorial groups inside the classroom are groups of students who work
together to produce, edit, or publish written content for a specific purpose or
audience. They can be used to enhance students’ writing skills, critical thinking,
collaboration, and creativity. Examples of these are, News paper club, Peer
Editing, book publishing.

5. Oral Reading
Oral reading is the practice of reading aloud from a text. It can be done inside
the classroom for various purposes, such as improving reading fluency,
comprehension, expression, and confidence. Oral reading can also help
students develop oral language skills, such as vocabulary, syntax, and

6. Performance
Performance in writing skills inside the classroom is a term that can refer to
how well students can produce, edit, or publish written content for a specific
purpose or audience. Writing skills are important for communication, learning,
and self-expression. There are different types of writing skills, such as
narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive, and creative writing. To teach
writing skills effectively, teachers need to use various strategies, methods, and
activities that can help students improve their writing abilities and confidence.

7. Clinics
Clinics in writing skill are programs or services that provide assistance and
guidance to students or professionals who want to improve their writing skills.
They may offer various types of support, such as workshops, tutoring,
feedback, editing, or resources. Clinics in writing skill can help writers with
different aspects of writing, such as grammar, style, structure, clarity, or

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