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Topic: Introducing yourself as a nutritionist, food groups and foods, portion sizes and
kitchen utensils
Instructions: Read the text and answer the following questions.
TEXT 1: Introduction of a nutritionist
Hello, I'm Dr. Sarah Mitchell, a passionate and dedicated nutritionist on a mission to
empower individuals to achieve their healthiest, happiest lives through mindful eating and
nourishment. With over a decade of experience in the field of nutrition, I have had the
privilege of working with diverse populations, from children to seniors, athletes to those
managing chronic conditions. My journey into the world of nutrition began with a deep
fascination for the profound impact that food choices have on our well-being. I hold a Ph.D.
in Nutritional Sciences, which has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the
intricate relationship between food, metabolism, and overall health.

My approach to nutrition is grounded in a holistic perspective, acknowledging that true

wellness extends beyond mere caloric intake. I believe in customizing nutrition plans
tailored to individual needs and lifestyles, emphasizing whole foods, balanced
macronutrients, and a strong focus on sustainable dietary habits. It brings me immense joy to
guide clients in making informed choices, whether it's managing weight, improving energy
levels, or addressing specific health concerns.


What is Dr. Sarah Mitchell's primary goal as a nutritionist?

A) To become a renowned researcher in the field
B) To empower individuals to achieve their healthiest, happiest lives
C) To work exclusively with senior populations
D) To promote fad diets and quick weight loss

How long has Dr. Sarah Mitchell been working in the field of nutrition?
A) Less than a year
B) About five years
C) Over a decade
D) Two decades
What inspired Dr. Sarah Mitchell to pursue a career in nutrition?
A) A fascination with food packaging
B) A desire to work with athletes exclusively
C) A deep fascination with the impact of food choices on well-being
D) A passion for cooking
What academic qualification does Dr. Sarah Mitchell hold?
A) Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts
B) Master's degree in Business Administration
C) Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences
D) Associate degree in Computer Science


Instructions: Read the text and complete the following sentences

Food groups are the building blocks of a balanced diet, each offering unique nutritional
benefits. Grains, like rice and wheat, provide essential carbohydrates for energy. Fruits and
vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, supporting overall health. Lean proteins,
such as chicken and beans, aid muscle development and repair. Dairy products like milk and
yogurt offer calcium for strong bones and teeth. Finally, healthy fats from sources like
avocados and nuts are crucial for cell function and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
Combining foods from these groups in the right proportions ensures a well-rounded and
nutritious diet, promoting vitality and well-being.

Fill – in exercise

foundational – development – fiber – bones – carbohydrates

1. Food groups are the ________ blocks of a balanced diet, each offering unique
nutritional benefits.

2. Grains, like rice and wheat, provide essential ________ for energy.

3. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and ________, supporting overall

4. Lean proteins, such as chicken and beans, aid muscle ________ and repair.

5. Dairy products like milk and yogurt offer calcium for strong ________ and teeth.


Instructions: Read the dialogue and answer the following open question.

Scene: A cozy kitchen with various kitchen utensils on the counter.

Alice: (Holding a spatula) Bob, I thought it would be fun to try out a new recipe today. How
about we make pancakes for breakfast?
Bob: (Excited) Pancakes sound great, Alice! What do we need?
Alice: (Pointing to the kitchen utensils) Well, we'll need a mixing bowl, a whisk, measuring
cups, and a frying pan. Let's start by mixing the dry ingredients in the bowl. (Hands the
mixing bowl to Bob)
Bob: (Takes the mixing bowl) Got it. What's next?
Alice: (Holding the whisk) Now, use the whisk to blend the flour, sugar, and baking powder
together until it's well combined. This will make the pancakes light and fluffy.
Bob: (Starts whisking) Like this?
Alice: (Nods) Perfect! Once that's done, we'll add the wet ingredients and mix them in.

Open question: Answer the following open question

In the role play, what kitchen utensils are mentioned as necessary for making pancakes,
and how are they used in the cooking process?

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