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The role of planing for the future has been a topic with changing

ideas day to day . Some think its unworthy of our time and present
preperations are more crucial, while the others say that for what will be
done later, future planing is a must. From my own standpoint, the
importance of planing in times to come is undoultedly brings more good
than harm for all human beings.
BD2: However, followers of planing for the future think that
sticking to the present only brings insecurity, emotionless and lack of
decisiveness . This statement sounds plausible at first, yet those who
dive too deep in the future are subjected to fail in consideration of
nessessites needed in the moment and feels negativity, incompetance
and sadness, unlike individuals oppose to that idea who can freely
alternate plans in an instance and react depentedly to each situations.
Hence, present preperations not only strenghten observatory but also the
flexibility and adaptation to changes far superior to those future planers.

The food industries’s development has no question made food

choices gone far beyond what is locally available. As a result, there were
changes in appetite toward a more exotic and imported foods.
Personally, these trends will possibly bring in ample of benefits.
Modern labour market these days interpersional skills is a desirable
trait of graduate. However, many business governors have come to
reality that their employees are lacking cooperation with their
colleagues. The source of this problem come to light as well as viable
solutions will be recommended in this essay.

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