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Trisha T.

Dela Cruz
Master in Business Administration

SPECIAL TOPICS: Leadership in the Post-Pandemic Era

Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Impact on Leadership

1. Appreciate Your Team

Keeping an eye on your team's well-being has always been important, but the
Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted this necessity even more. It's one of the greatest
leadership lessons – pandemic or not, a leader should guide their teammates through
I believe the core of each company is its people. We put so much effort into getting
things done that we sometimes tend to forget about the people getting them done. To my
mind, a good leader will make time not only to see if deadlines are met but also if work-
related challenges are affecting the team's well-being.
The current stay-at-home situation has increased the rates of burnout, so regular
check-ins and online water cooler conversations are a must. I've noticed teammates
engaging in casual office banter much more than before, and no wonder: it's what we need
to stay connected right now. I believe it's a good way to get to know your team better and
improve the way we collaborate. When we're well-rested and feel appreciated, we become
more driven and resilient.

2. Work On Your Communication Skills

Tiniest miscommunication can lead to big mishaps. A leader know how it feels
when explaining something to the team; everything in his head makes perfect sense, but
they come out as word chaos to its people.
To avoid a disastrous game of telephone, I try to keep our discussions going until
we're all sure we're on the same page. Asking questions and rephrasing statements is
important not only during meetings but also in emails and chats.
More importantly, I try to lead by example. As the team leader, be the first to ask
if everything is clear; if not, move past the awkwardness of asking a 'dumb' question.
'Dumb' questions are never really dumb, yet they turn into stumbling blocks when left
Further, one of the biggest leadership lessons so far has been that if the blueprint
for your idea is unclear, it will remain just that – an idea. That's why company believe
having a clear plan is more important than having a great plan.

3. Be Ready To Adjust
Putting out Covid-19-related fires takes time, but don't leave the long-term goals
benched. Remembering what your business is all about, and why it was started in the first
place, is what will help you get through the hard times.
We're here because we want to help people follow their passion and turn their ideas
into brands and products. We're doing what we can to live up to the expectations of our
customers and deliver the quality they can be proud of.
But to provide good service in the long-term, you need to be able to adapt to
whatever's thrown at you. Leadership skills are basic human skills with a twist. And right
now, they're crucial. Guiding a team and helping your business move forward isn't always
easy, but it's something a lot of us have chosen to do. So, while we're here, let's stay
transparent, open-minded and kind.

4. Welcome to the Unknown

The significance of such an unexpected global loss of life, and the sudden
suspension of economic activities, is both profound and instructive. It is also a first taste of
the unknown, which is sure to be leadership’s biggest challenge in the twenty-first century.
The significance of such an unexpected global loss of life, and the sudden
suspension of economic activities, is both profound and instructive. It is also a first taste of
the unknown, which is sure to be leadership’s biggest challenge in the twenty-first century.
We are all masters of uncertainty; we can finesse small changes, which occur constantly,
in decision-making arenas that we are familiar with: our firm, our supply chain, our
industry. But the unknown is different; we cannot rely upon our expertise, nor prior
experiences, as we can in more familiar situations. As a result, the unknown calls for
profoundly different decision-making and leadership styles. We now confront a situation
where traditional sources of insights are no longer as reliable as was typically the case,
where assumptions carry little assurance, and where probabilities are often no more than
mere hunches. Even the present state of the pandemic is unknown; epidemiologists
admit that, up until now, their forecasts have left much to be desired. While we have seen
many epidemics before, we have not seen this one, and this one is sufficiently different to
have caught us unprepared to a degree that has led one well-placed observer to refer to this
past years’ experience as “an incredible scale of tragedy.”
It is not exaggerating to suggest that in the future we will increasingly have to
manage within similar scenarios of not only unforeseen change, but also unthinkable
change, as we face: severe climate change, virulent new epidemics, and mass human
migrations to seek relief from food and water scarcities, and unstable societal conditions,
to mention but a few. Managing in the unknown will increasingly come to characterize
leadership in the future, whereas today it is still unusual. Surely, there are lessons to be
learned from the present Covid-19 situation, which has been styled by some observers as
the “lightening before the thunder” of future global crises, that can help us think better
about leadership in the dark? One lens that is useful to discern such lessons is that of
innovation, with its advocacy of customer experience, experimentation, openness to new
and unusual ideas, fast responses and the value of curiosity as a leadership competency.

5. Be Curious About the Future

While we may not be able to predict the unknown, it does behoove us to take it
seriously and to establish early warning mechanisms to alert us to unforeseen
developments. Failures to take those few early warning signals that did exist cost us
precious weeks of response time in the present crisis.
While we may not be able to predict the unknown, it does behoove us to take it
seriously and to establish early warning mechanisms to alert us to unforeseen
developments. Failures to take those few early warning signals that did exist cost us
precious weeks of response time in the present crisis. Early responses were then hobbled
by an inability to accurately size-up the nature, size and speed of the challenge, as tracking
and testing lagged. Even before that, there was insufficient institutional foresight to
monitor already active early warning signals regarding the presence of the threat. The
choice of removing an American government-supported medical epidemiologist embedded
in China’s disease control agency, in Wuhan, and then leaving this key position unfilled is
a key illustration of reducing foresight despite the SARS experience of only a few years



Adapting Leadership for Remote And Hybrid Workforces

Welcome to a new era of leadership, where the boundaries of the traditional office have
been transcended, and remote and hybrid work environments have become the norm. Leading from
a distance brings forth unique challenges and opportunities that require a fresh perspective and
innovative approaches. In this compelling article, we explore the transformative changes that
leadership for remote and hybrid workforces must embrace.

We uncover the impact of this paradigm shift on communication, collaboration, and

employee well-being, backed by empirical evidence and real-world insights. More importantly,
we provide you with actionable strategies to mitigate the challenges and cultivate a thriving,
engaged workforce that transcends physical limitations. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of
leadership in remote and hybrid environments, unraveling the secrets to effective communication,
fostering collaboration across distances, and nurturing the well-being of your team members.

Intricacies Of Leadership for Remote And Hybrid Workforces

1. Communication And Connection

When leading a remote or hybrid workforce, communication is arguably the most

significant dynamics change. In a traditional office setting, face-to-face interactions allow
for nuanced communication and quick feedback. However, remote work requires leaders
to rely more on digital communication channels, which can present challenges in
maintaining effective communication and connection. According to a study published in
the Journal of Business and Psychology, effective communication plays a critical role in
remote team performance. The study found that teams with high-quality communication
experienced higher levels of trust, cohesion, and satisfaction. On the other hand, poor
communication led to decreased performance and satisfaction among team members.
Now that the bidirectional nature of the relationship between communication and
performance has been established, understanding why this has an impact is important. A
survey conducted by YouGov in the UK revealed that 52% of remote workers reported
feeling lonely due to a lack of communication and social interaction. This highlights the
importance of maintaining regular communication channels to combat feelings of isolation
and enhance employee well-being in remote work environments. Loneliness can increase
the likelihood of mental and physical health issues as well as general disengagement for
the role, all of which adversely impact productivity and overall firm performance.
Moreover, there is a higher chance of miscommunications due to nonverbal cues being
limited by digital communication. In order to mitigate such communication challenges,
there are three core strategies an effective leader could use to mitigate any problems.

➢ Emphasize communication

Firstly, emphasizing communication both clearly and consistently is even more

crucial when team members are physically dispersed. Leaders should provide concise and
unambiguous instructions, ensuring that expectations and goals are communicated clearly.
Regular updates and consistent messaging help keep everyone aligned and helps to avoid

➢ Leverage technology

Secondly, when leaders effectively leverage the available technology, this can
encourage participation and engagement during virtual meetings or discussions. Video
conferencing software, project management tools, and instant messaging apps can facilitate
real-time collaboration, allowing team members to connect and communicate effectively.
➢ Encourage active participation

Thirdly and finally, leadership for remote and hybrid workforces should encourage
active participation and engagement during virtual meetings or discussions. Creating an
inclusive environment where all team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, asking
questions, and providing feedback fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens team

2. Trust And Autonomy

Trust and autonomy are both critical aspects of a functional and effective
hybrid/remote team. Leading a remote or hybrid workforce requires leaders to establish
trust and promote autonomy as it’s impossible to physically oversee the work team
members are doing. Without constant physical oversight, leaders must trust their team
members to work independently and deliver results. This shift calls for a focus on outcome-
based management and empowering employees. A study within the Journal of Vocational
Behavior found that remote employees who perceived higher levels of trust from their
supervisors reported increased job satisfaction and engagement.
Trust is crucial for fostering a positive work environment and promoting employee
autonomy. Building upon this, a research study from the University of Exeter Business
School found that employees who enjoyed higher levels of trust from their supervisors
experienced lower levels of stress. The impact of trust is even more widespread than that.
ILM revealed that employees who felt trusted and empowered by remote leaders were:
o More likely to show initiative
o Be innovative
o Contribute positively to the organization
To build trust and promote autonomy, effective leaders in remote or hybrid settings can
employ the following approaches:

Establish clear expectations

Effective leaders communicate clear expectations regarding goals, performance

standards, and deadlines. When team members have a clear understanding of what is
expected from them, they are more likely to take ownership and work autonomously.

Provide regular feedback and support

Remote leaders must understand the importance of regular feedback and support.
They schedule one-on-one check-ins, provide constructive feedback, and offer assistance
when needed. Regular communication ensures that team members feel supported and can
seek guidance when necessary.

Foster a culture of accountability

Effective leaders foster a culture of accountability by setting realistic goals and

ensuring that team members have the resources and support needed to achieve them. They
encourage self-motivation and emphasize the importance of taking responsibility for one’s

3. Well-Being And Work-Life Balance

Well-being and work-life balance can both be improved and decreased by
remote/hybrid working. Leading this type of workforce requires leaders to prioritize
employee well-being and work-life balance. The blurred lines between work and personal
life in remote work environments can lead to burnout and decreased well-being. However,
the additional time employees have in their life, due to the removal of the commute, can
increase sleep, exercise, or healthy eating.
Understanding the context and risk factors associated with remote working is
essential. Research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology highlights the
importance of employee well-being in remote work. The study found that employees who
experienced higher levels of work-family balance and perceived support from their
supervisors reported higher job satisfaction and lower levels of stress and burnout.
The COVID-19 pandemic made remote/hybrid working commonplace, which
allowed researchers to draw broader conclusions from studies. For example, the UK Mental
Health Foundations conducted a survey on the impact of remote work on mental health
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study found that 65% of respondents reported higher
levels of stress due to difficulty separating work and personal life, leading to decreased
well-being. This highlights the need for leaders to address work-life balance concerns in
remote work settings. Effective leaders can mitigate this in the three following ways:

Encourage regular breaks and time off

A common behavior of remote workers is skipping lunch breaks and working

through coffee breaks. As these people cannot physically show leadership that they are
working, sometimes they feel the need to work overtime to make sure their work ethic is
noticed. Effective leaders should encourage their team members to take regular breaks and
time off to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Modeling these behaviors
themselves and actively promoting the importance of self-care and well-being can mitigate
this potential issue. Leaders should also acknowledge remote workers' achievements to
help them feel seen.

Promote boundary-setting practices

Leaders should play a crucial role in promoting boundary-setting practices among

their team members. By encouraging individuals to establish clear boundaries between
work and personal life by supporting them to create designated workspace at home, setting
specific working hours, and encouraging employees to disconnect and unplug from work
outside of those hours, leaders can effectively promote boundary-setting.

Providing resources for well-being support is crucial

Effective leaders ensure that their team members have access to resources and
support systems that promote well-being. This can include offering employee assistance
programs, mental health resources, and wellness initiatives. Leaders may also organize
virtual wellness activities, such as meditation sessions or fitness challenges, to encourage
employees to prioritize their well-being.
4. Culture Cultivator

In a hybrid work environment, where some employees are in the office while others work
remotely, leaders will need to take on the role of a "culture cultivator" to foster a strong and
cohesive organizational culture across both physical and virtual spaces. Culture is undoubtedly
crucial within organizations, with a study published in the Harvard Business Review finding that
strong organizational culture positively impacts employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall
business performance. This is further supported by evidence from Deloitte which revealed that
organizations with a strong and positive culture have a competitive advantage in attracting and
retaining top talent. The study found that 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe that a
distinct culture is crucial for business success.

Traditionally, leaders have relied on in-person interactions and shared physical spaces to
shape and reinforce the organizational culture. However, in a hybrid context, leaders must
proactively bridge the gap between remote and office-based employees to create a unified culture
and sense of belonging. Gartner highlighted that hybrid and remote work models can pose
challenges to maintaining a strong organizational culture. The study found that without intentional
efforts to bridge the physical and virtual divide, there is a risk of culture fragmentation and
decreased employee connectedness. Moreover, Owl Labs found that 58% of remote employees
struggle to stay connected with their co-workers and feel disconnected from the company culture.
Clearly, leaders should be taking deliberate actions to foster a strong organizational culture
especially in these settings.

It's unsurprising, then, that leaders who are perceived as effectively communicating the
company’s mission and values generally have teams who feel more connected to the culture,
according to Gallup. It’s important to remember that these values may very well be the reason
employees choose to work for the organizations, so actively reinforcing them is essential. Building
upon this further, McKinsey highlighted the importance of promoting collaboration and inclusivity
across virtual channels, ensuring that cultural rituals and traditions are adapted to the remote or
hybrid context.

Leaders embracing the role of culture cultivator can employ many strategies including
nurturing inclusions and collaboration through virtual team-building activities or ensuring
equitable participation in meetings. Technology should also be leveraged to aid cultural
integration, for example, a virtual watercooler channel or social platform. Ensure rituals and
traditions are hybrid-friendly by hosting virtual town halls or off-site quarterly gatherings. The key
is to be mindful of remote, hybrid, and in-office workers when organizing meetings, events, or any
form of collaboration.


In today's ever-evolving employment landscape, leadership holds the key for unlocking the
full potential of your remote and hybrid workforces. By recognizing the importance of culture,
adapting communication styles, and implementing strategies to support well-being, leaders can
create a cohesive and engaged workforce that transcends physical boundaries. The challenges may
be unique, but with a forward-thinking mindset and a commitment to continuous learning and
improvement, leaders can navigate this new territory with confidence, driving success and growth
for their teams and organizations.


Fischer, B. (2021, March 26). Leadership lessons from a year of Covid-19. Forbes.

McCann, E. (2023, July 7). Leading from anywhere. eLearning Industry.

Zarins, D. (2021, April 1). Three leadership lessons learned during Covid-19. Forbes.

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