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Short Questions

1) What is prophage & lysogen? (6x10)

2) Difference between pathological calcification and metastatic calcification?

3) Explain wound repair? Write down the mechanism of healing and factor
influencing it.
4) What is chronic granulomatous inflammation?
5) What is fate of thrombosis?
6) Define fatty changes?
7) Mechanism of bacterial resistance to antibiotics?
8) Difference between Transudate & Exudate?
9) Write pathogenesis of shock?
10) Write symptoms & treatment of HAP B?

Long Questions (1) Write a note on infection? (10)

(2) Difference between Thrombi and Post-mortem? (8) Write a detailed note on haemorrhage? (10) Describe classification of viruses according to structure? (15)

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