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Important questions of microbiology.

1. Writ a note scope of microbiology?

2. Discuss the shape of bacteria?
3. Differentiate between gram positive and gram negative bacteria?
4. Define streptococci and write its types?
5. Write a note on pathogenicity?
6. Explain fluid mosaic model of cell membrane?
7. What is culture media? Write any five types of culture media?
8. Explain five points of synthetic media?
9. Explain pour plate technique?
10. Explain gram's staining techniques?
11. Briefly explain the shapes of virus?
12. Explain Baltimore classification of virus?
13. What is fungi? Describe the advantages of fungi?
14. Explain any two division of fungi?
15. What is yeast and write its importance?
16. Differentiate between septate and non- septate hyphae?
17. Briefly explain the division of fresh water microbiology?
18. Explain the method of controlling the microorganism in air?
19. Define sterilization ? Shortly explain the method of sterilization?
20. Explain flamming technique and hot air oven method of sterilization?
21. Define disinfection and write types of disinfectants?
22. Define fermentation and write its uses?
23. Define immunity? Write types of immunity?
24. Briefly explain the antigen antibody reactions?
25. Define immunity and immune system diagram?
26. Explain the types of antibodies?
27. Explain the types of antigen?
28. Define vaccine and explain its types?
29. Write features of ideal vaccine?
30. What is aim or objective of vaccine?
31. Define Sera and write its types?

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