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Faculty of Engineering & Technology, University of Lucknow


Engineering Physics – I

B. Tech. First Semester (All Branches) Last Date of Submission: 20 November 2023

Short Questions

Q1. What do you mean by frame of reference?

Q2. Is earth an inertial or non-inertial frame?

Q3. What are basic postulates of special theory of relativity?

Q4. Write mathematical expression of relativistic kinetic energy.

Q5. What are the reasons of failure of Galilean Transformation equations?

Q6. What are massless particles.

Q7. Write time dependent and time independent Schrodinger wave equations.

Q8. Why wave nature of matter is not observed in our daily life?

Q9. What is Physical significance of wave function.

Q10. What is Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

Long Questions

Q1. Discuss the Lorentz transformation equations for position, velocity and Acceleration.

Q2. What will be the percentage of length contraction of rod that is moving with velocity 0.5c in the
direction at an angle of 450 with its own length?

Q3. A spaceship approaching the Earth at a speed of 0.6c, shoots a bullet towards the earth at a speed
of 0.7c. What will be the speed of the bullet as measured by an observer on earth?

Q4. The lifetime of the excited state of an atom is 2.0 × 10-31 s. Calculate the minimum uncertainty in its
energy and the line width of the spectral line.

Q5. Determine the potential difference through which an electron at rest must be accelerated in an
electron microscope such that its de Broglie wavelength is 0.05 nm.

Q6. In Compton scattering, the incident photons have wavelength 1.5 × 10 −8 cm. Calculate the
wavelength of scattered radiation if they are viewed at 60 degree to the direction of incident photon.

Q7. Establish a relation between group velocity and phase velocity and show that these velocities are
equal in non dispersive medium.
Very Long Questions

Q1. What do you understand by black body radiation? State Planck’s quantum hypothesis.

Q2. Deduce relativistic velocity addition theorem, Show that it is consistent with Einstien’s second
postulate of relativity.

Q3. Show how the relativistic invariance of law of conservation of momentum leads to the concept of
variation of mass with velocity and mass energy equivalence.

Q4. What is Compton Effect? Derive an expression for Compton shift and wavelength of scattered
photon? Explain why Compton shift is not observed with visible light?

Q5. Explain de-Broglie hypothesis. Discuss the outcome of Davisson-Germer’s Experiment. Calculate the
Kinetic energy of an electron if its de Broglie wavelength equals the wavelength of yellow line of sodium
(5796 A0).

Q6. Derive time independent and time dependent Schrodinger wave equation for particle wave. What
would happen to equation if particle is free.

Q7. A particle is confined inside one dimensional potential box described by

V(x) = 0 for 0<x<L

∞ for x<0 and x>L
Solve Schrodinger wave equation and obtain eigen value and eigen functions.

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