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ID/编号 Date/日期


Shen 神 Bright 得神 Dull 失神 False 假神 Deficient 不足 Abnormal 失

Complexion 色 Normal 常色 Blue 青色 Yellow 黄色 Red 赤色
Pale 白色 Black 黑色
Stature 形 Sturdy 壮 Weak 弱 Obesity 肥 Thin 瘦

Tongue 舌

Fresh 荣 Withered 枯 Pale 白 Pink 淡红 Fresh Red 鲜红 Crimson

绛 Purple 紫

Stale 苍老 Soft-tender 娇嫩 Enlarged 胀大 Thin 瘦薄 Prickled 芒

刺 Fissured 裂纹

Teeth Marks 齿痕 Rigidity 强硬 Faintness 萎软 Maculea 斑

Shrunken 缩

Numbness 麻痹 Tremble 颤动 Deviated 歪斜 Sticking out 吐弄

Thick 苔厚 Thin 苔薄Moist 苔润 Slippery 苔滑 Dry 苔燥 Grimy 苔

腐 Greasy 苔腻

Peeling 苔剥 Coatless 镜面 With root 有根 Rootless 无根

White 苔白 Yellow 苔黄

Gery 苔灰 Black 苔黑
Notes 备注:

Auscultation and Olfaction/闻

Dumb 音哑 Snore 鼻鼾 Groan 呻吟 Gibberish 乱语
Murmur 独语 Wheezing 喘
Whine 哮 Reversed Breath 上气 Short Breath
短气 Weak Breath 少气 Heavily Breath 气粗
Cough 咳嗽 Vomit 呕吐 Belch 嗳气 Hiccup 呃逆
Sigh 叹息
Bad Breath 口臭 Nasal Smell 鼻臭 Body Smell 体臭
Notes 备注:
Chief Complaint 主诉
History of the present disease 现病史

Diagnosis by Family Physician 西医诊断

Pain/疼痛 Dull 钝痛 Stabbing 刺痛Distending 胀痛 Lingering 持续痛 Sharp 剧

Migrates 迁移痛 Contracting 收缩痛 Burning 灼烧痛
Aggravated by Climate 气候加剧
Aggravated by Pressure 压力加剧 Aggravated by Temperature 温度
Head and Body/头身 Headache 头痛 Neck Pain 颈痛
Weak Limbs 四肢无力 Numbness 麻木
Migraine 偏头痛 Back Pain 背痛 Low Back Pain 下
背痛 Heaviness 沉重
Notes 备注:
Body Aches 身体痛
Notes 备注:
Cold and Heat/寒热 Cold 寒 Heat 热 Neither 无 Chills 寒颤
Fever 发烧 Cold Back 背凉
Clammy Hands 手湿凉 Tidal Fever 潮热 Cold
hands/feet 手脚凉
Notes 备注:
Sweating/出汗 Spontaneous 自汗 Night sweats 盗汗 Hot
flashes 潮热
No Sweating 无汗 With Exertion 消耗出汗 Local
sweats 局部出汗
Notes 备注:
ID/编号 Date/日期


Energy/精力 Energy Level 水平 1-10 Sudden Energy Drop 突然下降

Fatigue 疲劳 Dizziness 眩晕 Dyspnea 呼吸困难 Fatigue Easily 易
Excess 过剩 Fainting 晕倒 Drowsy 昏昏欲睡 Heavy Feeling
Notes 备注:
Sleep/睡眠 Hours per Night 睡眠小时 1-12 Grinds Teeth 磨牙 Dream
Disturbed 多梦
Restful 放松 Heavy 沉睡 Not Restful 不放松 Insomnia 失眠
Notes 备注:
Urine/小便 Normal 正常 Nocturia 夜尿 Clear 色清 Dark 色深
Polyuria 多尿 Urgency 尿急 Urinary frequency 尿频
Dysuria 排尿困难 Incontinence 失禁 Hematuria 血尿
Scanty 尿少
Notes 备注:
Stool/大便 Regular 正常 Dry/Hard 干/硬 Diarrhea 腹泻
Foul Smell 恶臭 Gas 胀气
Burning 灼烧 Constipation 便秘 Loose/Watery 散/水
状 Explosive 喷射
Thirst/口渴 with Desire 喜饮 Like cold drinks 喜冷饮 Dry Mouth 口干
Notes 备注:
with no Desire 不喜饮 Like hot drinks 喜热饮 Bitter Taste 味苦
Notes 备注:
Appetite/消化 Level 水平 0-5 Food
Preferences 挑食
Cravings -贪吃 Vomiting 呕吐 Heart burn 烧心 Cramps 痉挛
Gas 胀气 Bad Breath 口臭 Nausea 恶心 Bloating 肿胀
Notes 备注:
Emotion/情绪 Calm 平静 Angry 生气 Grief 悲伤 Depressive 压抑
Fearful 害怕
Irritable 不稳定 Anxious 焦急 Stressed 紧张 Overthinking 思虑
Notes 备注:
Eyes/眼 Blurry Vision 视力模糊 Spots in front 飞蚊症 Poor
Vision 弱视 Dry 干
Pain 痛 Burning 灼烧 Strain 劳损 Red 红 Yellow 黄
Notes 备注:
Ears/耳 Poor Hearing 弱听 Tinnitus 耳鸣 Earaches 耳痛
Notes 备注:
Skin and Hair 肤发 Rashes 皮疹 Ulcerations 溃疡 Dandryff
头皮屑 Itching 痒 Hives 麻疹
Eczema 湿疹Hair Loss 脱发 Dry Skin 皮肤干燥 Changes in
Skin/Hair 改变
Notes 备注:
Gynecology 妇科 Regular 规律 Irregular 不规律 Amenorrhea 闭经 Clots 结块
Heavy Flow 量多 Light Flow 量少 Pale Colour 色浅 Dark Colour
Discharge 流产 PMS 经前综合症Pain 痛经
Age at first period 初次月经年龄 Age at menopause 停经年龄
Number of pregnancies 怀孕次数
First day of last period 上次月经开始日期
Duration of bleeding 月经天数 Time between cycles 月经周期
Notes 备注:
Pulse 脉搏 Left Cun 左-寸 Right Cun 右-寸
Left Guan 左-关 Right Guan 右-关
Left Chi 左-尺 Right Chi 右-尺
Notes 备注
ID/编号 Date/日期


TCM Diagnosis/中医诊断
Disease 疾病
Syndrome 症候
Treatment Plan/治疗计划
Treatment Principle 治则

Acupuncture 针灸

Classic Formula 经方
Scalp Acupuncture 头针
Herbal Prescription 中药方

Practitioner signature/治疗师签字: YOUR NAME

Clinical TCM:

Er-Long, Deafness, Er-Ming, Ringing in the Ear Appendix

254/500 18. Tinnitus and


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