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Caffeine & Sports


By: Sydney Kanuch

Why This Topic?

❏ Become more knowledgeable

❏ Curiosity...does it actually enhance performance?

❏ Relatable; being a student athlete

❏ Know people who use caffeine

❏ At first I thought nothing of I know there is a

bit more to using caffeine

What Is Caffeine?

❏ Caffeine is known as an alkaloid

- methylxanthine: drug found in
plants & produces effects on CNS
❏ Levels in blood stream elevate
within 15 mins
- “peak” improvement = one hour
after ingestion
- this is why caffeine is taken
BEFORE exercise
❏ Described as a “stimulant”
What Happens in the Body?

❏ When ingested, caffeine acts on the nervous system

- gives the body a “splash” of energy

❏ Allows body to feel awake and energized

- blocks receptors in brain

- increases testosterone levels

Journal #1: International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand:
Caffeine and Exercise Performance

❏ Caffeine is the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive substance

❏ Legality

❏ DOWNSIDE: genetics, side effects

❏ Not just one study, more so an overview of many studies to confirm

general information
What Was Found?

❏ Small, but significant benefits:

- endurance, strength, sprinting, jumping, throwing,

❏ 3-6 mg/kg body weight

❏ ONE HOUR BEFORE exercise = “peak” improvement

Journal #2: Effect of Caffeine Supplementation on Sports Performance
Based on Differences Between Sexes: A Systematic Review

❏ 10 studies: total of 221 participants (113 males & 108


- many different sports, many different ages

❏ Evaluated not only the sport performance improvement, but

also the difference between males and females
What Was Found?

❏ Similar effects for aerobic performance and fatigue index

in both men and women
❏ Effects were more significant in men for:
- producing more power, total weight lifted, & sprint
- physical differences
- helps improve development of muscle tension

❏ IOC (International Olympic Committee) banned caffeine in 1984

- urine concentration above 15 ug/mL
❏ 1985 - reduced to 12 ug/mL
❏ IOC & WADA (World Anti-doping Agency) removed caffeine as a
“controlled substance” in 2004
- WADA continues to monitor use
- below 12 ug/mL conc. or 10 mg/kg body mass
❏ NCAA limitations
❏ Can be used in a MODERATE amount
Advice & End Result

❏ Enhances sport performance

❏ ONE HOUR BEFORE = most effective
❏ No effect = 2 mg/kg or below
❏ Recommended = 3-6 mg/kg
❏ Stay under 9 mg/kg

- close to illegal amount

- side effects may become intense

Class Question

“When is the BEST time to consume caffeine for “peak”


a) One week prior to exercise

b) After

c) One hour before

d) During

Guest, Nanci S., et al. “International Society of Sports

Nutrition Position Stand: Caffeine and Exercise
Performance.” Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition, vol. 18, no. 1, 2021,

Mielgo-Ayuso, Juan, et al. “Effect of Caffeine

Supplementation on Sports Performance Based on Differences
between Sexes: A Systematic Review.” Nutrients, vol. 11, no.
10, 2019, p. 2313., doi:10.3390/nu11102313.

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