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Set Clear Goals:

What were your original goals or objectives?

Have you achieved them, and if not, what progress have you made?

Assess Performance:

What tasks or projects have you worked on recently?

How would you rate your performance on those tasks or projects?

What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

Skills and Strengths:

What are your key skills and strengths?

How have you utilized these strengths in your recent activities?

Areas for Improvement:

Are there areas where you feel you could improve?

What steps can you take to enhance your skills or address weaknesses?

Feedback and Recognition:

Have you received any feedback, positive or constructive, from others?

How do you handle feedback, and what have you learned from it?

Work Relationships:

How well do you collaborate with colleagues or team members?

Are there ways you can enhance your communication or teamwork skills?

Time Management:

How effectively do you manage your time?

Are there areas where you can be more efficient or organized?

How well do you adapt to change or unexpected challenges?

Can you provide examples of situations where you demonstrated adaptability?

Professional Development:

What steps have you taken to further your professional development?

Are there new skills or knowledge areas you'd like to acquire?

Overall Reflection:

How satisfied are you with your overall performance?

What aspects of your work do you find most fulfilling, and what aspects do you find challenging?

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