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Multi-threads: multi relationship, contacting more than one PIC's from different

department from 1 company

Key of Multi-threads:
1. Understand the buyer
2. Finds warm introductions
3. Builds Multi-level relationship
4. Adapt communications

Vertical relationship, connect with executives and doers to understand objectives

and challenges

Ex: C level, vp, doer

Horizontal Relationship, connect with cross functional leaders who can influence
decision and budget

Ex: Coo, Chro, cmo, cro, clo, CEO

Prospecting with purpose: EXECUTE

-Sales Navigator: Efficiency for internal communication

Ineffective Ways:
-Product focused
-Too generic
Effective Ways:

Talk Content
1. The Opener
What: Opening of call or Inmail subject
How: Small talk vs first qualifying for time vs Leading with yoiur reason for

2. 2.30 sec commercial

What: introduce your value to cust
-reason for outreach (pressure, objective, challenge.
-Tell an impact story (Solution)

3. CTA/ engaging question

What: next step statement with action requested

Deep Sales: Sales Insights

-Data -> Actionablle insights->


Account insights
Buyer Intents
Relationship intelligence
Focus on the acc with the most whitespace (Connectivity accross their company
network, account growth and engagement trends)

Identify Buyers when they ready to engage (potential buyers engages with an ad,
Decision-maker changes jobs, past customer joins a new company)

Go beyon shared connections to find hidden allies (who's connected with ur company
network, previous co-workers, who's following your company at LinkedIn)

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