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CM17: Global Ethics

Your personality defines you!!
Complete the
Personality Quiz!
Your personality defines how you
react in certain social, academic
or challenging situations!!
Personality is made up of two

...character and emotions.

Some reflection time…

…write down five words that you think people

in Year 10 would use to describe you! They
should be related to your personality (emotions
and character).
Emotions are controlled by you! Your
emotions often change; day-to-day,
lesson-to-lesson, minute-to-minute...
Situation: Stood quite close to a bin,
you see a Year 8 student drop an empty
sandwich wrapper on the floor on
...if you were happy, proud, confident,
etc. you might react to the situation
...if you were scared, nervous, anxious,
etc. you might react to the situation
...if you were angry, frustrated,
stubborn etc. you might react to the
situation differently.
Situation: You see your best friend
receive a Grade 8 in their Science
coursework, you normally get similar
grades to them, but this time you got a
Grade 4...
...if you were happy, proud, confident,
etc. you might react to the situation
...if you were scared, nervous, anxious,
etc. you might react to the situation
...if you were angry, frustrated,
stubborn etc. you might react to the
situation differently.
Situation: You see on Instagram that
two of your friends went to a
Aquaventure on the Saturday whilst you
didn’t have any plans and weren’t
...if you were happy, proud, confident,
etc. you might react to the situation
...if you were scared, nervous, anxious,
etc. you might react to the situation
...if you were angry, frustrated,
stubborn etc. you might react to the
situation differently.
How we react to situations is often based on our

...remember, emotions are in your full

control... not let certain situations or your emotions get the

better of your character.
Character is also controlled by you, it is
the impression you give off to someone
else, it is our behaviour traits...
Being happy (emotion) might lead you to be kind (character

Being jealous (emotion) might lead you to be hateful or selfish

(character traits).

Being proud (emotion) might lead you to be confident

(character trait).

Being angry or frustrated (emotion) might lead you to be rude

or disrespectful (character trait). Archie
If you were to describe the perfect
Jebel Ali School personality, how would
they look, sound and act?
Every interaction with a member of
staff or another student, and every
situation you find yourselves in, you
have two choices... often these choices
come down to your personality.
In every situation or interaction;

For your sake, think about how your personality

is coming across.
For other people’s sake, think about how you
might affect them (empathy).

Every action has a consequence!

Social Cohesion
Yr10 Mentor
The city of Dubai is a community…

Jebel Ali School is a community…

Year 10 is a community…

…and within Year 10 you have your

own smaller communities
Social cohesion is defined as...

...the willingness of members of a

community to cooperate with each
other in order to survive and prosper.
Social cohesion means…

...getting along with each other…

...not necessarily calling them your best

friend or inviting them around for dinner.
Social cohesion is helped if we all have similar
moral values…

...moral values are what matter to us. They are

what motivate our behaviour. They ground our
judgements about what is good or bad, desirable
or undesirable.
At Jebel Ali School, teachers try to encourage
and install some values in each of you…

...we give you opportunities to learn these

values yourself…

...some opportunities to demonstrate your

personality and values arise everyday...
...are you respectful to one another (staff
and students)? you say ‘Hi’ to each other as we

pass in the corridor?

...are you honest?

...are you positive?

...are you responsible for your actions?

Your personality and values underpin
how you would act and what you would
do in each situation
...if you saw someone being bullied you
wouldn’t just stand by and watch it
happen. You would offer your help and
later report the incident.
...if you saw someone being dropping
litter you would challenge them on it
and ask them to pick it up. If they
didn’t, you would be the responsible
person and pick the litter up yourself.
...if you saw someone messing around
in lesson you wouldn’t get involved and
responsibly not be drawn into silly
behaviour by someone else.
...if you saw someone achieving
something you would congratulate
them, not laugh or be jealous, it might
inspire you to better yourself and
achieve the same.
...if you saw someone get a low test
score you wouldn’t laugh or mock them,
you would offer your support and see if
they would like your help.

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