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1) Humans have 22 allosome pairs and 1 autosome pair.

a) True
b) False

2) Karin insists that she got her "tomboyness" from her mother's Y chromosome. Generally, what
Karin is saying is...
a) True
b) False

3) Karin's mother suffers with the X-linked disease called hemophilia A while her father does not.
One day, Karin's blood severely gushes forth from her wounds, her mother surmised she also
suffers the same disease.
a) True
b) False

4) Which gene determines the sex in males?

a) Xq28
b) SRY
d) HBB

5) Which are the two internal duct systems in a developing embryo?

a) Wolffian
b) Mullerian Inhibiting Hormone
c) Anti-Mullerian Hormone
d) Mullerian

6) These are the hormones secreted by the testis upon its development:
a) Testosterone
b) Androgen
c) Mullerian Inhibiting Hormone
d) Anti-Mullerian Hormone

Word Bank diploid haploid

holandric homologous monologous

7) A diploid organism has an 2n set of chromosomes, therefore it is [homologous. A [haploid

chromosome only has one set of chromosome.
8) These are processes that cause mutation:
a) DNA Replication errors
b) Radiation exposure
c) Protein loss-of-function
d) Membrane-receptor failure
e) Viral and Bacterial Infection
f) Chemical intake such as benzoyl peroxide

9) Mutagens cause mutations.

a) True
b) False

Match accordingly.
10) d Teratogens a) Chromosomal abnormalities
11) b Carcinogen b) Cancer-causing agents
12) a Clastogen c) DNA damage
13) c Non-specific d) Congenital malformation
. .

14) Gio would rather have somatic mutations because he states that it is not passed onto his
descendants. Compared to a germinal mutation, that he asserts: "something that affects my
child's will to live by having morbid effects to one's life."
a) True
b) False

Match the chromosomal mutations accordingly.

15) c Depurination a) chromosome reversal
16) g Spontaneous Deamination pericentrically/paracentrically
17) f Insertion b) production of excess copy of a chromosome
18) e Translocation c) loss of the adenine/guanine base resulting to
19) d Deletion a deletion
20) b Duplication d) loss of genetic material from a chromosome
21) a Inversion e) switching of genetic material from

chromosome to chromosome
f) addition of genetic material from chromosome
to chromosome
g) removal of an amine group resulting to a
change in the nucleotide base

22) Gio is Karin's brother. Remember that their mother has hemophilia A, an X-linked recessive
gene while their father does not. Gio insists he does not have her mother's disease because
his father does not have it. What Gio says is...
a) True
b) False
23) Gio boasts his courage and determination are genetic traits he got from his dad's Y genes. This
is manifested on his hairy ears. He claims these are the [holandric genes specifically
attributed to him by the gods.

24) Gio, a male, will never lactate because it is a sex-limited gene.

a) True
b) False

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