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Raising Flag Speech,

The Speaker : Azalea (XI OTKP 2)


In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

Assalaamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

First and foremost, let’s praise Allah SWT, The God Almighty, The Master, The Sustainer, The Creator of
the Universe. And We send peace and blessing upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Dear Respected Chief of Ki Hajar Dewantoro Foundation

Dear Respected Teachers of Ki Hajar Dewantoro Foundation

And all my dear beloved friends of Ki Hajar Dewantoro Foundation

Before we get started, I would like to say thank you so much to every single one of you, who come here
and help us to make this wonderful event come true.

Today, I would like to share something to you. Never give up your Dream. No matter how big
your dream is, never give up and you must believe in yourself. I believe every single one of you is smart,
intelligent, and most importantly you are special. It doesn’t matter who you are, and it doesn’t matter
where you come from, I believe in you. You can make your dream come true as long as you have the
courage and a big heart to make it happen.

From the beginning Ki Hajar Dewantoro Foundation has been established until now, this school
has had a great number of graduate that has fulfilled their dream: They become teachers, police officer,
national army,a successful businessman businesswoman, and so much more.

They can reach their dream because they have determination, courage and of course because
they believe in themselves.


That’s all from me, Thank you so much for your attention, see you later.

Wassalaamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.

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