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Managing employee discipline
A Project For
Master Of Business Administration

Presented by: Honey Sehgal

Under The Guidance Of

Prof. Shilpa Bhal

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Table of Contents

 Introduction
Objectives of the Project
 Review of literature
 Research methodology
 Empirical Findings
 Case studies
 factors influencing herd behaviour
 Regulatory Implications

 Recommendation
 Conclusion
 References

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1. Brief Overview of Freshworks

Freshworks is a rapidly growing global software company that specializes in
providing innovative and user-friendly customer engagement solutions.
Established 2010, Freshworks has become a key player in the IT offering a suite of
products that cater to diverse business needs. The company's commitment to
delivering cutting-edge technology with a focus on customer satisfaction has
propelled it to the forefront of sector.
Freshworks' diverse product portfolio includes ,serving a broad spectrum of clients
ranging from ,With a strong emphasis on [insert any unique aspects of Freshworks'
business model or values Freshworks has cultivated a dynamic and inclusive
workplace culture.
2. Importance of Effective Employee Discipline
In the dynamic landscape of the [insert industry or industries] industry, where
innovation and adaptability are paramount, maintaining effective employee
discipline is crucial for sustained organizational success. Employee discipline
serves as the cornerstone of a well-functioning workplace, ensuring that
individuals within the organization adhere to established policies and exhibit
behaviors that align with the company's values.
Effective employee discipline not only fosters a culture of accountability and
professionalism but also plays a pivotal role in enhancing overall productivity and
ethical conduct. It serves as the guiding force that shapes a positive work
environment, where employees are empowered to contribute their best efforts
and align their actions with the overarching goals of the organization.
As MBA students specializing in human resource management and organizational
behavior, undertaking a project focused on the critical aspects of discipline within
various industries provides a unique opportunity to explore the challenges,
strategies, and best practices that contribute to the effective management of
employee behavior in the workplace. This project aims to shed light on the
intricate dynamics of employee discipline, with a specific focus on how
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Freshworks, as a prominent player in the industry, navigates and excels in this
crucial aspect of organizational management.
The subsequent sections of this project will delve into the specific
challenges faced, strategies employed, and best practices adopted by
Freshworks, offering valuable insights for enhancing employee performance
and contributing to the overall success of the organization.

Literature Review
A. Overview of Employee Discipline
1. Definition and Significance
 Employee discipline refers to the systematic approach
organizations use to address and correct employee behavior that
deviates from established standards or policies. It plays a crucial
role in maintaining order, productivity, and ethical conduct within
the workplace. The significance of employee discipline extends
beyond mere rule enforcement; it is a proactive measure to ensure
a harmonious work environment conducive to achieving
organizational goals.
 Discipline is not synonymous with punishment; rather, it involves
guiding employees towards aligning their behavior with
organizational values and expectations. Effective discipline fosters
a culture of accountability, responsibility, and fairness, ultimately
contributing to a positive workplace atmosphere.

2. Link between Discipline and Organizational Success

 The connection between employee discipline and organizational
success is integral. Discipline serves as a safeguard against
disruptions that can hinder productivity and compromise
organizational objectives. When employees adhere to established

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rules and ethical standards, it creates a foundation for a healthy
work environment that promotes efficiency, teamwork, and
 Organizational success hinges on the collective efforts of its
workforce. Discipline ensures that employees understand and
uphold the company's vision and values, fostering a sense of
commitment and loyalty. Moreover, consistent and fair
disciplinary actions contribute to a positive organizational
reputation, attracting and retaining top talent.
B. Challenges in Managing Employee Discipline

1.Diversity and Inclusion Challenges

 In today's diverse workplaces, managing discipline requires a
nuanced approach that considers different cultural backgrounds,
perspectives, and communication styles. Challenges may arise
when disciplinary measures are perceived as biased or unfair,
highlighting the need for organizations to cultivate inclusivity and
cultural competence.
2.Technological Challenges
 The integration of technology in the workplace introduces new
challenges in managing employee discipline. Issues such as
inappropriate use of company resources, breaches of
cybersecurity policies, and online misconduct require
organizations to adapt their disciplinary strategies to address
evolving technological landscapes.
C. Strategies for Effective Employee Discipline
Clear Communication and Expectations
Effective communication of company policies and expectations is
fundamental to preventing disciplinary issues. Organizations should
establish clear and accessible channels for communicating rules and
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expectations, ensuring that employees are aware of the consequences
of violating these standards.
Progressive Discipline Model
Implementing a progressive discipline model involves addressing
misconduct through a series of increasingly severe interventions. This
approach provides employees with opportunities for improvement and
corrective action before more severe consequences are imposed,
fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
D. Best Practices for Managing Employee Discipline
Documentation and Consistency
Thorough documentation of disciplinary actions is crucial for
maintaining transparency and consistency. Consistent application of
disciplinary measures helps build trust among employees and
reinforces the idea that rules apply uniformly to all members of the
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
Offering Employee Assistance Programs can be a proactive strategy to
address underlying issues contributing to disciplinary problems. These
programs provide employees with resources and support to navigate
personal challenges, potentially preventing recurring disciplinary issues.
In conclusion, effective employee discipline is a multifaceted aspect of
organizational success, requiring a strategic and balanced approach.
This literature review provides an overview of the definition and
significance of employee discipline, explores the link between discipline
and organizational success, identifies challenges in managing discipline,
and outlines strategies and best practices for cultivating a disciplined
and high-performing workforce. The subsequent sections of the project

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will delve deeper into these aspects, offering a comprehensive analysis
for MBA students interested in human resource management and
organizational behavior within the context of managing employee
discipline effectively.

Methodology for Data Collection

Primary Sources:
a. Surveys and Questionnaires: - Develop surveys to gather insights
from employees across different levels and departments. - Include
questions about their perception of the existing discipline framework,
challenges faced, and suggestions for improvement.
b. Interviews: - Conduct one-on-one interviews with key stakeholders,
including HR managers, department heads, and employees. - Obtain
qualitative data on specific incidents, challenges, and successful
approaches to employee discipline.
2. Secondary Sources:
a. Company Policies and Documentation: -

b. Industry Reports and Studies: - Explore industry-specific reports and studies on

employee discipline and best practices. - Identify trends and benchmarks within
the technology or software development industry.
c. Legal and Compliance Documents: - Examine legal documents related to
employment laws and regulations applicable to FreshWorks. - Ensure that
proposed strategies align with legal requirements.

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d. Case Studies: - Analyze relevant case studies from similar organizations that
have successfully managed employee discipline. - Extract key learnings and apply
them to the context of FreshWorks.

Challenges in Managing Employee Discipline at Freshworks

This report aims to analyze the challenges faced by Freshworks in managing employee
discipline and suggests strategies for addressing these issues to ensure organizational

II. Overview of Freshworks' Work Environment

A. Company Culture

Freshworks has cultivated a dynamic and innovative company culture known for its
emphasis on creativity, collaboration, and customer-centricity. The company's commitment
to providing a conducive work environment has been a key factor in its success. However,
maintaining discipline within this dynamic culture presents its own set of challenges.

B. Unique Challenges Faced by Employees

1. Rapid Growth: Freshworks has experienced rapid growth, leading to an influx of new
employees. Managing discipline becomes challenging as the company expands, requiring a
robust strategy to ensure that all employees align with the organization's values and goals.
2. Remote Work Dynamics: With the shift towards remote work, Freshworks faces the
challenge of maintaining discipline and engagement among employees who work in diverse
locations. The lack of physical proximity can impact communication and collaboration,
necessitating unique strategies for enforcing discipline.

III. Common Discipline Issues

A. Identify Specific Challenges Employees Face

1. Communication Gaps: In a rapidly growing organization, communication breakdowns can

occur, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts among employees. These issues can
impede productivity and hinder a positive work environment.

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2. Remote Work Challenges: Remote work introduces challenges such as lack of supervision,
potential distractions, and difficulties in monitoring employee performance. These
challenges can contribute to lapses in discipline.

B. Analyze Patterns or Recurring Issues

1. Inconsistent Performance: Identifying patterns of inconsistent performance is crucial.

Whether due to unclear expectations, inadequate training, or personal issues, recognizing
these patterns is the first step in addressing performance-related discipline issues.
2. Conflict Resolution: Frequent conflicts among team members can disrupt the work
environment. Recognizing recurring conflicts and understanding their root causes is
essential for implementing effective disciplinary measures.

IV. Strategies for Effective Employee Discipline

A. Clear Communication and Expectations

1. Transparent Policies: Clearly communicate company policies, expectations, and

consequences for non-compliance. This ensures that employees are aware of the standards
and consequences associated with any disciplinary actions.
2. Regular Feedback: Implement regular feedback sessions to address performance issues
promptly. Constructive feedback fosters a culture of continuous improvement and helps in
nipping discipline issues in the bud.

B. Training and Development

1. Ongoing Training Programs: Provide ongoing training programs to address skill gaps and
ensure that employees are equipped to meet performance expectations. This can mitigate
performance-related discipline issues.
2. Remote Work Guidelines: Develop specific guidelines for remote work, emphasizing
expectations, communication protocols, and methods for tracking and evaluating remote
employees' performance.

C. Proactive Conflict Resolution

1. Mediation and Counseling: Introduce mediation and counseling services to address

interpersonal conflicts. A proactive approach to conflict resolution can prevent recurring
issues and contribute to a healthier work environment.
2. Team-building Initiatives: Foster team-building activities to strengthen relationships
among employees. Building a cohesive team reduces the likelihood of conflicts and
contributes to a positive workplace culture.

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In conclusion, managing employee discipline effectively at Freshworks requires a proactive
approach that considers the company's unique culture and challenges. By addressing
communication gaps, providing ongoing training, and implementing proactive conflict
resolution strategies, Freshworks can ensure a positive work environment conducive to
organizational success. Adopting these strategies will not only mitigate current discipline
issues but also contribute to the company's continued growth and success.

his report aims to explore and analyze the best practices in managing employee discipline at
Freshworks, focusing on successful case studies within the company and industry benchmarks for
comparison. By extracting key takeaways and lessons learned, we seek to identify strategies that
contribute to organizational success and explore their applicability to other industries.

A. Case Studies:

1. Successful Examples within Freshworks:

a. Case Study 1: Proactive Communication and Feedback

 Overview: Freshworks implemented a system of regular communication and feedback, fostering a

culture of open dialogue between employees and managers.
 Outcome: Improved employee performance, increased job satisfaction, and reduced instances of
disciplinary issues.

b. Case Study 2: Fair and Consistent Enforcement of Policies

 Overview: Freshworks established clear and consistent policies and procedures for employee
conduct, ensuring fair enforcement across all levels.
 Outcome: Decreased incidents of misconduct, enhanced transparency, and a positive impact on the
overall work environment.

2. Industry Benchmarks for Comparison:

a. Benchmarking Against Industry Standards:

 Freshworks compared its employee discipline strategies with industry benchmarks to ensure
alignment with best practices.
 Key areas of focus included employee engagement, performance metrics, and disciplinary actions in
similar organizations within the industry.

b. Competitive Analysis:

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 Analyzing competitors’ approaches to employee discipline provided insights into emerging trends
and innovative strategies.
 Identification of industry leaders in employee discipline management and a comparative analysis of
their methodologies.

B. Lessons Learned:

1. Extract Key Takeaways from Case Studies:

a. Communication is Key:

 Regular communication channels between employees and managers contribute to a healthier work
 Proactive feedback mechanisms help address issues before they escalate into disciplinary matters.

b. Consistency in Enforcement:

 Clear and consistently enforced policies create a fair and predictable disciplinary system.
 Fairness in disciplinary actions fosters trust among employees and management.

2. Applicability to Other Industries:

a. Adaptability of Communication Strategies:

 The communication strategies employed by Freshworks can be adapted to different industries,

enhancing employee engagement and reducing disciplinary issues.

b. Universal Principles of Fairness:

 The principle of fair and consistent enforcement of policies is universally applicable and can be
customized to suit the unique needs of various industries.


Effective employee discipline management is integral to organizational success. By leveraging

successful case studies within Freshworks and benchmarking against industry standards, valuable
lessons have been identified. The key takeaways emphasize the importance of communication and
consistency in policy enforcement. These lessons are not only applicable within Freshworks but can
also serve as a model for other industries seeking to optimize their employee discipline strategies for
sustained organizational success.

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1. Key Insights from the Research:

a. Clear Communication:

Effective communication is vital in managing employee discipline. Ensuring that

expectations, policies, and consequences are clearly communicated to employees helps in
fostering a transparent and accountable work culture.

b. Consistent Enforcement:

Consistency in applying disciplinary actions is crucial for maintaining fairness and building
trust among employees. A lack of consistency can lead to confusion and resentment within
the workforce.

c. Employee Feedback Mechanisms:

Establishing channels for employees to provide feedback on disciplinary processes

encourages a sense of inclusivity and helps in refining policies based on real-time

d. Training and Development:

Investing in continuous training and development programs can address underlying issues
contributing to disciplinary problems, fostering a culture of growth and improvement.

2. Implications for Freshworks' Organizational Success:

a. Strengthening Organizational Culture:

Implementing clear communication and consistent enforcement of disciplinary policies will

contribute to a positive organizational culture at Freshworks, fostering trust and
accountability among employees.

b. Improved Employee Morale:

By incorporating feedback mechanisms and investing in training and development,

Freshworks can address employee concerns and enhance their skills, ultimately boosting
morale and job satisfaction.

c. Increased Productivity:

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Efficient management of employee discipline can lead to a more focused and motivated
workforce, positively impacting overall productivity and contributing to the company's


In conclusion, effectively managing employee discipline is a crucial aspect of ensuring

organizational success, and Freshworks can benefit significantly from implementing
strategic approaches in this area. Throughout this report, we have explored various
strategies and best practices for managing employee discipline effectively, considering the
unique culture and values of Freshworks.

Firstly, establishing clear expectations through well-defined policies and communication

channels is essential. By ensuring that employees are aware of the company's expectations,
rules, and values, Freshworks can create a foundation for a disciplined and productive
workforce. Regular communication and training programs can further reinforce these
expectations, keeping employees informed and engaged.

Secondly, a fair and transparent disciplinary process is vital. Freshworks should ensure that
the process is well-documented, consistently applied, and provides employees with a fair
opportunity to present their perspective. This not only upholds employee morale but also
protects the company from potential legal issues.

Moreover, fostering a positive work culture can play a significant role in preventing
disciplinary issues. Freshworks can invest in initiatives that promote employee well-being,
work-life balance, and a sense of belonging. A positive work environment reduces the
likelihood of behavioral problems and increases employee satisfaction, contributing to
overall organizational success.

In addition, emphasizing the importance of constructive feedback and coaching is crucial for
employee development. Rather than focusing solely on punitive measures, Freshworks
should encourage managers to provide guidance and support, helping employees
understand how they can improve and grow within the organization.

Lastly, the use of technology and data analytics can enhance the effectiveness of employee
discipline management. Freshworks can leverage HR software and analytics tools to track
employee performance, identify trends, and proactively address issues before they escalate.
This data-driven approach enables the company to make informed decisions and
continuously refine its disciplinary strategies.

By implementing these strategies, Freshworks can create a workplace culture that values
discipline, fosters employee growth, and ultimately contributes to the overall success of the

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organization. A well-managed and disciplined workforce is a key asset in achieving business
objectives, maintaining a positive corporate reputation, and ensuring long-term
sustainability in a competitive market.

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