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I have experienced chair duets before, and I enjoyed becoming familiar with it again.

It was a little
challenging to remember how they are performed and to be put with someone that I have not
known for a long period of time. I have enjoyed researching about the different surrealism theatre
companies such as GECKO and frantic assembly and I have enjoyed watching some of their work and
how they interact with the public. With the challenges I was able to repeat the steps of the chair
duets after watching the introduction video to how chair duets are created. In this session where we
used surrealism, I wanted to make sure that a lot of emotion was added into the performance to
make sure that it had more of an effect. We also have experienced surrealist warm up games
including picking the oos, favourite and relays. Picking the ooze is where you are having a casual
conversation with a person put you just randomly pick something off their upper bodies, and it was
very elegant and gentle. In Clare’s session, she decided to put us into a huge group of 10 to see what
role we would take during that task. In that task, I took role of being the director and started leading
and listening to everyone’s ideas and applying them into the performances that we made. My
knowledge in surrealism theatre has improved by doing research and exploring the use of surrealism
in the sessions at college. I have developed my skills for applying surrealism into my performances
through the research that I have collected and from past experiences with using Frantic assembly
theatre. I have had some challenges with trying to apply all the surrealism into some performances
as sometimes the movements can be hard to remember, especially with the chair duets but the
rehearsals made this challenge easier and made me feel more comfortable with being able to
perform in front of the class. In the performances for surrealism, we have added unisons and canons
which are moves that don’t usually happen in real life which makes it more interesting and influences
the audiences emotions. Surrealism has added more emotional atmospheres to my performances
and creates an effective performance for the audience. It has brought me closer to the people on the
course and has helped me to use directing to skills into the rehearsal times. When I have performed
the surrealism performances, I have had good feedback from my performances and they have given
an affective performances.To improve on my performances in the future, I need to make sure that my
techniques and skills to surrealism are consistent and that they flow fully to influence the audience
and bring emotion and energy into it. I would also like to learn more about surrealism and add

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