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Unit Test 4 | Group B


Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY Student: We 1 ___________ (usually / have)

1 Complete the text with the words from the Drama on Monday afternoon, but this
box. There are three extra words. week we 2 ___________ (go) home
computer room canteen Computer Science earlier and the lesson is on Friday.
grades subject library make project fail Mr Carr: How 3 ___________ (you / know) that?
Student: Well, some students say that Mr Hale is ill.
On Thursdays, we have 0 Computer Science
Mr Carr: Tell them to check the timetable. Mr Hale
before lunch. In this subject, we learn how to write 4 ___________ (not / come) to school this
programs. I usually get to the 1 ___________ first so
week because he is in London with his
I can find the best tablet. After 40 minutes, we have
drama club. Your class 5 ___________
lunch. This week we are doing a 2 ___________
(have) Drama as usual, with another teacher.
about using computers at home, so I’m having my
___ / 5
lunch in the 3 ___________ to find out more. I’m
working hard because I don’t want to
4 ___________ an exam in programming. I want to USE OF ENGLISH
5 Complete the second sentence using the word
get good 5 ___________ because I want to work
in bold so that it means the same as the first
with computers when I leave school.
one. Do not change the word in bold. Use no
__ / 5
more than three words including the word in
2 Choose the correct option to complete the
0 You don’t do well in your exams if you don’t study.
0 After school we have guitar lessons in the staff /
You can fail your exams if you don’t study.
music / computer room.
1 My older sister is a Biology teacher. TEACHES
1 When I study for a test, I do / make / take a
My older sister _____________________.
break every hour.
2 The temperature is below zero degrees in winter
2 Biology / Drama / Maths is a good subject for
in Canada. FREEZING
students who want to work in TV or film later on.
It _____________________ in winter in Canada.
3 Our teachers usually eat their lunch together in
3 What’s for dinner, Mum? PREPARING
the staff / exam / lab room.
What _____________________ for dinner, Mum?
4 This pencil is fun / tiny / cool. It’s so small I can’t
4 What is the time when you arrive at school? DO
write with it!
When _____________________ at school?
5 I want to get / take / pass this exam really well,
5 We have History on Mondays and Fridays. TWICE
so I’m going to the homework club.
We have History _____________________.
___ / 5
___ / 5

GRAMMAR 6 Complete the text with the correct words

3 Complete the sentences with the Present formed from the words in bold.
Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Today we are watching a 0 documentary
not / write make not / come read have you / do (DOCUMENT) about a secondary school in Britain.
0 I ’m reading an essay about electricity. They have all the same typical school subjects as
1 In Art, I ___________ a mountain out of paper, we do, such as Maths and Foreign 1 ___________
flour and water. (LANGUAGE), and a lot more. Their skateboarding
2 Year 10 students ___________ a debate about club looks cool, but you need your own skateboard
the role of music today. and they are 2 ___________ (EXPENSE). One
3 Carolina ___________ to chess club this parent in the video says that skateboarding is
afternoon. She’s too busy 3 ___________ (DANGER) and he doesn’t want his

4 ___________ Spanish this term? son to do it. I think my parents have a similar
5 We ___________ a letter now. We’re very noisy. opinion about sport clubs. They think I should study
___ / 5 every day so that I go to university and get a
4 ___________ (QUALIFY) in Physics or Maths.

4 Complete the dialogue with the correct form Fine, but I want some time for a hobby. I cannot
of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present spend all day studying Maths and doing tasks on my
Simple or Present Continuous. old 5 ___________ (CALCULATE). I need to
Student: Can I talk to you, Ms Carr? exercise my whole body, not only my brain.
Mr Carr: Yes, sure. What 0 do you want (you / ___ / 5
want) to know?
TOTAL ___ / 30

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