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2) 1. T

2. F

3. T

3) 1. A

2. F

3. C

4. B

5. D

6. G

7. E

8. H

4) 1. Felony/misdemeanor

2. right/wrong

3. malum in prohibitum/mala in se

4. consensus/legal duty

5) capital punishment

6) 1. A

2. B

7) 1. Crime

2. Felony

3. Do we determine

4. consensus

5. Give me an example

6. Regulates that act

Criminology Study Guide:

1. The difference between a felony and a misdemeanor is that felony are considered
serious and can be punishable by life in prison , instead, a misdemeanor is a minor
2. The difference between mala in se and malum in prohibitum is that in one hand, mala
in se is the legal term for fundamentally wrong acts and in the other hand, malum in
prohibitum is a consensus does not necessarily consider wrong, even though is a
3. The difference between criminal law and civil law is that the first one involves any
actions that break the law and the second one governs affaris between private parties.


1. Abduction: secuestro
2. Aiding and abetting an offender: cómplice
3. Arson: incendio provocado
4. Assault: asalto
5. Battery: agresión
6. Blackmail: chantaje
7. Breach of the Official Secrets Act.: violación de secretos oficiales
8. Breaking and entering: allanamiento de morada
9. Bribery: soborno
10. Burglary: robo con allanamiento
11. Careles or reckless driving: conducción temeraria
12. Committing a breach of the peace: alteración del orden publico
13. Contempt of court: desacato
14. Criminal damage: delito de daños
15. Deception or fraud: fraude
16. Drug dealing: tráfico de drogas
17. Drink driving: conducir alcoholizado
18. Embezzlement: malversación
19. Espionaje
20. Forgery: falsificación
21. Indecency: exhibicionismo
22. Indecent assault: abuso
23. Manslaughter: homicidio imprudente
24. Money laundering: blanqueo de dinero
25. Murder: asesinato
26. Obscenity: pornografía
27. Perjury: falso testimonio
28. Perverting the course of justice: obstrucción a la justicio
29. Piracy: piratería
30. Rape: violación
31. Robbery: robo con violencia
32. Sedition: sedición
33. Suicide: suicidio
34. Terrorism: terrorismo
35. Theft: hurto
36. Treason: traición
37. Wounding: delito de lesiones

CRIME AGAINST THE PERSON: 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14,

CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY: 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 24, 29, 31, 35.


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