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First Day - Morning Session



INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.

1. Guilt and innocence were established by a variety of procedures that presumably

called forth the supernatural allies of the accused in the past criminal justice
systems. In the 18th century, this spiritual determination began to give way to -

A. The belief that there is no such thing as bad spirits.

B. The belief that humans are rational creatures with free will, who seek
happiness and pleasure and avoid pain.
C. The belief that man is a demon and devil
D. The belief that man is evolved from the animal ape.

2. Among the following classical thoughts in Criminology is not correct -

A. The Classical school of Criminology is spearheaded by Bentham and Beccaria.

B. The Classical School of Criminology is an advocate of punishment as a
deterrent to crime.
C. The Classical School of Criminology argues that criminals were primitive
creatures, incapable of living normally in society.
D. The Classical School of Criminology also argued that nature has placed mankind
under the governance of two sovereign masters, “pain” and “pleasure’.

3. What school of thought in Criminology challenges the proposition that man has
absolute free will to choose between good and evil and states that it is not
absolute as presumed to be because free will can be diminished by pathology, mental
disorders and other conditions that may instigate personal responsibility?
A. Neo-classical School
B. Positivist School
C. Hedonistic Calculus
D. Radical Criminology

4. The Classical School of thoughts in Criminology is based on the principle of free

will. The Positivist school on the other hand is focused on the principle of
A. Darwinism
B. Determinism
C. Cognitive Functioning
D. Conceptual Thinking

5. The Differential Association Theory provides a good illustration of a social

learning approach perspective in Criminology. Criminal behavior according to this
theory is
A. a result of an emotional disturbance
B. an inmate quality of goodness or badness
C. learned and not inherited
D. an excess of wisdom

6. What perspective in Criminology probes the situational or environmental action and

examines the underlying conditions with in the environment that may encourage
criminal behavior?
A. Psychiatric Criminology
B. Psychological Criminology
C. Sociological Criminology
D. Criminal Anthropology

7. Based on Lombroso’s works, he classified criminals as: the born criminal, the
habitual, the passionate and the criminoloid. Which of the following statements
describe a criminoloid?
A. the morally insane and hysteric criminal
B. the impulsive and cruel criminal
C. the “weak natures” susceptible to bad examples
D. the primitive and atavist

8. Some criminology theorists have linked physical characteristics with personality.
Among these theories is William Sheldon’s Somatotyping theory. He classified body
physique into three categories as the endomorphic, the mesomorphic and the
ectomorphic body. Of the following statements, which appropriately describes the
A. the twin and fragile with withdrawn behavior
B. the muscular and hard physique
C. the attractive and beautifully shaped
D. the fat and soft body type

9. To explain human behavior, social learning theorists place great emphasis on

cognitive variables. Social learning reflects the theory’s strong assumption that we
learn primarily by observing and listening to people around us -
A. the social environment
B. the stimulus that elicit response
C. the mental state and brain-mediation processes.
D. the reinforcements for behavior

10. In the study of juvenile delinquency, which of the following projects paved the way
for a reassessment of existing treatment and prevention programs for delinquents?
A. Chicago Area Project of 1930
B. Illinois Legislature
C. Boston Child Guidance Clinic
D. President’s Commission on Law Enforcement in the U.S.

11. One family background predictors in juvenile delinquency is broken home. The term
broken home is ambiguous but can be characterized by:
A. Inadequate type of family structure
B. Anti-social type of family structure
C. Discordant or disturbed family structure
D. Disrupted or incomplete family structures

12. Parental discipline appears relation to delinquency. Harsh discipline in the home
may result in more delinquencies than consistent and reasoning forms of discipline.
Aside from this, screaming at the child, calling the child insulting names,
excessive criticizing or generally ignoring the child is also contributory to
delinquency. These actions simply refers to factors from -
A. Physical Abuse
B. Emotional abuse
C. Unfair parent
D. Parental neglect

13. When a person is seen to show indiscriminate giggling or crying, emotional flatness,
the voice is monotonous, the face immobile and expressionless and manifest highly
bizarre and odd behavior then appropriately he is
A. suffering from neurotic behavior
B. suffering from psychopathic behavior
C. suffering from schizophrenia or psychotic behavior
D. suffering from sexual dysfunctions

14. It is a popular notion that the brutal, violent and apparently senseless crime is
usually committed by someone who is mentally ill or sick. Or if not sick, then the
person is an animal. The kind of alternate explanation is an influence of the
A. Positivist theory of Criminology
B. Classical theory of Criminology
C. Neoclassical theory of Criminology
D. Differential Association theory of Criminology

15. Which of the following is not a symptom of dyssocial behavior?

A. Failure to conform to social norms
B. Consistent irresponsibility
C. Lack of guilt for wrongdoings
D. Episode of schizophrenia like illogical thinking

16. A Scottish woodcutter was accused of killing a man he believed to be Prime Minister
for thought that he was persecuted by the Tories and their leader, Robert Peel,
however turned out to be another person. The court believed he was so mentally
deranged that it would be inhuman to convict him since it was clear he was not in
control of his faculties. This case became known as
A. the M’naghten Rule
B. the Durham Rule
C. the Brawner Rule
D. the Irrational Mind Rule

17. One day we maybe cool and withdrawn and the next day, warm and sociable. This
condition may fall into the disorder known as
A. Bipolar disorder
B. Schizophrenia
C. Psychopathic behavior
D. Amnesia

18. A bank robber who kills some individual with in the bank, flees with hostages, and
kills a number of people while in flight diving a chase would be an example of
A. Serial Murder
B. Spree Murder
C. Mass Murder
D. Multiple Murder

19. What is the independent study of the relationship and interactions between the
offender and the victim before, during and after the crime?
A. Criminal Justice
B. Victimology
C. Victim Science
D. Victimography

20. Among the following, what is the group manned by semi-organized individual whose
goals are for psychological gratification?
A. Predatory Organized Crime Group
B. In-group Oriented Organized Crime Group
C. Syndicated Crime Group
D. None of these

21. The type of victim that is incapable of physical defense and the common object of
confidence or scheme is the -
A. The Old
B. The Young
C. The Minority
D. The Immigrant

22. The group with a formal structure whose purpose is to provide illicit services,
which are in strong public demand, with the assurance of protection necessary for
its operations refers to -
A. Predatory Organized Crime Group
B. In-group Oriented Organized Crime Group
C. Syndicated Crime Group
D. None of these

23. What is the so called “forgotten person” in the criminal justice system?
A. Police
B. Criminals
C. Crime victims
D. Community

24. In the Organized crime world, one who bribes, buys, intimidates and negotiates into
a relationship with the police or public official is the -
A. Enforcer
B. Reporter
C. Corrupter
D. Corruptee

25. Who, in his book “The Criminal and His Victim”, argued that victims are key
participants in the commission of crimes and became one among the pioneers of the
field Victimology?
A. Dr. Hoffman Albert
B. Von Hentig
C. Benjamin Mandelsohn
D. Robert Peel

26. Crimes in the modern world represent the latest and the most dangerous
manifestations of the something-for-nothing-complex problems of society. Which of
the following is not a sub classification of modern word crimes?
A. Organized Crimes
B. Blue-collar Crimes
C. Conventional Crimes
D. Victimless Crimes

27. An Organized Crime is a criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization
developed and devoted primarily to the pursuit of
A. profit through illegal means
B. political interest
C. individual economic gain
D. government structural changes

28. Organized Crimes and syndicates are sometimes referred to as the

A. “MOB”
D. All of these

29. The following are terms used to signify Organized crimes, except -
A. “the enemy with in”
B. “the 2nd Government”
C. “the 5th Estate”
D. “crime immigration”

30. The dynamic interplay between victim and offender is termed as -

A. Interactionism
B. Victimology
C. Provocation
D. Penology

31. Organized crimes refer to the unlawful activities of the members of a highly
organized, disciplined organization engaged in supplying illegal goods and services,
including but not limited to -
A. Gambling and prostitution
B. Loan sharking and narcotics
C. Labor racketeering
D. All of these

32. A strict code of conduct that governs the organized crime group behavior is called -
A. Omerta
B. Camorra
C. Mob
D. Tamero

33. For the organized crime group to work, the following must exist, except -
A. Enforcer
B. Reporter
C. Corrupter
D. Corruptee

34. The following are characteristics of organized crimes, except -

A. Economic gain is the primary goal.
B. Economic gain is achieved through illegal means
C. Employs predatory tactics such as intimidation, violence and
D. Organized crimes include terrorist dedicated to political

35. The following are the characteristics of Professional Crimes, except -

A. Crime is a sole means of livelihood.
B. Careful planning and reliance upon technical skills and methods.
C. Offenders are ordinary criminals
D. The groups are controlled by codes of behavior

36. To control organized crimes, the following are applicable measures, except
A. Law Enforcement Effort
B. Organization of Anti- Organized Crime measures
C. Community Awareness and Cooperation
D. It is a purely government concern

37. The violation of a criminal statute either by a corporate entity or by its

executives, employees or agents, acting on behalf of and for the benefit of the
corporation, partnership or other business entity is a white- collar crime in the
form of
A. Occupational crime
B. Underworld crime
C. Corporate crime
D. none of these

38. One of the following is not part of the categories of occupational crimes.
A. Organizational Occupational Crime
B. Professional Occupational crime
C. State Authority Occupational Crime
D. Economic crime

39. The term Cosa Nostra literally means

A. “one thing”
B. “two things”
C. Crime confederation
D. none of these

40. The crimes by professionals in their capacity as professionals such as those

committed by physicians, attorneys, psychologist, and the likes in the course of
occupation are called
A. Professional Occupational crimes
B. Individual Occupational Crimes
C. Corporate crimes
D. None of these

41. The crimes by individuals as individuals, which include income tax evasion, theft of
goods and services by employees, the filing of false expense report, and the like
are called
A. Professional Occupational crimes
B. Individual Occupational Crimes
C. Corporate crimes
D. none of these

42. In the organized crime world, one who make arrangements for killing and injuring the
members or non-members of the organized crime group is the -
A. Enforcer
B. Reporter
C. Corrupter
D. Corruptee

43. The group of crimes that are categorized as violent crimes and property crimes are
A. Index crimes
B. Conventional Crimes
C. Violent crimes
D. None of these

44. What is called “unlawful attack” to another person purposely to harm or inflict
physical injuries? It is a crime that involves offering to give bodily harm to a
person or placing the person in fear.
A. Robbery
B. Murder
C. Assault
D. Violent Theft

45. It is defined as “violent theft”, the taking of property belonging to another with
intent to gain by means of force upon things, violence or intimidation against
person. Which of the following?
A. Robbery
B. Manslaughter
C. Larceny
D. Hold-up

46. Among the types of robbers, which of them has long term commitment to the crime of
robbery as a major source of livelihood?
A. The opportunist
B. The professional
C. The addict
D. The mugger

47. What is commonly defined as “carnal knowledge of a woman against her will”?
A. Sexual abuse
B. Homosexuality
C. Sexual assault
D. None of these

48. The aggravated rape involving violence, weapons and attackers usually referred to as
A. Real Rape
B. Simple Rape
C. Doubtful Rape
D. Gang rape

49. The term use to refer to the adverse psychological impacts of rape on rape victims
who continue to suffer long after the incident.
A. Sexual Anxiety
B. Rape Trauma Syndrome
C. Fear
D. Neurotic Behavior

50. In the study of rape crimes, when the sexual attack becomes a means of expressing
anger or rage and involves more physical assault upon the victim, the rapist is
classified as
A. Sadistic Rapist
B. Anger Rapist
C. Power Rapist
D. Insane Rapist

51. In the study of rape crimes, if the assailant primarily wishes to express his
domination over the rape victim, the rapist is classified as -
A. Sadistic Rapist
B. Anger Rapist
C. Power Rapist
D. Insane Rapist

52. What do we call the group of violent crimes involving physical assault by a family
member to another family member?
A. Index crimes
B. Interpersonal Violence
C. Domestic Violence
D. Collective Violence

53. An attack or assault of an adult against the defenseless or people who can not
defend themselves, usually by a parent to a child is commonly termed as
A. White Slavery
B. Spouse abuse
C. Drug abuse
D. Child abuse

54. Criminal career of violent offenders includes the following except -

A. Violence as a means of resolving grievances
B. Violence as a means of personal revenge
C. Violence as a means to employ domination, power and anger
D. Violence as a means of sexual arousal

55. What is the kind or type of violent offender who live in culture in which violence
is an acceptable problem mechanism?
A. Culturally Violent Offender
B. Criminally Violent Offender
C. Pathological Violent Offender
D. Situational Violent Offender

56. The type of offender who use violence as a means to accomplish criminal acts is the
A. Culturally Violent Offender
B. Criminally Violent Offender
C. Pathological Violent Offender
D. Situational Violent Offender

57. Those who commit violent crimes due to mental disturbances are considered -
A. Culturally Violent Offender
B. Criminally Violent Offender
C. Pathological Violent Offender
D. Situational Violent Offender

58. The group of property crimes committed by ordinary property criminals with little
progressive knowledge on criminal techniques.
A. Occasional property crimes
B. Conventional property crimes
C. Crimes by passion
D. none of these

59. In the study of vandalism, what type is committed with no monetary gain or purpose
in mind on the part of the offender?
A. Wanton Vandalism
B. Predatory Vandalism
C. Vindictive Vandalism
D. None of these

60. The group of property crimes committed by professional criminals on a persistent

basis, which constitute form of career criminality are considered -
A. Conventional property crime
B. Occasional Property crime
C. Predatory crimes
D. Organized crimes

61. When the act of unlawful entry or forcible entry in order to commit a felony of
theft is with done with force upon things, it is considered -
A. Burglary (Robbery)
B. Fence
C. Larceny (theft)
D. Malicious Mischief

62. What do we call those who commit acts of violence on rare occasions, often under
provocations? They are the criminals “by passion”.
A. Culturally Violent Offender
B. Criminally Violent Offender
C. Pathological Violent Offender
D. Situational Violent Offender

63. Pedro bought a Rolex watch from Juan. Unknown to Pedro, such watch was a stolen
material. The act of buying or selling stolen properties is punished as -
A. Fence
B. Forgery
C. Larceny
D. Malicious mischief

64. Ordinarily, when a crime is committed. What if the crime is one which there is no
clear victim readily identifiable, how do we term such crimes?
A. Public Order Crimes
B. Victimless crimes
C. Consensual crimes
D. Any of the above

65. What do we call the group of crimes that is consensual and lacks a complaining
A. Public Order Crimes
B. Victimless crimes
C. Consensual crimes
D. All of these

66. One of the following is not a property crime in its general sense?
A. Shoplifting
B. Vandalism
C. Motor vehicle theft
D. Manslaughter

67. In simple terms, the unlawful burning of property belonging to another is punishable
as a crime. What crime is referred to?
A. Fence
B. Vandalism
C. Forgery
D. None of these

68. If a study attempts to know the scientific analysis of the cause of crime, such is
considered under the science of -
A. Sociology of Law
B. Penology
C. Sociology
D. Criminal Etiology

69. A person who commits crime under the compulsion of irresistible force by reason of
mental dysfunction maybe considered -
A. an insane criminal
B. criminoloid
C. melancholia
D. maldadaptive Episodic criminal

70. What is the criminological school on the causation of crime that is based on the
writing of Marx and Angels, which commenced around 1850 and emphasized on economic
determinism? It concentrated on the need for equality among all citizens.
A. Cartographical school
B. Scientific School
C. Leadership school
D. Socialist school

71. The study and investigation of crime and criminals and concerned with the
application of knowledge regarding crime to social programs of crime prevention and
control. What is being described?
A. Etiology of crime
B. Criminogenesis
C. Criminology
D. Criminal Justice System

72. What is the process explains human behavior and person’s personality as a reacting
mechanism and the factors connected to aspects of crime?
A. Criminogenic process
B. Criminal psychodynamics
C. Etiology of crime
D. Cretinism

73. Criminal Psychology is a sub field of criminology that focuses on the study of
criminal behavior. The term Psychology comes from two Greek words – “Psyche” and
“Logos”. “Psyche” means -
A. Study
B. Brain
C. Spirit
D. Lobe

74. Psychology studies how individuals change over time and the processes that create
those changes. When the psychology field studies about the behavior of children, it
belongs to what we call -
A. Developmental Psychology
B. Criminal Psychology
C. Experimental Psychology
D. Educational Psychology

75. Freudian view on behavior includes the belief that personality is of three
developmental stages. Which of the following refers to the drives that people have
or the drives for pleasure? If humans have instincts, this is where they are.
A. id
B. super ego
C. ego
D. engot

76. Sensitive nerve endings located in certain body parts which are receptors of
stimulus are called -
A. Gonads
B. Sex organs
C. Sense Organs
D. Ovaries

77. Of the following parts of the brain - Central Nervous System, which is use for sense
perception, learning, remembering, thinking, emotion, consciousness and personality
A. Cerebrum
B. Thalamus
C. Hypothalamus
D. Midbrain

78. With in the brain areas, what is it in the occipital lobe in terms of sensory
A. Visual
B. Speech
C. Auditory
D. Smell

79. When the study involving crime is focused on the causation factors, such study falls
under the field of -
A. Sociology of Law
B. Penological studies
C. Breaking of the laws
D. Criminal Etiology

80. What is the criminological school of thought that is based on the writings of Marx
and Angels, which commenced about 1850 and emphasized economic determinism? It
concentrated on the need for equality among all citizens.
A. Cartographical school
B. Scientific School
C. Neo classical school
D. Socialist school

81. In a hostage taking situation, what is the primordial consideration to be observed

by the Crisis Action Team?
A. The safety of the hostage taker
B. The safety of the public
C. The enforcement of laws
D. The safety of the hostage/s.

82. Upon receipt of a report that a hostage-taking incident is in progress the

Command/Unit having jurisdiction over the scene, should immediately endeavor to -
A. perform assault
B. perform negotiation process
C. isolate the area and move out people or by standers
D. perform standard operating procedures on hostage taking

83. What is the personality disorder wherein an individual feels single out, and taken
advantage of, plotted against, stolen from, spied upon or otherwise mistreated by
A. Schizophrenia
B. Paranoia
C. Psychopath
D. Psychotic

84. The wise use of one’s judgment, personal experience and common sense to decide a
particular situation is commonly known as -
A. Decision Making
B. Discretion
C. Verdict
D. Promulgation

85. A syndrome in which one of the observable symptoms is the presence of positive
attitude of the hostage toward the subject and resists all escape and rescue. What
is it?
A. Stockholm Syndrome
B. London syndrome
C. Stock Syndrome
D. Withdrawal syndrome

86. As a police officer, you find out that you have unjustly reprimanded police officer
De la Cruz, the best thing for you to do, as dictated by ethical standards, is -
A. justify the reprimand
B. talk to him and admit your mistake

C. make an apology but do not tolerate any misbehavior
D. ignore the matter
87. While regulating traffic at an intersection, you saw a boy fall from a truck just
half block away. The boy is apparently injured. As dictated by standards, what
should you do?
A. Remain on your traffic post but request a passerby to call an ambulance.
B. Call an ambulance, administer first aid if necessary and make a report.
C. Call your office, requesting that an ambulance be called and a patrolman sent
to take charge and make a report
D. Arrest immediately the driver of the truck and order said driver to bring the
boy to the nearest hospital for immediate medical attention.

88. A mentally dangerous man has barricaded himself in a house with a number of small
children inside. Which one of the following methods of approach by the officer
outside the house would be best under the circumstance?
A. To be casual and agreeable in talking to the man in order to calm him
B. To rush the house with weapons ready in order to surprise the man
C. To throw tear gas grenades into the house in order to drive out the man
D. To anger the man with insults so that he will get things off his chest

89. Of the following what do you think is the most helpful action that may be taken
immediately to eliminate frictions between your two subordinate officials who are in
constant conflict in respect to the authority of one of the unit head to consult
certain records in the office of the other?
A. Call all parties into a conference and explain the necessity for
B. Define the authority of each unit head
C. Reprimand both unit heads
D. Transfer one of them to another office

90. A person making a complaint to an officer which seems unreasonable and of little
importance. Of the following, the best action for the officer to take is -
A. Listen to the person making the complaint and tell him that the matter will be
B. Criticize the person making the complaint for taking up his valuable time.
C. Tell the person that any one responsible for his grievance will be prosecuted
D. Tell the person to make a formal written complaint and make it broadcast over
a radio station

91. As a rule, police officers are not allowed or permitted to engage in any other
business or calling. Violation of this rule promotes -
A. Moonlighting
B. Bribery
C. Immorality
D. On or off duty

92. The Pillar of Criminal Justice System concerned with the custody, supervision and
rehabilitation of convicted offender is the -
A. Community pillar
B. Correction pillar
C. Police pillar
D. The Court

93. Under the Katarungang Pambarangay law, the Lupon which administers conciliation and
arbitration process is composed of -
A. 5 to 10 members
B. 10 to 15 members
C. 10 to 20 members
D. 20 to 25 members

94. What is the philosophy behind the view that a juvenile offender is the victim of
improper care and that the state is duty bound to provide protection?
A. Doctrine of positivism
B. Patria Potestas
C. Parens’ Pateriae
D. Loco Parentis

95. The person appointed by the court to act as a legal guardian of the child even
though the child’s parents are still alive when the best interest of the said child
so require is considered -
A. guardian ad litem
B. adopter
C. parents by nature

D. temporary guardian

96. The process in which a child is given the same status and rights as a legitimate
child, both in relation to the parents and to the relative of the latter is called -
A. adoption
B. legitimation
C. marriage
D. emancipation

97. In dealing with hostage taking incidents, the Stockholm Syndrome tell us that the
longer the negotiations, the greater the probability that -
A. the only option left for the authorities is assault
B. report between negotiator and hostage takers will diminish
C. hostage-takers will develop negative feelings toward each other
D. both hostages and hostage takers develop a negative feeling against the

98. In dealing with foreign terrorist, it is important that the negotiating team should
have its member at least -
A. one doctor
B. a representative from the foreign officer
C. an explosive expert
D. a linguist interpreter

99. A husband and a wife were undergoing counseling for difficulties in their marriage.
The husband accuses his wife of drinking excessively, while the wife accuses her
husband of rejecting her and showing no affection. This condition shows an
unfavorable environment between the spouses that affects a harmonious relationship.
What type of pathogenic family structure is being described?
A. Anti-social family
B. Discordant family
C. Disrupted family
D. Inadequate family

100. Donato has been diagnosed to be a feeble-minded person but with a considerably
higher intelligence as that of Anton, an imbecile. Donato in this case is considered
A. moron
B. profound mentally retarded
C. psychiatrist
D. lunatic

-End of Set Two-




1. B 26. B 51. C 76. C

2. C 27. A 52. C 77. A

3. A 28. D 53. D 78. A

4. B 29. D 54. A 79. D

5. C 30. B 55. A 80. D

6. C 31. D 56. B 81. D

7. C 32. A 57. C 82. D

8. B 33. B 58. A 83. B

9. A 34. D 59. A 84. B

10. A 35. C 60. A 85. A

11. D 36. D 61. A 86. C

12. B 37. C 62. B 87. C

13. C 38. D 63. A 88. A

14. A 39. A 64. D 89. B

15. D 40. A 65. D 90. A

16. A 41. B 66. D 91. A

17. A 42. A 67. D 92. B

18. B 43. B 68. D 93. C

19. B 44. C 69. A 94. C

20. B 45. A 70. D 95. A

21. B 46. B 71. C 96. B

22. C 47. D 72. B 97. D

23. C 48. A 73. C 98. A

24. C 49. B 74. A 99. B

25. B 50. B 75. A 100. A


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