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Work Measurement is the act of measuring various activities in the value chain of a
company. The results of these measurements are then used as feedback that will provide
information about the performance of the implementation of a plan and the point at which the
company needs adjustments to planning and control activities. In work measurement, whether
or not the operating process in the company is effective is based on the length of time to make
a product or perform a service. The amount of time that must be used to carry out certain
activities under normal working conditions is called the labor standard. One way to determine
the labor standard is by conducting a time study.

Time study is the calculation of time from the performance of several workers as a
sample, then using the results of the time calculation to become the basis for determining the
labor standard of a job. Labor standard means the amount of time needed to do a job or a part
of a job (Heizer, 2006: 427). The following is an example of a performance measurement case
and its application in POM For Windows 4.

LATIHAN (Time Study)

The seafood restaurant "Mooti" in Bali is conducting an observation of its waiters. This
observation aims to set a standard working time in serving guest orders and providing the best
It is known that the time tolerance (allowance factor) for waiters is 4% for personal time, 3%
for delays, and 5% for sudden needs. Based on the observation results, what is the normal time
and standard time?
Elemen Rating Observasi (Menit)
Performa 1 2 3 4 5
Pencatatan Order 150 10 8 11 15 12
Pelayanan terhadap 95 13 19 22 28 17
Pengantaran Makanan ke 90 11 18 15 19 20
Meja Customer

Solution Steps:

1. Open POM for windows 4. Left-click the module toolbar and select work measurement.
2. Then select the file toolbar, then select new and select time study. Then the display will
appear as shown below:
- Fill the title column with the name Mooti Restaurant
- Fill in the number of elements column to 3, because in the case of Mooti Restaurant,
the waiter's job has 3 work elements (Order Recording, Service to Customer, Food
Delivery to Customer Table)
- Fill in the number of observation column to 5 because in this case, the restaurant
owner made 5 observations of his waiter.
- For row names select the first option (element 1, element 2, element 3.....)
- Click OK
3. Fill in the data in the table provided with the following steps:
- Fill in the names of the job elements in the leftmost column
- Fill in the performance rating of the waiter in the performance rating column
- Fill in all the observations of the restaurant owner in the obs1 to obs5 columns.
- Fill in 0.12 which is the sum of all tolerances in the allowance factors section.
(4%+3%+5% =12%=0.12)

4. Click solve, and the output will appear as shown below:

From the output results, it is known that the normal time is 50.55 minutes, and the
standard time is 57.44 minutes.

** Normal time is the time spent by workers doing a task or job if everything runs
smoothly without any interruption.

** Standard time is the time spent by workers doing a task or job plus tolerance time
(standard time = normal time + tolerance).

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