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Name: Fermin, Ehra Vhenice M.

Grade and Section: 11- Lepatus

Date: September 05, 2023

Activity 1: Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

Both verbal communication and nonverbal communication play important roles in effective
communication, and it would be unfair to say that one is inherently better than the other. Verbal
communication, which involves the use of words and language, allows for direct and explicit expression
of thoughts, ideas, and information. On the other hand, nonverbal communication, which includes body
language, gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice, can convey emotions, attitudes, and subtle
messages that words alone may not capture.

The best type of communication depends on the context, purpose, and individuals involved. In some
situations, clear verbal communication may be necessary to transmit specific information accurately. In
other cases, nonverbal cues can enhance understanding and strengthen interpersonal connections.
Ultimately, a combination of both verbal and nonverbal communication skills is ideal for effective and
well-rounded communication.

Both verbal and nonverbal communication are important, and it would be unfair to say one is better than
the other. Verbal communication allows for direct expression of thoughts and information. On the other
hand, nonverbal communication conveys emotions and subtle messages. The best type of communication
depends on the context and individuals involved. In certain situations, like job interviews, both verbal and
nonverbal communication are equally important for success. If it will use the wrong way, it may cause
conflict or confusion, for instance, if we solely use non-verbal communication, the receiver may get the
wrong idea about what we are really trying to say. Therefore, a combination of both types of
communication is ideal for effective communication, as it allows for a more comprehensive and nuanced
exchange of ideas and emotions.

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