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Tutor: Amunhotep Kamafrika

Student: Andrew Rocha

Dates: 10/24/2023—10/26/2013
310 Tutoring Structured Literacy Lesson Plan 2

3 Part Drill

**Students identify the name and sound reflected on card**

**Student writes the letter/s that reflect the sound you say**
ie(/i/) igh(/i/) oa(/o/) /i/ (i,y,ie,igh) /o/ (o,oa,ow,oe) /e/ (e,y,ee,ea,ey)
ow(/o/) oe(/o/) ee(/e/) /a/ (a,ai,ay) /er/ (er,ir,ur,or) /or/ (or,ore)
ea(/e/) ey(/e/) ai(/a/) /ar/ (ar)
ay(/a/) ir(/er/) ur(/er/) /j/ (j,g,dge)
er(/er/) or(/or/, /er/) /ch/ (ch,tch)
ore(/or/) ar(/ar/) y(/y/,/i/,/e/)
dge(/j/) g(/g/, /j/) tch(/ch/)

**Toe, Tie, Pie, Pay, Way, Woe, We, Wet, West, Waist, Wait, Wit, lit, Light, Flight, float,
Bloat, Blot, Bleat, Blurt**

Teaching a New Sound /oo/

1. Teacher: I’m going to read some sentences to you, please tell me which sound you hear
the most. *** Use of Assonance instead of Alliteration***

{Take a good look in a book}

{The attic was spooky and gloomy}
{Soon the moon will rise and make flowers bloom}

Student: Identifies target sound (which is /oo/)

Teacher: oo /oo/ sound can be spelled with the vowel team OO and comes in the middle of
the word like in ‘good’ and ‘look’
u/oo/ sound can also be spelled with U. U spells /oo/ in the middle of a word like ‘put and
Tutor: Amunhotep Kamafrika
Student: Andrew Rocha
Dates: 10/24/2023—10/26/2013

2. Teacher will show new card and inform Student of letter name and sound.

Student will Repeat using a mirror to see and feel the position of lips, teeth, and
tongue. Discuss is sound is voices or unvoiced.

Teach will show position of letter in the alphabet. Discuss whether letter is
consonant or vowel.

Two letter O = /OO/
Teacher: “OO makes the (ooh) sound
Repeat after me: /OO/ Broom, ‘Ooh’
/OO/ Cook, ‘Ooh’
It sounds like a ghost saying “Boo”

3. Teacher will show object to be used in activity {OO is for Ball /oo/ n -Balloon,
*Students repeat what teacher says*
Tutor: Amunhotep Kamafrika
Student: Andrew Rocha
Dates: 10/24/2023—10/26/2013

4. Brainstorm words with the letter/sound.

● Moon
● Room
● Soon
● Pull
● Bush

Teacher: Brainstorm words with the /oo/ sound and right them on the board

Brainstormed Words Possible word families, rhyming words

Moon Racoon, Soon, Rune, balloon

Room Bloom, Boom,

Pull Bull. Full,

Bush shush, Push

5. Teacher: I will teach letter formation- use large house paper with direction and
starting points
***{Use pipe cleaners to create letters, make words, etc.}***
Tutor: Amunhotep Kamafrika
Student: Andrew Rocha
Dates: 10/24/2023—10/26/2013

6. Teacher will dictate soundStudent. Students should practice forming new letters
in sand. If there is more than one way to spell that sound, practice both ways.

Student will practice letter formation in other ways (ex: sand, sky writing, dry
erase boards, house paper, glue dots, green crayon bumps, etc.)
**{Bag of colored shampoo instead of sand}**

7. Teacher will read the Story ‘The Spooky Snow Leopard’ and the student will listen
for words with the new sound.
Tutor: Amunhotep Kamafrika
Student: Andrew Rocha
Dates: 10/24/2023—10/26/2013

8. (Teacher and Student) Mark phoneme/grapheme chart and place card in review

9. Teacher will read a longer story ‘Redwood Trees’; student will listen for words
containing the new sound.

10. (Teacher and Student) Mark phoneme/grapheme chart and place card in review
Tutor: Amunhotep Kamafrika
Student: Andrew Rocha
Dates: 10/24/2023—10/26/2013

Application of New Concept

One-SyllableWord Dictation

1. Teacher state word (**Baboons **)

2. Teacher will use word in a sentence

***Baboons have a red butt***

3. Teacher will state word and pound, model finger tapping, pound word

ba(tap)— boon (tap)

4. Student State word and pound (one pound for each syllable)
Student Fingertrap word with off hand and pound word
Student Write word on appropriate paper, check, rewrite

5. Student Read all words to practice fluency

Spooky moon room gloomy soon food fool

doom hoop noon hoot brood bloom proof tool

boom drool coop snoop scoop boo coo goo

cool zoo broom hoop goose moose scoot troop

root boot shoot pool roof loop Wood shook

cook hook book hood good look brook nook

Tutor: Amunhotep Kamafrika
Student: Andrew Rocha
Dates: 10/24/2023—10/26/2013

Sentence Dictation

1. Teacher State the sentence (ex: The lid is hot)

2. Teacher Pound syllables in the sentence with off-hand

3. (Teacher and Student) Pound syllables in the sentence

4. Student Pound syllables without help from Teacher.

5. Teacher Model pointing to word lines while saying sentence.

6. Student Point to word lines while saying sentence. Write sentence, fingertap
words, check using CUPS. Rewrite sentence.

7. Student Read all words to practice fluency.

Teaching Red Words

Groom loom room voom zoom

1. Have the red word written before the student comes (in red) on a notecard or piece of
paper. Also write a sentence, on the same notecard, that features the term of focus.

2. Pull out a clean sheet of paper (ideally with lines). Put the mesh (provided in class, or a
ziploc bag of rice, or crumpled reynolds wrap) underneath the paper and have the student
write the word 3 times.

3. Have the student and yourself stand up, have the paper face them and have them tap
out each letter in the word 3 times on their arm

4. Put the mesh on top of the paper and trace the letters 3 times and say the word. Trace
with the pointer finger.
Tutor: Amunhotep Kamafrika
Student: Andrew Rocha
Dates: 10/24/2023—10/26/2013

5. Take the mesh away and have them trace the letters 3 more times with their pointer
finger. Note that the paper will have bumps on it from where the student wrote on top of
the mesh in step 2.

6. Flip the paper over. This side of the paper should be clean. Have student write the
word on the back of the piece of paper 3 times independently.

7. Then have them make their own sentence using the red word underneath where they
just wrote the word (3 times).

8. hole punch the card and add it to your stack of red words. Review this stack in the
future before introducing new red words.

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