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Progress Report 16

1. Describe the Warren facility.

2. “When the tractor started forward again, I could see in the rear
view mirror that he was looking after me, curiously. It upset me…
because he reminded me of Charlie.” Why does Charlie refers to
himself in third person in this quote? What message do you feel the
author is trying to convey?

3. Overall, what are your thoughts about Warren?

4. Charlie says, “I may soon be coming to Warren, to spend the rest

of my life with others…waiting.” What do you feel Charlie means by

5. Describe the event of Mrs. Nemur’s cocktail party. What exactly hap-
pened and why do you feel these events happened as they did?

6. Describe Mrs. Nemur and her personality. What kind of person do you
feel she is?

7. “Intelligence is one of the greatest human gifts. But all too often a
search for knowledge drives out the search for love.” Why do you
feel Charlie says this quote? Do you agree? Why or why not?

8. Why do you feel Charlie turns into the old Charlie when he is drunk?

9. Consider the conversation Charlie had with the old Charlie about him
refusing to let old Charlie take over his intelligence. Do you feel this
conversation was real or just imagination?

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