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Flowers for Algernon Part 1 Questions

(Due Tuesday November 8)

Directions: Please answer the following questions in FULL sentences.

Makes sure your answers are in a different color so that it is easy to

differentiate between the questions and answer. If a questions asks for
TEXTUAL EVIDENCE, please make sure you add a page #.

RL.8.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of
what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 3
RL.8.6 Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and
the audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony)
create such effects as suspense or humor. 3
Review THIS PRESENTATION before you start reading. The story begins on
page 672, and part 1 ends on page 686. Part 1 is due on Tuesday November 8!


1. Why does Charlie say I never tell lies? What is he talking about?
He never tells lies because he always gets caught when he tells lies.
2. What does this say about his personality and intelligence?
This says that he is an honest person who may not be that book smart but
good in social situations.
3. Who is Algernon?
Algernon is a white mouse.


4. What were Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss arguing about?
They were arguing about if they should do an operation to make him smarter.
5. Charlie will be the first human being to ever have something happen to
him. What is it?
He will have an operation done to make him smarter.


6. Dr. Strauss tells Charlie not to worry about the operation. What is his
reasoning for this?
Dr. Strauss tells Charlie not to stress because he doesnt want Charlie to be
stressed before surgery.
7. Dr. Strauss wants Charlie to concentrate on what in his journal entries?
On what he thinks


8. What is Charlies opinion of Algernon now? Why does it change?
His opinion on Algernon changed because he knows that Algernon went
through the surgery too and he got smarter so it gave him hope.
Text Evidence #1: Thats why Algernon beats me all the time because he had
that operashun too. That makes me feel better.
page # 679
9. Charlie says Joe and Frank are friends and they like him. What are Joe and
Frank really doing to Charlie?
They are making fun of Charlie.


10. What is a victory for Charlie?
A victory for Charlie is when he beats Algernon because it means that he is
getting smarter.
Text Evidence #1: But after that I beat him 8 more times. I must be getting
smart to beat a smart mouse like Algernon.
page #682
11. Why did Mrs. Kinnian run out of the room? What does this tell you about
how she feels about Charlie?
Mrs. Kinnian runs out of the room because she feels bad for Charlie and starts
crying (I think) because she felt so bad. She cares a lot about Charlie because
she has been teaching him by himself and specialized just for him.
12. List 3 improvements in Charlies intelligence from the beginning until the
end of Part I.

He learned to spell more words, correct punctuation and learned to read

harder books
Text Evidence #1: Today I learned, the comma, this is a comma (,) a period,
with a tail
page # 684
Text Evidence #2: You got to mix them up, she showed? Me how. To mix1
the, (p,. And now; I can!...
Text Evidence #3: What a dope I am! I didnt even understand what she was
talking about. (did not spell any words wrong in this sentence)
page #: 685
13. What does it mean to pull a Charlie Gordon? How does Charlie react
when he realizes this?
To pull a Charlie Gordon means to act stupid and not know what is going on
around him. Charlie does not like the feeling once he realizes what is
happening, he is humiliated and does not want to face those people at work.
Text Evidence #1: I didnt know what to do or where to turn. Everyone was
looking at me and laughing and I felt naked. I wanted to hide myself. I ran out
onto the street and I threw up.
page #: 686

Flowers for Algernon Part 2 Questions

(Due Wednesday November 9)
Directions: Please stop reading after each b
olded section below and answer
the following questions demonstrating your knowledge of
. Part 2 is due on Wednesday November 9!

After page 695:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:

These four pages were about how Charlie is getting better and better
everyday, he realizes why people were making fun of him, he is reading
better and writing better words.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Charlie views himself positively because he is becoming so smart and proud
of himself because he is working very hard to accomplish his goal which is to
get smarter. Sometimes he views himself badly because people wont talk to
Text Evidence: Youre already a better reader than I am. You can read a
whole page at a glance
Page #: 685
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
Others view Charlie as weird that he is becoming much smarter than before
and they are confused.
Text Evidence: Everybody seems to be frightened of me. When I went over
to Amos Borg and tapped him on the shoulder, he jumped up in the air.
Page #:694

After page 699:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
The last four pages were about Charlie realizing his new self, he was fired
from work because he changed and was presented to show how he changed
from the surgery.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Charlie views himself as confident and a smart person now.
Text Evidence: How could that be? It worked, didnt it? Even Algernon is still
Page #: 696
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
Others view Charlie as someone who has changed to much and people liked
him when he was an average person and now he has changed to be smarter.
Text Evidence: Whats wrong with a man becoming intelligent and wanting
to acquire knowledge and understanding of the world around him?
Page #: 697

After page 703:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie is in a restaurant and someone drops the plates, everyone was
laughing at him and Charlie felt bad because he was just like the person who
dropped the plates, this makes him look back at his life and see how he has
changed over the short period of time.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Charlie views himself as confident now and was using what he knows from
the past, to work on whatever he did wrong before.
Text Evidence: I have decided to use my knowledge and skills to work in the
field of increasing human intelligence levels.
Page #: 702
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
Others view Charlie as a hard worker because he is working day and night
trying to figure out what happened to Algernon and is not going to stop until
he figures it out, other people have told him to stop but he wont.
Text Evidence: If there is an answer, Ill have to find it out for myself.
Page #: 703

After page 707:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie realizes that he is losing his intelligence, he can not do many things
that he used to do when his intelligence was very good.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Text Evidence: I thought John Milton was, but when I picked up Paradise Lost
I couldnt understand it at all. I got so angry I threw the book across the
Page #:706
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
Text Evidence: Dr. Strauss came to see me again. I wouldnt open the door
and I told him to go away. This means that people are worried about Charlie
and want him to feel better.
Page #:707

After page 711:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie is losing his intelligence, forgetting things and going back to how he
was before the surgery. He is also getting back his friends, his real friends.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Text Evidence: I told myself Charlie if they make fun of you dont get ore
because you remember their not so smart as you once thot they were. This
shows that he is going back to his original self and he is still the same person
before surgery.
Page #: 711
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
Text Evidence: Later Frank Reilly came over and said Charlie if anybody
bothers you or trys to take advantage you call me or Joe and we will set em
straight. This shows that people felt bad for Charlie about what happened
but they also make fun of him because he is not smart anymore.
Page #: 710

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