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Flowers for Algernon Part 1 Questions

(Due Tuesday November 8)

Directions: Please answer the following questions in FULL sentences.

Makes sure your answers are in a different color so that it is easy to
differentiate between the questions and answer. If a questions asks for
TEXTUAL EVIDENCE, please make sure you add a page #.

RL.8.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis
of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL.8.6 Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters
and the audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic
irony) create such effects as suspense or humor.
Review THIS PRESENTATION before you start reading. The story begins on
page 672, and part 1 ends on page 686. Part 1 is due on Tuesday November


1. Why does Charlie say I never tell lies? What is he talking about?
He is talking about fiction books.
2. What does this say about his personality and intelligence?
He does not understand how the population lives and his personality is very
3. Who is Algernon?
Algernon is the mouse in the lab that also got the operation.


4. What were Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss arguing about?

They were fighting about whether or not to use Charlie.
5. Charlie will be the first human being to ever have something happen to
him. What is it?
He will get an operation to increase his IQ.


6. Dr. Strauss tells Charlie not to worry about the operation. What is his
reasoning for this?
His reasoning is that its their first operation so if it doesnt work they can try
again another time.
7. Dr. Strauss wants Charlie to concentrate on what in his journal entries?

How he feels and his progression.


8. What is Charlies opinion of Algernon now? Why does it change?
He feels bad for him because he has to pass a test to get food.
Text Evidence #1: He says how would Dr. Nerum feel if h had to pass a test
for his food.
page #679
9. Charlie says Joe and Frank are friends and they like him. What are Joe and
Frank really doing to Charlie?
They are making fun of him.


10. What is a victory for Charlie?
He beat Algernon
Text Evidence #1: He beats him
page # 681
11. Why did Mrs. Kinnian run out of the room? What does this tell you about
how she feels about Charlie?
She ran out because she felt bad for him because people were always
making fun of him and he didnt even know.
12. List 3 improvements in Charlies intelligence from the beginning until the
end of Part I.
Text Evidence #1: He was reading a novel
page #683
Text Evidence #2: He learned punctuation
Text Evidence #3: He knows that people were making fun of him.
page #686
13. What does it mean to pull a Charlie Gordon? How does Charlie react
when he realizes this?
It means to do something dumb or to mess up. He was really mad and
Text Evidence #1: Im ashamed
page #686

Flowers for Algernon Part 2 Questions

(Due Wednesday November 9)
Directions: Please stop reading after each bolded section below and answer
the following questions demonstrating your knowledge of summaries and
point of view. Part 2 is due on Wednesday November 9!

After page 695:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
He gets smarter but doesnt feel smarter.
2. How does Charlie view himself? Still the same.
Text Evidence: I dont feel smarter.
Page #:695
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie? A know it all
Text Evidence: they signed a petition to get him fired.

After page 699:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
He gets too smart for others and doesnt understand how to talk normal.
2. How does Charlie view himself? As getting smarter and he is frustrated
that no one else understands him.
Text Evidence: I Tried to talk about simple things.
Page #:699
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie? Getting crazy smart.
Text Evidence: Mrs. Kinnean said he could read better than her.
Page #:699

After page 703:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
He learns what he was like before and than the mouse dies and he works
hard so he can find a better treatment for low intelligence.
2. How does Charlie view himself? He views himself as smart but knows he
will be less smart in the near future.
Text Evidence: He works hard knowing the treatment was limited.

Page #: 702
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie? As a workaholic
Text Evidence: The teacher says that he needs to sleep.
Page #:702

After page 707:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
He turns in his paper and quickly declines his IQ.
2. How does Charlie view himself? As dumb.
Text Evidence: He is always frustrated that he cannot remember anything.
Page #:706
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie? They feel bad for him.
Text Evidence: The fake factory friends stick up for him.
Page #:707

After page 711:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
He loses his intelligence completely and decides to leave New York.
2. How does Charlie view himself? As dumb and forgetive.
Text Evidence: He thinks about suicide.
Page #:709
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie? They feel bad
Text Evidence: The teacher pays his rent.
Page #:709

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