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Impacts of the Coronavirus (as of 10th of Feb 2020)

Task 1- To decide whether the impact is Social, Economic or Environmental

Task 2- EVALUATION- Pick one impact of the virus and justify why it is the most significant. Next, pick your
least significant and explain why

1.) 910 deaths due to the 2.) Global impact-28 countries 3.) 40,628 worldwide cases- with
virus, mainly elderly and affected including 4 people 40,182 in China alone
sick. However, 3,466 infected in the UK and 12 in the
people have recovered USA
from the virus.
4.) Damage to tourism sector 5.) The World Health 6.) Wuhan, a Chinese city of 11
e.g. Western Australia- Organization declared the million people, has been put
thousands of Chinese tourists outbreak “a public health under strict quarantine. Recently
have canceled package holidays emergency of international the entire region, spanning 56
concern million people, has been

7.) Chinese Lunar holiday has 8.) Economists have predicted 9.) Travel, tourism and hospitality
been extended nationwide, China’s estimated economic sectors have all been hit in China
leading to the temporary closures growth could fall 0.5 to 1.5 points due to travel restrictions and
of schools, travel restrictions and from a projected 5.9 percent international panic.
a ban on public congregation growth rate this year.

10.) UK is advising a policy of 11.) The virus could cost China 12.) In Wuhan, one emergency
‘only travel to China in $62 billion (CNN) hospital was created in 2 days
emergency cases’ and another is in progress and
due for completion on the 5th of

13.) Fear and anxiety spreading 14.) Xenophobia due to the virus- 15.)The mortality rate from the
faster than the virus. many locations are reporting new strain of the Coronavirus is
increased hate crimes toward believed to be low at 2% which is
Chinese people due to the less than SARS at 10% and
outbreak. Ebola at 70%

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