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 Though Google Maps can be helpful in providing an approximation of where property lines are located, it

should not be relied upon as a substitute for a professional survey. Google Maps property lines are not
legally binding and may not be accurate in all cases.
 Although Google Earth is an extremely useful tool for satellite photos and geographic information, it is not
designed for doing land surveys or establishing exact property lines. The imagery and maps available on
Google Earth might not always be precise enough for use in legal or official proceedings, nor are they
always current.
 In order to assure accuracy and compliance with legal requirements, boundary surveys, which determine
property lines and borders, are normally carried out by licensed surveyors using specific tools and
methods. These assessments entail on-site measurements, historical record investigations, and
consideration of regional laws and property restrictions.
 While Google Earth can help people see the terrain and give a rough picture of a place, it should not be
used for

 Although Google Earth is an extremely useful tool for satellite photos and geographic information, it is not
designed for doing land surveys or establishing exact property lines.

 The accuracy of Google Maps property lines is a popular question among homeowners, real estate agents,
and property surveyors. It is important to note that the accuracy of these lines can vary based on several
factors. Here are some key points to consider:

 Precision of mapping: Google Maps utilizes high-

resolution satellite imagery and sophisticated mapping software to create its maps. However, the level of
precision can differ from location to location. In some cases, it may not be granular enough to show
property lines with 100% accuracy.

 The margin of error: Even with the most up-to-date technology, there is always a degree of error present.
For property boundaries, it is suggested to have at least a 10-foot buffer zone on either side of the line.

 Variance in state laws: State laws and regulations can also impact the accuracy of Google Maps property
lines. Some states don’t recognize boundaries envisioned by GIS or aerial images, making them less

 It is important to note that while Google Maps can provide a general idea of where your property line is, it
is not a substitute for a professional property survey. If you need precise and accurate measurements for
legal or building purposes, consulting a licensed surveyor is highly recommended.


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