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Module 2

Production & Operations Management for

Maintenance Manager

Assignment No.01

"Strategy is not the consequence of

planning, but the opposite: its
starting point."

Instruct by Respected Brian Malloch

Student: Muhammad Qasim
DATE: 08-MAR-2023
Organizational Strategy:

Sakhalin Energy is committed to being a premier energy supplier, recognised for its
operational excellence, reliability and safety. SEIC is conducting business in an ethically,
socially and environmentally responsible manner.

SEIC strategies are perfectly understood by all employees and stakeholders. They will be
communicated both internally and externally. SEIC corporate culture is based on the
following, as well as our core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people.

Following are the key organizational drivers on which whole company is founded:

 Safety – world-class safety performance ensures no harm to people, the environment

or assets.
 Reliability – consistent, high quality performance.
 Production – operational excellence, meeting targets, a lean, flexible and efficient
operating culture.
 Delivery – meeting or exceeding customer expectations for oil and LNG delivery.
 Costs – promoting cost awareness, accountability and control.
 Growth – increasing existing plant capacity through re-rating, de-bottlenecking etc.

Customers of Maintenance Department & Needs :

Operation is customers of maintenance department, but SEIC strongly believe maintenance,
engineering and operations are partners in production. Production reliability is, therefore,
defined as equipment reliability (where maintenance and maintenance engineering have
primary skills) together with process reliability (where operations and process engineering
have the primary skills).

Measures of Success for Maintenance Department:

In order to align maintenance and other key asset management objectives, robust company score card
is in place with leading and lagging indicator, it is being reviewed quarterly on directorate level and
monthly on functional level. Each of score card item is connected to various process such as Work
Management, Integrity, Production and Cost Value, with anticipated target value. Here for the
assignment purpose I am just explain one of the score card item which cover all the attributes of
Maintenance and Asset Management support which are: Here is the snap shot of score card:
Here is the one of the item which covers maintenance and asset management support:

ME & AI calculative level is ME & AI calculative level is ME & AI calculative level is

On target achieved plus ME
AI-PS: Sustain Integrity Assurance (IA) and not sustained for one or sustained for all assets. ME sustained for all assets. ME
“calculative” at LNG with a
Maintenance Execution (ME) calculative status for Corp. 1.5% more Assets and/or ME “proactive” level is sustained Progress on target “proactive” level is sustained at
score of more than 70% or
all asset. Sustained ME "proactive"*at OPF “proactive” level is not at OPF with a score of more OPF with a score of more than
ME (IA) of more than 70%.
sustained at OPF. than 80%. 80%.

On target achieved plus no

Less than four planned
Four planned HBAs / FAIR more than 50% Medium
HBAs / FAIR have been Four planned HBAs / FAIR have
Safety Critical Equipment (SCE) Hardware have been conducted and no action items, resulting from
conducted and/or there are been conducted and no High
Barriers Assessment and Focused Asset Integrity Corp. 1.5% High action items, resulting 2014 HBAs / FAIR overdue Progress on target
one or more High actions, action items, resulting from 2014
Review (per schedule) from 2014 HBAs / FAIR plus 25% Medium action
resulting from 2014 HBAs / HBAs / FAIR overdue.
overdue. items from 2013
FAIR overdue.
HBA’s/FAIR overdue.

In the above item related to Sustain IA and Maintenance Execution it covers all the Work
Management, Material Management and Integrity Assurance with cascading to other Maintenance
Performance Indicator.

All personnel policies and practices are aligning with company objectives drives through score card
with linking with individual development plan (IDP) and CEP (Current estimate Potential), these
attributes are being reviewed on 6 monthly basis except CEP which is reviewed on 2 yearly basis. IDP
is linked up with Competency frame work where each of the position has been clearly marked with
various ratings such as Skilled, Mastery, Knowledge etc, line manager is responsible for assessing the
individual strength and weakness, and based on the outcome, it will be feeding into IDP with training
courses and mentorship program.

CEP providing the opportunity to organization to identify various outstanding talents and also it
defines the career path of an individual, where appropriate line manager can assign any leadership
courses or hands on training in the weak area.

At the end it is linked with the score card item named “People” which is further breakdown into more
micro level.

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