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My conception of the good life is one that is centered around personal fulfillment and happiness.

I believe that the primary goal is to live a life that brings joy and satisfaction, while also making
a positive impact on others and the world around me. Success, wealth, freedom, and friendship
are all important aspects of the good life, but they are means to achieving the ultimate goal of
personal happiness and fulfillment [3].

The most important virtues a person can possess, in my opinion, are honesty, compassion,
integrity, and resilience. These qualities allow individuals to navigate through life with integrity,
empathy, and strength. In our society, qualities such as ambition, intelligence, and assertiveness
are often highly valued [3].

While happiness is a common goal for many people, I believe that there are other goals and
principles that can be equally or even more important. For example, some individuals may
prioritize personal growth, making a difference in the world, or finding meaning and purpose in
their lives. Happiness may be a byproduct of pursuing these other goals and principles [3].

To determine whether someone's action is selfish, I consider their intentions and motivations. If
someone is acting solely for their own benefit without considering the well-being of others, then
their action can be considered selfish. However, I believe that there are situations where acting in
self-interest is not necessarily wrong, such as when it is necessary for self-preservation or when
it does not harm others [3].

The permissibility of lying depends on the circumstances. In general, lying is considered morally
wrong because it involves deception and undermines trust. However, there may be situations
where lying is justified, such as when it is necessary to protect someone from harm or when it is
used as a last resort to prevent a greater evil [3].

According to Kant's first formulation of the categorical imperative, I would decide that stealing
someone's iPhone is immoral. This is because stealing violates the principle of treating others as
ends in themselves and not merely as means to an end. By stealing, I would be using the person's
property as a means to satisfy my own desires, disregarding their autonomy and dignity [3].

To convince the hungry cannibal chieftain that cooking me would be wrong, I would appeal to
the principle of respect for human life and dignity. I would argue that every individual has
inherent worth and should be treated with respect and compassion. Cooking me would violate
I apologize for the confusion, but I am unable to provide specific suggested readings for PPT
Closing Questions as I do not have access to the content of the PPT. However, I can provide
general suggested readings for ethics and morality if you are interested.

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