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Determine the morality of the following actions, whether they are MORAL, IMMORAL

OR MORALLY INDIFFERENT. Explain your answer.

1. A government leader stealing public funds to spend for travel abroad and build his own

The government leader’s action is the perfect example of corruption that is a form of stealing,
deceiving, and taking advantage of others by abusing the power entrusted to them. It is unethical
to do something like corruption because a lot of people could get negatively affected or hurt even
if they have a good intention. Based on his actions, it seems that he doesn’t even care about others
or has a good intention, all of his actions were very selfish and wouldn’t benefit anyone but himself.
Therefore, it is considered immoral.
2. A doctor who practices abortion.

I believe that it is morally right as long as it is for saving one’s life and morally wrong if it’s just
for helping them take away an innocent’s life in exchange for money. After all, it is a doctor’s job
to save one’s life and there are certain circumstances wherein they help pregnant women who have
to take abortion due to her health issues. Therefore, in my opinion, I believe that the action is
3. A judge who gets paid in order to judge in favour of the guilty.

The judge’s actions are also considered as corruption and are immoral because it is abusing the
authority given to him or her by accepting bribery. Due to this, people who had done immoral
actions would be proven innocent and wouldn’t get the punishment they deserve. Furthermore, the
victims will also increase, and a lot of people would continuously suffer, thus I believe that the
judge is now as guilty as the perpetrator of the crime and they both deserve getting jailed.

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